The Week in Radical Leftism, 1/19/2018

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Welcome back! Crazy waits for no man, so let’s get right to it! Once again, we’ll first go back in time:

12/22 – Portland’s top brass said it was OK to swipe your garbage–so we grabbed theirs.

This is a truly heartwarming tale, as in one where folks from both sides of the aisle can unite and laugh at some hypocritical authoritarian D-bags!

1/12 – Apparently, Not Wanting to Repeat Errors of the Past Makes you a Racist. 

Oddly enough, the people who took the most offense are the last ones to call for residents of these s***holes to come to their communities and import their culture

1/12 – Academics Proclaim Numbers, Math, and Statistics to Be Racist, Propose Alternative

Math am hard!

1/12 – Hillary Clinton Tweet-Shames Trump for Haiti ‘S***hole’ Comment. Remember When the Clintons Screwed Haiti?

Corruption and hypocrisy from the Clintons? Inconceivable!

1/12 – Black Protest Has Lost Its Power

This is different than most of the links I post here – a bit longer and a lot more thoughtful. And it’s well worth five minutes of your time to read.

1/13 – Coming Out As A Republican To My Democrat Family Went Worse Than Coming Out Gay.

The party of Tolerance!

1/13 – Chelsea Manning Files to Run for the Senate in Maryland

Am I the only one who loves this? A tranny extremist who committed Treason wants to be the face of Democrats in Maryland? Moves like this will certainly win back the center!

1/14 – Canada to Haitians in Miami: “Come to Canada Illegally and We’ll Deport you to your S***hole Country”

Racists, eh?

1/14 – Climate Activists Suffering From Factophobia… Host Of Studies Show No Drought/Forest Fire Trend

Damned sexist, racist, biased, deplorable facts and reality!

1/15 – Lame: Conan O’Brien Bringing His Show to Haiti After Trump’s ‘Shi-hole’ Comment

I love this! And can we get the rest of the gaggle of Late Night Lefties show solidarity and follow suit?


California’s last nuclear plant is closing. Take a guess why.

1/15 – Samantha Power: Hosting election-night party to celebrate Clinton victory was one of my many ‘bad ideas’


1/16 – Jeff Flake compares Trump to Stalin on press freedom

It’s nice to know that anti-Trump Republicans are capable of being equally ignorant of history as their anti-Trump Democrat counterparts.

1/17 – Has Teach For America Taken a Hard-Left Turn?

Another great piece of analysis from the Capitol Research Center on how the Radical Left can corrupt anything

1/17 – What CNN Didn’t Tell You About Trump’s Heart Health [VIDEO]Photo of Peter Hasson

Am I the only one who enjoys how the Smart People who believe in science abandon it at the drop of a hat?

1/19 – Sen. Cory Booker Slams DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen: ‘We Know What Happened In Europe When People Just Did Their Jobs’

Amen! Just like the indignation that Sen. Booker showed over the Wisconsin “John Doe” Raids? LOL

This is the third and final installment of’s Hollywood expose: HOLLYWOOD…MEET THE DEPLORABLES. This part does an amazing job of chronicling 4Chan’s epic trolling of Shia LaBouf’s anti-Trump flag. Hopefully with the management changes at we’ll see it’s writing go back in this direction.

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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jeff flake is an idiot, Stalin died in 1953, flake was born in 1962. from his narrative, it would appear the flake knew Stalin well.

Obama was more like Stalin Obama was more like Hitler Jeff Flake is a Flake but you wont find him in a breakfast cereal Climate Activists trying to hide the truth and the Lie A Day news media helping to hide their lies trump was right to dump the Paris Accord and CNN (Fake News Network) is Stupid so is the New York Pravda

1/12 – Apparently, Not Wanting to Repeat Errors of the Past Makes you a Racist.

Trying to use the “racism” shield to divert attention from what MADE all these places shitholes… acting like Democrats.

1/12 – Hillary Clinton Tweet-Shames Trump for Haiti ‘S***hole’ Comment. Remember When the Clintons Screwed Haiti?

Yeah, Haiti wouldn’t be such a shithole had the Clinton’s not stolen all the money to rebuild it.

1/12 – Black Protest Has Lost Its Power

No protest in the name of Black Lives Matter has any legitimacy until they all renounce the basic foundation of BLM, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”, a total, complete and proven lie.

1/13 – Chelsea Manning Files to Run for the Senate in Maryland

Yeah, he calls the NYPD an “occupying force”. He exhibits all the qualities (treachery, gender stupidity, anarchism) today’s liberals hold so near and dear.

1/14 – Canada to Haitians in Miami: “Come to Canada Illegally and We’ll Deport you to your S***hole Country”

Liberal, tolerant Canada lets illegal immigrants know this ain’t the US and we ain’t Democrats wanting to mine you for votes. GTFO.

1/15 – Lame: Conan O’Brien Bringing His Show to Haiti After Trump’s ‘Shi-hole’ Comment

I hope someone sends a video team to document where they stay and how they interact with the fine people of Haiti they love and respect so much.


Well, it’s the socialist way. If you can’t prove yourself better than the opposition, knock the opposition down a few notches. When California cuts off its nose to spite its stupid face, I hope the surrounding states refuse to sell them electricity.

/17 – What CNN Didn’t Tell You About Trump’s Heart Health [VIDEO]Photo of Peter Hasson

Well, the next time CNN does some honest reporting… aw, what the hell am I saying? THAT ain’t gonna happen.

1/19 – Sen. Cory Booker Slams DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen: ‘We Know What Happened In Europe When People Just Did Their Jobs’

Imagine how loudly tearful liberals will scream at Obama when they have hearings over his FISA abuses!!!

You could have included Diane Feinstein saying “Government shutdowns kills women and children, but what the hell, let’s f***ing do it!”

I can’t imagine what will be on this list next week! Sheesh!

The math thing, I want a racist to calculate my re-entry from space please, I dont want to end up in some sh*thole. As core math takes over we can wave goodbye to our dream of flying cars, advances in engineering ect…
Reintroduce logic and math, end affirmative action maybe we can really make America great again.

@kitt: Logic does not benefit the liberal agenda, as it leads thinking people to figure out that ageda does not add up.