We now know that Susan Rice is the person who asked that Trump, his family and campaign aides be unmasked. Despite the pleadings to the contrary, she knows she’s done something very wrong. If not, she wouldn’t have lied straight out about it.
On “PBS NewsHour” on March 22, Judy Woodruff asked Rice about Nunes’ claims.
“I know nothing about this,” Rice responded at the time. “I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today.”
“So, today, I really don’t know to what Chairman Nunes was referring, but he said that whatever he was referring to was a legal, lawful surveillance, and that it was potentially incidental collection on American citizens,” added Rice, who went on to criticize Trump for his accusation that Obama wiretapped him during the presidential campaign.
Rice has a well established reputation for being a liar.
Predictably, the media has leaped to her defense. Then again, while the media has been fixated on Trump (and we will soon see why) it has largely ignored that leaking of the Flynn transcript is a violation of the Espionage Act. Intelligence officials have said that Flynn is not guilty of any criminal wrongdoing.
A current U.S. intelligence official tells NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly that there is no evidence of criminal wrongdoing in the transcripts of former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, although the official noted that doesn’t rule out the possibility of illegal actions.
The official also says that there are recordings as well as transcripts of the calls, and that the transcripts don’t suggest Flynn was acting under orders in his conversations.
If he did nothing wrong, why was he unmasked and then why was the transcript leaked?
Rice’s interest in Trump seems to have begun in July and then peaked after the election.
Without any question it is an orchestrated plan to destroy the Trump Presidency. Rice not only ordered unmasking, but she also demanded “detailed spread sheets” on Trump phone calls.
Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.
“What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” diGenova told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group Monday.
“The overheard conversations involved no illegal activity by anybody of the Trump associates, or anyone they were speaking with,” diGenova said. “In short, the only apparent illegal activity was the unmasking of the people in the calls.”
But it’s a little farther down in the story that the nugget emerges:
Also on Monday, Fox News and Bloomberg News, citing multiple sources reported that Rice had requested the intelligence information that was produced in a highly organized operation. Fox said the unmasked names of Trump aides were given to officials at the National Security Council (NSC), the Department of Defense, James Clapper, President Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, and John Brennan, Obama’s CIA Director.
Joining Rice in the alleged White House operations was her deputy Ben Rhodes, according to Fox.
There it is. Ben Rhodes.
To refresh your memory, Ben Rhodes is the fiction writer with “no real-world experience” who somehow became a Deputy National Security Adviser. Ben Rhodes is also the brother of CBS News President David Rhodes, which explains a lot of the media coverage. I’ve written about Rhodes before. Rhodes is also the mastermind of the misleading “It was the video” Benghazi talking points.
But there’s more.
Let’s hark back to a familiar MO of the obama administration- they depend on the stupidity of democrat voters. According to the NY Times, Rhodes is a ventriloquist who has the ability to shape the news.
Watching Rhodes work, I remember that he is still, chiefly, a writer, who is using a new set of tools — along with the traditional arts of narrative and spin — to create stories of great consequence on the biggest page imaginable. The narratives he frames, the voices of senior officials, the columnists and reporters whose work he skillfully shapes and ventriloquizes, and even the president’s own speeches and talking points, are the only dots of color in a much larger vision about who Americans are and where we are going that Rhodes and the president have been formulating together over the past seven years.
Rhodes has the ability to control a compliant media. A fiction writer is the ventriloquist for the mainstream media.
Think about that for a second. It’s important.
Let us revisit the Iran deal and how it can to be. David Reaboi at The Federalist:
How would the American people react to knowing that an administration, then still stinging from Republican critiques of its anti-Americanism and weakness on the world stage, was holding secret negotiations in Oman with the most powerful still-standing member of George W. Bush’s “Axis of Evil”?
Under these conditions, Obama—with the help of an equally arrogant 38-year-old national security fabulist, Ben Rhodes (with whom he’s said to “mind-meld”)—succeeded in remaking the Middle East to empower America’s most hated enemy, the only United Nations member state committed to the annihilation of another state: the theocratic Islamic Republic of Iran.
