Foreign policy: The stark difference between Donald Trump and Barack Obama



Away from the commotion of the ongoing attempt at a coup d’etat of the current President by being conducted by democrats and the left wing media, Donald Trump is getting things don and acting as the real leader of the free world. Upon his arrival in the Middle East, Trump shook hands with Saudi King Salman rather than bow and scrape as did barack obama. Despite the prediction that Trump would not be welcome in the Arab world, Trump received the rock star treatment.

The great thing is that this is no barack obama apology for the US tour. This is business.

Trump did what barack obama would not and could not do- actually speak of Islamic terrorism.

Obama began his address by focusing on western guilt:

More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations. Moreover, the sweeping change brought by modernity and globalization led many Muslims to view the West as hostile to the traditions of Islam.

In contrast, Trump began by declaring that “Muslim countries must take the lead in combating radicalization. He said that he was not there to lecture to others about how to worship, but to call for unity “in pursuing the one goal: … to conquer extremism and vanquish the forces that terrorism brings with it every single time,” singling out “young Muslim men and women.”

Trump went further, taking on “terrorism and the ideology that drives it.” He listed recent terror attacks in the U.S. and around the world, and noted that “the deadliest toll has been extracted from the innocent people of Arab and Muslim nations.” The optimism of the region, he said, was “held at bay by bloodshed and terror.” And he added: “There can be no co-existence with this violence.”

He called on the Muslim world to take on the terrorists:

“Drive them out. Drive them out of your places of worship. Drive them out of your communities. Drive them out of your holy land and drive them out of this earth,” he said, during his speech in Saudi Arabia on Sunday.

Trump promised that America would serve as a willing partner to combat terrorism but that they had to take the lead.

“America is prepared to stand with you in pursuit of shared interests and common security, but the nations of the Middle East cannot wait for American power to crush this enemy for them,” he said.

He described the cost of terrorism afflicting young Muslim men and women, as well as in countries around the world, urging all leaders to work for peace in the Middle East. He specifically called out terrorist attacks by name in the United States and Europe, calling them a “tragedy of epic proportions.”

“Terrorists do not worship God, they worship death,” Trump said.

Further, he is going to do something obama failed to do- finish ISIS. Trump has given military commanders the freedom to “annihilate” ISIS:

Defense Secretary James Mattis said President Donald Trump has empowered commanders to more aggressively target the Islamic State as part of a new approach to “annihilate” the militant group.

The president has “delegated authority to the right level to aggressively and in a timely manner move against enemy vulnerabilities,” Mattis said during a press conference Friday at the Pentagon.

The commander in chief, who ordered a review of the conflict after taking office, has also “directed a tactical shift from shoving ISIS out of safe locations in an attrition fight to surrounding the enemy in their strongholds so we can annihilate ISIS,” Mattis added. “The intent is to prevent the return home of escaped foreign fighters.”

The defense secretary, a retired Marine general, appeared alongside Joint Chiefs Chairman Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford — who also Friday was reappointed to another two-year term — and Brett McGurk, the State Department’s special presidential envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS to present an updated plan for Operation Inherent Resolve, the military’s name for the fight against ISIS.

You will remember that as recently as 2014 obama “had no plan” for ISIS. You will also remember that eventually the obama plan was a three year plan to be done with ISIS- meaning ISIS would be done in 2017. Meaning that someone else would have to finish the job. Meaning that “no drama obama” was sweeping it under the rug. Trump is the antithesis of obama. He’s getting the job done.

This is a sea change and the air smells greatly refreshing.



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Well, Medical Malpractice joins Donald Trump in rejecting American values.
Jennifer Rubin got his speech right:

At times Trump’s language was cringe-worthy. It is all well and good to explain we have shared “interests” — with regard to fighting Iran and the Islamic State, most clearly. To say we have shared “values” with Saudi Arabia, however, is daft, and shows how deficient is Trump’s understanding of American values and their role in American foreign policy. In so starkly diminishing the importance of human rights, he foolishly sacrificed our moral authority and risked repeating his predecessor’s foolish, unqualified support of Middle Eastern dictators.Trump’s un-American speech in Saudi Arabia

Well, Medical Malpractice joins Donald Trump in rejecting American values.
Jennifer Rubin got his speech right:

At times Trump’s language was cringe-worthy. It is all well and good to explain we have shared “interests” — with regard to fighting Iran and the Islamic State, most clearly. To say we have shared “values” with Saudi Arabia, however, is daft, and shows how deficient is Trump’s understanding of American values and their role in American foreign policy. In so starkly diminishing the importance of human rights, he foolishly sacrificed our moral authority and risked repeating his predecessor’s foolish, unqualified support of Middle Eastern dictators.Trump’s un-American speech in Saudi Arabia

Here is a list, for the record, of just a few of the ways in which President Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia was bizarre, unseemly, unethical and un-American:

1. It was a very strange choice for a first trip abroad.
2. It was a very strange place to speak out against Islamist extremism.
3. The sword dance.
4. Ivanka Trump’s “outreach” to women entrepreneuers. (The announcement that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates will donate money to her fund was a “pay to play” far more blatant than anything Hillary Clinton ever dreamed of.)
5. Tillerson talking about human rights in Iran.
6. Tillerson holding a news conference for foreign press only.

