A reminder- Trump did not mock a disabled reporter


Meryl Streep mesmerized the GG attendees with her stuperficiality but the truth is here:



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Trump has more respect for the handicapped then these useless collage punks

I am always shocked and amaze that liberals are so unaware of facts that have been readily available to them, desperately trying to cure their stupidity.

Their problem is that they WANT to believe this crap so badly, because on this stuff can make their idols appear less despicable.

@Spurwing Plover: Well, you remember the outrage directed at Obama when he made fun of the Special Olympics or at those who made fun of Palin’s handicapped son.

Yeah. Me neither.

Health care professional for 30 years.
By his writing, DrJohn appears to have been receiving professional mental health care for 30 years.

Those who take part in the Special Olympics have more gumption then all those whining little snowflakes who cant do anything more then go WHINE,WHINE,WHINE,SNIVEL,SNIVEL,SNIVEL all day long

@Spurwing Plover:

then(sic) all those whining little snowflakes who cant do anything more then go WHINE,WHINE,WHINE,SNIVEL,SNIVEL,SNIVEL all day long

Why the hatred?
You sound deranged.

PhillipMarlowe. I am not deranged im just saying those in Spcieal Olympics are brave and dedicated to what their doing and dtermened to prove the,selves your just being judgemental