Pravda is all upset that Donald Trump is suggesting that the coming Presidential election might be rigged.
Wait- did I say Pravda? I meant the US media- which has effectively morphed into the official state run media. Donald Trump is running not only against Hillary Clinton, but against nearly all the media. They are pounding him for it:
The nation’s largest newspapers said Donald Trump has “contempt” for and is “trashing” American democracy by refusing to say in Wednesday’s debate that he would concede the race to Hillary Clinton should she win.
Trump refused to say categorically that he would concede the race, which alarmed Clinton and many others, especially since he’s been saying the election is “rigged” in favor of Clinton. It was a remark Trump’s team quickly worked to rein back in as soon as the debate was over.
But for many major papers, the damage was done. The New York Times said Trump showed “contempt” for American democracy, and said Clinton was rightly shocked by his statement.
There is no shortage to the evidence of the complete one sided nature of what used to be journalism. Pat Caddell points out that the press has a short memory when it comes to the refusal to accept voter outcomes:
“All he said was, ‘I’ll wait and see what the results are,’ which is a reasonable position, I suppose,” said Caddell, also pointing out that Democrats challenged the results of the presidential elections in 2000 and 2004.
Hillary Clinton and Al Gore were still claiming Al Gore won the 2000 election as recently as last week in Florida on the stump together:
As the crowd chanted and Hillary smiled and nodded approvingly, Gore continued his thought process by suggesting that he actually won the 2000 election by warning the young voters to not be in a position “years from now” welcoming Hillary Clinton and saying to her “actually you did win, it just wasn’t close enough to make sure that the votes were counted.”
Through this entire sequence, Mrs. Clinton continued to smile and nod in agreement.
Additionally, Democrats, including current Secretary of State John Kerry, accused George Bush of stealing the 2004 election: “A profile of Secretary of State John Kerry published Sunday in The New Yorker reveals that, 11 years after his election loss to George W. Bush in 2004, Kerry still believes he was robbed via systematic fraud.”
At The Federalist Bre Payton recalls 8 times that democrats complained about elections being stolen.
The problem is, Trump’s concerns are well founded and he’s not alone. 72% of Americans have concerns about voting security. democrats want votes counted even before the validity of the registration can be verified.
democrat operatives boast about conducting fraud for fifty years:
“It’s a very easy thing for Republicans to say they’re bussing people in,” Foval says in the video. “Well you know what? We’ve been bussing people in to deal with you fuckin’ assholes for fifty years and we’re not going to stop now. We’re just going to find a different way to do it.”
And the worst of it? clinton’s campaign manager asserting that it was entirely acceptable for an illegal alien to vote as long as he/she had a driver’s license. I have no doubt that that is hillary clinton’s ambition as well.
And this is only what we’ve learned.
Not unexpectedly, hillary clinton asserted that Trump was talking down our democracy.
As far as I can see, Trump right now is the only one defending it. The media is so biased that has no interest in the clinton emails or anything wrong that clinton has done. They’ve stooped so low as to assert that looking at them was illegal. I never thought I’d see the day the US media would be reduced to the level of the Russian media, but it has come to that.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
We won’t know if the election had been stolen until well afterwards.
It took a few days to notice that, in more than a few vital DEM swing precincts, Obama won more votes than there were registered voters.
It took more than a couple of days to figure out how the New Black Panthers were going to get away with intimidating white voters in at least one precinct.
It took more than one day to realize it was Democrats who were slashing tires on vans leased to get Republican voters to the polls in one VITAL precinct.
And, as I saw personally, it never did get corrected when people were told via media in Utah that, if they tried to vote online they could NOT come into the precinct caucus and vote in person …. EVEN though they knew their vote had not been counted. THEN, the older men of the LDS made an announcement inside the precincts that these voters COULD come in and vote in person.
THEN those old men VOTED for the no-shows.
Instead of Cruz merely winning a proportion of Utah’s delegates, these men ”fixed” the election so Cruz won ALL the delegates.
There is NO system in place to oversee these old men in Utah.
Who knows what mischief they will pull in the General.
The media in the Country is a disgrace, period. They are infested with democrat party members and they decide what to report and what not to report. mrs clinton is a criminal and they know it. Were they to report honestly with respect to the nasty woman, she would never be elected and they know that.
The educational system and pop culture in our society have developed a populace that is unwilling to see beyond their immediate moment of self admiration.
