Why are taxpayer dollars subsidizing billionaires?



You knew that Ivy League schools know they’re better than you. They also believe they need not follow the law. From the Washington Free Beacon:

Report: Ivy League Schools Did Not Disclose $246 Million in Taxpayer Funding, Violating Law

An analysis of over $200 million in research projects conducted by Ivy League institutions found that none disclosed how they spent taxpayer dollars, in violation of federal law.

And it gets worse:

White Coat Waste found “widespread transparency failures by Ivy League universities receiving more than $2 billion annually from the National Institutes of Health,” according to the report.

“This report demonstrates that 100 percent of these universities’ 2016 press releases detailing NIH-funded animal experiments—representing nearly a quarter-billion dollars in taxpayer funds—violated federal law requiring disclosure of government funding details,” the group said.

Aside from Ivy League schools, the report also includes projects that violated the disclosure law from Sen. Jeff Flake’s (R., Ariz.) 2017 Wastebook.

Examples include a $230,000 project conducted by New York University and the University of Rochester that studied whether “monkeys prefer photographs of other monkeys’ rear-ends on red or blue backgrounds.”

A $3.4 million Northwestern University project dubbed “Hamster Cage Matches” that studied the aggression levels in hamster fights also did not disclose how it spent the taxpayer funding.

One hundred additional studies conducted by Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, U. Penn, Princeton, and Yale were publicized in press releases by the schools, but did not disclose how the funding, totaling $246 million, was spent.

“If our nation’s eight most prominent educational institutions are systematically violating funding disclosure law, the problem likely extends to the thousands of other entities receiving the balance of the NIH’s $32 billion annual research budget, and grantees of other agencies covered by the Stevens Amendment,” the report said.

Hold on thar, Babalouie. There’s something you need to see. These are highfalutin snotty schools, and that means something.

Endowments. Get a load of the magnitude.

Brown  $3.2 billion

Columbia  $9 billion

Cornell $5.7 billion

Dartmouth   $4.5 billion

Penn  $10.7 billion

Princeton  $22 billion

Yale  $25.4 billion

Drum roll, please

Harvard  $37.6 billion

The question, why are these galactically wealthy bastions of liberalism getting money from the pockets of American taxpayers making $50,000 a year?

Why are they getting any taxpayer money at all? Why are we subsidizing the uber-wealthy?





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Why should we be forced to pay for these snob houses in the first place this is more pork and Sagan welll him and the crew of the Star Ship IMMAGINATION took it into the ROMULAN NUETRAL ZONE and well tjhe romulans sent in one of their Birds of Prey open fire with their Plasma Weapon and BOOM

I have no problem with federal endowments supporting our top National Universities and the research they conduct. I can think of far more interesting questions regarding the subsidy of actual individual billionaires. For example:

Why are American taxpayers subsidizing the billionaire gasbag currently occupying the White House? Why Was the State Department Promoting Mar-a-Lago? When are we going to see Trump’s tax returns, as he promised? (Never, of course. It was a lie.) The outrage of the day is a threat to roll back the public land protections enacted by 3 former presidents. No doubt in the final shakedown that will be to someone’s great financial benefit, but I’d bet dollars against donuts that it won’t benefit the average American.

Why are there so many billionaires in the Trump cabinet? Donald Trump’s $14 billion Cabinet Are they smarter? Better informed? Are they burning with a desire to be of service to the average American? (Are we too stupid to wonder?)

What about 5 separate high-level Trump administration positions filled by current or former Goldman Sachs employees? Apparently we have forgotten something: Goldman Sachs to pay $5bn for its role in the 2008 financial crisis

@Greg: Why are American taxpayers subsidizing the billionaire gasbag currently occupying the White House? The outrage of the day is a threat to roll back the public land protections enacted by 3 former presidents. No doubt in the final shakedown that will be to someone’s great financial benefit, but I’d bet dollars against donuts that it won’t benefit the average American.

Do you eat beef, Greg?
Even if you don’t, I’d bet dollars to donuts that the average American does.
Up until today, over 90% of Utah’s land was prohibited as graze land for such domestic animals.
Their owners, ranches, paid a fee to graze long ago and for decades.
But Obama took it away from them.
Land will be accessible to off-roader’s too.
Even campers will be able to stay a night or two and fish or hunt on these public lands now.
So, you don’t off road, camp, hunt, fish or eat meat?
You’re the minority, Greg.
People are really happy about this.

Why? – W ehave not choice! There in reality is one (ein, un, uno) political party the last 27 years.

Because the state elite in government are full of their graduates…
Soooooo they vote for their school…

after all, unless your black or have a wet hole to put a johnson in (male or female) you cant come from podunck U and end up top of the liberal heirarchy as that is all reserved for the families of the new world rulers. they can go to either and end up on top… its their game..

FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett’s Family

“The objectives of Communism are being steadily advanced…The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists.” -J Edgar Hoover (1956)

“The party did all it could to induce women to go into industry. Its fashion designers created special styles for them and its songwriters wrote special songs to spur them…. War-period conditions, they planned, were to become a permanent part of the future educational program. The bourgeois family as a social unit was to be made obsolete.” (153)

“Since it was supposedly a movement for peace, it attracted many women. But it was really only a renewed offensive to control American women… Like youth and minority groups, they are regarded as a reserve force of the revolution because they are more easily moved by emotional appeals.” (194-195)

Bella Dodd was circumspect about the people behind the Communist Party. She once was told to phone two multi-millionaires who live in the Waldorf Towers if she lost contact with Moscow. Elsewhere, she refers to “a secret well organized world power.” She is obviously afraid to be candid. She suspects that one CPUSA leader’s “suicide” was in fact murder. (172)

She says that each of the nine floors of the party-owned headquarters at 35 E. 12th St. was devoted to CPUSA business. The Sixth Floor held “the publication offices of the Yiddish newspaper, the Freiheit, and the “Jewish Commission.” (162) Indeed Jews were prominent among Communist dupes.

“What now became clear to me was the collusion of these two forces: the Communists with their timetable for world control, and certain mercenary forces in the free world bent on making profits from blood.” (229)

As “one piece of the puzzle that finally became a picture,” Dodd tells the story of the ship “Erica Reed” typical of “hundreds of other stories.” During the Spanish Civil War, Americans donated money to load the ship with medical supplies and food for Spain. The Communists diverted the ship to Russia instead. (89)

Censorship is crucial to Communists, Dodd says. “I have often seen leaders pull books from shelves in homes and warn members to destroy them.”(223)


What about 5 separate high-level Trump administration positions filled by current or former Goldman Sachs employees? Apparently we have forgotten something: Goldman Sachs to pay $5bn for its role in the 2008 financial crisis

Did Obama forget to get Goldman Sachs to pay for its share of the crisis? Because his Secretary of the Treasury, Timmie Geithner, showed substantial favor towards Goldman Sachs AND cheated on his taxes (like so many other liberals and members of Obama’s administration)!! Timmie, when a member of the Fed, pushed through a $30 billion interest-free loan for Goldman. He also had a Goldman lobbyist as his chief of staff. But, that was OK, wasn’t it?

The wealthy are only bad when they are NOT liberals trying to destroy the country. Right?

This reminds me of the old saying, “Publish or perish.” This was academia telling those professors wanting tenure to whip out some science to get those research dollars coming in to their department and the college. I never dreamed the extent this is funded by the tax payer, while people cannot find a decent job in their local communities. Harvard, words escape me. BTW I did wash test tubes & beakers for a professor working on DNA research. But as usual, things have went off the rail these days. People just love to spend other people’s money; I guess.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #6:

The wealthy are only bad when they are NOT liberals trying to destroy the country. Right?

There are now three categories of right-leaning republicans: The wealthy and insatiably greedy, who believe their elevated material status is proof of their fundamental superiority; their well-paid lackeys, whose relationship to the preceding is that of remoras to sharks; and a duped, low-information voter base, who imagine they know the truth of everything, but in fact simply believe whatever the first two categories tell them. Donald Trump can play them like a violin, which is is primary political skill.

Believing Trump is telling the truth despite the readily observable fact that he lies constantly is a reliable litmus test to determine if you fall into that latter category.

Obama didn’t fill his administration with billionaires, former Goldman Sachs executives, and the fundamentalist relatives of corporate mercenaries, did he? He didn’t put fossil fuel executives in charge of protecting the nation’s environment.


Obama didn’t fill his administration with billionaires, former Goldman Sachs executives, and the fundamentalist relatives of corporate mercenaries, did he?

As an example, his Secretary of State had deep ties to not only Goldman Sachs, but all of Wall Street, sold government influence for hundreds of millions of dollars and destroyed the Libyan government so she and Blumenthal could reap the benefits of being the first in with business.

Trump is fulfilling his commitments, as much as he can with Democrat obstruction. However, he is restoring the economy, restoring our security and restoring confidence in US military power, all of which Obama eroded. Purposely.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

As an example, his Secretary of State had deep ties to not only Goldman Sachs, but all of Wall Street, sold government influence for hundreds of millions of dollars and destroyed the Libyan government so she and Blumenthal could reap the benefits of being the first in with business.

She undeniably had connections with Goldman Sachs. Have you convinced yourself that Donald Trump isn’t connected far more deeply? From that point on, your statement descends into right-wing propaganda.

Clinton didn’t have to hide her tax returns from public inspection, did she? They’re all out there for review. Clinton Foundation annual statements were also available for review, weren’t they? The right never proved a single one of their accusations. Nor did Trump make good on his promise, if elected, to quickly prosecute “crooked Hillary” for her many crimes—because the accusations were all bullshit. There were no crimes. There was only a lengthy campaign of character assassination, without which Trump never could have been elected. Even with it, he lost the popular election by millions of votes.

Where are Trumps’ promised tax returns? How about the Trump Foundation, which was determined to have been operating illegally in the State of New York. The “charity” was not registered, as is required by law, and lacked certification. Hey, no problem. They also admitted to multiple violations of the federal ban on “self-dealing.” All of which has now been swept under the carpet. That’s only a tiny bit of what’s presently hidden, and far from the most worrisome part. There are the suspected Russian connections, foreign business entanglements, and even past mob connections. There are proposed tax changes that could directly benefit Trump and the family businesses enormously. None of which you seem to care about in the least. What the right doesn’t care about boggles the mind. What they remain fixated on is ludicrous.