obama is as flexible for Iran as he was for Putin

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This is why the world thinks obama is a bloody joke. In what has to be the worst agreement in the history of the country, barack obama has given Iran just about everything but Hawaii. If he did agree to hand it over it would not be surprising. Currently, he is in the process of emptying Fort Knox for Iran:

The Obama administration has paid Iran more than $10 billion in gold, cash, and other assets since 2013, according to Iranian officials, who disclosed that the White House has been intentionally deflating the total amount paid to the Islamic Republic.

Senior Iranian officials late last week confirmed reports that the total amount of money paid to Iran over the past four years is in excess of $10 billion, a figure that runs counter to official estimates provided by the White House.

The latest disclosure by Iran, which comports with previous claims about the Obama administration obfuscating details about its cash transfers to Iran—including a $1.7 billion cash payment included in a ransom to free Americans—sheds further light on the White House’s back room dealings to bolster Iran’s economy and preserve the Iran nuclear agreement.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi confirmed last week a recent report in the Wall Street Journal detailing some $10 billion in cash and assets provided to Iran since 2013, when the administration was engaging in sensitive diplomacy with Tehran aimed at securing the nuclear deal.

Apparently, it is a conservative estimate:

The $10 billion figure is actually a “stingy” estimate, Ghasemi claimed, adding that a combination of cash, gold, and other assets was sent by Washington to Iran’s Central Bank and subsequently “spent.”

And predictably, it is being used to fund terrorism:

It is likely Iran spent a portion of this money to fund its regional terror operations and military enterprise to bolster embattled Syrian President Bashar al Assad, Ben Taleblu said.

And also predictably, Iran is doing whatever it want to do:

The United Nations chief expressed concern to the Security Council that Iran may have violated an arms embargo by supplying weapons and missiles to Lebanese Shi’ite group Hezbollah, according to a confidential report, seen by Reuters on Sunday.

The second bi-annual report, due to be discussed by the 15-member council on Jan. 18, also cites an accusation by France that an arms shipment seized in the northern Indian Ocean in March was from Iran and likely bound for Somalia or Yemen.

Most U.N. sanctions were lifted a year ago under a deal Iran made with Britain, France, Germany, China, Russia, the United States and the European Union to curb its nuclear program. But Iran is still subject to an arms embargo and other restrictions, which are not technically part of the nuclear agreement.

Iran feels free to capture and humiliate US sailors– and this feckless administration thanked them for it.

Iran has nothing to worry about. There is no fear of reprisal from obama. Zero. In fact, just as obama was flexible for Vladimir Putin, he is equally flexible for the Iranian mullahs. Iran has already violated the nuclear agreement:

Iran violated one of the terms of its nuclear deal signed with six world powers by exceeding a limit on its heavy water stockpile, according to a report from United Nations monitors on Wednesday — the same day the rogue nation demanded the U.S. stick to the deal, no matter what.

The confidential report by the U.N.’s atomic watchdog, seen by The Associated Press, came out shortly after Iran issued its warning to the U.S. following the election of Donald Trump. The president-elect earlier described the Iran agreement as “the worst deal ever negotiated.”

The deal specifies a heavy water limit of 143.3 tons. The International Atomic Energy Agency report found that Iran’s stockpile exceeded that amount by 0.10 metric tons. It marked the second time Iran stepped over the limit, according to investigators.

Heavy water is a potential proliferation concern because it is used in reactors that produce substantial amounts of plutonium, a potential path to nuclear weapons.

So what does obama do when Iran violates the agreement? He changes the rules to accommodate them:

The Obama administration will not penalize Iran for exceeding limits set forth in last summer’s nuclear deal that pertain to the country’s ability to stockpile nuclear-related material.

The International Atomic Energy Agency said in a recent report that Iran violated the nuclear deal by exceeding its limit for heavy water, a material used in the production of weapons-grade plutonium. The State Department would not call the incident a “formal violation” Wednesday, and told reporters Thursday that it did not see the 130-metric-ton threshold laid out in the nuclear deal as a “hard, certain figure.”

“If you look at the wording within the [nuclear deal], it actually says that Iran’s needs, consistent with the parameters … are estimated to be 130 metric tons.” State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters. “That’s not a hard certain figure.”

