When entitlement hits a speed bump

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Yikes. The picture sends chills up my spine. The queen is not pleased.Does this look like someone who would even entertain your opinion?

Vote for me or you will die!

The Clintons have a long standing sense of entitlement- they see themselves as the political aristocracy:

It seems clear now that there are two Hillary Clintons. The first, who exists wholly in the abstract, is the one we have been waiting for. She is a Maker of History and a savior of women; an equal partner in the power couple that presided over the prosperity, cool, and competence of the 1990s; a world-beating secretary of state; a feminist who smashes glass ceilings and fights for all that is right and good. Millions of us are “Ready!” for her. The other exists in the real world. This Hillary is a person who lacks concrete achievements; whose inevitability never quite translates into evitability; whose rhetoric always seems to turn up empty; who has an impressive capacity for saying things that hurt her and her interests; and, most distressingly of all, who becomes instantly less likeable the moment she opens her mouth.

It affects both of them:

During yesterday’s Super Tuesday primaries, the former president entered a polling station with Boston Mayor Marty Walsh while campaigning for his wife in Massachusetts, a state that could have swayed for either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. It is illegal to campaign within 150 feet of a polling station, and given that he was an elected official for several years, Mr. Clinton was certainly aware he was breaking the rules.

Mr. Clinton defended himself, arguing he did not campaign or approach voters. But, because of his notoriety, he didn’t need to approach anyone—they were bound to confront him. When one voter asked for a photo with Mr. Clinton, he smugly responded, “As long as we’re not violating any election laws.” He knew there would be no reprehension because of his powerful political status, while in 2008 he continuously accused the Obama campaign of voter intimidation.

She exudes contempt for the proletariat all the time:

At a Clinton campaign rally last week, a former marine vocalized his disdain for how Ms. Clinton handled Benghazi as secretary of state, and Mr. Clinton responded by yelling at the individual to “shut up and listen.” Ms. Clinton displayed this same abrasiveness when interrupted by a Black Lives Matter activist at one of her $500-a-plate fundraisers. Ms. Clinton immediately responded to the activist angrily, out shouting the activist until security forcibly removed him from the fundraiser. During similar disturbances, her opponent, Mr. Sanders, either let the activist speak or addressed them in an understanding, compassionate manner. Both Bill and Hillary Clinton knew the incidents were being videotaped and would receive national attention, yet still reacted with entitlement—for who dares interrupt them when they are speaking?

And golly there’s lots more:

Ms. Clinton’s political record is filled with unapologetic contradictions. Nearly everything she has said during the 2016 presidential primaries can be traced back to completely contradictory past statements, and when confronted she reverts to planned, dismissive talking points. Ms. Clinton repeatedly obstructed the investigation into her email server as secretary of state, dodged her involvement in the Benghazi scandal and has refused to release her speech transcripts to large financial firms while claiming to be the champion of Wall Street reform. She has attacked Mr. Sanders for discrepancies on his record for gun control, while an NRA lobbyist will be co-hosting a fundraiser for her in mid-March. Her role as secretary of state during the Obama administration is touted as a qualification for the presidency, when in reality her foreign policy was interventionist, resulting in a reduction in safety and national security as the war in Iraq imploded into the rise of ISIS in the Middle East.

It’s been ongoing for more than a decade:

Recall, for example, Bill and Hillary looting the White House, during the last days of his presidency, sending $28,000 of furnishings, registered to the National Park Service, to their New York home before they had to depart the place. Or there was Hillary piously announcing that the Clintons, after they left the White House, were “dead broke”—even though she had just signed an $8 million book deal.

The came this snarling manic outburst:




Why isn’t she 5- points ahead? A friend of mine had an answer for her:

Because Whitewater, cattle futures, landing under sniper fire in Bosnia, four dead Americans abandoned to muslim murderers in Benghazi, the “extremely careless” handling of classified emails on your homebrew server, the “pay for play” scams of the Clinton Crime Cartel, your “basket of deplorables” slander of American voters . . . In sum, because you’re a congenital liar . . . and flat out bat sh*t crazy.

