obama intent on disrupting Trump administration




barack obama, the narcissist without limits, declared the other day that he could have won a third term as President.

“You know, I’m confident in this vision because I’m confident that if I – if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could’ve mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it,” Obama said in an interview with David Axelrod, his former senior adviser.

Never mind that he has largely destroyed the democrat party.

While Obama’s tireless campaigning, broad demographic appeal and message of “hope” and “change” helped propel him to two terms in the White House, his skills on the stump haven’t translated down the ballot.

The Democratic Party suffered huge losses at every level during Obama’s West Wing tenure.

The grand total: a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency.

obama confuses the American people agreeing with his “progressive vision of change” with his popularity for simply handing out goodies willy nilly, rewarding sloth and punishing individual achievement- the whole social justice warrior thing. Now normally upon leaving office Presidents do the respectful thing and leave town, allowing the new President to act.

Not this jerk.

obama is not leaving town. He’s rented a home in the Kalorama neighborhood in Washington DC. The cover story is that he rented the home so his daughter Sasha can finish high school (at the very tony Sidwell- shunning public schools that liberals tout so highly). Sasha must be very particular about where she does her homework- the house obama is renting boasts of 8,200 square feet of living space and sold for over $5 million 2 1/2 years ago.

obama made clear his intention to “weigh in” on issues:

He went on to say, “Now that doesn’t mean that if a year from now or year and a half from now or two years from now there is an issue of such a moment–such import that isn’t just a debate about a particular tax bill or a particular policy but it goes to some foundational issues about our democracy I might just weigh in. I’m still a citizen. And that carries with it duties and obligations.”

Because he’s such a great guy and is never wrong:

“I know that in conversations that I’ve had with people around the country, even some people who disagreed with me, they would say the vision, the direction that you point towards is the right one,” Obama said in the interview, which aired Monday.

This is the thing with barack obama. He says what he wants you to believe is true, no matter how detached from reality it is. The RCP average indicates that 32.1% say the country is on the right track under obama while 56.4% say we’re going in the wrong direction.

Back when he was sure hillary clinton would win the election, obama said

“I’m not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that, but make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot, every single one of them.”

And the people spoke.

Those “duties” obama spoke of apparently include grooming disruptors who would continue to steer the country toward a Leninist ideal:

He said part of his post-presidential strategy would be developing young Democratic leaders — including organizers, journalists and politicians — who could galvanize voters behind a progressive agenda. He won’t hesitate to weigh in on important political debates after he leaves office, he told Axelrod.

obama’s intimated that he would wait a year or two before publicly opining but he is is a liar of galactic proportions- whether on health care, Iran or red lines. You can bet that he will be injecting himself into the political conversation on a non-stop basis and there will be a purpose to it. It will be to disrupt the Trump administration. It will be to force his progessive utopia on America.

Ed Klein suggested that obama is setting up a shadow government. He might just be right.

Thought you were going to be rid of barack obama? Think again.



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While I am second to none in my hatred for Obama, please do not fault him for sending his children to the Sidwell school.

President Carter tried sending Amy Carter to the local public schools for moral reasons but it was incompatible with the Secret Service security requirements. It turned out to be a nightmare for the other kids and their parents and the teachers and had to be stopped.

It was not Obama’s moral choice as President to keep his kids out of the local DC public school, it was just a requirement. I suppose not flouting this requirement is something to complain about, but. :0

@Ajay42302: 44, AJ, just let me say. You clearly don’t understand unions. back in my early days, I was a union member, a shop stewart and grievance committee. Unions no longer serve a purpose, or at least, if they do, they work against the working man and for the benefit of the labor organization. Retire 05 is completely correct in her statements about Right to work laws and how the Union attempts to fight them.

you said: Because as you say, you hate unions.
I think if you look at their actions, unions hate unions. They constantly work against the worker and only an attempt to benefit the unions more. They might be more popular if they actually worked for the benefit of the worker rather than for the Union bosses. I’m quite sure from what you say that you’ve never been a union member and are only repeating what your handler gives you.


It was not Obama’s moral choice as President to keep his kids out of the local DC public school,

What total BS.

@Rich Wheeler: You sound just like a useful infidel. No one or nation that tries to divide Israel is on the right side of history, the PLO are not the good guys, just because they updated the name. Peaceful Arabs live a very good life with voting rights inside “recognized” Isreal, they can join the Army, move about and even be elected to office. Where does the UN want the jews to stay out of?