So, they are told what to think and how to think and sadly how to conform to what the “central planners” what of them. We have lost our Country because we have lost the majority of citizens and their role in personal responsibility.
The trouble with being old is that one remembers. I was watching CBS in 2000 when Dan Rather called the Florida vote for Gore at 7:20 PM, which was BEFORE the polls closed in the panhandle of Florida. That constitutes blatant fraud. It was a signal to Florida voters not to bother to vote, since that election was already decided.
Penalty to Rather? None.
The MSM have long been the semi-official organs of the UniParty.
I am sure that Greg and Ajay will soon be along to defend them.
That was one of the events which triggered the Tea Party in the first place.
one word can describe the the presstitudes- pusillanimity.
reading foreign papers offers an insight into the world that the us does not recognize. ever try the American Thinker?
I am not sure where I found this, but it seems fitting.
“As the names of the main Communist newspaper and the main Soviet newspaper, Pravda and Izvestia, meant “the truth” and “the news” respectively, a popular Russian saying was “v Pravde net izvestiy, v Izvestiyakh net pravdy” (In the Truth there is no news, and in the News there is no truth).”
Not only can we not trust the media, we absolutely cannot trust our government, it its current form. Is it even possible to list the major lies Obama has told? Then, there is the IRS scandal, perhaps THE most revealing incident in the history of this administration, for it showed exactly the means and methods liberals are willing to use in order to suppress the opposition AND it further exposed the complicity the corrupt media bears in supporting such totalitarian tactics.
The Obama administration has wrecked trust in government and it is difficult to imagine what it will take to restore it. This makes me absolutely sick. Retching sick. This administration did its own damage in the course of its life to destroy confidence in any semblance of honesty in government, but then they completed the total destruction by involving the “Justice” Department in their corruption by blocking any legitimate and determined investigation of Hillary’s crimes. The fact that there is enough real and solid evidence available showing Hillary has absolutely been guilty of SOME of the accusations against her creates the legitimate and strong suspicion she is more than likely guilty of them All. And this administration just let her walk, to preserve their best chance of covering up the abject failures, corruption and lies for the past 8 years.
@mathman: This would, of course, be the same Dan Rather that fabricated “evidence” to try and influence a Presidential election for his own political desires.
What kind of person turns a blind eye to all of this and supports Democrats? If liberalism is so beneficial and desirable, why is lies, fraud and violence necessary to promote it?
Theres very little diffrence between Pravda and the NYT’s both are very left-wing and very very liberal just like with the rest of the news papers and magazines as well as the talking heads
@Nanny G:
Nanny precincts aren’t “vital” in a POTUS election. The electoral votes of that state are given to the person who has the most total votes, not the most precincts won
Nanny could you please cite for me where it shows where there has ever been any significant fraud? Certainly not in your infamous wood County Ohio where a Republican Sec of State certified the election results.
And those 2 New Black Panther Party members??? That polling place wa 98% Black. Just who do you think was intimidated there? A bunch of Black Romney voters????
And do you know that this year the New Black Panther Party is quite pro Trump?
Both Pravda and Sputnik News are supporting Trump
Putin supports Trump
Trump hearts Putin and is OK with him taking the Crimeria and eastern Ukrainia
@Spurwing Plover:
what news source would you recommend to us Plover?
Perhaps drudge ? He is claiming that the polls are all tied up
American CHOOSE their news media. they have many choices. You just don;t like it because most Americans do NOT choose to use Fox News as their primary source of info
Suck it up.
Stop whining about people not choosing what you think they should do
I was listening to a radio program yesterday. A caller called the MSM state run. Thinking about it, it is. The MSM is no different then the state run media in Cuba. Sad to say.
The society has created a group of snowflakes and kittens. All are too afraid to seek truth on their own because it is likely that it is incovienent to include it in their lives. An electorate that is this disengaged from their responsibility to preserve liberty for themselves and their posterity do not deserve the liberty fought for by our forefathers in addition to those today who defend our liberty.
Yet, it will be they who scream first and the loudest when the day comes that their level of awareness tells them all is lost.
A recent article from Pravda: The case for Donald Trump
Sorry, but I think I’ll stick with NPR, BBC News, CNN, the New York TImes, the Washington Post, CBS, and NBC. Pravda and RT aren’t my idea of objective news sources.