I see a couple of possible outcomes here. If she wins she claims a mandate to do whatever she wants to do irregardless of the Constitution- obama III So it’s no stretch to imagine that we get this:




If she loses, well


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While I would never let Hillary off the hook for all her scandals and corruptions, her funny eye movements, her fainting, her double vision, and even this loud version of herself, might all be caused by a neurological problem that happened (by her own admission) to the underside of her brain a few years back.
When my mom had strokes it wasn’t always her left side or her hand that was affected.
At one point she lost her lifelong diplomacy, suddenly saying the 1st thing that crossed her mind, no matter how crass or insulting.
At another point she lost her depth perception and was sure I was driving next to a deep chasm instead of a shadow.
On a few occasions she was loud and boisterous because she didn’t think people were paying attention to her.
When I 1st saw this video to the Las Vegas union members I immediately thought back on how mom acted after one incident.
It was the same.
Hillary’s statement about why she refuses to have a new neurological test is parsing.
It is proof she can get her head together when she needs to.
But it was a parsing, just the same.
She was careful not to say, ”my health,” instead she said, the report.
A false report is proof of nothing.
She needs to earn our support (well, never mine) by allowing a neutral party to examine her present health.
I bet she’d rather lose the election than undergo such an exam.

Hillary is that slick English sports car you want. It’s appealing and luxurious and you are just sure you’ll look great driving it around. No matter how much you hear about the terrible gas mileage, high maintenance costs, poor performance, lack of dependability, low resale, you just can’t get that image of you cruising around in that model you know everyone will be so impressed seeing you in out of your mind.

You must have it, regardless of cost. You don’t care how stupid it is; it’s just so cool.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

She has a maniacal look that in and of itself should render her unfit for the office.

Now we learn there will be no cough breaks:


It appears there will be no commercial interruptions thereby prohibiting the moderator from cutting away.

So one wonders what she will do about her potty breaks, perhaps a super size depends will be in order.

She should also submit to a drug screening test as well.

The hildabeast also requested a step stool that was denied.

Time for Jiffy Pop come Monday night…..

AJay, Dr J has started your list for you: Hillary’s qualifications:
2cattle futures,
3 landing under sniper fire in Bosnia,
4 four dead Americans abandoned to muslim murderers in Benghazi,
5 the “extremely careless” handling of classified emails on your homebrew server,
6 the “pay for play” scams of the Clinton Crime Cartel,
7 your “basket of deplorables” slander of American voters
8 a congenital liar . . .
9 and flat out bat sh*t crazy.
and then: Vince

@July 4th American: Perhaps in addition to an earpiece so Soros can tell her what to say, she will have a catheter installed and drained into her Little Red Step Stool.

No, she’s not a slick sports car you must have. She’s the last person you pick for basketball, but her folks are rich, so you buddy up to her. You don’t ask her out because you don’t like her, but her hot friend says she’ll go out with you if you take Hillary out. She’s the one at work you don’t trust, who never hangs with you and the others at the bar after, but goes into the boss’s office and tells her what you’ve all been doing when she’s not around. She’s your best friend’s wife who you can’t stand. She’s the wife you’re divorcing so you can be with someone hot and fun, and you don’t want her to have a minute’s happiness, but you are so happy to be rid of her you give her almost everything you’ve got. You’ll put up with her having all your stuff and ruining it, but it’s worth it, because, finally, she’s GONE.

If one takes a look at a look at the behavior of SS Reichsführer Himmler and hilary the differences are very small. if one looks closely at hilary’s economic policy it favors elements of the Final Solution-racism and hate. the terrorist pres missed dictatorship, she will want to finish it.

Hillary has an ad that, were she aware enough to notice, explains exactly why she isn’t ”50 points ahead.”