At issue is the fact that the resolution essentially declared all Jewish settlements in the West Bank “illegal,” including in parts of East Jerusalem, particularly the “Old City” which contains a number of sites held sacred by Christians and Jews.

Of those sacred holy sites located in East Jerusalem, three of them are held in special regard by Christians — the Temple Mount, the Western Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
If these “good Arabs” like the Saudis? where you can go to prison for celebrating Christmas, get this from the UN will Christians or Jews be safe to worship at these sites?

No 2 state solution I hope Israel flips off the whole mess and Build baby build. It is their land has been for centuries and centuries. Those Arabs that can live in Peace will be treated as citizens, free to live and worship as they please.
They also have the freedom to not live with the despised infidels move to a shariah compliant country and toss gays off buildings and stone rape victims, kill their daughters to restore honor cause they want to go to school., be as savage and backward as they want.
I stand with Israel.

@Rich Wheeler:

In 1948 Palestine War it was the Israelis that overran territory that was Palestian per the 1947 UN proposed Partition Plan—700,000 Palestinians driven out and 70,000 homes destroyed—-refugees could not return–Jewish refugees arrived from surrounding countries.

you clearly flunked history, or if that’s what you were taught, another reason for you to get a tuition refund. I’m not going to repeat my 30 sec history lesson from above. On second thought, maybe it wasn’t the school that was teaching, maybe it was just you with a learning disability. Tell you what. Give a brief description of the territory division in 47 and tell us who was occupying which parts at the end of 48. If you can successfully do that, then there may be a glimmer of hope for you.

@Ingot9455: Ingot, please tell all of us why going to public school is more of a security nightmare than going to a private school. If that’s true, why do we send children to ‘public’ schools? aren’t all children entitled to the same level of security? Is the child of a president ‘more American’ than my children? What am I missing?

@RedTeam: 1947 proposed partition Arab State 4300 square miles Israel 5700 square miles–Jerusalem and Bethlehem under control of U.N–NEITHER SIDE LIKED IT.
War broke out–Israel won as over 700,000 Palestinians fled and became refugees. Israel annexed territories beyond original partition–before and after war maps clearly show this, and show- Arab land reduced from 43OO sq miles and Israel increased from 5700–

Kitt I am pro Israel and pro our other allies as well.

Obama from the Anointed one to the annoying one

@Rich Wheeler: Read this Rich:

In 1947 these ongoing tensions erupted into civil war, following the 29 November 1947 adoption of the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine which planned to divide Palestine into three areas: an Arab state, a Jewish state and the Special International Regime for the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
On 15 May 1948 the ongoing civil war transformed into an inter-state conflict between Israel and the Arab states, following the Israeli Declaration of Independence the previous day. A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine – Jordan having declared privately to Yishuv emissaries on 2 May it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[12] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements.[13][14][15] The 10 months of fighting, interrupted by several truce periods, took place mostly on the former territory of the British Mandate and for a short time also in the Sinai Peninsula and southern Lebanon.[16]
As a result of the war the State of Israel retained the area that the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 had recommended for the proposed Jewish state as well as almost 60% of the area of Arab state proposed by the 1948 Partition Plan,[17] including the Jaffa, Lydda and Ramle area, Galilee, some parts of the Negev, a wide strip along the Tel-Aviv-Jerusalem road, West Jerusalem, and some territories in the West Bank. Transjordan took control of the remainder of the former British mandate, which it annexed, and the Egyptian military took control of the Gaza Strip.


In case you missed it, in the middle of that second paragraph, it says: A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine – Jordan having declared privately to Yishuv emissaries on 2 May it would abide by a decision not to attack the Jewish state.[12] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements.[13][14][15]

Now it clearly seems to say that the Arabs kinda stepped on their own d!cks. They invaded AND LOST. It’s not like the Israeli’s provoked the whole incident, but if you’re going to be the big neighborhood bully and attack the little kids, you should be prepared if they whip your butt.

@Rich Wheeler: You said: War broke out–Israel won as over 700,000 Palestinians fled and became refugees. (chuckle) ‘war broke out’ no it didn’t. the Arabs attacked the Israeli’s, attempting to drive them out of their homelands but unfortunately , for them, they lost, so it was the Arabs that had to flee from their homelands. The Arabs forgot Rule #1, when you attack someone, make sure you can win. They lost, they paid the price.

@RedTeam: So you were wrong when you stated Arabs had more land after the war–thanks for admitting your mistake on that.

