Today North Korea threatened the US with nuclear destruction if the US “at any sign of U.S. aggression.”
PYONGYANG, April 11 (Reuters) – North Korean state media on Tuesday warned of a nuclear attack on the United States at any sign of U.S. aggression as a U.S. Navy strike group steamed towards the western Pacific.
U.S. President Donald Trump, who has urged China to do more to rein in its impoverished neighbour, said in a Tweet North Korea was “looking for trouble” and the United States would “solve the problem” with or without China’s help.
Tension has escalated sharply on the Korean peninsula with talk of military action by the United States gaining traction following its strikes last week against Syria and amid concerns the reclusive North may soon conduct a sixth nuclear test.
North Korea’s official Rodong Sinmun newspaper said the country was prepared to respond to any aggression by the United States.
“Our revolutionary strong army is keenly watching every move by enemy elements with our nuclear sight focused on the U.S. invasionary bases not only in South Korea and the Pacific operation theatre but also in the U.S. mainland,” it said.
South Korean acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn warned of “greater provocations” by North Korea and ordered the military to intensify monitoring and to ensure close communication with the United States.
“It is possible the North may wage greater provocations such as a nuclear test timed with various anniversaries including the Supreme People’s Assembly,” said Hwang, acting leader since former president Park Geun-hye was removed amid a graft scandal.
Trump said in a Tweet a trade deal between China and the United States would be “far better for them if they solved the North Korea problem”.
“If China decides to help, that would be great,” he said. “If not, we will solve the problem without them!”
Trump and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, met in Florida last week and Trump pressed Xi to do more to rein in North Korea.
The North convened a Supreme People’s Assembly session on Tuesday, one of its twice-yearly sessions in which major appointments are announced and national policy goals are formally approved. It did not immediately release details.
On top of that fat kid Kim Jong Un doesn’t like being called fat kid. So there.
North Korea has fired several missiles over the last few months with limited success, but they are becoming more and more successful. The problem is that they have something to put on top of those missiles.
How did this happen? Didn’t a democrat President whose name rhymes with pill binton sign an agreement or something?
Let’s crank up the Wayback Machine again. It’s 1994. Bill Clinton talks up his nuclear deal with North Korea:
“This agreement is good for the United States, good for our allies, and good for the safety of the entire world,” Clinton said at the time. “It reduces the danger of the threat of nuclear spreading in the region. It’s a crucial step toward drawing North Korea into the global community.”
I guess it depends on the meaning of word “good.”
In fairness, Jimmy Carter deserves as much credit for the deal as does Bill Clinton:
For all this, thank Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. North Korea couldn’t have done it without their gullibility.
Back in 1994, President Clinton prepared to confront North Korea over CIA reports it had built nuclear warheads and its subsequent threats to engulf Japan and South Korea in “a sea of fire.”
Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.
Clinton embraced this appeasement as achieving “an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula” — with compliance verified by international inspectors. Carter wound up winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his dubious efforts.
Did someone say Nobel Peace Prize? For a failed effort? Where have I heard that before?
Anyway, the networks sucked it up:
At the time, CBS’s Dan Rather declared the deal “could end the long-running crisis with North Korea over nuclear weapons” as well as perhaps “open the way for normal relations between the U.S. and one of the world’s last old-line, hard-line Communist states.”
During his promotion of the 1994 deal, CBS reporter David Martin outlined its details which made it clear just how much the U.S. had given into North Korea’s demands:
Agreeing to the inspections was the major concession made by North Korea. Agreeing to delay the inspections by several years was the major concession made by the U.S. But beyond the details, North Korea seems to have made a fundamental decision that the Cold War is really over.
BC’s Peter Jennings parroted Clinton’s prediction that the deal “will prevent North Korea from developing a nuclear weapon,” while Pentagon correspondent John McWethy downplayed the significance of a delay in inspecting their nuclear facilities:
Crucial inspections are being delayed five years while the rest of the deal is implemented. American officials say the delay is a small price to pay for getting North Korea to shut down its entire nuclear program.
It all failed. NK was cheating right from the start. But hold on. obama will do something. Right?
obama promised North Korea going nuclear would never be accepted:
“To be clear, the United States does not, and never will, accept North Korea as a nuclear state,” Obama said. “Far from achieving its stated national security and economic development goals, North Korea’s provocative and destabilizing actions have instead served to isolate and impoverish its people through its relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missile capabilities.”
And what did he do?
Nothing. He left it for Donald Trump to sort out. Just as he did with Syria. All that was missing was another obama red line for Kim Jung Un.
Carter, Clinton, obama. You really have to hand it to democrat Presidents. They sure know how to make a deal.
Deals that lasts long enough for them to get out of office, that is, and maybe scoop up an increasingly worthless Nobel Prize. You can bet the Iran deal is going to go down this same road.
North Korea, Syria, Iran- democrat messes left behind for Donald Trump.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
@Rich Wheeler:
Which is easier; just say, “I’m sorry, I screwed up” and move on or explain what he meant, how anyone with any historic knowledge would know what he meant but he fully understands the level of historic ignorance in the country today, explain the difference between using chemical weapons against military targets and a political policy of exterminating Jews.
Of course, when you are dealing with liberals, an apology is never acceptable from their political enemies, so THERE’S where Spicer screwed up.
Obviously you regard my views as in an old E.F Hutton commercial… you hang on every word. Fact is, you could certainly learn a few things.
So, even if you want to ignore the obvious context, when DID Hitler use chemical weapons?
