Hollywood Learjet limousine liberals have been doing it for a long time. It’s a tradition. At movie, television, and music awards.
I haven’t watched the entire speech (won’t be watching the Oscars, either). My liberal FB friends are all bravo about it, though. I know more about what she spoke about from my newsfeed than what she was actually honored for. What was her award? Best actress for a movie?
Actually, never mind. I don’t really care. If she wasn’t in Rogue One or a superhero movie last year, I’m 100% certain I have not seen it.
As Dr. John reminds us, it’s unlikely that Trump was mocking Kovaleski’s disability but Kovaleski himself for supposedly backpedaling on an article he wrote. You’re a retard if you can’t see that it’s just a thing he does in imitating a flustered person. He gave fair and equal treatment to mocking Kovaleski the way he’s treated other opponents who don’t have a disability.
I heard Streep gave a great speech, though. What else did she say that was “spot on”?
Again, I haven’t watched the entire speech. And yes, I’m blogposting and opining, anyway. As a conservative who did not support Trump in either the primary or the general, I might even agree with some of Streep’s assumptions/presumptions/criticisms.
One of the reasons I quit caring about these music, television, and movie award shows is for the very reason that Hollywood learjet and limousine liberals use it as a soapbox for political opining and whining; bloviating and demagoguing.
I’m pretty sure I’d be annoyed as well if a Hollywood conservative, instead of simply accepting his award and thanking whomever, launched into a political tirade. Funny thing is, I don’t know if I would be or not because I can’t recall a Hollywood conservative doing that at an awards show honoring achievements in entertainment (not politics).
Predictably, Trump allowed his button to be pushed and he could not resist the urge to tweet a response. After all, our president-elect is on the thin-skinned side, himself.
On the flipside, it’s good that Trump is outspoken in standing up for himself. I believe one of the failings of the Bush Administration is in aggressively answering back against media attacks and allowing opponents to paint a distorted narrative instead of challenging them.
I do not believe Trump mocked Kovaleski’s disability. But if he did….I say so what? Yes, I said it. SO….WHAT.
It’s hitting below the belt. It’s classless. It’s unpresidential. It’s in poor taste. It’s unseemly and speaks poorly about the person who made the attack. But so what?
Is Kovaleski not a grown man, able to defend himself? Is he so emotionally and mentally fragile that he cannot weather bullying? Words? Why is his disability off limits? Why do we laugh when comedians do it? What happened to being treated equally? In other words, why can we make superficial attacks about Trump’s orange skin and hair yet not superficial attacks that draws attention to a physical disability? Why the condescension and the coddling? Why feel sorry for the disabled and not allow them to speak up and fight for themselves, as equals?
But then….Trump did not make fun of the disability. He mocked the reporter’s action of flustered backpedaling on an article Kovaleski had previously written.
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
@RedTeam: I’m a lib–why would I have a problem if it’s true Of course it’s fake news. As a young man-he achieved the rank of major in The Kenyan Royal Marines.
Your thoughts about pictures Russians have showing Trump cavorting with prostitutes in a number of Moscow hotels–rumor they’ve got one with a dead female. It’s the ones with the live males that’ll probably hurt him more with Conservatives. LOL Fake news??
I agree it’s inappropriate to use certain pulpits to sell a political view.
I suspect this will become more problematic under Trump. Much of the criticism he will get isn’t about ideology but rather that he’s an advocate of violence, a racist, a sexist, bragged of grabbing unsuspected women by the vagina because his elite status allowed it, bragged of stiffing workers out of wages as “good business”, is a serial liar, a long practiced con man, and as Streep points out, an abject bully. And it appears that the more power this egomaniac acquires, the worse he seems to get.
I realize that sounds like my redundant rant but it isn’t hyperbole. It sin’t politics. It isn’t about left or right or Liberalism v Conservative. It’s all about Trump.
@Richard Wheeler:
See, i’ve been telling you he had plenty of military experience. I’d say you probably got that rock solid info from the same place you got your info about Obama and the Russian prostitutes.
We all know it’s just what the script you were given said. Print something original. I’ve copied that same sentence from other Soros trolls on other blogs. And they say it as seriously as you do, as if it was a struggle to copy and paste.
Do you have your new assignment yet?
@RedTeam: Just curious What did AJAY say in #52 that isn’t true? Pls be specific.
Do you agree with Conservative .FA’ER Wordsmith that Trump is “garbage.”
How do YOU differentiate real news from fake news?
Who do you like to win Super Bowl?—–we both had Clemson to upset Bama–a classic
Imagine that, from your own admission, everyone else says the same thing.
Go figure!
Perhaps the cracks in your hero are actually real?
And many that are no longer saying such things of Trump, once did. The thing is, Trump not only appears uninterested in changing from the scum that he is but seems to amplify it.
We are in for a hell of a ride the next 4 years. While Trump and his Brownshirts will do everything in their power to make Trump’s madness the norm, expect backlash from all walks.
