The reports are virtually monolithic. Clinton is up 1000 points. There’s no point in Trump supporters even going out of vote. It’s over.
Clinton up by 12 points in ABC News poll
Clinton takes double-digit poll lead against Trump
Clinton surges to 7-point lead in Nevada two weeks before Election Day
Clinton looking past Trump to transition planning
Clinton aims to run up the score
At face value it does sound bleak. Yet begging to be contrasted to these reports are the large turnouts at Trump rallies:
20,000 Supporters Turn Out to See DONALD TRUMP in Tampa
Thousands expected at Donald Trump rally in Sanford
Thousands greet Donald Trump during spirited Greenville rally
Tim Kaine Holds Rally and ONLY 30 PEOPLE Show Up!
Small turnout for Hillary in Colorado
It really is difficult to know what to believe, especially as the State Run Media has thrown in completely behind the State candidate. Since the national conventions, 91% of Trump’s coverage has been hostile. It has become onerous to discern the truth as Pravda-US has made it their obligation to not just report on Trump, but to stop him. I don’t know how this election will turn out and I make no predictions.
However, if one is to believe Pravda-US, Trump will not simply lose, but he will crushed by more than 10 million votes and not reach 150 electoral votes. If it is anything less than that, Pravda-US will have cut their own throats. The thin line between Scott Pelley and Mario Lopez is barely visible now. If Trump loses by a thin margin, that line is gone and the US State Run Media has the credibility of the Russian State Media. Pravda-US will have accomplished its goal, but also will have caused it own demise in the process. Willingly becoming the State Run Media has its consequences.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Dr J in the last 2 elections Obama did BETTER than what the polls said to expect. Those polls had a right bias.
In the last 2 elections did YOU predict overwhelming electoral victories?
That 91% figure? That was from ABC CBS and NBC. That is where most Americans CHOOSE to get their news. Not very many choose the media that YOU think they should like Fox News.
What percent of the stories about Hillary Clinton were ones that portrayed her negatively ? Any mention on those 3 outlets of Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation, emailgate , her husband”s accusers of sexual improprieties?
What are the most trusted news sources? the ranking is from Pew (considered the Gold Standard in polling)
Fox News (last)
American have a wide choice in media from Communist to Nazi. YOU don’t like what people choose in media. You don’t rail against the most extreme lefty media because so few read or listen to it.
I was listening to a video this evening and only 6% of the American people believe the MSM. – and rightly so.
The corruption in the media and government has reached new levels. We have a candidate that has been promoting violent disruption of her candidate’s rallies, voter fraud and corruption, yet liberals continue to support her. What makes this all the more onerous is that, since they ALL continually falsely accuse Republicans of these fascist tactics, they KNOW how wrong it is… yet it is THEY who are actively practicing them. Believe me, Trump does not have the proper words to accurately describe these anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-liberty socialists.
Not many, since the corrupt media is a propaganda tool for the DNC. Only the factual ones showed her corruption, failures, lies and crimes.
Funny stuff.
All during the primaries the egomaniac couldn’t shut up about the polls, couldn’t get through a few sentences without bragging about his polls as proof. Now all of a sudden, it’s rigged media. And you dunbasses are still sniffing this baffoon’s ass! Go figure.
As far as his crowds, yeah he still energizes the batshit crazies and the rabid bigots but there just aren’t enough klansmen, cavemen thinking sexual assault advocates, and Neo-Nazis for him to pull it off.
You are a confirmed, proven cowardly liar. I won’t even bother asking you to back up even one of those false accusations with a factual support as you have demonstrated you never can.
Trump, on Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton. You can draw your own conclusion about what this means. One thing I will say is that it’s not the media that created the contradiction.
By the way, the United States doesn’t actually have “state-run media.” What we’ve got is corporate-run media. It’s all about audience ratings and profits.
The notoroius TOM HAYDEN the 70’s antiwar agitator and radical IS DEAD JIM. He used to be married to Hanoi Jane
This is interesting: Megan Kelly takes strong exception to Gingrich’s assertion that FOX doesn’t cover enough anti-Clinton stories. FOX, apparently, is demonstrating an unseemly liberal bias.
Newt may have lost his mind. Trump does seem to have that effect on people.
The current day media has abandoned its responsibility to promote a failed agenda. The socialist agenda, imported from 19th century Europe, does not work for free people. It only works for the central planners, those who think they know better how to live your lives than do you.
It is the acquisition of power and then the improper use of that to further their own ends. It has failed everywhere it has established a foothold and it never will work because it denies people their God given inalienable rights.
@Bill… Deplorable Me:
Here’s another fun y thing my poor deplorable friend. The other evening Trump licker Gina Loudon tried to dispute the Trump racist thing and the entire panel as well as the audience broke out in laughter.