She tells Americans that Trump’s ideas are dangerous.
That is only one step away from outlawing expression of such ideas.
ThoughtCrime could not be prosecuted until the person expressed such thoughts.
But Hillary’s buddies in Obama’s Admin have already been trying to criminalize such thoughts as ”climate change doubt,” and ”no borders.”
The Mass. Supreme Court just used Black Lives Matter phrases to decriminalize running from police (while black.)
Let her pack the court and it’s over.

Apparently a large segment of American voters can no longer distinguish between the coherent, consistent platform of an experienced, high-level governmental functionary and a celebrity huckster’s constantly changing sales pitch.

In addition to an absence of consistent positions on key issues, Trump’s past behavior reveals a complete absence of any core values. Instead, he places paramount importance on winning personally and accumulating wealth. His other primary source of gratification appears to come from being the center of public attention.

These are not the personality traits of a competent President and Commander in Chief. They’re warning flags.


Apparently a large segment of American voters can no longer distinguish

while you’re listing your faults, go ahead and do them all.

Instead, he places paramount importance on winning personally and accumulating wealth.

And of course we all know that Hillary is not interested in accumulating wealth, just check her personal foundation bank account.
footnote: this may be the first time I’ve ever seen winning personally and accumulating wealth as ‘bad traits’.

These are not the personality traits of a competent President and Commander in Chief.

So tell us more about Hillary’s traits that would make her good at anything.
1. Has her enemies eliminated (see Vince)
2. Deserts the folks that works for her and lets her ambassador get killed
3. Fired competent travel office employees.
4. Won’t listen to women her husband has raped
5. your turn…..

But I’m sure you can actually come up with something….. Ajay hasn’t been able to list one good attribute.

Repartee is not a substitute for substantive rebuttal. Your candidate would make a worse-than-useless placeholder for the office of president—one thing he does have in common with the current republican-majority Congress. If he selected the right Supreme Court nominees, we could finally attain a state of worse-than-uselessness in all three branches of the federal government at once. Then, as Doc Brown said, you’d see some really serious sh-t.

The only reason the country hasn’t come totally unglued on the watch of the largest republican Congressional majority since the New Deal Era is because the Executive Branch has remained fully functional in spite of them.


Oh yes…”fully functional”..

– Doubling the national debt in under 8 years.

– Shrinking our military to smaller size than pre-WW II levels.

– Weaponizing the IRS against political opponents, including destroying records despite court orders to preserve them.

– Flagrantly violating the Constitution with regard to the disasterous and bogus climate agreement, refusing to follow Constitutional treaty ratification procedures.

– Multiple lies covering up administrarion law breaking – to include the recent discovery of Obama emailing Clinton’s illegal server using a pseudonym, after having lied that he only knew about the server when it was reported in the news.

– Laying the groundwork for the rise of ISIS with a politically motivated premature withdrawal from Iraq.

– Fomenting racial unrest with PC stupidity, such as his idiotic comment about “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon”

– Losing hundreds of million of taxpayer dollars on the debacle of obamacare, as well as to cronies heading failed solar energy companies.

– An average GDP for the last 8 years of less than 2.5%, with not a single year at 3% or above.

– Granting US citizenship to roughly 900 muslims who were under deportation orders.

– Forcing transgender insanity on states under threat of federal legal harassment and withholding of federal education funds, while refusing to prosecute samcuary cities for violating federal immigration laws.

– Illegally jailing a filmmaker for the bogus claim his anti-muslim video was the cause of a “spontaneous protest” (complete with RPGs and mortars), despite Clinton emails date/timed from while the attack was ongoing that it was a terrorist attack.

– Lying repeatedly that obamacare was not a tax during rhe run up to it being crammed down the nation’s throat on a party-line vote, then arguing all the way to SCOTUS that it was constituitionally legal as a tax.

– Blocking funding for dealing with the Zika virus because democrats insist on including federal funding for the butchers of Planned Parenthood.

