A long time ago (2008) in galaxy far, far away barack obama promised to strengthen protections for whistleblowers:
Protect Whistleblowers: Often the best source of information about waste, fraud, and abuse in government is an existing government employee committed to public integrity and willing to speak out. Such acts of courage and patriotism, which can sometimes save lives and often save taxpayer dollars, should be encouraged rather than stifled as they have been during the Bush administration. We need to empower federal employees as watchdogs of wrongdoing and partners in performance. Barack Obama will strengthen whistleblower laws to protect federal workers who expose waste, fraud, and abuse of authority in government. Obama will ensure that federal agencies expedite the process for reviewing whistleblower claims and whistleblowers have full access to courts and due process.
But you know what a liar he is. Once in office, obama conducted an unprecedented war on whistleblowers :
When President Barack Obama took office, in 2009, he championed the cause of government transparency, and spoke admiringly of whistle-blowers, whom he described as “often the best source of information about waste, fraud, and abuse in government.” But the Obama Administration has pursued leak prosecutions with a surprising relentlessness. Including the Drake case, it has been using the Espionage Act to press criminal charges in five alleged instances of national-security leaks—more such prosecutions than have occurred in all previous Administrations combined. The Drake case is one of two that Obama’s Justice Department has carried over from the Bush years.
In fact, obama has used the Espionage Act more than all other administrations- combined. By 2013 the obama promise to protect whistleblowers vanished from the obama website.
One of those targeted with the Espionage Act by obama was Bradley Manning.Manning downloaded hundreds of thousands of classified documents and then sent them to Wikileaks:
The more than 250,000 US diplomatic cables army Pfc Bradley Manning disclosed through WikiLeaks have had a chilling effect on American foreign relations, a high-ranking State Department official testified on Monday.
Patrick Kennedy, the US undersecretary for management, said at the soldier’s sentencing hearing some foreign government officials, business leaders, educators and journalists remain reluctant to speak freely in private with US diplomats more than two years after the cables were published.
Kennedy’s testimony came during the second week of a hearing to determine Manning’s sentence for leaking the cables, 470,000 Iraq and Afghanistan battlefield reports and some warzone video to the anti-secrecy group while working as an intelligence analyst in Iraq in 2010. WikiLeaks began publishing the cables in November 2010 and eventually posted almost all of them on its website.
The obama administration made clear how grave the offense was:
Prosecutors have presented evidence the disclosures fractured US militaryrelationships with foreign governments and Afghan villagers, endangered the lives of foreign citizens who had confided in diplomats and chilled State Department discussions with some overseas human-rights workers.
Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison. Today, barack obama inexplicably commuted that sentence, which is really curious considering how outraged democrats were about Wikileaks’ disclosure of the Podesta emails- far more than they were about clinton’s mishandling of top secret information. obama hammered the media for reporting “every juicy little bit” from Wikileaks.CNN’s Chris Cuomo went off the rails and claimed that reading Wikileaks publications was illegal.
And today it all changed. Wikileaks is cool again. Leaking classified documents to Wikileaks is cool again. Julian Assange is probably smiling. The irony was not lost on many:
“Can I just point out an irony here? The president has just pardoned Chelsea Manning who leaked some very important confidential secrets that hurt the United States to WikiLeaks. Now WikiLeaks played a role, you could argue whether it was major or minor, in defeating his (Obama) candidate for president, Hillary Clinton,” said Sabato, a professor at the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics.
Greg Gutfeld opined that Manning’s sentence was commuted because he/she is a “romantic, heroic figure” to the LGBT community. Who knows? One thing is clear. obama has made Donald Trump a legitimate President, so now you democrats can STFU. It’s all cool.
I just had to add this (via Instapundit)
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Leaks are bad, but leakers are heroes – Democrat logic
If you can pardon nixon and the iran contra drug dealing traitors and marc rich I guess you can pardon anyone.
