Welcome back, everybody! When I returned from vacation last Saturday I was relieved that nothing crazy or stupid had happened in the previous week. HA HA HA HA! Thank you thank you, I’ll be here all week. Tip your bartenders! While I don’t have time to go back over the entire week, I do want to make brief mention of the Radical Left’s collective meltdown over the issue of trannies serving in the military:
Actually, Your Opinion on Gays in the Military Probably Doesn’t Matter
A short piece that I wrote six years ago. Before you take offense, I acknowledge that my opinion doesn’t matter, either. If you go down to the comments section this post generated one of the smarter exchanges between both sides of the aisle. But if you want to address any of the comments please do it on this post!
His opinion does matter.
7/28 – DREAMer Protest Fails Spectacularly: Few Showed Up, 15 Arrested
I love stories with happy endings…
7/28 – Interesting: Bannon Allegedly Seeking To Regulate Google, Facebook Like Utilities
I’m torn on this – I was ready to label this another edition of “Conservatives Behaving Like Democrats”, but I kind of like the idea of a Lefty-dominated leviathan getting a taste of its own Leftist medicine. Anybody else with me on this?
7/29 – Trump Dossier Firm Worked With Media Outlets Now Giving The Firm A Pass
Ace – “Shock: Same Media Outlets That Pushed Fusion GPS’ “Research” to the Public Now Covering Up Fusion GPS’ Work on Behalf of Mother Russia”
7/31 – Protestors Dressed as Nazis Tried to Shut Down Ann Coulter During a Free Speech Panel
While I’m generally not a fan, I have to give Coulter props for the best response:
@AnnCoulter said she was happy the liberal protestors dressed as Nazis to protest her showed up in their “natural garb”! 😂#politicon2017— LIZ COVFEFE MAGA (@LizCrokin) July 29, 2017
8/1 – Pelosi: Not important for Dems to win 2018 elections
Sadly, there are enough RINOs in the Senate for her to be 100% correct.
8/1 – Md. ACLU sues governor for deleting comments and blocking Facebook users
Seriously? If these clowns gave a damn about free speech they’d be invading college campuses
8/1 – President Trump’s reference to ‘Paddy Wagon’ insults Irish Americans Like Me
When I saw this on a friend’s Facebook feed, I assumed something this stupid had to be in The Onion. Nope. It was from that other famous source of fictitious idiocy, The Washington Post.
8/1 – CNN’s Zakaria: Trump’s Core Voters Were Anti-Immigrant, Misogynistic, Homophobic, Stupid Racists
Today’s edition of “Why do those stupid racist, sexist, xenophobic, LGBQWERTY-phobic bigots think that we hate them and are angry at them for not voting the way we told them to?”
8/2 – Everybody’s ‘Far Right’ Now
To paraphrase an old Stephen Kruiser sketch from his old PJTV days, “It’s not just us anymore” – Part I – Even Jake Tapper is calling out the violent thugs running the Women’s March group
8/3 – ‘Morning Joe’ Rips CNN’s Jim Acosta: ‘Like Something Out of Mein Kampf’ (Video)
It’s not just us anymore – Part II. Even MSNBC is calling out Jim Acosta’s Michael Scott act during press conferences
And ICYMI, I wrote two posts on the flight to start my vacation while Sister Babe was kind enough to occupy Little Bob:
7/29 – Fly the Unfriendly Skies
Even though I wrote it a week earlier, an incident from my flight made for a short filler post the following Saturday while I was away.
7/30 – First Slowly, then Suddenly – Adios, ESPN and SI
It’s hard to believe that 20 years ago these two outlets were essentials of my sports news diet. Here’s how they managed to turn me off, and I can’t say I miss them.
Difference between being a Cubs fan and a socialist? A Cubs fan can point to a success every 108 years
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 31, 2017
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Oh, I revel in the leftist reaction whenever a Republican proposes to apply their own intrusiveness on something liberals love. I often make the comparison of the left wing regulation-a-thon of the 2nd Amendment, an actual RIGHT protected by the Constitution and the liberal outrage over regulations, borne out of the necessity created by the absolute LACK of oversight, of abortion, which is nothing more than a construed right.
But, unless these entities receive any federal funds, they should be beyond federal regulation.
Next week you can feature the stories of twisted, convoluted Russian oligarch money reaching Republicans. The left is starting to spin up, out of control, over this while, of course, they shielded their eyes as it was revealed that Hillary handed over US uranium to the Russians as Bill was taking a $500,000 payout for a “speech”. While any politician knowingly and directly taking money from foreign powers is despicable (you know, like the Clinton’s did from the Chinese in the late 90’s), as far as the left is concerned, it is only bad when Republicans do it… or, at the very least, can be ACCUSED of doing it.
Lena Dunham, all by her lonesome, is a font of radical leftism madness.
She went on a rampage that two other women, in work clothes, had the nerve to hold an opinion different from her own.
She wants them fired for it, too.
Lena also is pushing the pineapple as the best and most accurate image of feminism and the female organ!
It is not a friendly image for that body part, considering it’s prickles and roughness.
But she likes it for that.
I guess we will really be seeing the rise of the sex robot in our times.
She could be the founder of the Junior Antisex League found in Orwell’s 1984.
(I still comb reruns of Psych looking for the pineapple that they sneaked into each episode.)
@Nanny G: Thank you for throwing the LD story in, Nanny. I would have normally included it but things got busy at the end of the week, hence only one story added on Thursday and Friday. Thanks!
So who still watching CNN(Commmunists News Network )or make that FNN(Fake News Network)anymore the CNN like the NYT’s is like the horns of a steer a point here a point there and a lot of bull in between
Al(Hot Air)Bore wants people to crow into theaters to see his latest Ego-Fest film A INCONVENT SEQUEL this man has a chip on his shoulder the big block of wood on top of his neck called A HEAD
@Ian Robinson: Nah, best to ridicule him and CNN for letting a twit like him represent them. In the words of Michael Ledeen, faster, please!