Jeff Sessions, President Trump’s just appointed Attorney General, recused himself today from the investigation into the left’s fake pretence that Russia meddled with the Presidential elections and had ties to the Trump campaign. Sessions’ hasty retreat from a non-fight about a non-event is IMHO the Trump Administration’s first big mistake. This is not a miscalculation in the legal realm, it is a miscalculation in the PR war that the left, led by Obama, is waging against President Trump.
In January I posted here on FA, “The Coming War On America – by Soros/Obama/Democrats”. It has been evident that the movement leaders don’t care about America or its people. Their objective is and has been to lessen its presence and dominance. They cannot create jobs because they don’t know how. They have repeatedly demonstrated disdain for the Constitution, the very basis for why America exists and why it is probable that half of the world’s population wishes it could live in America.
In all my years of travel around the world, for both business and pleasure, other than a few self-righteous Canadians and Parisians, almost all people I met wished they could enjoy the Freedom available in America. The Soros and Obama crowd are determined to change that, all the while pretending that if you maintain borders you are a racist.
Sessions succumbed weakly to vacuous and counterfeit accusations promulgated by a corrupt media. Jeff Sessions is a solid, intelligent, but unassuming man, too virtuous to fight in the dark and sick trenches that socialists are ready, willing and able to drag people through.
The Administration should have stood firm and taken to task any Republicans who didn’t attack the preposterous accusations. It should have publicly impugned anyone not in support of Jeff Sessions.
Republicans have historically and consistently been failures in the realm of PR and marketing. Today they have a leader in President Trump who could solidify and deepen their support nationally. Every Republican should get some PR training and should be made to understand why there is such a thing as a “sound bite”. Instead what we have are mostly independent egos flapping their lips into the nearest microphone, without cohesive objective, or commission.
They didn’t learn from eight years of a consistently lying President. They didn’t learn from observing an Administration which used the bureaucracy as its own private army to decimate the opposition as evidenced by the IRS scandal. They didn’t learn from an Eric Holder who helped Obama stomp all over the Constitution and who launched such corrupt programs as Fast and Furious which resulted in the death of Americans.
President Trump should stop thinking that from Obama on down the line of socialists any of them might ever be his friends, or support him, or provide him intelligent advice. Washington is a vast nest of vipers and scorpions. Dealing with this breeding ground of hateful subversives is much different from the world President Trump has know for seventy years.
He should remind himself that nothing is ever as it seems.
Although he has surrounded himself with experienced and intelligent people, the President’s Chair is the most lonely place in the Nation and the glad-handers are all wielding daggers. He should launch at broad, take-no-prisoners investigation into the leaks he has suffered and into the thousands of Obama staffers still in position. Go after them hard and get them to talk. And make it ALL very public.
The stain of corruption that Obama has left behind throughout the government bureaucracy must be taken seriously, or the next four years will be a daily barrage of distracting and attention diverting insanity the anarchists, led by the Community-Organizer-In-Chief, will dispense. They are waging war.
A constituent of the vast baby boomer generation with a career which has been fortunate to know the ponderous corporate worlds, as well as the intimately pressurized, and invigorating entrepreneurial domains of high tech and venture capital, I have harvested my share of mistakes meandering through corridors of enterprise from Silicon Valley, to London and endless, colourful, sometimes praetorian points in between. The voyage has provided an abundance of fodder for a pen yielding to an inquisitive keyboard, a foraging mind, and a passionate spirit.
Whether political or business or social or economic or personal, is it not all political? It is a privilege to write, and an even greater privilege to be read by anyone, and sometimes with the wind at my back the writing may occasionally be legible. I do not write to invite scorn, nor to invite respect, but if I get really lucky the writing can stimulate thinking. I also write for the very selfish purpose of animating my own processes, and engaging the best of what life offers. Above all, whether biting fire or swatting shadows, I am grateful to be gifted the freedom to write and publish whatever flows down to the keyboard. To all those who enabled this freedom, and to all those standing guard to preserve it, I am indebted.
