Keir Starmer is leading England into fascism
Keir Starmer is leading England down a dark path to fascism
Keir Starmer is leading England down a dark path to fascism
There are currently a couple of kinetic wars ongoing- one in Ukraine and another in the Middle East but there is a third one that threatens the freedom …
While he is a bit quirky (and I know why), Elon Musk has become my hero. After coming close to failure, Space X has singlehandedly resurrected the United States space …
Welcome back, everybody! When I returned from vacation last Saturday I was relieved that nothing crazy or stupid had happened in the previous week. HA HA HA HA! Thank you …
Christmas is, among other things, a time for gratitude. Gratitude of course comes in many shapes and sizes. Some people feel gratitude for family, others for health, others for prosperity …
From this post’s title you’re probably guessing that I’m about to write about the latest tirade from leftist crybullies. While thankfully this has not happened yet, it almost feels inevitable. …
A week and a half ago fascist thugs of ISIS attacked Paris. Three days later President Obama addressed the world from Istanbul and said the attack was “an attack on …
Lost in all of the last week’s stories was one small piece of the University of Missouri story. Apparently someone had painted a swastika on a wall out of… poop. …
By now everybody knows how about the thwarted attempt to murder Pam Geller at her “Draw Mohammed” contest in Texas by two Islamic fanatics. What was most disturbing was how …
To whom it may concern: I’ll be up front with you – I don’t like your group. I won’t go into the reasons here, as they’re obvious and would …