John i don’t watch the news at all not even Fox News and i hav’nt watched the news since Sept 12th 2001 its all controled by the left
3 Daily Tracking Polls that have been almost perfectly in sync almost every day. IBD was most accurate in 2012:
IBD/TIPP Daily Tracking Poll
Trump 43%
Clinton 41%
LA Times Daily Tracking Poll…
Trump 44.4%
Clinton 44.1%
Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll
Trump 42%
Clinton 40%
Average– Trump +1.43
Wikileaked email:
So, what do the OVERSAMPLED polls say?
Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by 12 points.
But 9% more Democrats than Republicans were sampled in that poll.
36% Dems
27% Reps
31% Indies.
There are plenty of others, too.
Clinton Surges – when poll skews: 36-24-33 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents
So, WHY would Hillary operatives want to put out phony polls?
they think it will discourage Trump supporters.
I think it will allow Hillary supporters to get complacent and stay home thinking they’ve got it in the bag.
Watch to see if Hillary’s operatives/media let her slip in polling so as to try to scare her supporters into showing up election day.
‘Anonymous’ has a video out . They said they did an internal poll on 50,000 ppl. 1000 distributed voters in each state….
…Not the 500 or 1000 highly skewed ‘media’ polls we are seeing daily.
Their results showed:
67% Trump
19% Hillary
Now just to get over the Electoral College hump..
A dream came true for me. I had the opportunity to attend the TRUMP Rally in Wilkes-Barre PA.
Yeaaay…To experience the ENERGY in Trump’s Rally is electrifying! ! Yes. We ALL called out CNN with a good LOUD Chant of CNN Sux! It was great actually lol! A night I will always remember!!
I pray TRUMP wins!! WE NEED *HIM* more than we Need a Communist like Hillary…
The polls aren’t phony. A majority of people are conscious of the absurdity of a multi-billionaire tax evader ranting angrily about how the system is rigged against them. They realize Vladimir Putin has ambitions to restore Russian dominance in Eastern Europe and beyond, and sees the break up of the European Union and the confusion Trump would bring as a golden opportunity. They’re conscious of the fact that Trump’s personal and business behavior demonstrate a lack of core principles, and that he has no coherent plan for making good on anything he has promised. They’ve also noticed that he lies constantly. They’ve pretty much had to abandon fact-checking entirely to hide that from themselves.
That’s more than sufficient to explain the polls. The election results will verify Clinton’s lead, and that won’t be rigged either. If it were not for the fact that republicans and “conservative” media had devoted virtually all of their time and energy to a years-long character assassination project directed at Hillary Clinton, her lead would probably be three times greater than it currently is.
Total claptrap, there is no reason to elect that woman, mrs clinton.
A complete and total criminal, she should be put in prison for the remainder of her miserable life.
Donald Trump’s campaign manager admits: ‘We are behind’
Of course “they’re negative against Donald Trump.” How many pro-Clinton ads does the Trump campaign put up? This is an idiotic accusation.
And where does she get off, complaining about “classic politics of personal destruction?” That describes Trump’s entire campaign against anyone and everyone who has come up against him. That’s how he took on his republican primary opponents. That’s how he continues to treat any republican who has dared to speak out against him. His campaign against Clinton has been nothing but an endless series of increasingly vicious personal attacks. The guy is beneath contempt for reducing the 2016 presidential campaign to tabloid newspaper level.
New Podesta Email Exposes Dem Playbook For Rigging Polls Through “Oversamples”
Why doesn’t Hillary run some adds touting the great accomplishments of hers as Secretary of State? Oh… that’s right.
And what describes Hillary’s campaign? A predetermined outcome? Utilization of violence and fraud? Lie after lie after lie after lie? Massive quantities of hypocrisy?
Actually, all of the above.
Let’s be clear; NO ONE votes for Hillary for the good of the country. No one that is reasonably informed, anyway. Anyone voting for Hillary does so for a specific self interest, not the good of the country. I find it impossible to believe that the majority of those supporters are unaware of the blatant lies and gross negligence she committed by having her unsecured server, just to name a little of her disqualification.
No, make no mistake; no one actually believes Hillary is good for the nation. They believe Hillary is good for THEM.
Trump is good for the nation in that he is not Hillary. He is all that stands in the way of Hillary and, as such, he is tonic for the nation. Hillary is dishonest, corrupt and incompetent. The incompetence and corruption are a dangerous combination and it was on display prominently when she was Secretary of State. Only Trump can block this combination from infecting the White House and across all levels of government power.