@Rich Wheeler: Nope, you’re wrong. I didn’t say Arabs had more land after the war. Their land grab is what caused the war and resulted in them ending up with less land.
But even more important, why did the Arabs attack the Jews? What was their purpose and intent? The partition resolution was never suspended or rescinded. Thus, Israel, the Jewish State in Palestine, was born on May 14, as the British finally left the country. Five Arab armies (Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and Iraq) immediately invaded Israel. Their intentions were declared by Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League: “It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.”11

@Rich Wheeler: Rich in No. 50, you said: “The Palestine Authority led by Abbas are the “good guys” It’s Hamas in the Gaza Strip that are the “very bad guys.””

Just for the record, there are no ‘good guys’ on the Palestinian side.

@Rich Wheeler: Kitt I am pro Israel and pro our other allies as well.
The UN is not pro Israel. The UN also has no business telling any country how to manage internal affairs.
There can be no 2 state solution ever. I dont consider any other ME country a true ally.

@kitt: They can thank Jehovah they’re getting our tens of billions–They’d be butkas without us.
It’s political suicide to say anything negative about the Jewish State—too many important and wealthy Goldman Sachs types right here.
Trump is smart to have 3 of them in his upper echelon.
Been thinking it was an F.U to Nikki Haley to make her Ambassador to U.N with Trump disdainful and ready to pull out..

Obama to Israel: Drop Dead

Cal Thomas · Dec. 29, 2016

A headline that would become famous appeared in the New York Daily News in October 1975 after then-President Gerald Ford denied federal assistance to spare the city from bankruptcy. It read: “Ford to City: Drop Dead.”

President Obama has told Israel much the same. By instructing his U.N. ambassador not to veto a resolution condemning Israel for building so-called settlements on disputed land, the president has aided and comforted that nation’s enemies. The U.S. abstention will inevitably invite stepped-up attacks against Israelis, as well as calls for more boycotts by the European Union, whose ugly anti-Semitic past and present is well documented.

In the Middle East, symbols can be more important than substance, and this symbolic act will send a strong message to Israel’s enemies.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the resolution a “shameful ambush” and “distorted,” noting, “It states that the Jewish quarter and Western Wall (in Jerusalem) are occupied, which is absurd.” Netanyahu, who has had a tense relationship with President Obama, suggested he expects better relations between the U.S. and Israel after Donald Trump becomes president.

Netanyahu likes to cite history to show how the Jews were in the land long before Arab peoples showed up and started rewriting the past to the point that it belongs in the fiction section of bookstores.

What makes anyone think that what Israel does, or does not do, has any effect on the behavior and declared religious mandate of those dedicated to eliminating the country and killing and/or expelling every Jew from it? Did unilaterally relinquishing Gaza bring Israel closer to peace? It did not. Instead, it invited Hamas to use the region as a launching pad for terrorist attacks. It is the same with agreements between Palestinian and Israeli leaders. Israel released terrorist prisoners and got more terror. Israel gave up land and got more terror. Only the deliberately blind and deaf who refuse to believe the stated and repeated goals of Palestinian leadership and much of the Arab world (and Iran) to eliminate Israel still think that the key to peace and stability lies solely with that country.

Only the self-deluded think the establishment of a separate Palestinian state will result in peace. Such a state would most certainly be used as a base for a modern “final solution” against Israel.

What kind of state would the Palestinians establish? Their leaders have already said it would be one without Jews. Netanyahu noted that in any other scenario this would be seen as “ethnic cleansing,” but because much of the world hates Jews and is embarrassed by Israel and its prosperity, it applies a different standard to the Palestinians.

The late Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin once told me that while Israel needs friends, it could never fully trust any nation for its security. The Obama administration’s refusal to veto the U.N. resolution is more proof he was right.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) says he will ask Congress to stop sending money to the U.N. until the resolution is repealed. His proposal is gaining support among some pro-Israel Democrats. Netanyahu has announced the termination of programs and aid to nations that voted in favor of the resolution and recalled some of his country’s ambassadors from those states.

At a time when Jews the world over are celebrating Hanukkah and the miracle of lights, Barack Obama has attempted to turn out the light on the Jewish state. Israel will survive, because it has survived worse than a U.N. resolution, but the action will only encourage her enemies, which include every nation that voted for this resolution and engaged in boycotts of Israeli products and businesses.

