Hollywood, where feminism goes to die and America’s conscience hides under the bed

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When the  mighty fall, they fall hard.

It was quite the coming party for Harvey Weinstein. Weinstein was outed- for being a serial sexual harasser.

Film mogul Harvey Weinstein knew the bad press was coming. Now it’s here, and it is absolutely shocking.

The New York Times published an explosive report Thursday detailing decades of sexual harassment allegations against the Miramax co-founder. Among the most notable finger-pointers, actress Ashley Judd. In an interview with the Times Judd recalled an incident in which she expected to discuss business with Weinstein, but instead, was summoned to his hotel room.

Judd claimed that Weinstein — wearing a bathrobe — then asked the actress if he could give her a massage, or if she would be willing to watch him take a shower.

“How do I get out of the room as fast as possible without alienating Harvey Weinstein?” Judd said, recalling what was going through her mind.

The full report details some truly stunning claims, including; blatant offers of career advancement in exchange for sex, forced massages and incidents in which he fully exposed himself.

High-powered attorney Lisa Bloom — well known for representing sexual harassment accusers, including, notably, several women who made allegations against Bill O’Reilly — is, perhaps shockingly, defending Weinstein in these cases. She told the Times that most of the allegations are “patently false,” and called Weinstein “old dinosaur learning new ways.”

It seems that Hollywood knew about Weinstein but decided to swallow the accusations:

Weinstein is thick with democrats:

Even Barack Obama was willing to hand over his daughter to the sexual predator:

Former New York Times writer Frank Rich, now executive producer for Veep, tweeted on October 6, “Biggest mystery of @nytimes Weinstein story: How exemplary parents like Obamas let their daughter work there. The stories were out there.” Yesterday, Bustle and Hollywood Reporter published articles talking about Malia Obama’s internship at the Weinstein company, which reportedly lasted from January to August of 2017.

Bustle went so far as to say, “This isn’t the first brush the Obamas have had with Weinstein. In 2011, Weinstein held a lavish, star-studded fundraiser for Obama’s 2012 presidential run at the exec’s Westport, CT mansion, and donated over $28,500 indirectly to Obama’s 2008 campaign through the DNC and their White House Victory Fund.”

The Obamas have always been held up as “good parents” by the liberal media. If they were such great parents, it’s fair to ask why did they let their 18-year old daughter work for an alleged sexual predator for more than six months?

Taking a page right out of the Hillary Clinton excuse book, Weinstein’s response has been to blame a “right wing conspiracy” for his downfall. Lisa Bloom, who clawed fiercely at Bill O’Reilly while representing several of his accusers,

Lisa Bloom, a lawyer for three women who have accused Bill O’Reilly of sexual harassment, said the ousting of the former Fox News anchor was the result of women’s persistence.

“This is what happens when women speak our truth: we can slay dragons,” Bloom said in a statement after news broke Wednesday that O’Reilly will not return to host The O’Reilly Factor amid accusations of sexual harassment.

went all wobbly on Weinstein:

Bloom acknowledged that she had questions for Weinstein at the start, and the “sexual harassment rumors have been circling around him for a long time.”

Bloom explained that Weinstein showed remorse, and that led her to see a different way forward. She then gave insight into the plan she laid out for her client.

“We have to throw out the old playbook,” she said she told Weinstein at the time.

“You’re not going to be attacking women, you’re not going to be disrespecting women, you’re not going to be digging up dirt on them and embarrassing them. You know, that’s the tired old way to go,” Bloom said. “If you are generally remorseful, say so, admit what you’ve done wrong, apologize, and let’s have your actions speak for yourself.”

Apparently not all sexual harassment dragons are to be slain. Hollywood feminists are willing to check their integrity, self-respect and ethics at the door when the ogre is one of their own and they want the movie role.

And then there is “conscience of America” Jimmy Kimmel. This POS wasn’t always the pious saint he makes himself out to be. There was a time when Kimmel rather enjoyed debasing women:




More about America’s conscience:

And with all the sudden pretense that Kimmel is such a moral leader, it might be good to recall the Jimmy Kimmel origin story. Kimmel built his career with jokes about genocide and promoting R. Kelly, who’s accused of sex with minors. And then there’s Kimmel’s time on “The Man Show,” where he urged young women to get on a trampoline and jump around to please the audience. Several even stripped, much to the pleasure of our new moral conscience.

America’s conscience is nowhere to be seen when it comes to Weinstein:

Late-night comedy hosts on Thursday steered clear of the newly revealed bombshell allegations that Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein sexually harassed several women over decades.