The demacrats and their Hollywood supporters will be out in force in friday during the inageration their there to try and disrupt the whole thing and use any dirty trick in their little black books to get what they wants what they realy need is a one way tickets clean out of america they no longer deserve to be allowed to live in america i say let them all go live in the gobi desert for the rest of their miserble lives
Bradley Manning would never have been caught if only the guards had fast forwarded past the 1st ten minutes of Liza Minnelli and/or Barbara Streisand’s songs on his memory stick.
Lazy asses!
How hard would it have been to just ff two or three times and them check the contents?
So if Russians leak information, it’s an act of War, but if a traitorous soldier of our very own country does it, they should get out of jail free card??
Twilight zone…
♪♫ And Chelsea . . . was his name . . .
The whiskers sticking out from underneath his pancake makeup . . . nearly drove Barry insane . . . ♫♪
From one faggot(obama) to another
And on the way out the door, why not a few more to emblazen his “legacy”
BREAKING: Obama Frees Terrorist, Member Of Group That Left Bombs All Around NYC….
Obama Signs Deal With Cuba, Protecting Cop Killer Fugitive And Other U.S. Fugitives…
While Everyone Is Focusing On Manning Commutation, Obama Released Another 10 Inmates From Gitmo…
The White House is saying what Trump did (?) is as bad or worse than what Manning did, so Republicans have no right to complain.
This is the way liberals and this administration thinks. They will release a convicted traitor (the death penalty was sought) to get Republicans to complain, so they can complain more about Russian “hacking”.
They release treacherous spies to make a political point… and not even a valid one.
There is no logic in leftist thinking. They intentionally search for ideas that target deconstruction of anything good or decent in America, without any thought about how illogical or self-destructive it is. If it hurts the country and angers the right, then their mission is accomplished.
The insane part of their thinking is that no matter how evil, underhanded, and duplicitous their actions are, they always believe they are doing the right thing. The evil ones are always those who criticize and expose them.
Look at their take on the past election. They don’t believe that their dirty tricks affected the election, they believe it was only affected when “evil” people exposed their dirty tricks.
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Yeah, but Greg Gutfeld is a fool and a FOX News media tool.
Manning is a “romantic, heroic figure” to nobody who’s playing with a full deck. Manning betrayed his or her country, which isn’t high up on the list of LGBT values, or anyone else’s list of values, so far as I’ve ever heard. Manning didn’t get a medal. Manning didn’t get a pardon. Manning’s sentence was commuted from 35 years down to time served.
I have mixed feelings about this—treason being an extraordinarily serious matter—but Manning clearly has issues that may have had serious impact on his judgement. A person can be a psychologically well-adjusted member of the LGBT crowd, but I seriously doubt that Manning fell into that category at the age of 22. I don’t think Manning was able to think through the full implications of his actions with the clarity of someone like Edward Snowden. Manning was most likely psychologically unfit for the job he was given. He was not entirely responsible—in both senses of the word.
A commuted sentence doesn’t turn a pathetic figure into a hero. It was an act of compassion, not some sort of confirmation. If Manning is a danger to anyone now, it’s most likely to himself. If I call it a poor decision on Obama’s part—and I’m actually half-inclined to do so—I’ll also credit him with making it knowing full well that he would be criticized for it. His thought was probably that if he didn’t show pity on Manning in the final days of his presidency, it was very unlikely that anyone else ever would.
It was not compassion, it was obama being the American hating piece of excrement that he is. Manning deserved a bullet between the eyes, period.
Fortunately, you’re not in charge.
I suspect you agree with the comutation of the dirtbag FLAN scum as well as the bitch who murdered the NJ police officer protected from extradition in Cuba.
More for you to be proud of while president feckless wanders the halls of power looking for someone to listen to him.
Never have we had a more American hating individual as POTUS.
The closer we get to inauguration day, the angrier the far right becomes.
In less than two days you’ll begin to bang face-first into the reality of what you have done. We’ll see how much of a topic Obama hatred remains, once that bridge has been crossed.
You probably need to begin working on some new material.
Not me. I’m ecstatic! MAGA! I just enjoy watching leftists writhe, boil, and turn themselves inside-out like salted slugs.