The prophet Isaiah wrote: “Speak tenderly to Jerusalem” (Isaiah 40:2). The Psalmist said: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6). In his final insult to Israel, President Obama has spoken harshly and ensured there will be more war, not peace. The Nobel committee should demand he return his prematurely awarded Peace Prize.

@Rich Wheeler:

It’s political suicide to say anything negative about the Jewish State

Are you kidding me? It is a liberal fad to blame Israel for everything, up to and including defending themselves against cowardly rocket attacks. What will get you outcast is SUPPORTING Israel’s right to self defense and the observation that no matter what the Israelis offer as a means to achieve peace, the rest of the region and the puppets in the UN (who allow wealthy Arab states to yank their strings) still demand they render themselves defenseless and, eventually, slaughtered.

@Rich Wheeler: He will find something nice for Nikki, who knew O would pull this stunt. Look what the untamed Arabs have done to other historical sites, If billions go to defend a country let it be Israel, they have the most freedom in the region, the most civilized.

One of the things I will miss about President Obama is how easily his words, actions, almost very existence gets under DrJohn’s skin.
This article is a good laugh for today.


One of the things I will miss about President Obama is how easily his words, actions, almost very existence gets under DrJohn’s skin.

Yeah, well, when people of authority do and say things that cause harm to the nation, people that love the country tend to get pissed. The ignorant simply go along.

I’d say smart guys like Dr.J, Brother Bob and Curt don’t let BHO “get under their skin.”
Bill— You let him get under your skin CONSTANTLY.
BHO is going out at 53% up 43% down Only Clinton and Reagan have gone out higher in last 50+ years

@Rich Wheeler: The Arabs have had one objective from day one. Kill all the Jews. Jews have never been the instigator of attacks except as retribution or defense.
If the Jews said ” We will not fight any longer’, they would be annihilated.
If the Arabs said ” we will not fight any longer’, there would be peace.

The Nazi’s had an objective of ‘kill jews and occupy their land’
Arabs have an objective of ‘kill jews and occupy their land’.

@Rich Wheeler: BhO. 53%. not very good. Considering that 43% of registered voters are Dimocrats , only 29% Republicans and 31 % are minorities it is surprising that they couldn’t find more Dimocrats than 53% to say what a nice guy his is. I’m not sure who you quoted as doing that poll, but I’m sure it was some reliable Soro’s funded polling group. He should be ashamed that he couldn’t find more Dims to stack the poll with. If I were to go out in my neighborhood and do a poll of 1000 voters, what % do you think I would report have a favorable opinion of Obozo? So, suffice it to say, those polls say what the pollster intend it to say. Otherwise, what’s the point of doing a poll if not to support your point of view. He sure wouldn’t want to do a poll that proved he was wrong, would he?

@Rich Wheeler: Yeah, well, as I said…

Obama is popular; his “accomplishments” are not, as is indicated by the vast majority that said, before this elections, that the country was headed in the wrong direction. Also, Obama made it clear that they were voting for HIS legacy ongoing… and it was rejected.

Obama is a product of the media. He is only what they tell you he is. I, however, judge him by his accomplishments, credibility and honesty… and he is not popular with me.

@RedTeam: Exactly. With the way the media protects Obama from his own failures, perpetuates the lies the left invents about Republicans and has no interest in investigative reporting anything Democrat, it is a surprise Obama’s approval is not 100%… like Detroit’s voter turnout.

@Rich Wheeler:

Bogus approval rating from the makers of “fake” news.

@RedTeam: You’re in LOOSIANA–woud expect 90% of those backwoods rednecks to oppose BHO.
BHO over 50% in all 17 polls monitored by Real Clear Politics.
Two prez runs– two wins–scoreboard

Easy to understand the Trump/Putin bromance–two of a kind.

Michelle Obama Just Got DEVASTATING NEWS From Congress Before She’s Even Left The White House

Schoolchildren throughout America will have cause to rejoice in January when Congress will take up legislation to repeal the dire lunchroom menu imposed on them by First Lady Michelle Obama.

Coaches complained that student athletes were not getting sufficient calories or nutrition to compete, and teachers noted students poor performance in class during the afternoon after lunchtime saw their trays emptied into the trash.

Studies showed that as a result of the often unappetizing and frequently unpalatable foods required by the program, 1.2 million students stopped eating school lunches.

Parents who sent “brown bag” lunches to school learned that lunchroom “monitors” inspected the lunches and discarded foods deemed “non-compliant” with the First Lady’s standards.