And here you are pretending to be profoundly ignorant that such an argument even exist- all while calling me dishonest AND while ignoring the fact that Trump bragged constantly about the polls when they tilted his way and calls them rigged when they’re not.
You just can’t reason with a Trump licker.
Here’s a funny thing… REALLY funny. You yourself refute the accusations of racism by evading the requests to provide one…
valid example proving Trump is racist. You haven’t. You can’t.
As I have proven prior, you are a cowardly liar. No wonder you find Hillary attractive.
@Bill- Deplorable Me: I’ve listed them over and over yet you lie and say I don’t.
I’ve mentioned Trump disqualifing Indiana born U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel because of his Mexican heritage and you say I’ve listed nothing. You are a liar.
I’ve mentioned Trump’s lawsuits from the DOJ for housing discrimination and you say I haven’t. Again, you lie.
I’ve mentioned his refusal to disavow the KKK and again, you lie and say I haven’t.
I’ve mentioned his birther promotion. You lie.
You just cannot reason with a Trump licker because they are unreasonable liars. And the stupid son of the bitches don’t even know what the hell they’re lying about. You cannot reason with a Trump licker because of their festered bigotry and refusal to even know that they are.
@Bill- Deplorable Me: Oh, goodie. I get to, once again, prove what a stupid, weak-minded, lying cesspool AJ is. See, I have already shown him/her the false aspects of each of these propaganda idiot-lures, but AJ clings to stupidity like a dingleberry clings to butt-hairs. EXACTLY like a dingleberry.
No, Trump did not disqualify anyone, you idiot. But, he DID object to an activist La Raza judge that promotes illegal immigration hearing his case, since Trump’s position was AGAINST illegal immigration. Trump did not object because Curiel was Hispanic… he objected because Curiel was a racist that thinks laws only apply based on skin color. So, you are a lying idiot.
Not based on discrimination due to race, based on protecting his properties from people that destroy it. The government was trying to force Trump to rent to people on welfare. In the end, he was not found guilty of anything. You are a lying idiot that consumes racist propaganda
You lie a lot. Trump IMMEDIATELY disavowed the KKK. But, why should he, anyway? Aside from racist liberal liars such as yourself, what possible connection is there between Trump and anything concerning the KKK? It is Hillary that gets donations from the KKK and had a Grand Kleagle as a mentor. As a racist liar, you naturally gravitate to the racist Hillary that emails have revealed drops the N-bomb when it pleases her.
Well, stupid, in the first place, what is racist about the birther question? Next, Hillary promoted it (your object of worship)… Trump didn’t promote it… he resolved it. Get it, stupid?
Your main problem (among many) is that you encounter someone that, as opposed to yourself, thinks and seeks facts. You have encountered someone that does not accept propaganda at face value. You do, because your racist tendencies influence your weak mind to believe stupidity.
It appears that the racism inherent in the Democrat party is beginning to become apparent.
@Bill… Deplorable Me:
Thanks for validating my argument that Trump lickers are incoherent lying idiots, incapable of understanding their very own rancid racism.
@Ajay42302: You ar truly too stupid to realize when your lies are exposed and you are only fooling yourself… the biggest fool of all. Meanwhile, you worship a corrupt liar. But, being an Obama apologist, you are thoroughly used to digesting lies and liking it.
Has the media even covered the vast difference between VP crowds?
Last ”rally” Kaine had pulled in 30 – count ’em – thirty! people.
his next rally (set for Fri in FLA) has been cancelled.
Meanwhile Pence’s last rally was in Salt Lake City and the place was filled to capacity with organizers encouraging people to ”scrunch closer together,” so even more people could get in!
There was also an ”overflow room, filled to capacity.
Lastly, there was the rest of the crowd who couldn’t get in either room.
Huge TV screens were placed outside for us.
(Yeah, I got there too late to get inside.)
There were ZERO anti-Trump demonstrators.
Any mainstream media stories about how GREAT Trump/Pence are really doing in Utah?
The LDS polls are dishonest, saying Even Mc has a 27% chunk of voters. BS.
Even Mormons I know say he’s well known as an egotistical clown.
His lack of a VP meant he put a John Doe in as VP on 8 state ballots.
I bet he pulls fewer votes than Johnson and Jill in Utah.
@Nanny G: He’ll get more votes than Johnson and Stein combined–probably about 30%
Where were the Mormon thugs you feared? LOL
“egotistical clown” he should be on Trump’s ticket.
Makes sense. They were in the tank for Urkel and are in the tank for Bobblehead.
@Nanny G: @Richard Wheeler:
If you care to read it.