The New York Times report, which claimed that Weinstein has been accused of sexual harassing at least eight women, including actresses Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan, over the span of nearly 30 years, broke at around 2 p.m. EST on Thursday, only a few hours before late-night shows typically tape. But those same shows regularly provide same-day jokes on news regarding President Donald Trump that has broken well after then, the Daily Beastreported.

Late-night comedians Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers, James Corden, and Stephen Colbert all avoided any mention of the allegations against Weinstein, both in their monologues and interviews with movie-star guests. The Daily Beast noted that Corden and Fallon have appeared in Weinstein films.

Kimmel did not hesitate to pound O’Reilly following sexual harassment claims mounted against him:

On “Jimmy Kimmel Live” Wednesday, the host told the audience in his opening monologue that O’Reilly had a vacation planned. However, because of the recent publicity, Fox didn’t want it to look bad, so they created a contest for viewers to guess where he went.

“Last fall I booked a trip that should be terrific. Not going to tell you where it is but we have a contest on billoreilly.com,” O’Reilly said.

Kimmel decided to take part in the contest though and had some very specific ideas.

“To hell maybe? Is it hell?” he guessed first.

Kimmel then went on to put O’Reilly in some other scenarios, including a Rob Gronkowski booze cruise and Coachella.

At the end of the segment though, it seemed obvious where O’Reilly was going to go for a week after claims he sexual harassed multiple women at Fox News over the years — a place he said he was going to go around Easter time: Bonerland.

Yet the hypocritical dirtbag won’t dare cross Weinstein. It is this hyper-partisan political atmosphere that keeps ratings for late night plummeting.

Many female Hollywood stars who worked “under” Weinstein remain mute:

While a number of female celebrities have spoken out since the allegations broke, including actresses Amber Tamblyn, Lena Dunham, and Brie Larson, several A-list stars who worked with Weinstein on Oscar-winning films have remained silent, including Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet, Cate Blanchett, Anna Paquin, Renee Zelwegger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Judi Dench, and Penelope Cruz.

In fact, as the Daily Mail notes, some stars’ lack of any public statement on the allegations against Weinstein is made more conspicuous by the fact that Weinstein’s name has been mentioned almost more than any other during acceptance speeches at the Oscars, more than 20 times.

The casting couch lives on, feminist icons like Ashley Judd call Donald Trump “Hitler” while getting on her knees for predators like Weinstein and all the while America’s conscience is hiding under the bed.

Et tu, Chelsea Handler?

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Although it was bad parenting on the Obama’s part to allow their daughter, Malia, to work for him, his preference was clearly for European females who dressed up in flimsy formal dresses and stellettos.
Malia is swarthy, clumsy and not well acquainted with formal wear.
I think she actually worked for the guy.

@Nanny G: If the media ever decides to go after Harvey, maybe they will call him a racist because he didn’t make her watch him shower and wash his naughty bits.

As if we needed another example proving liberals have no principles, just issues with which they hope to beat down Republicans, they provide another. Like Chicago, Sandy Hook, Orlando, San Bernardino, Kate Steinle and others proving the left does not care about public safety, just a pursuit of gun bans,
how the left ignores Bill Clinton and now this proves their “outrage” over what they deem misogyny is just another theater.

Yeah, the law in the 60’s and 70’s was different. But human decency and morality was not. It is absolutely disgusting that a liberal woman’s rights warrior would make such an excuse, but again it proves the point of ZERO principles. NONE.

Ashley could have done the RIGHT thing; left the room and reported the abuse. But, I guess it was much, much later before she realized what abuse looked like. I have a pretty good idea how Ashley “handled” that situation.

The ENTIRE left remaining mute on this until it is exposed speaks volumes. The fact that it was an open secret while Democrats accepted his dirty dollars comes as no surprise, sadly. It is exactly what we would expect of liberals because it is how they preform their liberal duties; without principle, ignoring facts and attacking whomever refuses to think as they do.

If we all thought as they do, if there was no political enemy to attack for misogyny, imagine the fate of these girls and women. There would no longer be any reason to hear their (belated) pleas.

This is an absolute avalanche of hypocrisy from people that set new levels of hypocrisy every day.

Let me fill in for the left wing whiners, since I doubt they will dare make an appearance here:

But, Trump…. said he could grab…. the Russians…. Melania’s shoes…!!

Autistic screeching for months about locker room talk but the “ladies” of the oscars are all pretty tight lipped now. We know how you got your awards girls, its in the open now.