Only Trump. Please, no more years of liberal disaster.
@Deplorable Bill:
The sad fact is that Hillary doesn’t HAVE to run ANY adds stating ANYTHING about herself. If she DID, it would give Trump’s team something to attack, something to do OTHER than try and put out the fires Trump keeps setting in his own house. Hillary isn’t winning, TRUMP IS LOSING. And Trump is losing because of his own, stupid, self-inflicted wounds. His OWN unforced errors. He could have easily WON that last debate (he actually DID on substance) if not for his CHOICE to become a silly jerk half way through it. He made SURE that he lost… BECAUSE HE DOESN’T WANT THE JOB!!!
I told you this before. Yet you still fuss about Hillary as if doing so might convince her to drop out, or as if doing so will convince people NOT to vote for her. But people will NOT be voting for Hillary. They will be voting AGAINST TRUMP!
Two weeks from now, Americans will go to the polls and confirm what I have been telling you – that Americans understand that in this contest, this time, HRC is the best choice among the worst that our political system has to offer. SHE WILL WIN THE ELECTION!
If BOTH the Senate and the House fall to the Democrats, and a miracle occurs and they all do GOOD governance, then maybe HRC will win a second term. But that’s not likely. She’ll probably get the Senate – which will give her the SCOTUS justices she wants – but not the House, and the resulting continuing congressional gridlock will result in her being limited to one term. At this point, that’s the best you can hope for, and also probably what’s best for America.
Hillary’s ”spoiler” screws up royally.
Utah’s Evan McMullen was going to be that spoiler who sent the Electoral College into turmoil by taking Utah, maybe Idaho and Nevada (two other highly Mormon states).
But he screwed up and forgot who his running mate was.
So, he put his best friend’s name down instead.
The dork is also a dope.
Even the local news is putting him down for being a lightweight….and they are all Mormons, too!
Photos of him introducing McCain to the leaders of ISIS didn’t help, either.
Anyone who understands the danger that Donald Trump represents will do so. The choice is between Hillary Clinton and a lunatic.
@Greg: Hillary’s incompetence, corruption, lying and criminality are now proven. This is fact, regardless of how you want to bitterly cling to your hope it isn’t. However, aside from thinking he can get a level playing field from the DNC, the Obama administration and the liberal media, please provide an example of Trump’s “lunacy”.
there is no compelling reason to vote for that woman, mrs clinton. So far, greg, typing for the democrat party can only muster the reason to vote for that woman, mrs. clinton, is to not vote for trump because we are told trump is worse than that woman, mrs clinton.
Yet, we are learning just how corrupt and criminal that woma, mrs clinton, is.
greg has no concrete basis on which to justify voting for that woman, mrs clinton.
how about a comparison of policy issue differences…..
Now this greg:
That woman, mrs clinton, is not leading in the polls. The polls are and have been oversampled in favor of the democrats, but that is not rigging, no, not at all…..
@Nanny G: Again do you understand the E.C A third Party win in RED Utah simply means 4 less “assured” votes for Trump–nothing more.
Looks now like HRC 322 DT 216 with Utah — Popular HRC 48 DT 44 GJ 6 JS 2
Idaho DT Nev HRC
Faith #14 Craziest poll to date lol You are dreaming HRC wins PA. BY 8
@mathman: I live in California but working in Florida on that night. I was with my friend at a Martini Bar in Orlando when they called it and we looked at each other and said what?? Turns out the Republican election headquarters was at the Marriott and tis was our hotel. Imagine how things changed by morning. Certainly the slimy MSM and the demoncraps tried to cheat on this one!!
Y’all who are so convinced that Hillary has been PROVEN GUILTY are forgetting that, in this nation that you love so much, we are ALL innocent UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW, and that includes HRC.
You may BELIEVE that she is a criminal, and you may BELIEVE that the courts are all rigged so that she will CONTINUE to escape prosecution, but that’s a wild hair of a conspiracy theory growing up your collective arses, considering all of the REPUBLICAN prosecuting attorneys and REPUBLICAN judges who evidently DON’T see it your way. NOBODY has made a case against her, HAVE THEY???
Justice is made up of processes that we all ACCEPT, no matter that the system is imperfect, and all of your WILD speculations regarding Hillary’s GUILT are just that – wild speculations, UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE IN A COURT OF LAW.