“The largest of the five school- and center-based programs, the National School Lunch Program, fed about 30 million children each school day in 2014 and cost $12.7 billion. The rules are hallmarks of the Obama administration, but kids aren’t eating the foods, industries can’t comply with the standards, and schools are wasting money.”

Critics of the program often noted that the two school-aged daughters of President and Mrs. Obama attended a private school where menu items like Kobe beef hamburgers, fresh salmon and other gourmet foods were served for lunch.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: You are correct–Obama IS popular.at 53%
Trump is NOT popular–54% of the electorate voted against him..

@Rich Wheeler: I guess you mean PRESIDENT Trump. Already, leaders around the world are deferring to him instead of the lying little mealy-mouth, Obama.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: YEAH you’re right again His bromate Putin is kissing his ass and DT has puckered up and reciprocated in kind-what do you make of their lovefest Bill?

@Rich Wheeler: I can recall Obama placing his big lips on Putin’s butt and giving away the missile defense system in Poland and Czechoslovakia, telling the Russians how many nukes Great Britain possessed and explaining to Putin’s place holder that he can bow to their will better once he wins the 2012 election. Obama doesn’t exactly have a history of being tough… with ANYONE. Odd, as an Obama sycophant, you would make such a complaint.

You mean you believe Putin not acting as stupidly as Obama and Trump, accurately, pointing out that Putin is acting more mature than Obama (not a high bar) is a “love fest”? No, a love fest is Obama slobbering all over oppressive Cuban dictators as they crap all over him.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Like I said in #71 you really let Obama get under your skin Bill—relax. he’ll be gone soon and you can cuddle with Donald and Vlad–should put you in better spirits.
You like “tough guys” Bill?

@Rich Wheeler: Come on Rich. Take a deep breath and try to relax and watch the show as your one and only one vote is of little use the next four years. Should turn out to be interesting.

@Rich Wheeler: Real Clear Politics.Tell me when to stop laughing……that is your source? A real knee slapper………And they could only find 53% of the Dimocrats that like him, because we can be pretty sure they surveyed 100% Dimocrats. So just barely over 1/2 of all Dims approve of him…… His legacy sure ended up in the toilet.

@Rich Wheeler: Easy to understand the Trump/Putin bromance–two of a kind.
Rich, tell us all that you have forgotten Obozo huddling with his arm around Putin’s shoulder in 2012, whispering to him “I’ll have a lot more flexibility after the election”

You really don’t remember that, Rich?

@Rich Wheeler: –

54% of the electorate voted against him..

you sure pulled that number out of your butt. The electorate did not vote for Trump or Hillary, they only voted for electors. Trump won 306-232, I’d say that gave him about 57% of the votes that count. If Toys R Us is out of coloring books, Rich you might try the public library. I’m sure gayfornia probably stocks them in librarys.

@RedTeam: Like many things you’ve got your own way of doing math .lol
54% of the electorate voted against Trump–Fact RT

I read where Toys Are Us is gonna put out a coloring book with your face on the cover RT

Marine 72—-Interesting for sure Semper Fi

@Rich Wheeler:

You like “tough guys” Bill?

Yeah, I like people who will take a stand and defend it. Obama is gutless. He hates certain Americans more than he does terrorists, for only those who do not accept his vision of the world receive his attention, from running guns to cartels to undercut the 2nd Amendment, to using the IRS to attack political opponents, to stirring up racial tensions to justify his interference in local affairs.

I have a problem, frankly, with people who DON’T let Obama get under their skin because, obviously, they have the same dim view of the United States of America as he does.


@Rich Wheeler: Easy to understand the Trump/Putin bromance–two of a kind.
Rich, tell us all that you have forgotten Obozo huddling with his arm around Putin’s shoulder in 2012, whispering to him “I’ll have a lot more flexibility after the election”

You really don’t remember that, Rich?

Actually, that was said to Putin’s puppet, but the effect was the same and the message was TO Putin. Obama crawled on his belly and groveled to the Russians, Syrians and Iranians and they kicked him in the teeth. Obama can only effect his oppression when he has the power of the federal government at his disposal and it only works on US citizens; when it is a battle of will an wits against an outside opponent, Obama loses every time. But, people like Rich still worship his fabricated celebrity.

@Rich Wheeler:

54% of the electorate voted against Trump–Fact RT

If the vote was for Trump and not for the electors, why were they trying to get the electors to change their votes? You seem to be confused as to how the US electoral system works. You still working on that tuition refund?