@Richard Wheeler:
To be specific:
It’s all been disassembled, piece by piece, shown to be false time and time again yet the same old lies get repeated. Why? Because liberals have only lies to use as support of their ideology and to try to cover its failure.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: I understand that is YOUR opinion Bill. Ajay has his opinion and RT confirms he has seen postings of many others who share AJAY’s opinion.
Who is correct?? Nearly 66 million people voted against DT.
His current approval rating is 38%. He is clearly an unpopular P.E
Recent Presidents have taken office with approval ratings around 60% Clearly Trump has work to do.
@Richard Wheeler:
Didn’t learn your lesson about polls, did you?
No, mine is not an opinion because there are no facts to back up the accusations of you, AJ and the rest of the sore loser corps. See, I understand that simply accusing Hillary of recklessly putting classified information at risk simply so she could avoid FOIA requests is an opinion without the facts and evidence that proves that is exactly what she did.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Actually Gallup has his handling of transition at 34% approval.
Gen Flynn will be under investigation for his recent contacts with top Russians. Trump is getting hit by Repubs. and Dems. He’s twittering his furious responses—Wild ride.
@Richard Wheeler:
Simple, everything.
Just curious RW, why didn’t you ask AJ to be specific? When has he advocated violence? What evidence is there that he’s a racist? a sexist? Bragged of grabbing woman. So? Who said she didn’t want it? Stiffing workers? never heard that claim. serial liar? Example of a lie by Trump. Never heard any. No evidence that he’s a con man. Never heard that claim. Streep gave no example of him being a bully? Did she say he had grabbed her hoo hoo? Did she like it?
Example of that? He hasn’t acquired any new power that I’ve heard of. Have you heard of any?
I have never seen any evidence that Wordsmith is a conservative. And no I don’t agree with him?
Do you agree with conservative RedTeam that Hillary is pure garbage?
Well I’ll start with your expected answer. If Fox or Drudge puts it out, it’s real news. If any of the alphabets or NYT or Wash Po, it’s garbage.
But, the true answer, most of what is being put out by Dims about Trump is garbage, most of what Dims put out about Hillary is garbage. (note: that’s because they like Hillary)
Are they having one of those this year? I thought once Colin Kaepernick took over and led the 49er’s to their worst year in the history of the franchise and got everyone in management and all the coaching staff fired that they just decided to cancel the rest of the year. I haven’t watched a single pro football game this year and until the players respect the country and the national anthem I will never watch another. The only stat is looked at each week was how bad Kaepernick did and it was enjoyable, especially when he had more interceptions than yards rushing. Yes, he may well have had the worst season any NFL qtrback has ever had, but the strange thing was that the owners thought everyone except CK was the problem. Hope they never win another game until they dump him. He needs to move to Syria.
@Richard Wheeler: You mean the poll says he isn’t handling Obama doing everything he can to make Trump’s initial days in office as difficult and chaotic as possible very well? You mean the polls show he has not controlled the liberal generation of lies completely? You mean the polls show liberal lies about “racist” cabinet picks get traction, despite the facts (which, of course, the liberal media never covers accurately)?
Your beloved polls reflect the attitudes developed from the corrupt media… just like during the campaign. But, you keep pinning your hopes and dreams on popularity snap-shots. That has worked soooooooo well.
By the way, why is there such concern over Trump and his nominees having contacts with Russia when you never worried about Bill making “speeches” in Russia for $500K or Hillary winking and nodding the transfer of 20% of US uranium to Russia. Oh, but if someone Trump has recommended for a cabinet post ever spoke to a Russian, it’s a crime. You people make me laugh. Like children. Spoiled, entitled little irrational children.
Everything I said is untrue? Everything?
You see, this is where you expose yourself as either an abject liar, blatantly ignorant, or profoundly blind to reality. This is where any reasonable discussion with you proves impossible (not that it hasn’t been proven many times).
Man up dude, it isn’t that “everything” I said is untrue as even many avowed Trump lickers will admit Saint Donald comes in with issues. It’s just that I said it and you are so spectacularly bigoted and just can’t bring yourself to agree with anything I say, regardless of validity. And actually, that problem goes much deeper as Trump lickers will defend this modern day George Wallace/Adolph Hitler con man just because of your prejudiced of the opposition party.
Much like your Honest Don, you are a fraud.
@RedTeam: You have to be careful, RedTeam, not to be hyperbolic. Saying “everything” was a lie was not accurate.
This is a fact. However, then AJ admits he was lying in the rest and that it is up to you to sort the lies from the fact. But, he’s a liberal. And liberals lie. It’s their job.
@Bill- Deplorable Me: ‘I allow them to perform for my entertainment.”
Then referencing the 66 mill that voted AGAINST Ttump “You people–”
Bill You’re sounding like a damn “elitist”
DT I don’t like Kap’s protest any more than you—if you let him prevent you from watching NFL football he wins.
The GM lost the coach and many of their best players–IMO he and the owner shoulder the blame for the collapse of the franchise.
@Richard Wheeler:
When 66 million demonstrated their ignorance and I was proven right, that does put me in sort of an elite position. However, I am smart enough to be aware that the competition was not that stiff.