Never mind your absurd confusion concerning what constitutes guilt – this clown YOU nominated to lead YOUR Republican Party will be happily on his merry commercial, media empire-building way the day after the election in two weeks, and where will that leave you for the next four years? Crying over your spilled beer? Depressed that you FAILED to beat the weakest presidential nominee the Democrats have come up with since Walter Mondale?
It’s the media’s fault, it’s a rigged system, Hillary’s a crook. LOL!
It’s YOUR fault for nominating a Class A JERK who never DID want the job in the first place. So who’s stupid????
@George Wells: She ON TAPE, under oath lying before Congress. Comey provided the evidence she lied. If only the Obama DOJ wasn’t corrupt, she WOULD have been found guilty.
And that’s just the perjury. If a legitimate investigation into WHY she was lying before Congress, there would be more corruption.
Oh, would this be an inconvenient time to point out how you hypocritical liberals convict Trump of every accusation you can dream up? How about how you liberals convict every cop in the court of leftist opinion and sentence them to death?
Liberals; the masters of hypocrisy. Hillary is a lying, corrupt, incompetent skank.
@Bill #29:
She is also innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Your OTHER complaint about liberals attacking Trump does not mitigate Hillary’s innocence.
Trump has done far more damage to himself than Hillary or any other Democrat could EVER dream of doing to him. All the Democrats have to do is keep running tapes of Trump SPEAKING. He’s done HIMSELF in, and IT IS ON PURPOSE!
You just can’t wrap your silly little deluded mind around that fact, can you?
You keep TRYING to make a case against Hillary, all the while YOUR candidate does everything in his power to NOT GET ELECTED!
How can you STILL be TRYING to beat the ONLY candidate that actually WANTS THE JOB????
What, exactly, IS your best-case scenario, anyway?
That Trump miraculously DOES win, and then he just up and quits Sara Palin-style, claiming that he’s done all that he set out to do, which was to build the foundation of his fledgling media empire? Is THAT what you want? Because if it is, I’m guessing that you’ve chased quite a few rainbows in your time, and you STILL haven’t figured out that there ISN’T a pot of gold at the end of them.
@George Wells: Nothing changes the fact that Hillary lied, under oath, before Congress, lied to the FBI, proved herself completely incompetent as Secretary of State, lost $6 billion, collected payments for US influence.
Leaked emails now also implicate her in campaign fraud, inciting fascist violence, racism and selling influence. Sheesh, George, how big a criminal are you willing to tolerate just for the sake of having a liberal rule you?
@Bill- Deplorable Me: You’re a one trick pony Bill As in anything Liberal is bad.
Ride out the defeat with your sidekick Hannity–where’s RT?
Accept the fact you’re gonna lose–AGAIN–because YOU nominated an unacceptable and unelectable standard bearer.
Republicans are obviously much stupider than Libs. Or maybe they’re masochists and enjoy the pain that comes EVERY 4 years..
@Bill #31:
If Hillary DID what you CLAIM she did, WHY haven’t REPUBLICANS taken their case through the courts? You get yourselves all puffed up, and then you fizzle. It would seem that you need a hefty dose of Viagra, as without artificial enhancement, you lack sufficient conviction to get done the job that you insist you deserve.
Hillary ISN’T a criminal until she’s been proven GUILTY.
She HASN’T been proven guilty.
End of story.
YOU nominated Trump.
You’re getting what you deserve.
@George Wells:
Oh, I don’t know… because that is the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE’S JOB?!?
@Bill #34:
I’m seeing that while you press ahead with your Clinton character-assassination spiel, you DON”T bother to defend Trump.
Good for you!
You will vote for YOUR clown in two weeks, doubtless hoping that his BEST FRIEND Putin will somehow save the campaign that Trump has consistently sabotaged, and I will vote for my miserably flawed candidate because I want a liberal Supreme Court for the rest of my life. I will get what I want and you will not. Once again. When will you begin to wonder if this doesn’t point to a fundamental flaw in WHAT YOU WANT?
Don’t you get this?
The PEOPLE don’t want Trump!
They don’t really want Hillary either, but they’d MUCH prefer her to Trump, and that’s the bottom line.
Nothing comes after it.
America has had YEARS of GOP muckraking over Benghazi and email servers and Bill Clinton’s naughty behavior, and in short order Trump counterfeited the value of those scandals with his own outrageous crap. The Clinton stuff was old news, the Trump nonsense all fresh and exciting. It’s no wonder America has been following all of the sensational Trump news… it’s NEWs! Benghazi isn’t. It’s as simple as that.