@Rich Wheeler:
But correct. It is well known that Hitler did not use chemical weapons during WWII. Find me a link to proof that he did. Doesn’t exist.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Bill, you’re not going to get any corroboration that Hitler used chemical weapons. It doesn’t exist. Those that are attempting to paint it that way probably think tomorrow is Christmas. After all, a holiday is Christmas, right? no matter when it occurs. Using poison gas to kill someone is not equiv to using chem weapons on a battlefield.
Hitler didn’t use chemical “weapons.” Tell it to the 6 million Jews. They’ll be thankful.
You guys really wanna get in a back and forth over Hitler’s use of gas on his own people?
Spicer has apologized. Trump chastised Spicer. Nuf said
You two were against bombing Assad when BHO was POTUS.
RT didn’t know Putin was backing Assad
My favorite–Nan said Assad would probably become a professor.
Have a wonderful Easter–I’ll be gone for awhile.
@Rich Wheeler:
as usual, Rich, you missed the subject. It was, did Hitler use chemical weapons during WWII. the correct answer is no. there is no ‘back and forth’.
@Rich Wheeler:
He would only be qualified for an Ivy League school.
@Rich Wheeler:
Spicer was not incorrect, whether he apologized or not. The left are crybabies that look for every opportunity to try and make themselves feel better about their loser selves. Nuf said.
When will the left, who never cares about anyone being murdered by the government, stop using race, tragedy or the Holocaust as a political weapon? Now, we could make the claim that Hitler cannibalized children and it wouldn’t really hurt his reputation much, but it still wouldn’t be historically accurate. Hitler did NOT use chemical weapons, but this matters only to anyone that values facts and truth.
@Rich Wheeler: I wonder if as many gassed would equal the number that were forced to dig their own graves in the villages only to be lined up and shot, add to those starved, worked to death and medical experiments. I think we can just agree that the final solution was evil and he didn’t bomb his own cities with chemical weapons. He also never used them on advancing enemy troops. Assads turncoat generals would know where Gadaffis and Saddams old stashes were. There are other rumors
@Rich Wheeler:
I doubt they will be listening. I imagine they would have much preferred chemical weapons to being gassed.
You think gassing someone and being killed with chemical weapons is the same thing?, you think being killed in a car accident or by being shot is the same? You think Easter and Christmas are the same, both holidays? You think being a man or a woman is the same thing?
Why do liberals find it so hard to admit they’re wrong? Do they just not recognize that they are wrong? Is being right or wrong all the same thing, just an opinion?
@Redteam: Being killed with chemical weapons better than being gassed you say..
You’re a very strange guy RT..
Kitt Yes we can agree the final solution was evil.
Happy Easter–how bout a throwback.
@Rich Wheeler:
quite a difference. Like the difference in being killed in an automobile accident vs being told that you are going to be strapped down on a gurney tomorrow morning and given some chlorine gas to breathe. One you don’t get to think about but a few seconds, the other you get to think about for many hours. You think that ‘s ‘the same thing’ You’re a very strange guy, Richie. Today is Easter, not Christmas. they’re not the same.
@Rich Wheeler: Is there a training class for liberals on how to consistently and effectively miss the point? Or is it a DNA thing?
@Bill… Deplorable Me: I didn’t miss your point–thought it irrelevant to Spicer and Trump’s statements
Then we get RT’s rambling #’s 60 and 62. Christmas and Easter–man or a woman??
IMO there is really no defending Hitler or Assad’s treatment of their civilians.
@Rich Wheeler:
See, missed the point again. It’s surely a DNA thing.
So you think dying instantly with no warning by a weapon is just as bad as having an advance notice that you’re going to be starved until you’re almost dead and then given poison gas to finish you off. You’d pick the slower method for yourself?
So you think Christmas and Easter are both the same thing? They’re both ‘just holidays’.
It has to be DNA, no one would choose to be that way. Like being born ‘different’ , just dna.
@Redteam: From the guy who says the passenger dragged off UAL flight was at fault and should go to jail. lol
Embrace your very “different” DNA RT..
For what it’s worth Germans did employ poison gas against Soviet soldiers and civilians who refused to surrender in the Crimean town of Kerch in WW11
@Rich Wheeler:
you seem to be the only person that knows about that. Google doesn’t and I notice you didn’t provide a link. Wikipedia does not mention it in their write up of that battle.
You don’t believe persons should obey lawful directions by police officers? You believe in anarchy? Part of the liberal DNA?
@Rich Wheeler:
It wasn’t irrelevant… it was all that WAS relevant. Spicer was not wrong, those accusing him of being an idiot are wrong. What is so hard to understand about that? What is IRrelevant is the left and their petty, crybaby, sore-loser mentality, their narrow-minded and obsessive pursuit of destroying the nation to try and prove something about losing an election.
I know of no use of chemical weapons by the Germans and could find no references.
@Bill… Deplorable Me:
I’ve searched several search engines and none of them have any reference to Germans using any chemical weapons in WWII.
@Rich Wheeler:
Rich, if a policeman issues an order for you to leave an airplane, are you legally entitled to ignore the policeman?
If he orders you to leave several times and you continue to refuse, is that policemen legally entitled to use force, if necessary, to remove you?
If your drill sergeant gives you a legal order to do something, can you legally ignore it? If you do ignore the order, do you expect it to have a favorable outcome for you? Should you expect, after refusing to comply with a legal order by a policeman, for a real good outcome for you?
If you are speeding on a highway and a policeman overtakes you and orders you to stop, are you legally required to stop? Should you expect a favorable, to you, outcome after refusing the order?
More laetrile from MedicalMalpractice.
Trump administration says Iran complying with nuclear deal
@PhulofMarlowe: How’s it going Phulof?