Yeah, the GOP-controlled Congress has fallen short…by failing to prevent most of the tyrannical leftist insanity you progs want to impose on America. But the solution is most definitely NOT giving power to an even more corrupt, dishonest, and purely evil regime in the form of Hillary.

Can’t we all just get along?

The photo was taken Saturday at the opening of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture.

Obama will be acknowledged by history as one of the best presidents the nation has ever had. These have been very difficult, dangerous times, and he has successfully led the country through them. He’ll be turning over to his successor a nation that’s in far better order than he found it. He’ll be missed when he’s gone from the White House.


Obama will be acknowledged by history as one of the best presidents the nation has ever had.

On what basis?

Obama will be acknowledged by history as one of the best presidents the nation has ever had.

How so?

He’ll be turning over to his successor a nation that’s in far better order than he found it.

Again, on what basis?

He’ll be missed when he’s gone from the White House

That is a stretch, laughing my ass off…..

Greg now moving into legacy building for the pResident, must be a shovel ready job…….


Apparently a large segment of American voters can no longer distinguish between the coherent, consistent platform of an experienced, high-level governmental functionary and a celebrity huckster’s constantly changing sales pitch.

Actually, Hillary is all that, less the representative of a “coherent, consistent platform of an experienced, high-level governmental functionary”, as her positions have swung much wider than Trump’s, her experience is restricted to breaking laws and getting away with it and was totally DISfunctional in government work. But, she spends five times what Trump does on attack adds and slick advertising for a faulty product… HER. Why doesn’t she run some adds on her stunning achievements? Oh…. that’s right.

Obama will be acknowledged by history as one of the best presidents the nation has ever had.

Acknowledged by whom and for what? Liberals continue to spread this fertilizer in the Goebbelsian hope that if it is promoted enough, it will, in the minds of the uniformed, become fact. In reality, by all accounts and measures, Obama has been an abysmal failure with the most scandal-riddled administration we have EVER seen. Nixon had ONE scandal… Obama has presided over at least 8; probably more.


He’ll be missed when he’s gone from the White House.

As in: Thank God we finally got rid of that useless POS.


You are the definitional basis for the statement, “Liberalism is a mental disorder.”

Still NONE of the paid trolls have been able to come up with just one thing on the list of Hillary’s accomplishments:
1. had Vince knocked offSorry that one doesn’t count.

@Pete, #17:

The pathology, I believe, is on the political right. The woefully dysfunctional Congress they’ve elected can be cited as evidence. The 114th House of Representatives was seated following the 2014 midterm elections with the largest republican majority since 1929; they have had larger Senate majorities only 3 times in the nation’s entire history, and then by only 1 seat.

It’s official: GOP will have biggest House majority since before the New Deal

So, what legislative accomplishments do they have to show for this grand opportunity to achieve something worthwhile? None whatsoever. Instead, they’ve devoted their full attention to unprecedented efforts to monkey-wrench the Executive Branch on all fronts, in matters of both domestic and foreign policy; they’ve repeatedly abused their investigative powers as a political propaganda weapon, repeatedly ignoring the politically inconvenient findings of their own investigations; they’ve constantly preached a message of impending failure involving the nation’s economic recovery from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, while contributing absolutely nothing in the way of helpful jobs legislation; they’ve constantly preached a message of failure and impending disaster concerning terrorism, totally ignoring the reality of a diligently-pursued war against ISIS while offering absolutely nothing in the way of concrete alternatives.

We could certainly add to that list. We could cite GOP efforts to deprive women of sovereign control of their own bodies and reproductive function; their resistance to fair wages; their desire to roll back consumer protections in the financial sector; their targeted efforts to disenfranchise classes of voters while citing evidence of voter fraud that is largely anecdotal and statistically irrelevant; their commitment to extend more tax cuts to the wealthiest who are already taxed at far lower rates than they were through most of the past century and are already reaping an enormously disproportionate cut of all of the nation’s economic gains, at a time when the national debt is already a looming threat to the nation’s economic stability.