Rhodes and Obama knew that, for anyone but the hard-left to accept a deal with America’s bitter enemy in Tehran, a new narrative needed to emerge, even if it was relatively transparent nonsense. As Rhodes explained to his bemused interviewer, David Samuels, in a New York Times Magazine profile this weekend, it was first necessary to lie to a corrupted and inexperienced American media about all sorts of things, beginning with the nature and intentions of the enemy Iranian regime. Subsequent lies were caked on, as the White House took advantage of a dangerous mix of journalists’ ignorance, their ideological and partisan commitment to the administration, and, finally, their career aspirations.
Rhodes said, “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns… They literally know nothing.” Thus they will believe what he tells them. He also tells friendly non-governmental organizations and think tanks what he is telling the journalists. Those outlets produce “experts” whose expert opinion is just what Rhodes wants it to be. These ignorant young journalists thus have quotes that look like independent confirmation of the White House’s lies.
And here Reaboi quotes the NY Times:
In the spring of last year, legions of arms-control experts began popping up at think tanks and on social media, and then became key sources for hundreds of often-clueless reporters. ‘We created an echo chamber,’ [Rhodes] admitted, when I asked him to explain the onslaught of freshly minted experts cheerleading for the deal. ‘They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say.’ (emphasis added)
The obama administration not only depended on the stupidity of the American voter but on the stupidity and gullibility of the American press.
Useful idiots all.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind as to what has transpired here. This Russia-Trump story is a plot to discredit the Trump Presidency and it was IMO conceived by a fiction writer with the ability to be the ventriloquist for and to shape the media. As I said previously, had there been anything to it, it would have leaked by now by someone in the myriad of agencies to whom obama suddenly allowed access to highly sensitive and personal information.
Let’s recap.
Trump captured the nomination for President in July- exactly when Susan Rice began collecting data on him. The obama administration had been scooping up data on Trump since 2015. Rice’s data collection spikes when Trump is elected. Now the obama anti-Trump machine kicks into gear. A torrent of Trump-Russia articles suddenly appear in the media many of which impugn the integrity of Trump and his aides. democrats suddenly begin screaming about the alleged ties to Russia. It dominates the reports. Innuendo rules while facts are absent. Then in December the Flynn-Kisylak conversation transcript is leaked. Flynn did nothing illegal and yet he was still unmasked and the transcript was leaked. We know that efforts to research into the unmasking were shut down by the President’s lawyer. Then on his way out, obama relaxes NSA rules so pretty much anyone in government can have access to all of the personal communications of Trump, his family and his aides, virtually guaranteeing someone will leak them to the compliant ventriloquist’s dummies in the media.
And there’s still nothing they can stick to Trump.
Remember what I said about a compliant media?
Rhodes is the ventriloquist and here’s one of his dummies:
On top of that, we learn that several outlets, including the NY Times, have been stifling this story.
Is obama involved as well? Let’s let Rhodes speak on that:
“I don’t know anymore where I begin and Obama ends.”
Who better to orchestrate all this than obama and his chief ventriloquist? After all, the press is only ‘saying things that validated what we had given them to say.’

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Ben Rhodes needs to be invesigatd along with Hillary,Obama,Gore and just about every Washington politician they belong in prison doing 60 years or more and life for Obama
I wasn’t wild about Trump when my husband was first saying he’d go all the way.
But I listened and watched him and he grew on me.
However, I never thought he was squeaky clean.
Married 3 times, so I thought there was plenty of etc.
But it turned out he really is a pretty darn clean living person!
IF there had been anything real to pin on him, Susan Rice’s spreadsheets would have got them to team Hillary &/or the media.
But there was nada.
They had to fabricate stuff like the Russian prostitute stories.
He has a germ fetish.
He neither smokes nor drinks.
He’s a workaholic.
Even when he goes golfing (since taking office) its to smooze with pols foreign or domestic.
I’m glad he won.
If Hillary had won, we’d never know any of this.
Medical malpractice at work.
Video: Watch Susan Rice Destroy the Right Wing Nonsense About “Unmasking”
Jennifer Rubin also knocks down medical malpractice.
@Nanny G:
we were all whores at one time I our lives. time hopefully mades one better. feinstein has been married three times, only holds a bs from standford.
