Hello blogosphere, and welcome to this week’s edition of what may be our biggest weekly report yet – Let’s get right to it!
9/20 – Alarmed by Islam, Europe’s Gays Are Moving to the Right
Good to see that European gays are finally moving away from, what’s that term that our Lefty pals like to use? Ah, yes – Stop voting against your interests!
This image best sums up our Marxist wanna-be leaders:
9/24 – Perspective: Why is Kaepernick taking a knee different from when Tebow does it?
There is stupid, and there is Washington Post stupid. The article looks at a number of differences between the two, and ignores the one difference that matters. Take a wild guess what that one is!
9/24 – WATCH: Antifa Rioters Try Rioting In Texas – Texans Take ‘Em To PAINTOWN
We need more happy stories like these!
9/25 – Mike Rowe Blasts Everyone Involved In The NFL-National Anthem Protests
As always, Mike Rowe remains the voice of sanity on an explosive topic
9/25 – Actions speak louder: How the Pittsburgh Penguins prove that hockey really isn’t for everyone
Do you want to read about a lefty melting down that the NHL refuses to alienate their fans with radical politics? Of course you do.
9/26 – Awan Funneling ‘Massive’ Data Off Congressional Server, Dems Claim It’s Child’s HOMEWORK
And their supporters who blindly defend criminal actions of anyone with a (D) after their name wonder why the sane half of the country doesn’t take them seriously?
9/27 – Can We Please Stop Pretending the NFL Protests Have Anything to Do with Free Speech?
And the NFL has the audacity to suggest that the current politicization in football was created by Donald Trump? Though I don’t agree with him using his platform as president to call for the firing of kneeling players or for a boycott of the NFL, these are certainly not circumstances of his design.
On Monday Night Football this week, the Dallas Cowboys and the Arizona Cardinals both locked arms and knelt before the National Anthem, acknowledging the protesters’ position. Then they stood and locked arms during the National Anthem. It was a charade all too obviously meant to placate fans, while still giving a platform to espouse the dangerous and entirely untrue Black Lives Matter narrative. “Unity” was the theme. More “division” is what you can expect.
9/27 – Amid NFL Obsession, Media Blinds Itself to Trump’s Puerto Rico Relief Efforts
The media is now3 for 3 in trying to turn a hurricane into Trump’s Katrina, steps on its own d*** instead
9/27 – Newsweek Writer: Conservatives Are ‘Mad as Hell’ About the Commie Cadet
You misspelled “Americans”
9/28 – Exclusive: Russian-bought Black Lives Matter ad on Facebook targeted Baltimore and Ferguson
What They Promised: Smoking Gun Proof of Trump-Russia Collusion
What They Walked That Back To: Russia Bought Some FaceBook Ads
What It Is Now: Russian Ads Promoted Black Lives Matter
9/28 – Why didn’t TV networks show angry, booing NFL fans Sunday or Monday?
Damned good question.
I’m not sure if “another” is the term I’d use – more like another flavor of the DNC’s military arm
9/28 – Trump “Not Happy” About Cabinet Member Private Jet Use
Hey lefties, can you take your crud down a notch so that stories like this can get the bandwidth that it deserves? And Conservatives, even on weeks where the lefties make an effort to out-stupid each other it’s more important than ever that we call out our own side’s wrongdoing. It’s not like anyone takes the Lefties seriously anymore…
9/29 – Jesse Ventura: If Trump Builds Wall, ‘Take Down Statue of Liberty’
This reminds me of back in the day watching a WWF wrestling match that featured the Honky Tonk Man where Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura were calling it. At one point Jesse noted The Honky Tonk Man’s resemblance to Elvis and speculated that maybe Elvis hadn’t died and was perhaps he was actually the HTM. To which Vince responded by speculating that Jesse might have taken a few too many blows to the head during his wrestling days. I’m not sure what made me think of this.
Stay stupid, America!
Many folks cool w/ NFL players disrespecting the American flag after years of saying Tebow’s personal beliefs have no place on the field.
— Razor (@hale_razor) September 24, 2017
Socialism is like a nude beach: sounds pretty good until you actually see it pic.twitter.com/YigBOkG8Lb
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) September 26, 2017
America 2017: Only player forced by his team to apologize for national anthem reaction is the war vet who stood up
— Scott Greer 6’2” IQ 187 (@ScottMGreer) September 25, 2017
I'd say we're about 2 months away from kneeling becoming some form of cultural appropriation
— Sean Spicier (@sean_spicier) September 27, 2017
Somewhere, a village is missing its idiot pic.twitter.com/lcwUMPslln
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) September 27, 2017
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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
I have a better idea jessie Ventura lets tear down the Useless Nations Facility we go in wrecking balls take a few swings then send in the bulldozers to clear away the rubble get a wetland going plant a few trees atrack some birds to the area and we have it
Perhaps the left is kowtowing to Muslims, no matter how extremist, radical and violent, as a means of “gay cleansing” of society. Obviously, the left has no concern about people dedicated to an ideology that preaches hatred and violence against gays inundating their societies and growing their political power. This is causing gays to reexamine the propaganda aimed at them and realize a difference in opinion or views is not as much as a condemnation as being thrown off a roof.
Hillary II needs to explain, as Hillary I did, that she has “truth” that is for the ears of her wealthy donors and “truth” that is for the common rube whose votes she covets.
Waving Soviet flags, violence and chanting “dead cops, dead cops” is how you combat fascism? Really? Everyone should remember this video every time some Democrat fails to denounce ANTIFA or the media tries to obscure their violence.
Well SOME liberals who frequent this site still “believe” that Hillary completely obliterated to vapor 33,000 emails before anyone could look at them to determine if they should be archived or not because they were “personal”. No, REALLY!
They were just showing “unity”… a “unity” with those supporting the murder of cops based a the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” lie.
“These ranged from posts promoting Black Lives Matter to posts promoting gun rights and the Second Amendment to posts warning about what they said was the threat undocumented immigrants posed to American democracy.” Gosh, this almost sounds like the Russians were doing what most of our media refuses to do… present numerous sides of issues without being mono-ideological.
@Deplorable Me: Re: Islam & Gays, when the “refugee crisis” was a thing I was proposing that we put a mess of refugee camps in predominantly gay neighborhoods my lefty pals got strangely silent. I don’t know about you,but I’d pay good money for a front row seat to watch a Gay Pride parade march through a few thousand newly arrived Muslims!
Jessie Benn is a stupid blabbering idiot if he thinks athlets standing for the National Antheme is White supremecy he has JERK written all over his face and off topic but somememeber of the Stupid jackass Party(Demacrat)wants to ban fossil fuel cars in California Talk about a a brain-dead zombie
@Brother Bob: SOMEBODY’S attitude would change, THAT’S for sure.
The left hasn’t done too well this week, seems they are failing. They are trying to use Rodgers to get the fiercely loyal Packer fans to accept the anti-American Anti-police agenda, while the NFL gets paid by our government to trot out the flag, I hope they were red-pilled we love our Packers here, we dont call 911 to have a packer player show up. It doesnt matter what color you are the police show up when that number is called. Saddens me that there were parties where 1000s of dollars worth of Packer merchandise was burned.
A member of the Stupid Jackass party(Demacrats)wants to ban Fossil Fuel vichiles all over this Global Warming/Climate Change poppycock just how stupid are they in Sacramento anyway the experts are making fun of these stupid members of the Stupid jackass Party