On top of all of that, they can’t even get their own ducks in a row. They’re backing a totally unqualified, temperamentally unsuited presidential candidate that a majority of their own leadership fully realize shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office. They’re a party wanting to lead the nation against some very calculating adversaries, that has already been repeatedly outwitted by a clueless reality television host.

I don’t view taking note of the obvious and responding accordingly at the polling place to be a symptom of a mental disorder. I can only hope a majority of Americans will think about all of the above before they vote.

@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables), #18:

Your “paid trolls” are actually nothing more than people who disagree with your positions, and take the time to explain why they do.


Your “paid trolls” are actually nothing

True. Not very much anyhow. You know who they are as well as the rest of us do.

and take the time to explain why they do.

Neither you, or Ajay nor any of the other trolls have bothered to list 1 accomplishment of Hillary. Several people have asked for just one thing and all we get are crickets chirping. Why do you suppose no one can list an accomplishment of Hillary. I’d guess for the same reason they can’t list one for Obama. Hasn’t had any. And no, doubling the national debt is not a Plus.


So, what legislative accomplishments do they have to show

unprecedented efforts to monkey-wrench the Executive Branch

biggest failure there is not having a large enough monkey wrench.

they’ve constantly preached a message of impending failure

impending? it wasn’t impending, it was HERE.

they’ve constantly preached a message of impending failure involving the nation’s economic recovery from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression,

And, of course, we have succeeded in reaching that low spot this very year under Obozo.

contributing absolutely nothing in the way of helpful jobs legislation;

In fact, the Obama admin has done a great job of eliminating American jobs and shipping them overseas. Even Hillary brags about putting coal miners out of jobs.

at a time when the national debt is already a looming threat to the nation’s economic stability.

Whoa, yeah, you’re right. Obama has at least tripled the national debt, reaching the highest point ever just this year, but don’t despair, it will be even worse because of Obama next year. Remember, if a Repub is in office, he gets to ‘blame it all’ on the person that left him that mess.

they can’t even get their own ducks in a row.

I found out long ago that putting ducks into lines doesn’t accomplish much.

They’re backing a totally unqualified,

and Dims sure know about ‘unqualified’ having elected a failed community organizer that had been suspended from the Bar assoc because of having a fake license. Yep, dims know ‘unqualified’.
While we’re on ‘unqualified’, you’ll note that no Dimocrat has been able to put any accomplishment of Hillary on a list as of this date.
1. Had Vince knocked off. I told you that doesn’t count

@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables), #21:

I seem to recall having mentioned the many years she was a principle advocate for expanded healthcare availability to America’s children. As First Lady, she was also a principle advocate of comprehensive healthcare reform, long before Obama finally saw it realized. (Don’t like the Affordable Care Act? Then you’d best figure out how to make the system better, because the logjam that kept healthcare problems from even being addressed for decades has now been effectively dynamited.)

World Trade Center site redevelopment funding and healthcare for 9/11 first responders? Clinton was extensively involved. She cosponsored legislation to raise the size of the Regular Army to 80,000 in response to the effects on the military of the Iran and Afghanistan wars.

I suppose I might ask what Trump has ever done that wasn’t primarily intended for the personal enrichment and/or aggrandizement of Trump. Of course Trump has never held any public office, or had any experience with managing the inescapable complexities of governing a nation of 319 million people, or had any experience with international diplomacy. Nor has he had any involvement with military operations or intelligence agencies. He doesn’t even seem to be capable of sorting out fact from fiction. He imagines that Vladimir Putin has been a better leader for the people of Russia than Obama has been for the people of the United States, which suggests to me that he is either utterly clueless about many realities of the world, a bald-face liar, or some combination of the two.