It is time to legally go after these people. Rice is a serial liar with
not an ounce of respect for legalities. Remember after the Vince Foster suicide that it was Susan Rice that emptied out his office.
What could have been in that off? Oh and Bowe Berdhal served with honor and distinction? Sure, desertion in a combat zone is honorable.
The big Russia questions loom even larger
Indeed, it hasn’t yet sunk in with many people what this is actually all about. Possibly with many it never will, because they don’t want it to.
@Greg: whose side are you on anyway?
Not only can Rice lie with the best (worst) of them, she (like most liberals) can discard that lie and roll out the next one without batting an eye. She learned from Obama and Hillary to just keep lying until one of them gains traction.
@Greg: I’ll try again; what did the Russians do that affected the election? How was Trump complicit?
Dig a hole and cover it up, Greg. The Russian angle is dead. You lost.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: The Russian angle is exapnding as we see the Russians and their spies have been cultivating relations with Trump.
Hence Trump initial twits about been buggered and wiretapped, and the continued obstruction since then.
What is at stake here is civil liberties and rights. Investigations dragging out over a year nothing illegal with the Trump Campaign has been discovered, yet he and his people have been spied on and unmasked. Innocent American citizens smeared by the weaponization of our intelligence Agencies members of these agencies then leaked tidbits to the media. In order to do what they did they needed a warrant, to obtain that probable cause must be shown to the court.
Rice and Farkas both need to be deposed under oath.
Obama in the meantime is waiting to see perhaps allowing Rice to be the scapegoat.
@PhillipMarlowe: Gosh, if the Russian angle “keeps expanding”, when will there be a single shred of evidence (a smidgen, if you will) to continue pursuing it? All that seems to get uncovered is criminal activity of the Obama administration.
Maybe you can help Greg out; what were the actual effects or benefits to Trump as a result of this “massive” Russian “interference”.
Then entire nation was buggered (you seem to obsess about buggering) by the left. That is coming to an end.
“It was the video”
“Bowe Bergdahl served with honor and distinction”
“I know nothing about unmasking”
“It wasn’t political”
As I said, they depend on the stupidity of democrat voters and they faith is well placed.
Susan Rice.
The libs all want to talk about Trump and Russia. Why not do a parallel path with Clinton and Russia. There are plenty of those connections to look into. From deals to high paid speeches.
The Trump Russia favoritism just doesn’t make a lot of sense. Russia gets it’s money from oil and needs higher oil prices. Trump has done nothing to make oil prices go higher. In fact his actions would not be helpful to Russia. Approval of pipelines and allowing more exploration. Yet the libs ignore all of this and go down their rabbit hole.
No actual voter machine hacking or vote changes by Russia will be found from this story.
It’s pretty obvious with the Susan Rice story the Dems were monitoring Trump about the time he became the nominee if not before. So if they had the goods on him we would have seen it by now.
No answer will satisfy them. None.
@DrJohn: Doesn’t that literally mean she leaked everything to everyone?
@Bill- Deplorable Me:
Grammatically speaking, yes
@DrJohn: I see MSNBC is deploying all their shields and claiming questioning Rice about the surveillance and unmasking is “racist” and “sexist”. I guess we should just be polite and forget about it.
I notice the FOX News photo of Ben Rhodes up above has been purposefully distorted, much like the informational content of their news. They can’t even be trusted to display an honest photograph.
Agree with you but the Left’s unstated rationale is that “Trump is president, we’ll fling our spears at him…..Hillary lost the election…she’s suffered enough.” 🙂
If you want to know what is going on read up on the whistleblowers of the NSA and CIA. They have been trying to get their messages out to the American people for years. William Binney, Dennis Montgomery, Snowden, Wiebe, …many more that the Obama administration tried to shut down. The FBI has 47 hard drives and 600 million pages of information about these NSI and CIA that they have sat on for 2 years. Google them. Do your homework. Then decide what you want for the future generations of United States citizens.
@Nanny G: You and hubby are glad he won—in spite of his Billy Bush tape–the poor man was set up.
No surprise there Nan—keep your good health–become a germaphobic and don’t imbibe–after all he’s gonna need all his geriatric white supporters to stay around and help him get 35% of the vote in 2020.