The problem is zipper head , you possess not one reasonable argument.
In case you had not noticed, you are the only intelligence deprived poster here who routinely defends anything obama/Clinton in spite of obvious evidence.
It is no secret why you do what you do, it is called trolling. And, you must be discredited, so FO moron.
@Greg: Where is the evidence, anywhere, of any kind, of any Republican in the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians? Where is the evidence, anywhere, of any kind, that anything the Russians may have done, that the Russians had any effect whatsoever upon the election?
Yet you and the rest of the whiny, bitter, sore-loser left still clings to that as why Hillary lost. Obama damn sure DOES order wire taps; he ordered it on James Rosen, without cause or reason.
@Bill… Deplorable Me:
There is no evidence and the brain challenged left have been told a lie There is however ample evidence obama has engaged in sedition and treason.
Waiting to be revealed, as soon as all Trump organization figures who had repeated contact with known Russian intelligence community associates have been required to give testimony under oath.
Alternately, it may be discovered that nothing inappropriate was involved.
Waiting to be revealed.
What a hot steaming pile of Sacajawea.
The is no evidence, this is a myth created by the OFA criminal organization.
Fools and useful idiots like greg have been feed a plate full of lies.
We all know how relevant evidence is to the right-wing belief system.
What evidence is there of the paranoid notion that Obama had Trump wiretapped, when no president has such authority, nor any prospect of giving such an order without it immediately being leaked and challenged by the courts?
Levin has no such evidence; Breitbarts has none, and, so far as I know, the voices inside people’s heads cannot be put under oath to give sworn testimony. This is pure conspiracy theory, and the guy in the White House apparently believes it because he saw it online.
Such a moron, go play in the street right after you go fu¢k yourself.
Lower case greg as well as upper case Greg.
If there is evidence, why wait for them to perjure themselves? That isn’t necessary. Charge them and try them.
And why wait until Trump was sworn in to act? Would preventing him from taking office be the legal and just thing to do?
Sorry, Greg… there ain’t no “evidence”. The FBI has been investigating this and have already declared there were no connections. Just the allegations and accusations of cry babies pouting because they lost what was supposed to be a slam-dunk election. Oops… you forgot you were supporting a proven corrupt, lying, incompetent sleezebag. THAT’S why she lost… not the Russians.
I think Putin wanted Trump in the White House instead of Clinton; that Trump only won the election because of Russian hacking, and because of the release of hacked information through Wikileaks coordinated with the carefully timed rolling out totally unsubstantiated allegations and rumors purported to be from official U.S. sources, but never demonstrated to be so. Given the Trump campaign’s apparent magical immunity from such targeting and repeated contacts of Trump associates with Russian intelligence surrogates while all of this was going on, I think there’s every reason to suspect parties inside the Trump organization were aware of this, if not directly involved—even if Trump was unaware of it himself.
I also think it’s highly likely that Trump has been compromised by the Russians in some serious fashion. Most likely they have leverage over him in the form of seriously damaging information regarding his past or current financial entanglements with Russian criminal elements, which may also have happened without his full knowledge. Just because you’re a con man yourself doesn’t mean you can’t be turned into somebody else’s pigeon. The Russian intelligence pros are absolute masters of that sort of game—a game way above the level of the one Trump is used to playing and winning.
I think this situation will not be allowed to stand, because our media won’t allow it to stand. The people in the know who are trying to cover it up will ultimately bring the whole thing down in a heap. There will be some peripherally involved party with critical information that won’t want to risk perjury. Ultimately there will be a full investigation backed by prominent GOP figures, because they won’t want to go down with it, and no one on either side will be happy with the results, because the nation as a whole will be damaged.
This is what comes of not paying attention to all of those red flags and warning lights.
I think this situation will not be allowed to stand, because our media won’t allow it to stand
You think a lot of things, sadly for you 100% wrong. Our media won’t allow it to stand.