Trump’s bizarre and un-American visit to Saudi Arabia

The alt-right and conservative sell-out of the country continues.

@Can’tModerate Me: No, among the left, stupidity cannot be moderated. To protect human rights, ISIS, an Obama creation, must be defeated and it is a common interest among all nations which do not behead, torture, burn alive, drown, rape and enslave to destroy Obama’s primary legacy, the spread of ISIS.

Trump is a leader and Obama never was, never wanted to be. Obama only knew community organizing, a euphemism for rabble rousing.

Sorry, crybaby, sore loser liberal, the cat is out of the bag; Trump is a world leader. He is trying to assemble a coalition capable of cleaning up the unnecessary mess Obama created and is openly respected as the Non-Obama; a President that is not a gutless coward that supports terrorism and oppression.

Perhaps someone with more information will put this image into it’s proper context, because I honestly have no freaking clue. The photo was taken during opening ceremonies that President Trump attended at the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology in Riyadh.


I honestly have no freaking clue.


@DrJohn: Great. More investigations and special prosecutors.

@StillCan’tModerateMe: No one with two active brain cells would reference an article from the Washington Post. They are not in the slightest concerned about Americas or patiotism. They hired Podesta the man who helped coordinate the fix of the DNC candidate for President, they dont owe you a fair election. Try to get a source.
Did Obama bring back contracts that will employ 10s of thousands of Americans from any of his visits overseas?

@Bill- Deplorable Me: I do know someone who has a friend who knows someone else who has a friend who knows someone who has a source who said that Trump saying America would be willing partners to combat terrorism revealed highly classified operational plans to the Saudis. He needs to be impeached.

@Greg: read it here its a sort of anti terrorism war room The globe is just prop or art piece.

@DrJohn, #7:

This is how Trump won the election. Everyone thought it was the Russians. Instead, it was this mind control orb.

Maybe we’re being bombarded with subliminal TV messages featuring the Hypnotoad.

The expression on Prince Salman’s face made me think of this.


Well, Medical Malpractice joins Donald Trump in rejecting American values.

I am anxious to meet the Obama/Hillary supporting liberal that has a single damn idea what “American values” is. Is it supporting a regime, paying them ransom and giving them the green light to develop nuclear weapons for their avowed goal of wiping Israel off the map? Is it, not just talking with Saudis, but BOWING DOWN TO THEM? Is it unleashing ISIS upon a defenseless region? Are those YOUR ideas of “American values”? They must be, for YOU support it while mindlessly criticizing efforts to unite nations to OPPOSE those things.

No, you liberals believe that surrendering, quitting, undermining our allies is an “American value”. They aren’t. They are ANTI-American values and Obama and all who continue to praise him are anti-American.

Notice the respect and honor shown Trump. Notice how much confidence leaders like the President of Egypt have in his goals and capabilities. Notice how they go out of their way to praise the vast difference between Trump’s leadership and the defeatist, appeasing, incompetence of Obama. Weakness is not an asset; it is a fault and Obama telegraphed weakness all over the world. It will take decades to undo the damage Obama has done, but Trump has set off on a great start.

Now, if you crybaby losers would simply step aside and let the adults run the government for a while, we will see great progress.

It’s NOT an Ivanka Foundation…..

While Ivanka Trump proposed the idea along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, she is not involved with its operation.

Norm Eisen, former ethics official for the Obama Administration and a regular critic of the Trump family’s conflicts of interest, noted in an email to NPR, “In my view foreign government donations to a fund run by a reputable international organization like the World Bank for a good cause are generally acceptable.”

“I don’t see this fund as a big problem if she does not solicit [donations] and it is entirely World Bank run,” said Richard Painter, former ethics adviser to the George W. Bush administration.
Even NPR can’t find fault!

@kitt: Jennifer Rubin is a deep state journalist. And the Washington Post is just the USSR’s Pravda repackaged.

Snowflakes just can’t take the heat.

@The Wandering Pharaoh: It is also considered cruelty to animals to use it as bird cage liner.
@Greg: Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery Chaplin was a comedic genius.
R.I.P. Roger Moore (1927-2017), English actor, author, soldier and patriot.