Re DT—If he steps up and takes out the butcher Assad–Obama’s BIGGEST MISTAKE-he’ll get my support.
Semper Fi
Kudo’s to DT for demoting Bannon-a truly bad guy.
@Greg: How has Ben Rodent’s photo been distorted?
@Rich Wheeler: Why should Trump take out Assad? WHY did Obama poke his nose into it (and wreck the entire region)? That is the UN’s job. There are no US interests involved.
@kitt: Oh bullshit—those that have backed Assad and Putin over the Syrian Free Army–have blood on their hands and gas in their lungs.–even DT sees the Assad atrocities as unacceptable.
Re PUTIN I hope he get’s Haque justice and dies in prison.
@Rich Wheeler: Ask yourself why Assad would gas his people just 6 days after Trump said he would let Assad and his people work it out, a bill presented to congress to stop arming terrorists? 1 day before Brussels talks.
Mass graves found everywhere civilians are relieved of “freedom fighters”.
A snippet froman alternative news site
It was a 76-year old Flemish priest from the sixth-century Mar Yakub monastery in the Syrian city of Qara who put the issue in the context he understood best, his own life.
“It is miraculous that we are still alive. We owe that to the army of Assad’s government and to Vladimir Putin, because he decided to intervene when the rebels threatened to take power… Between ordinary Muslims and Christians, there is no problem. It is those radical Islamic, Western-backed rebels who want to massacre us. …
These are the rebels that cage young Christian girls and burn them alive for refusing to become “brides”.
Now their largest form of income is slavery. The young girls from the region have picked up long guns and refused to be sold.
Someone isnt telling the truth, others simply do not report at all on the situation.
@Rich Wheeler: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/aleppo-syria-mass-graves-russia-claims-rebels-tor
How does one tell the difference between freedom fighters and ISIS?
How about we dont walk blindly into WW3 for the damn petro dollar..
Ya everything is BS
@DrJohn: More musk from the guy wanted to see a teenage girl raped to make his point.
Sick, sick ,sick.
I don’t even think a Muslim offering up prayers five times a day will save you from the wrath of God.
I’ll sit back and watch you clowns (and the assorted perverts) self-immolate as the extent of Trump’s Russian dealing bring his presidency down in a smoldering heap.
I did not distort it.
@kitt: Are you suggesting ISIS stole the planes that dropped the gas yesterday?
You gonna use Putin talking points to explain Assad’s atrocities.
Dr. John Seems you agree with Kitt and Vlad on this.
@Rich Wheeler:
I have read reports that terrorists had stockpiled the chemical weapons and the dump had been bombed. I don’t know whether that is true or not, but since Kerry and obama guaranteed us that all the chemical weapons were out of Assad’s control it seems to fit. You saw the video, right?
You wouldn’t be calling obama a liar, now would you? 😉
@DrJohn: Obama was gutless on his red line
Trump says Assad “crossed many lines” Has he got the guts to bomb Assad?—-we’ll soon find out
Will his bromate Putin talk him out of it–like he did BHO?
@Rich Wheeler:
Have to prove it first. Right now, what I know is that obama and kerry and the UN all said Syria has no chemical weapons.
So someone has to prove that they are wrong.
ISIS first. After that it depends on where the truth lies.
@DrJohn: You sound like Putin–You gonna believe him over Trump–Is Trump wrong when placing blame on Assad?
I think not—now stop blustering and blast him DT
There are no good guys over there…….each is just as capable of atrocities as the other….
Seems inconceivable that either side would stoop to such as that is what brings the big boys into the fray……and neither side wants that….Russia is already backing Syria, but who exactly are the ‘rebels’….as ISIS is already there also, exactly how does one differentiate between ISIS and the ‘rebels’??
Despite Liberals protestations to the contrary (always some other’s intelligence) Assad is not a stupid man……the chemical bombing attained absolutely zero for Assad, if he actually did perpetuate it, so the entire matter needs investigation…..not knee-jerk posturing by doves sporting temporary chicken-hawk tattoos…
It’s not a matter if Trump will bomb them…..he has advisors for that, but at this point in time, as to whodunit, there is no exclusionary evidence……we certainly don’t want a WWIII, nor do we need a direct confrontation with Russia……there are diplomatic channels for this stuff…..