I just hope Obama and his staff don’t trash the White House and steal the china like the Clintons did.
Also, knowing that most leftists are just petulant children in adult bodies, I expect mindless violence to disrupt Trump’s inauguration. I hope that all responsible citizens, from the left and right, will condemn this.
This is not a time to lament the bitterness of the Left: it is a time to celebrate the end of a tragic mistake. Forget the maniacs and their silliness. This the beginning of a new era of opportunity and the chance to undue the economic malaise. A chance to correct the erosion of our Constitution.
The only sane means of releasing terrorists from Gitmo.
You fail to see the irony of what you may believe. If obama were to disappear into his post presidency like many and most before him, your statemant may have relevance.
But, we know from what obama has said that he intends to continue to be an “activist”.
The response to him will have been brought upon himself by him…
America rejected him, his policies and his radical agenda in 2016, it was he who stated his policies were on the ballot for 2016 in order to elect mrs clinton.
He should slither away into obscurity instead of being a daily reminder of a deplorable 8 years.
The far right? Soon you will see the “tolerance and diversity” loving left demonstrate their true self in Washington in what the media are calling protests.
@Greg: Actually that could have been one of the punishments if the military was to be consistent with treatment of traitors. Can not bring yourself to condemn Obama due to your lefty indoctrination? You really need to go to HuffPO. Your posts would be appreciated there when you are flocking with birds of your feather.
@July 4th American, #17:
Actually, nearly 3 million more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump, despite years of republican efforts to demonize both Clinton and Obama. That hardly constitutes a rejection, does it?
As his final day in office draws to a close, President Barack Obama has an average Job Approval rating of 57.3 percent. That’s a very high approval rating for any president at the end of his term, for those who have problems processing the meaning of numbers. (An affliction that seems to be surprisingly common among republicans. Perhaps numbers fall under the general heading of Facts, which also give them much difficulty.)
Trump, meanwhile, will enter office with his favorability rating in negative territory. More people disapprove of him than approve—by an even wider margin than the popular vote suggested.
So, basically, your assessment that the people have rejected Obama and given Trump some sort of thumbs-up mandate is a steaming cartload of horse shit.
Trump supporters are utterly clueless and tone deaf. I’ve just had C-SPAN on, watching the crowds gathering before the inauguration tomorrow. The crowd is being regaled with the Rolling Stones tune, You Can’t Always Get What You Want, which appears to be some sort of Trump campaign favorite. They have no effing clue concerning the irony of using a ’60s counter-culture anthem about getting stuck with something far less than the best as their theme. Never mind the fact that the artists who created the music—which the Trump campaign lacks permission to use—have repeatedly told them to stop using it. I suppose this is entirely consistent with the fact that America will soon have a Thief in Chief occupying the White House.
Bogus polls
How many states did mrs clinton win?
How many states were won or lost is totally irrelevant to the question of whether more or fewer Americans reject Democratic Party policies and principles. Nearly 3 million more Americans approved of them than not.
The outcome of the election is not an indication of a majority rejection of the Democratic Party, because the outcome of the election does not reflect the will of the majority. It reflects the workings of the Electoral College system, which in this instance empowered minority opinion. That’s an entirely legitimate Constitutional result, but not a measure of the level of Trump’s approval.
It is, you leftists are too blind to see it.
Obama Commutes Life Sentences of Four Mexican Cartel Leaders
@Greg: Keep telling yourself that Greggie as Republicans controlling the legislature and White House reverse the failed policies of Obola!! No one knows how many California votes where illegal Greggie. What is known is that the states they looked at for illegal votes turned out to benefit Trump!! Democrats lost Greggie!!
@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, the polls where taken by the same groups that said Hilldabeast would win in an electoral landslide. Also only 24% of those polled stated they where Republicans!! Go ahead and believe what you want Greggie but doesn’t change the outcome of the election or who is President or who controls the legislature!!
You people are clueless. Trump plans to pull out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Take that, China!