I don’t believe a majority of American voters are clueless enough to elect this bag of wind to an office that would put him in a position to break just about everything. It’s close, though, and I fully expect a carefully calculated effort to interject disinformation into the media shortly before the election, with the intention of turning things in Trump’s favor. Putin will see to that, and will likely be using Wikileaks as his willing tool.

September 21: Trump Used Money From Charitable Foundation to Settle Legal Disputes

Donald Trump used money from his charitable foundation to settle legal disputes concerning his business enterprises, court and tax filings show — a practice that charity experts say raises red flags and may violate IRS laws.

But the Trump campaign is defending the practice, with campaign manager Kellyanne Conway noting that it hadn’t yet drawn IRS scrutiny.

A review of legal documents and interviews by NBC News found that $258,000 in Donald J. Trump Foundation donations was used to settle two separate suits against Trump’s private companies, which was first reported by the Washington Post.

So, a quarter of a million dollars donated to a Trump charity was used to settle two lawsuits against Trump’s unrelated private companies. And the defense would apparently be that It’s OK, provided you get away with it.

But wait! as the television pitchman says. There’s more!

Trump promised millions to charity. We found less than $10,000 over 7 years.

Will anyone care? Who knows. This isn’t anywhere near as bad as shooting somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue. It’s only a case of stealing from the collection plate.

@Greg: See, you still can’t list an accomplishment of Hillary. An advocate? She advocated Ambassador Stephens not having any security. How did that work out?
You must be the only person in the US that thinks Obamacare is a success.

World Trade Center site redevelopment funding

LOL. You can bet Hillary got more into her account from that than anyone else.

I suppose I might ask what Trump has ever done that wasn’t primarily intended for the personal enrichment and/or aggrandizement of Trump.

You might ask that? except that it would make you sound retarded for asking why a businessman is trying to make his business successful.

Nor has he had any involvement with military operations

Tell us about Slick willie’s, Obama’s and Hillary’s military experience before they were elected. Did their lack of experience keep you from voting for them.

or had any experience with managing the inescapable complexities of governing a nation

But Slick, Obama and Hillary were extremely good experienced business persons? right?

He imagines that Vladimir Putin has been a better leader for the people of Russia than Obama has been for the people of the United States,

I don’t believe you can find anyone other than yourself that thinks Obozo has been anything other than a total failure. I will say I hesitate to say he was a ‘total failure’ because that would say he completed something entirely. So let’s just say an utter failure. That’s about 99.95% complete failure.

So go ahead Greg.
Hillary’s accomplishments:

@Greg: Kinda pathetic effort to prove that Trump did something illegal. You’re gonna have to start again. Nothing has been proven against him.
Give us a list of all the charitable contributions Hillary has given from her foundations.

@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables):

Illary’s accomplishments:
A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at
2951 New York Highway 43 in Averill Park, New York, as the
“Major George Quamo Post Office Building”.

The basic problem here is that you are unwilling to confront reality.

Should the fraud you’re backing for president actually be elected you will have the next four years to familiarize yourself with the concept, as you slowly discover there’s an enormous difference between reality television and actual reality.

Unfortunately, the rest of the country will also have to participate in the right’s remedial learning experience. And then there’s the likelihood that you’ll learn nothing from it anyway. Instead, you’ll probably say, “Look! We told you the economy was going to crash! Obama did it!” “Look! We told you Putin was going to invade (fill in the blank)! Obama did it!”


Should the fraud you’re backing for president

What is he a fraud at? Has he made billions in business or not? Who has won any suits against him for fraud?
Should your guy win, will she get another post office named?

I see July 4 th American filled in No. 1 for you, now you do no. 2
1. Got post office in New York named for a military veteran.


I seem to recall having mentioned the many years she was a principle advocate for expanded healthcare availability to America’s children. As First Lady, she was also a principle advocate of comprehensive healthcare reform, long before Obama finally saw it realized.

So her major accomplishment has be advocating something that didn’t happen when she was advocating then, when it did, was a colossal failure?