And AFTER president Hillary is inaugurated, you’ll KEEP on about what a crook she is, won’t you? Because obsessive-compulsive nut-cases like you can’t ever move on.
Just remember who will be celebrating!
@George Wells: I see you tippy-toed around the questions I asked. That mans you KNOW Hillary lied, is a criminal and is a terrible candidate. However, being a liberal, you LIKE liars, you EXPECT to be lied to and all you care about is liberalism. Forget that liberalism has failed at every turn, you and those like you just care about liberalism… because you get something out of it.
Let’s be clear; NO ONE votes for Hillary for the good of the country. No one that is reasonably informed, anyway. Anyone voting for Hillary does so for a specific self interest, not the good of the country. I find it impossible to believe that the majority of those supporters are unaware of the blatant lies and gross negligence she committed by having her unsecured server, just to name a little of her disqualification.
No, make no mistake; no one actually believes Hillary is good for the nation. They believe Hillary is good for THEM.
Trump is good for the nation in that he is not Hillary. He is all that stands in the way of Hillary and, as such, he is tonic for the nation. Hillary is dishonest, corrupt and incompetent. The incompetence and corruption are a dangerous combination and it was on display prominently when she was Secretary of State. Only Trump can block this combination from infecting the White House and across all levels of government power.
Only Trump. Please, no more years of liberal disaster.
You support Hillary even though it is PROVEN she is a perjuring liar. You support her even though she has already had a job interview for the Presidency and FAILED totally and miserably. You support her even though her OWN EMAILS reveal she is supporting violence, supporting voter fraud, supporting corruption. You support her because you are a pliant, blind, subservient liberal.
I would have voted for Trump today, but did not get to the polls in time. So, I will take off early tomorrow and my wife and I will vote… FOR TRUMP. Trump is no saint, but he has not committed perjury, has not let our adversaries have as much of our classified information as they can carry, he has not ignored dire warnings of terror attacks, allowed a consulate to be sacked, an ambassador to be killed and then did NOTHING to try and rescue the brave defenders stranded by his incompetence. Trump has never sold US strategic assets to an enemy of peddled US government influence. Trump never supports those who want to (and sometimes DO) kill police.
How despicable to call other people deplorable when she is just about the most deplorable person in the nation, with the exception of her puppet master, Soros (and guesses why Soros went into the voting machine business?). Trump never gave a homophobic father of a homophobic radical Islamic mass murderer a featured seat at any of his rallies. There is so much about Trump that is not like the trashy Hillary.
The fact you are unable to honestly answer my questions reveals a lot. Go ahead and vote for your criminal. I will vote for the United States of America.
@Bill #36:
Answer your question?
Sorry, but I didn’t SEE an honest question.
I’m no more interested in exchanging spit with you than I’m interested in BOTHERING to justify my vote. You don’t deserve that.
You keep describing Hillary as “criminal,” and you ignore my perfectly valid observation that in America, a citizen is presumed innocent until PROVEN GUILTY in a court of law. Whatever happened to your conservative’s love affair with tradition? As soon as it swings against you, you’re ready to take up torches and pitchforks and the rule of law be damned. Some conservative YOU are!
FYI: I couldn’t care less about Hillary’s emails, and guess what? America doesn’t either. Back in the day, people had their raunchy conversations just like they do today, but there weren’t permanent records of every last shred of communication like there is today. Thus Trump has WRONGLY been crucified over his so-called “locker-room banter.” And wait a minute… are we talking about what? 33 THOUSAND emails? REALLY???? THIRTY THREE THOUSAND???? And those are the DELEATED ONES???
How many personal letters from George Washington are in the National Archives? Personally, I can’t manage MY email as it is, and there certainly aren’t tens of thousands of them… So I’m not at all convinced that WHATEVER went through HRC’s server is a reflection of her qualifications to be president. Aren’t we fussing over about a hundred emails? Out of what, a hundred-THOUSAND? So you’re saying that she handled 99.9% of them CORRECTLY? Sounds good to me!
Yeah, I vote for what’s good for me. I’m willing to extrapolate that to make the point that what’s good for me is good for America. The majority of Americans will do the same thing in two weeks. Whatever YOU BELIEVE is good for America is evidently NOT what the majority of Americans want, and that’s the nature of self-governance. Ultimately, WE THE PEOPLE get what we deserve.