Now would probably be a good time to mention the murmurs of child sex abuse throughout Hollywood as well, all kept quiet and swept under the rug by our ever-compliant corrupt liberal media.

I guess these Hollywood feminists, actors and late night comedians are reacting to the Weinstein scandal by following the old adage, “you don’t bite the dick that feeds you”.

Still waiting for Hillary to tweet….waiting….waiting

Lisa Bloom pulls out of Harvey Weinstein defense. (pun intended)

Apparently bad behavior has consequences after all, even if you’re a wealthy film mogul.

Harvey Weinstein fired from film studio he co-founded after recent harassment allegations

Nobody is immune from consequences forever.

@Greg: The problem is being immune for 20 years even though all your liberal friends know about it, all while they all pretend they support women’s rights, “believe the victim” and pretended sexual abuse was an issue… if they could accuse a Republican of it.

@Deplorable Me, #10:

Are you suggesting that republicans are any different? They simply hold themselves out to be paragons of value and virtue, adding hypocrisy to the mix. Consider Rep. Tim Murphy as a current shining example.

Vice and virtue don’t divide along party lines. Money and power most definitely don’t elevate a person. As often as not they corrupt, turning people into pigs, or revealing that they were pigs to begin with.


Are you suggesting that republicans are any different?

Republicans don’t have the entire media apparatus to cover up acts of sexual abuse, as liberals do. You miss the big story; this has been going on for decades and all in Hollywood and left-wing Washington knew it. But, Weinstein made movies and handed out big stacks of cash so, despite women being abused, they all just kept it on the down-low. Like with the Kennedy’s. Like with the Clinton’s.

Meanwhile, the phony-sanctimonious left will use such abuse as a weapon, INVENTING instances to try and take down foes.

Misogyny. Racism. Gun violence. Abortion. Illegal immigration. All the left cares about is how it can be used to push a political agenda, not who gets hurt, how to solve problems and what is the MORAL thing to do.

How can you talk about morals when the main concern of the guy you elected seems to come down to what you can get away with?

Manhattan DA reportedly dropped felony fraud case against Trump’s kids after donation from Trump’s lawyer

When the District Attorney’s office opened an investigation into Ivanka and Donald Jr. in 2010, it appeared that the case would move forward despite defense lawyers’ claims that their clients’ actions didn’t meet the standards of criminal misconduct.

But according to the report, things changed when Trump got involved and brought in Marc Kasowitz, his longtime personal defense attorney who also represented him in the Russia investigation earlier this year.

In 2012, Kasowitz reportedly donated $25,000 to Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.’s reelection campaign in 2012, according to the report. He then went to Vance directly and made the same argument defense lawyers had previously made which, at the time, didn’t appear to sway prosecutors about the merits of the case.

Vance returned Kasowitz’s campaign contribution shortly before the meeting, but three months later, Vance told his staff to drop the case, according to the investigation. Less than six months later, Kasowitz again donated to Vance’s campaign, this time totaling more than $50,000.

I suspect this would be perceived very differently if the name Clinton were attached to it rather than Trump.

By the way, “everybody knew about Weinstein’s behavior” doesn’t appear to be an accurate statement. Powerful people generally get away with this sort of thing because everybody doesn’t know. That’s the entire point of the payoffs and hush money.


How can you talk about morals when the main concern of the guy you elected seems to come down to what you can get away with?

So, you surrender the point. Weinstein has been diddling little girls for 25 years and all of Hollywood knew about it, but they are too afraid to face it… too desperate for the money and the career. Meanwhile, all the liberals have been taking his money knowing what he was doing to little girls. But, money is money and that is what liberal care about.

Meryl Streep called him a “god”. Obama let his daughter work for him. In liberal circles, scum is normal, trash is acceptable (if they have enough money to buy silence) and hypocrisy is the currency of the realm.

Go back up to the bottom of comment #2. I think I pretty much called that one, didn’t I? Forget the abuse of little girls…. “but, TRUMP! But, TRUMP!!” Same old shit.

@Deplorable Me, #15:

Uh huh. So, why do suppose Weinstein was paying hush money to keep something quiet that everybody supposedly knew about already?

Logic never was your strong suit, which is probably why you tend to stay completely away from it.

@Greg: So they don’t go public. Keeping it within the liberal family, where the most vile, repugnant activity is accepted as normal is one thing; letting the public know about it is quite another, as we can now see and which, to make clear, is the point. The only time the liberal left reacts to this sort of garbage is when it hurts their publicity which boils down to money and power.

It seems YOU lack the gift of logic… or honesty.