@Richard Wheeler: I always thought being elite was a good thing.Then you reactionary right wingers came up with “elitist” being a negative—Hilarious..
BTW You haven’t “been proven right” on much of anything.
Why would anyone want to have a discussion with a paid troll? You are only allowed to post what your handler specifically tells you.
So your ‘real name’ is Ajay42302?
What is a trump licker? is that something you have personal knowledge of? Is it like Obozo lickers? Or Hillary lickers? Would you name someone that is an ‘avowed trump licker’?
Oh contrare, I did agree with you when you said you were a paid troll. Surely you remember that.
Geez AJ, you admit he’s honest? That’s unexpected, but true. What did I say that is a fraud? Unlike you, everything I say is 100% true. And no one pays me to say it.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Gee, I did miss that.
Did you see the ‘undercover’ notice a few days ago that Soros was going to head in a new direction after the end of this month? Focus from proving the election was not honest to undermining the country? Keep jobs from being kept in this country, etc? Seems to indicate trolls such as AJ will be looking for new work, maybe in Mexico, since they want to export as many American jobs as they can. Adios, AJ..
@Richard Wheeler:
the only ‘elite’ thing I can think of is Delta Force, Green Berets and Seals. And none of those are ‘a bad thing’.
@Richard Wheeler:
Yes, because they didn’t fire CK when he started the dissension that caused the total downfall of the mission of the team. The NFL Commissioner is ultimately responsible for maintaining discipline with players. When Dallas wanted to ‘memoralize’ the Dallas cops that got shot, he wouldn’t allow it because it was white players. But he couldn’t find it in his gut to stop a black players UnAmerican displays.
No, he loses ultimately. NFL viewership was down 15% this year. (They tried to blame it on everything but CK, but CK was the “only thing’ that did it) The league had to refund ad money they had received. As soon as the 49’s can unload him, he’ll never be picked up by anyone else. He’s poison. When pro basketball players tried that crap, they put a stop to it the first day. All they had to do was tell the Muslim to stay in his locker room until after the anthem, but they didn’t have the cajones.
@Richard Wheeler:
No one voted for or against Trump. They only voted for electors. The correct electors won(that was the objective) Trump won 56% to 43 %. Do you think Hillary gets a lot of comfort out of more voters voting for her electors but still not getting enough electors? What was the objective? popular votes or electoral votes? Who won the election? the top electoral vote getter. Trump played by the rules and won, Hillary attempted to not play by the rules, and lost. The country is the real winner.
@Richard Wheeler: Being elite is one thing. Declaring one’s self elite because one feels their opinions are superior is quite another.
I never voted for Obama. That was right. I supported Trump. That was right. I opposed Hillary That was right. At least I didn’t support the Lawyer of the Barnyard.
@RedTeam: I saw where Soros lost a bundle betting against the stock market when Trump won. I liked THAT.
DT and Bill You guys ramble on and on and on.
Do you two dream about Soros?–I’ve seen no mention of him except here at FA.
You two wanna get on the same page re elite vs elitist?
Bill Since you claim you know more than the 66 mill who voted against Trump—-RT claims it doesn’t matter–that would make you an elitist by your definition.
“Lawyer of the barnyard” who is that?
@Richard Wheeler:
No one voted for or against Trump. If they did, they are screwed up.
Don’t see any difference.
Oh no!
@Richard Wheeler:
I would not necessarily say I know MORE than those who voted for Hillary. I strongly suspect many of them knew as much about Hillary as I do; they just place a failed ideology above the laws of the nation and justice.
Perhaps you should look into Soros… see who you are supporting and defending. He’s pretty repugnant.
Aww…. already you forgot.
Your very first sentence that I’m a paid troll pretty much validates my argument of your fraudulence and/or stupidity.
I was supposedly by the FA resident trolls definition, on the Hillary campaign payroll prior to the election. Well, Hillary lost so let me guess. Someone else has reemployed me to continue what was obviously a last cause? Now that the GOP has gained super-majority and dominated the south, someone is paying me to continue a strategy of targeting some bigoted and unhinged hack site to try to persuade the likes of at most 10 or 12 regular resident trolls (maybe 2 or 3 considering the sock puppet factor) to maybe switch sides or, or, or something of such ignorance?
I mean, do you have any clue how incredibly stupid and illogical your unhinged accusation is? Even the stupidest of the stupidest (hell, even Bill) should be cringing at how stupid you come across.
@Ajay42302: Maybe RedTeam is wrong. He likely determined that there could only be one reason for the ignorant posts you have made prior to the election. He likely failed to realize that it may not be the posts that were ignorant, but the poster.
Geez, AJ, you don’t even know who your employer is? The trolls for Hillary were all hired by Soros.
You consider yourself to be a sock puppet? when did you get promoted from ‘troll’ to sock puppet? Was there a pay increase or just stature?
it’s not in the category of ‘accusation’. Just one of the small details you are ignorant about.
Soros is really scraping the bottom of the barrel for his trolls now. That’s what happens when your side loses. and yes, it is likely the poster and not his employer.
@RedTeam: AJ is his own sock puppet, substituting his head for his hand.