That jewel of colossal ignorance made me spit coffee on my keyboard. Look at what “our” more like “your” media allowed to stand, 8 years of scandalous corruption. One scandal after another with no media pushback.
You have zero credibility greg or Greg. Comments like that show you to be the true dumbass you are. Sadly, morons like you believe that tripe because “your” media does allow it to stand when they agree with the agenda. The agenda is anti American and your participation make you un-American and a domestic enemy of liberty and freedom.
Again, in case you have not noticed, very few if any here agree with your deranged assertions. Yet you continue to push out the garbage you type. Like I have said, sucks to be you.
BREAKING: Trump Meets W/AG Sessions. Obama Wiretapping: “INDICTMENTS”
DC Whispers ^ | 03-04-2016
Various sources have indicated President Trump is meeting this evening in Mara-a-Lago with Attorney General Jeff Sessions to discuss the blockbuster breaking story of former President Barack Obama’s misuse of federal authority to tamper with the 2016 presidential election. Earlier today, intelligence expert Lt. Colonel Tony Schaffer called the revelations a game-changer, and one that might very well lead to indictments against a former president and members of his staff.
@Greg: Explain how the “hacking” defeated Hillary? She led in all the polls, even after the factual revelations of her corruption. How did the Russians aid Trump? Proof, Greg. Proof.
I think it is clear Obama was compromised by Soros. He pulled his strings and still does.
I suppose you are still unaware that after investigation, NO Trump associates have been found to have had improper contacts with any Russians. Right? So that little chapter of your “depose Trump” fantasy is closed. Awww… put on a happy face.
Mark Levin PROVES Obama Wiretapping on President Donald Trump | Fox & Friends 3/5/17
@Bill- Deplorable Me, #64:
The current moment is not after an investigation. In the current moment, people are still attempting to prevent any proper investigation from being undertaken.
The FBI and intelligence agency communities have evidently looked into certain aspects of the situation—specifically, the Russian hacking—and reached some preliminary conclusions about their methodology and intentions. They’ve also found disturbing patterns of contacts that raise even more troubling questions.
Most of that is classified, but someone has leaked enough to make damn sure no one will be able to slam down a lid on it and make it all disappear. I suppose people can interpret that as either a cynically partisan or a genuinely patriotic act. Which it actually is will depend on what investigators eventually establish as fact. There is an actual truth at the bottom of all of this.
@July 4th American, #65:
That video was taken down by whoever posted it before I got a chance to view it.
@Greg: Poor Greg. Poor, poor Greg.
No links found. No collusion found. No evidence found.
Nothing. Just smoke and mirrors, a liberal substitute for leadership. This is NOTHING but Democrats making crap up to divert attention from their failures. Meanwhile, Obama is trying to subvert the legal government because he knows it is unlikely more of his socialist komrads will ever get elected again so he is orchestrating a coup.
Again… all agencies have investigated and none have found anything.
@Bill… Deplorable Me, #68:
You’re cherry-picking what you like from Clapper’s comments, while disregarding what you don’t.
That’s not what President Trump has been saying.
Correct. The possibility of collusion was not what was being investigated at that point. The initial question was whether or not the Russians had purposely meddled with our election process, and what their intentions might have been.
So, they determined that the Russians had, in fact, meddled, and concluded that their purpose appears to have been to support the Republican candidate, to the Democratic candidate’s detriment. The Russians wanted Trump to win, and attempted to make that happen.
That’s not a finding of nothing. Nor is it a finding that all of this was happening without the knowledge of parties inside the Trump campaign. Given repeated contacts between Trump campaign and administration figures and people known to be associated with Russian intelligence, and given the inadequate explanations regarding what those contacts were about, that becomes the next logical question.
It arises in the context of very sketchy knowledge concerning Trump’s possible involvement with Russian investors, who they may be connected to, and why Trump seems to have a very odd blind spot concerning Vladimir Putin’s geopolitical intentions.