The only problem is that China isn’t one of the Trans-Pacific partners. The entire point—from the U.S. perspective—was to create a trading block that would have some leverage over China and provide the U.S. with better access to Asian markets. China is likely celebrating the prospect of the TPP’s demise.
What will likely fill the vacuum is the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. That trading block does include China, but doesn’t include the United States.
So, China’s influence over and access to the Pacific Rim markets will increase, while the influence of the United States will be diminished.
Perhaps someone will explain how this will benefit American workers, or the nation as a whole, but I’m guessing no one can.
FBN just reports Mike Pompeo confirmed for CIA chief
@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, as usual your the clueless moron. China needs the US economy or they do NOT survive!! What other country or countries for that matter would China need to do business with to equal the US?? I know you won’t have an answer but I ask knowing that fact. The US doesn’t need to be equal to other countries to negotiate unilateral trade deals. Maybe that’s why morons like you liked Obola so much!!
@Common Sense:
Is that the correct spelling? I thought is was Obozo. Oh well…….
@RedTeam: You may be correct on that one.
@Common Sense, #29:
Your information is running about a decade behind the times. Since building up to a peak of 35.65 percent of their GDP during the Bush years, China’s dependence on exports has been rapidly declining. They’re increasingly producing goods now for their own expanding domestic market, in addition to the expanding Asian market.
The TPP was a strategy for countering that by encouraging freer trade between the U.S. and other Pacific Rim nations—minus China—which also have concerns about China’s rapidly expanding economic influence and military power. Trump just reflexively deep sixed that strategy, most likely without having a clue about the full range of potential consequences, or what approach would be better.
Pardon the pun, but the guy is like a bull in a China shop. Action must be preceded by thought. I think the main reason Trump doesn’t reveal his strategy is because he doesn’t actually have one.
The axman cometh….
@Greg: Greggie you used a word you have no clue of the meaning. You said I “think”. You thought hilldabeast would win the Presidential Election didn’t you?? Once again your wrong Greggie!! TPP was a BAD deal for America. BTW did you know hilldabeast campaigned against TPP as well??
@Common Sense:
That does not matter to the loony left. Trump did something Hillary might have done had she won more electoral votes but she did not.
Therefore, since Trump did it the lefties will now oppose canceling TPP.
@Common Sense, #34:
You don’t have a clue about the purpose of the Trans Pacific Partnership, and apparently Donald Trump doesn’t either. I don’t see where this guy has a clue about much of anything, other than which buttons he can punch to get a rise out of his rally crowd. That skill may have won an election, but it won’t successfully govern a nation.
We’ve got to be ahead of the curve in our dealings with China, not 10 years behind in our understanding of current events. China is not so dependent now on the U.S. as a market as we are upon China as a source of cheap goods. That dependency is entirely a result of corporate America seeking higher profits. That quest for maximum corporate profits is why you’re lucky to find anything in Walmart that was made in the U.S.A.
Everybody knew this was eroding our domestic manufacturing base. Everybody should know that too much upward transfer of income and wealth erodes the purchasing power of America’s working and middle class, and that it’s their spending that keeps the wheels of the economy turning. National prosperity depends on the prosperity of America’s working and middle class, not on the prosperity of millionaires and billionaires. Yet corporate America continuously presses for lower wages, the wealthiest class presses for lower taxes, and the ultimate effect of republican economic policy is to give it to them. Corporate America has become all about the millionaires and billionaires—who are now becoming the government.
I don’t know why people can’t figure out what’s right in front of their faces.
@Greg: Greegie, America did figure out what’s right in front of their faces and voted to put Republicans in charge. TPP was a bad deal for America, Trump ran on it and won. Hilldabeast was bad for America and Trump defeated her. Obolacare was bad for America Trump ran on it’s repeal and won on it!! Greggie Greggie Greggie, it is you and your libturd friends who can’t see what’s in front of you!! BTW Greggie, President Trump’s Popularity has risen sharply to 57% after two days of business. As usual Greggie, your wrong again!!