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Welcome Rapists Welcome Child Molesters,welcome Refugees from the snowflake community of No Brains at all

Hello!!! You forgot something! We need some batteries for these things!

Two in the pink and one in the stink, it’s called The Shocker!

we a liberal assholes and we want the world to honor us

Dr John, considering you’ve traded in your dog whistle for a megaphone, I’m assuming you don’t want to end racism and accordingly, don’t want to stop an avowed racist like Sessions?


Dude. Please start trying to pay attention to who the author is. You will find it right below the title.

Possibly too many windows open? Who knows? Who cares? But I’ll try to be more attentive.

So, Wordsmith (I’m reasonably sure I have that right), I’m assuming you don’t want to end racism and accordingly, don’t want to stop an avowed racist like Sessions?

Each one of these loony tunes should be required to take in one, two or more of these refugees and take care of them using their money. Liberals in Germany have already found out what happens when you take in refugees, and it isn’t pretty.
ALL such bleeding heart liberals should be 1st to take in these “refugees.”
As to Sessions, he’s a “racist,” for prosecuting a murderous KKK man.
Later he saw to that man’s execution for his murder.
Who was the KKK murderers victim?
A black.
So, how is it Sessions is the racist?

Does this need a caption, just the “refugees welcome” after President Poison Pen Obama ended wet foot dry foot as revenge for losing Floridas vote.

I aways wondred what Codestinks been up to this time and their being fools as always