If Trump were a Democrat, what would be happening at this point? That’s what should be happening now. There should be an investigation, the facts should be discovered, and then they should be dealt with. In the meantime, if Trump is concealing nothing, he should stop overreacting to every news story that pops up on the internet and get on with his presidential business. At this point, his ill-considered comments and reactions are more than half of his problem.
No. what the whiny cry-baby left is hanging all their hopes and dreams on is Republican collusion with the Russians to interfere with the election and there is NO evidence that EVER HAPPENED. Clapper can’t even muster up a lie about it.
Putin wanted Trump to win; well, how is that odd? LOT’S of people wanted Trump to win. IF he did, could it have been because Hillary interfered in HIS election? AGAIN, what was the effect of this “interference? What did the Russians DO that made a difference?
Trump has a blind spot about Putin’s geopolitical intentions? “The ’80’s called; they want their foreign policy back.” WHO had/has a blind spot?
If Trump were a Democrat, the media would be circling the wagons, Schumer would be saying don’t look at this and there really WOULD have been collusion.
If Trump were Democrat AND black, you’d be saying these accusations are racist.
Your man in the White House seems to have somehow missed the news that the Russian Federation had already occupied and annexed part of Ukraine. He probably hasn’t figured out yet that “Novorossiya” is the next bit of Ukraine on the menu. If he has figured it out, the implications are even worse.
There’s some sort of serious problem. It doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots. There are so many you can almost see the picture without bothering to do so.
@Greg: Our man in the White House has a HUGE mess, created and left by Obama, to clean up.
Yeah, we’ll see how that excuse flies when things begin going to hell in a handbag, with republicans controlling both Houses of Congress and the White House.
obama left a mess domestically and internationally. obama is an enemy of America and his time while president was the do what he could to destroy my beloved Country.
obama left a mess domestically and internationally. obama is an enemy of America and his time while president was the do what he could to destroy my beloved Country.
@Greg: How much further into hell can we go, in case you missed it the Ukraine was taken under president stompy foot Obama, what was done? The middle east was destablized under President Hashtag Obama.
The Republicans did not vote for AHC but now are suppose to fix it in less than 3 months.
Just go back to your skittles and energy drinks and pout your greatest fear is the republicans just might succeed.
Some of the policies he is for may slow down the progress but 70 % are not that bad. From 0% to 70% I feel is a win.
Sessions should not have backed down.
Paul Sperry: Obama Has Trained Tens of Thousands of Leftist Organizers at Alinsky Camps
New York Post contributor Paul Sperry joined Lou Dobbs on Wednesday night to discuss Barack Obama’s shadow government organization to sabotage President Trump. Sperry says Obama has trained tens of thousands of organizers already in Alinsky tactics at his boot camps.
Obama deserves jail time.
This is the end game for obama.
Unconstitutional shared power between the elected president , Congress and the judiciary, i.e., a fourth branch of government.
Obama brought this about in 2006-2007 in Kenya , working with Rial Odinga’s Orange Party, using inter-tribal genocide, disguised as “protest.”
That was sedition in Kenya. Now Obama is beginning it here.
Secondly Obama wants the death of the Democrat parrty, to be replaced with his campaign organization. He intends to be Obama the president maker. No one gets to be president unless its through him.
None of this is legal under the Constitution
This is what he meant by “fundamental transformation”.
@Greg: Unlike Obama, who blamed Bush for the economic crisis the liberals created, the huge global cluster-f**k Obama left behind is Trump’s reality. Already, Trump has shown he is a thousand times the leader Obama was (who was never a leader).
Did you see the Clown Prince Schumer whining about how the Republicans were crafting this bill in secrecy? I guess his memory is as short as his pecker, not remembering that HE and his fellow turd-merchants hid away and passed the bill “so we can know what’s in it”. He and every other Democrat that believes liberal crap are idiots… or, worse, criminal liars.