OK, I admit it. I didn’t watch it. Intentionally. It is an insufferable spectacle of ego, self-righteousness, narcissism and one more outlet for brain dead liberal pontification. Nor was I planning to write anything about it until I hit one article.
Still, the post mortems are hilarious.
They do this (thankfully) once a year. Once. There was the predictable and expected Trump bashing. We learned that there is a new Axis of Weevils- between Tehran and Hollywood.
The Iranian government praised the makers of Oscar-winning movie “The Salesman” on Monday for boycotting the Hollywood awards ceremony in protest against U.S. President Donald Trump’s travel ban on Iranians and people from six other countries.
I really got a kick out of this:
Although U.S. courts suspended Trump’s ban on people entering the United States from seven majority Muslim nations, Farhadi said he would not attend the Oscars, to make a political point against what he called the “oppressive travel ban”.
Which is immediately followed by:
Despite rigorous censorship by Iranian authorities, Iran’s filmmakers….
Once a year they do this and they still can’t get it right.
There was the Steve Harvey moment- the epic failure of naming the wrong picture as the winner of the Oscar. The Academy also killed off a still-living producer. And they call Trump incompetent. The thing that pushed me to write was a statement by Viola Davis:
"I became an artist, and thank god I did because we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life" #Oscars pic.twitter.com/SUkl30Ocqq
— Variety (@Variety) February 27, 2017
Right. Those who spend their lives making believe they are someone else know what it means to live a life. My father was a WWII combat vet. I assert that he knew better than this pampered twit what it meant to live a life, and he’s far from being the only one.
Let’s see what it means to celebrate what it means to live the life of a celebrity.
For all the Oscar nominees, it means a gift bag. A very expensive gift bag- worth somewhere North of $100,000. Among the goodies:
Others took exception to Davis’s remarks:
OH REALLY??!!! I'm an American, a Mom, and a Businesswoman. I celebrate LIFE every single damn day!
— Nina Bookout (@NDBook96) February 27, 2017
I'm a nurse …
— Audrey (@angreypeaches) February 27, 2017
I have a question for Davis and her self-glorified colleagues- who among you said “Please don’t give me the gift bag worth more than $100,000 and instead feed the poor or help veterans or the homeless with the money instead.”?
You, Viola Davis?
Veterans, the hungry, the homeless – they can’t afford your style of celebrating what it means to live a life. Neither could my Mom and Dad. They were too busy providing the best they could for their children.
I have nothing but contempt for Hollywood celebrities.
Here’s more of what it means to celebrate life Hollywood style.
Now we finally know who was responsible for the Best Picture screw-up
Putin spotted leaving Price Waterhouse headquarters: pic.twitter.com/GS1NvBr1aU
— Red Pill (@Redpill1982) February 27, 2017
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
If these Hollywood dimwits would spend more time doing their job and less worrying if they are going to be more anti-American than their butt-buddies, they wouldn’t screw up like this on The most important night of their industry.
Viola Davis and many Hollywood elites live in lala land.
Only hollyweird could create the newest oxymoron under oxycodon – i introcude the “humble narcisist”…
Has anyone ever noticed that most of the movies that win Best Picture are never heard from again i mean putrid movies like KRAMER vs KRAMER,ANNIE HALL,12 YEARS A SLAVE Etc Its the oscar judges and the movie goers are on very diffrent wave leingths
So can we dispense with the idiotic idea of following the adolescent leftist political musings of people who can’t get something as simple as naming the correct winner of an award right the first time?
I see where two hollywood Airhehads(Jody Foster & Micheal J Fox)are whining about trumps anti imagration plan and frankly maybe they should allow these illegal aliens(Future demacratic voters)to live with them on their vast estates
“we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life”
Reminds me of this woman(?):
Will the arrogant stupidity ever go away?
I quit watching award shows years ago and im not about to ever watch any of them since their too liberal and too political and in fact the last oscar winning film i watched was Pixlars FOR THE BIRDS when those little birds come down without their feathers and the big bird is laughing at them
I just seen that trumps State of the Union address got better rating then the oscars