Kill the Oscars. Now.
The Oscars is an anachronism that has outlived its time. Long gone are the glory days of Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Katherine Hepburn, Paul Newman and Rod Steiger. Gone …
The Oscars is an anachronism that has outlived its time. Long gone are the glory days of Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Katherine Hepburn, Paul Newman and Rod Steiger. Gone …
I was working at a gas station in 1969 when Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon. In order to watch it, I brought along a TV complete with rabbit …
Schadenfreude: n: Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. Spaceyfreude: n: Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of sanctimonious Hollywood liberals I must say, I am deep into Spaceyfreude. Hollywood …
OK, I admit it. I didn’t watch it. Intentionally. It is an insufferable spectacle of ego, self-righteousness, narcissism and one more outlet for brain dead liberal pontification. Nor was …
Sean Penn is an idiot. But you knew that. There are more idiots in Hollywood. But you knew that too. Here is a who’s who of Hollywood idiots who were …
The Russians warned the Obama regime of their concerns that the Tsarneav’s could be religious extremists, but this regime wasn’t interested because there is no longer such a thing as …
Or, at least the 50.5% who voted for Obama are. This has been bugging me for a while. Bernie Goldberg writes I read an interesting letter in the Wall Street …