It is interesting that Liberals gas off (no pun intended)at using American force in the Middle East, then rage when some atrocity such as this is carried out, rage for retribution, get what they ask for, then rage because they got what they asked for…………
It’s little wonder Liberals are seen as inconsequential……..
@Bill- Deplorable Me: I blasted BHO for his redline inaction.
I agree with DT. I’m sure Assad gassed his civilians. Now step up and take action DT. This despot must be taken out—with extreme prejudice-a ditch perhaps.
Putin to The Hague ASAP
Semper Fi
@Rich Wheeler: Sounds like you are saying, yes, Obama, Kerry, the UN, Assad and Putin all lied about the WMD’s. Correct me if I am wrong.
Rape and now self gassing.
What’s next for medical malpractice?
@Rich Wheeler:
Hmm, so you’re one of those ‘world court’ guys, eh?
especially you and those like you that can’t think for themselves.
@Redteam: What sane person could like Assad?–except maybe Dr.J who was a fan of The Mad Colonel.lol
Kitt Our air power could take him out without casualties to us.–just do it DT—This maniac is gassing kids—unless it was the rebels who stole Assad’s planes and air dropped the gas.Tillerson says no question Assad responsible for attack
Let’s ask Vlad.
@Redteam: I prefer face down in a ditch for guys like Assad and Gaddafi.
Doesn’t anyone remember all of those tankers headed out of Iraq when the US invaded? No chem weapons in Iraq? because they had all been moved to Syria.
@Rich Wheeler: Then why propose ‘the Hague’, that’s only politics aimed at the US. I’ve always thought ASSAD was a bad guy, but since you seem to think he is, I may have to re-evaluate.
DJ I respect you but your support of despots who kill their own people vs–“what if the void becomes worse”–don’t buy it. We can do better.
Bill Your blame Obama for everything no different than the blame “W” for everything folks–gets old and tiresome..
Trump’s got it now with the House and Senate–let’s see what he can do
@Rich Wheeler: Lets rush, in we cant take care of the vets now whats a few more kids with missing limbs, untreated PTS suicides…Charge!
House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes recuses himself from Russia probe
Ah, yes. Look at that face. I wonder what he just found out.
@Rich Wheeler:
Geez, Rich, don’t go full Marlowe. I have been respectful of you always.
You think giving ISIS a playground in Libya is a good thing? It’s sure working out well, isn’t it?
@Rich Wheeler:
Sure, but what if the void becomes filled with worse?
@Rich Wheeler: Why is it up to the US? Where is the UN?
Not only did Obama do damage to US prestige and credibility, he did it where we had no business.
@Greg: He just found out that leftist groups intent on stonewalling the investigations into Obama’s shadow government are making ethics charges. Republicans need to learn to play hard ball and start telling the leftists to go f**k themselves.
@Rich Wheeler: Well, did Obama draw a “red line” in a conflict where the US had no interests, then run from that ignorant commitment, damaging the credibility of the word of the US? Did he support the Muslim Brotherhood sweep across the region, which sowed violent upheaval? Did he not give ISIS the perfect conditions to grow and spread across Iraq, Syria and Libya?
I’ve never blamed him for a single thing he is not fully responsible for.
I would LOVE to see what he could do. Why don’t you encourage Schumer and his merry band of obstructionist babies to lend a hand in strengthening the nation?
Don’t forget that some of the early reporting when Flynn was being attacked also aimed at Ben Rhodes (who’s brother is President of CBS; Susan Rice’s husband is a producer at ABC as well btw).
This Russian Hacker’s Wife Says He Was Arrested For Being “Linked To Trump’s Win”
Immunity for testimony might be a good offer.
Assuming, of course, he doesn’t fall off a balcony or get poisoned.
Don’t worry; it’s not like he’s testifying about Hillary.
I’m afraid you and the rest of the Sore Loser Corps are simply going to have to give up on your little Trump/Russia fantasy. Not gonna happen. Poof… gone.