The Week in Radical Leftism, 9/16/2017


Welcome back, Mr. and Mrs. America, and all our ships at sea! Lots of crazy coming down, but first let’s hop in the Wayback Machine and grab a few stories from the previous week!

9/6 – Twitter Bans Activist Mommy for Tweeting Her Dislike of Teen Vogue’s Anal Sex Guide

There is really nothing I can add to this.

9/6 – How The Transgender Crusade Made Me Rethink My Support For Gay Marriage

This one is a must read to share with any of your Lefty pals who genuinely wants to understand why any decent person would oppose them on this issue

9/8 – 9/11 Terrorists Overthrew Naive Notions of Proletarian Revolutionaries

It’s not as though envy serves as a worthwhile impetus for revolution. But one grasps that more easily than the convert-or-die-by-jumbojet-bomb mentality inspiring the 9/11 terrorists.

Privileged people imagine themselves as anointed to rule. When the world rejects their ideas, they lash out at the world. Brat-fits on the playground lead to brat-fits on a bigger playground. That happened 16 years ago in Manhattan, near the banks of the Potomac, and in southwestern Pennsylvania.

This almost reminds me of another group of people who’ve been in the news lately; if only I could put my finger on it…

9/9 – Some people are just a**holes (censorship mine)

ABC7 also found lawsuits against multiple other businesses in San Bernardino, Riverside and Orange counties – all related to offers, incentives and promotions given to women. ABC7 reached out to Rolando, who did not return our calls for a comment.

9/10 – Hillary Is Using Charlottesville Death In Promotional Letter For Her Book Tour

Me: I just don’t see any way Hillary could come off a more vile human being than she has already done time and time again.
Hillary: Hold my double scotch.
Me: You know it’s only 10:00 AM, right?

9/11 – Real Scientist Slams Bill Nye For Blaming Hurricanes on Climate Change (Of Course)

More hysterics from the Climate Cult? Must be a day ending in a “Y”!

9/12 – Hillary Clinton Compares Herself To Game of Thrones’ Cersei Lannister

I’ve got a feeling that this is far from the last time Hillary says something that looks like it’s from The Onion. Or that she was rambling while drunk at 10:00 AM.

9/13 – Has Hillary Lost Her Grip on Reality? ‘Rely on Big Brother’ Was NOT the Message of Orwell’s 1984

I’m starting to wonder if I should have written up a separate post this week just for “The Week in Hillary”

9/14 – Southern Poverty Law Center Compares Conservative Christians Like Ted Cruz to ISIS

I think that one of my favorite things about the Trump presidency is the honesty it’s brought out. Finally, Democrats feel completely comfortable wearing their anti-Christian bigotry on full display.

9/15 – California Legislature Passes Bill To Punish Elder-Care Workers Who Don’t Use Trans Pronouns

Today’s edition of “Not The Onion!”, although in California this is pretty much a daily occurrance

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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The media took a big part in this week in radical Leftism when they lied about the Trump DACA meeting with Nancy & Chuck.
Of course, Chuck did all he could to feed them ammunition.
But it took a few days to get the truth out:
The WALL is already being worked on.
The “chain migration” is being cut out.
Those formerly in DACA will only qualify for a new legal version IF they are finishing HS, or college OR are college grads OR are in the military or veterans.
That means instead of 800,000 it will only be about 300,000.

There are only 900 of them in the military but the media lied about that.
Only 10,000 in all of DACA graduate from college each year, so only another 40,000 are in the college pipeline.
Since you have to be 15 to be DACA only HS Jrs & Srs can be DACA, another 20,000-40,000.
There are over 2,000 known felons pretending to be DACA and a few Progressive judges protecting them from deportation.
The media covers for that, too.

The media chokes on covering how well the FEMA and the Trump Admin has handled Harvey and Irma.

But the media is right there for the “mostly” peaceful protests of BLM and antifa.
Yeah, a woman stabbed in the neck in Berkley and 10 police injured in St. Louis. Mostly peaceful, my a$$.

It always puts a smile on my face when Hillary ups Dons popularity, My goodness it could have been (cue doom music) Her! Old Crooked Politicians dont die they simply go on book tour…
Antifa going on rampage cause they didnt get a pony, or have to pay for the pony or have to pay to feed the pony..its all so unfair! I have my degree in Black womens transgender basket weaving studies and racists whites wont pay off my student loan. I was told I would make 60K to start!
Vogue, well it gives 50 shades of new code for Teen Beat.

Bill Nye the fake science guy he is as authentic as a three dollar bill and as for the SPLC their just another leftists group of scumbals and lowlife no account cowardly polecats and sidewinders lead by that miserble little snake in the grass Morris Dees

didn’t bill fail in DWS on the cha-cha?

So just why do these antifa scumballs hide their f aces like they do? maybe is becuase their afraid their parents will kick them out of the basment and sell their playpens and burn their snowflake dolls

What, no breaking bombshells proving Trump’s collusion with the Russians? Gosh, it’s been a year. I just BET it’s coming, though.