It’s another of those Syrian red lines:

Secretary of State John Kerry told a painful truth on Sunday, admitting that President Obama’s “red line” fiasco in Syria “cost us significantly” by leading other nations to see America as weak.


The president had blinked at making good on his own threat. Around the globe, US allies and enemies were on notice that America might not live up to its word.


None of this should surprise anyone who remembers that obama’s first foreign policy actions – the apology tour and bending to Russia’s demands to drop the Eastern Europe missile shield. obama has spent his entire term projecting weakness abroad and now to get any kind of agreement he has to beg for it and pay ginormous amounts of US dollars. Meanwhile Iran continues to develop a long range missile capable of striking the US with the nukes that are expected in ten years under the obama agreement. Luckily for obama, he’ll most likely be in Hawaii playing golf, beyond the range of those missiles.





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Ok Dr J, Putin is ignoring Obama and wont begin WW3 so lets play with some reeeally crazy mofus http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-09/us-destro
violated the nuclear agreement: that was never signed ya they lied.

told you all he was a muslin terrorist for the last eight years

With Obama out of the whitehouse the golf coarses of america are now open to the public once again

Should I assume people are smart enough to know they’re looking at a fabricated photograph?

I’m beginning to suspect the answer to that question may be no. Real or fabricated, they serve as a good distraction. They keep people from noticing or thinking too much about other things, like this:

Senate Confirmation Hearings to Begin Without All Background Checks

Hey, why should we worry about missing background reports? Nobody bothered with background checks before nominating or voting for the president elect.

Just like with slick willy and the staged photo and film the posed handshake between Arafat and Rabin liberal snowflakes like to show this at times when it comes to demacratic presidents

@Greg: #4
“Nobody bothered with background checks before nominating or voting for the president elect.”
Ummm…. Greg? Obama isn’t the “president-elect” anymore. He’s been the president for almost eight years now.

Are you and RedTeam related?

Republicans are also scheduling Senate Confirmation hearings on multiple cabinet nominees so closely together that it won’t be possible for Senate members to question or hear everyone. The hearing time slots also overlap Trump’s scheduled press conference, creating another time conflict.

The schedule Wednesday is jam-packed: The Foreign Relations Committee will hold a hearing on secretary of state nominee Rex Tillerson at 9 a.m.; the Intelligence Committee will consider Rep. Mike Pompeo, tapped to lead the CIA, at 10 a.m.; the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee will consider Education Secretary-designate Betsy DeVos at 10 a.m.; the Commerce Committee will hold a hearing for transportation nominee Elaine Chao (the wife of McConnell) at 10:15 a.m.; and the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee will consider DHS nominee Gen. John Kelly at 2 p.m.

In addition, the Judiciary Committee will hold the second day of its hearing examining Sen. Jeff Sessions nomination as attorney general at 9:30 a.m., though it will only feature outside witnesses, as Sessions is set to testify the previous day.

Nineteen Republican senators sit on at least two of those five committees and will likely have to balance simultaneous hearings; three Republicans — Ron Johnson, Rand Paul and Todd Young — sit on three of the committees. Fifteen Democrats sit on two of the committees, though none sit on three or more.

So, add that to the missing background checks. This is bullshit—assuming you actually want to vet the people who will be forming the Trump cabinet. If you want to Hear no evil, See no evil, Say no evil, it will work out just fine. That would be par for this particular course.

@Greg: #7

Double Standard? Obama ’09 Cabinet picks slid through; Trump’s face hold-up

Eight years ago, the Senate confirmed seven Cabinet-level nominees the day of Obama’s inauguration, including top picks like Janet Napolitano for Homeland Security secretary. Hillary Clinton was confirmed as secretary of state the following day.

In January 2009, the Senate confirmed 10 of Obama’s Cabinet choices within his first week as president, nine of them by voice vote, in which senators’ yes and no votes aren’t recorded.

Were democrats to have standards, they must be double standards…..


Hey, why should we worry about missing background reports? Nobody bothered with background checks before nominating or voting for the president elect.

Yeah, why would you? You elected… TWICE… the least vetted, least experienced, biggest liar in US history. Why suddenly worry about background?

Sessions has been Alabama Attorney General and has had 3 US Senate campaigns. What, exactly, do you think has not already been dug up? At least he hasn’t run guns to Mexico or put US national security up for grabs.