@Rich Wheeler:

I read where Toys Are Us is gonna put out a coloring book with your face on the cover RT

As usual Rich, that was about a year ago. Takes a long time to get the word out there in Gayfornia.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

Actually, that was said to Putin’s puppet, but the effect was the same and the message was TO Putin.

yeah, I know, but I wanted Rich to feel better if he thought it was Putin he was sucking up to directly instead of having to sink to the level of sucking up to Putin’s assistant.

@RedTeam: Obama will suck up to anyone if he thinks he can get a headline out of it.

@RedTeam: I’ve known exactly how the electoral college works long before most voters–some of who didn’t have a clue before Bush/Gore 2000.–some still don’t.
If you don’t accept that 54% of the voters cast their votes for a candidate other than Trump, then you are stupid—which I doubt–or just your normal stubborn self.

I’ve said before that Obama was had by Putin and others, including Repub. and Dem. Senators, when he didn’t bomb Assad back to The Stone Age–as promised.

@Rich Wheeler:

I’ve known exactly how the electoral college works long before most voters–some of who didn’t have a clue before Bush/Gore 2000.

Then why don’t you act as if you do? When someone votes in the presidential election, they vote for electors that are then supposed to vote for the candidate of the party that gets the most votes. They do not vote for the presidential candidate. If no one voted for Hillary or for Trump, then neither of them got any percentage of the vote. The only measure of popular vote that counts is which party gets the most in a state. Then that party’s electors are selected to vote for their party, not their candidate. As you know, the Republican party (of which Trump was their candidate) won the majority of votes in a majority of states to vote for the Republican candidate. Does it make you feel better to say that Hillary got millions of votes in Ca that gave her a majority of the votes but didn’t make any difference in the election? Well, deduct all the illegal and dead voters that voted and she likely wouldn’t have gotten a ‘majority’ of votes. We know for sure, based on the revelations from Michigan that there was mass voter fraud there, and the funny thing, even with all that voter fraud, she didn’t win that state. Must be heart breaking to have a state ‘fixed’ for you and you still lose.
Obama has always been your hero (even though he never served in the military) but especially when he was sucking up to Putin. It must be a bitter pill that he ended up accomplishing nothing other than wrecking the insurance business in the US and sending much more manufacturing jobs overseas. Well, his family was able to consume about 100 million tax dollars on personal vacations, that was a pretty big accomplishment. Took a lot of planning of Mooche’s 16 government paid staff members.

@RedTeam: Always comes back to the “illegal and dead voters”–truly a BS never proven meme that makes those who repeat it look very stooopid.
The 54% of the electorate that voted against Trump are gonna look a lot smarter than the 46% taken in by this divisive, self absorbed, carni barker,.He used to show up every 4 years,. get ridiculed, and go home to his wife at the time. This time he stayed.

My hope is, if he makes it 4 years, the country will still be functioning.

@Rich Wheeler:

My hope is, if he makes it 4 years, the country will still be functioning.

He would have to work extremely hard to do as much damage as Obozo has. Tho I’m relatively sure you think he has done a fine job, even though unemployment is about a true 55% of working age population.

“illegal and dead voters”–truly a BS never proven

Let me hear your explanation for the ‘sealed’ ballot box in Detroit that had been recorded as 306 votes for Hillary and inside the box was 50 ballots for Hillary. Only 50 ballots total were in the box. Where did the other 256 votes come from that were recorded for that box? Dead people and illegal voters. Of course this embarrassing fact was revealed during the recount. Probably one of the reasons the recount was hastily stopped after this box was discovered, to prevent more of them showing up.

Footnote to above: Why did a ballot box have 50 votes for Hillary and none for anyone else? is that reasonable? Every single voter just happened to vote for Hillary?

@RedTeam: That story is fake news ie made up. Your favorite kind. The only Fa’er worse than you is Nan. I’ve caught her posting fake news at least 4 times.

Well Spewing Bile is in his own category

@Rich Wheeler:

That story is fake news ie made up. Your favorite kind.

I know you would like for your version to be correct, but unfortunately ‘that’ is the fake news. The facts about the 50 vs 306 votes ballot box is real. Sorry. Just google Detroit vote recount. Way too many stories to link, but the message is clear.

@Rich Wheeler:

The only Fa’er worse than you is Nan. I’ve caught her posting fake news at least 4 times

Sorry but your story is clearly in the Fake News category, so you’re certainly in the running for TOP FAKE NEWS REPORTER ON FA.