You will vote for the loser, and I will vote for the winner, and NEITHER of our votes will make a difference, save demonstrating that at least SOME Americans bother to vote. I’ll be celebrating, but I won’t waste my time reading your hate-speeches on Flopping Aces. So I’ll tell you right now, in advance:
@George Wells:
How disgustingly cowardly and dishonest. You are supporting a corrupt liar. Does that feel good?
Again, how typically liberal. You don’t care about an act that jeopardized national security because a lying, incompetent, corrupt, criminal liberal committed it. That says all that needs to be said.
33,000 ILLEGALLY deleted emails. Emails deleted after they were subpoenaed as evidence. Oh, I forgot; a liberal doesn’t care about the rule of law, national security, honesty or integrity. All of that interferes with the spread of liberalism. They are incompatible.
@Bill #38:
I’ll email you some of my popcorn on election night. We’re having a party.
There was nothing illegal about deleting her personal emails, which comprised the vast majority of the deleted material. 30 some emails were subsequently determined include discussion regarding Benghazi, but they could easily have been deleted inadvertently. That would be 1 out of 1,100—a few needles in a very large haystack.
The right wants to make something out of this. Feel free, but don’t expect everyone to draw the same conclusions. Not everyone is predisposed to seeing a nefarious intention behind everything she says or does.
@election-may-not-be-rigged-but-the-process-certainly-is/#comment-511130″>George Wells: I’ll bet you are. Celebrating corruption and fascism. Enjoy.
How astute of you to now include the caveat, “vast majority” to modify Hillary’s bold-face lie. Not only were some of the emails that were deleted, AFTER the Senate Benghazi committee demanded they be preserved by the way, contain some that were not wedding plans or yoga reservations (yeah… Hillary does yoga. Right), but there were some that contained classified information… MARKED classified. Of course, Hillary, the candidate for the President of the United States, says she did not know what the classified markings meant. Yeah, OK.
Did she “inadvertently” lie, under oath, to Congress? Georgie pretty much confirms he believes she did (of course, liberalism trumps integrity every time). How about you, Greg? Willing to support someone that is on tape committing perjury, the same thing Kathleen Kane just went to jail for? Aside from what she was lying about to cover up, her perjury is just ONE of her violations, but it is recorded and undeniable. This is what you support.
Crime. Corruption. Incompetence. Fascism.
@Bill #41:
Hillary is innocent of any crime until proven guilty in a court of law.
“Corruption and Incompetence.”
You have failed to make the case that Hillary is any more corrupt or incompetent than The Donald.
He has lied at least as often as HRC, has cheated his contractors, shipped jobs to China, repeatedly taken obscene advantage of bankruptcy laws to avoid paying any taxes for the past two decades, lost a BILLION dollars in one year, has no governing experience and has done absolutely nothing to demonstrate a talent for it. He admits to being a serial molester of women (a crime) and you see virtue and potential in this monster. I don’t.
Because I was uncertain of what you were SUGGESTING with this label, I looked up the word. What I found seemed to parallel the bullying character that Trump has exhibited repeatedly throughout his campaign, and I certainly can’t accept your suggestion that HRC is any more inclined to Fascism than Trump. What I take comfort from in EITHER case is that the House and Senate stand between the President and any lawful OR unlawful exercise of presidential power, and this reduces your fear of Fascism to a question of whatever discomfort one or the other president might cause as he or she rants from the bully pulpit that the voters provide them with.
As you continue to assassinate the character of ONE candidate while granting carte blanch to the other, I am reminded that the majority of voters disagree with you, right or wrong, and your clown will ultimately get the defeat that he so intensely desires. That’s a sweet reward in and of itself, don’t you think?
@George Wells:
One can commit a crime with or without the conviction by a court of law. But you choose to embarrass yourself for our comedic pleasure.
@July 4th American:
When YOU commit a crime, YOU are a party to the fact and, if you BELIEVE in GOD, then HE is also a party to it and, presumably, your appropriate punishment and atonement will be justly served when upon your death you stand before HIM in Judgement.
In the secular Law, you ARE presumed innocent UNTIL you have been found guilty in a court of law. That is because the rest of us law-abiding citizens are NOT parties to YOUR crime. Yes, you may COMMIT a crime, but even if you DO, you are innocent of it in the eyes of the law UNTIL you are found guilty IN A COURT OF LAW.
The comedy here is that you don’t know the difference.