I suppose I might ask what Trump has ever done that wasn’t primarily intended for the personal enrichment and/or aggrandizement of Trump.

Ha! What has Hillary ever done that was not designed to put money into her pockets? The difference is Trump was risking his own investments; Hillary puts US lives and taxpayer funds at risk, often losing them. In the process, Trump created tens of thousands of jobs. Hillary? She simply likes to tell people she’s going to put them out of work.

Even if those accusations against Trump’s charitable foundations are true (the left lies so much about Trump, it is impossible for an objective person to take them seriously any more) he hasn’t sold off US assets or influence to foreign governments, as Hillary has. In addition, Hillary served up thousands of classified information-ridden emails to foreign adversaries. She is not only unqualified, but DISqualified.

We’ve had 8 years to become accustomed to failure, lies, corruption, anti-Constitutional behavior, the squandering of a victory over terrorism and the erosion of US power and prestige all around the world. Trump will be a VAST improvement over Obama and Hillary should NEVER be allowed into the White House or any other taxpayer supported institution ever again.

What is he a fraud at? Has he made billions in business or not? Who has won any suits against him for fraud?

Making a huge amount of money is no proof of honesty or integrity. Nor is it evidence of a special skill or an understanding of anything other than making a huge amount of money. Having huge amounts of money can even insulate a person so well from the harshness of reality that a person no longer understands what those not having it deal with.

Trump’s fraudulent pitch is that he has some special magical power to fix things, when there’s no indication that he has any real understanding of the job, or of the enormous complexities that it involves. What he’s pitching is Trump, as if he were a product or a business proposition. He’s selling the Trump image and brand—not any actual set of qualifications.

He’s just a pitch man. What this election comes down to is whether or not America can distinguish between the product and the sales pitch.


Wealth does not qualify a person to be president.

So that is enough to disqualify Hillary?

Nor is it evidence of a special skill or an understanding of anything other than making a huge amount of money.

Which most people prefer over losing or stealing others money.

Having huge amounts of money can even insulate a person

Such as Hillary?

Hill’s accomplishments according to Greg:
1. Got post office in New York named for a military veteran.

@Greg: Good comment on Hillary. She is so insulated only those that are willing to pay huge amts of money are able to access her. So grateful is she to interact with people from outside her protective private bubble she does great favors for them. Do you think they might be taking advantage of a poor brain damaged lonely old ill woman?

I think your need to believe you are right will always get in the way of your ability to acknowledge any evidence that you aren’t. This is a problem that no presentation of facts or no amount of argument will ever overcome.

The GOP has gathered you up over the years, and now Donald Trump has got your number.

Trump vs Trump Who will win? You must elect him to find out!

Charity watchdog compares Clinton, Trump foundations


Making a huge amount of money is no proof of honesty or integrity.

It sure isn’t. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Most of the Foundation’s spending goes to travel, expenses and “other”

Charity Navigator gets favors from Clinton Foundation, then gives them 4-star rating

$140 million in donations, $9 million to charity

Trump’s fraudulent pitch is that he has some special magical power to fix things, when there’s no indication that he has any real understanding of the job, or of the enormous complexities that it involves.

This is absolutely true. We can’t possibly know how any candidate will do the job until they have done it. Look at the utter disaster Obama turned out to be.

But Hillary makes the same claims and this we DO know: she failed at Secretary of State, creating an al Qaeda and ISIS safe haven in Libya, ignoring her job and getting a consulate sacked, making the nation look absolutely foolish all around the world and mishandling classified information on a gigantic scale, all to be able to delete her miserable record at her discretion. All this while the Clinton Foundation peddled US influence to increase her own personal wealth.

I think your need to believe you are right will always get in the way of your ability to acknowledge any evidence that you aren’t.

Somehow, I think YOU think that only applies to other. Look within, my friend. Look within.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #35:

Another problem is that many on the right don’t seem to be smart enough to figure out when they’re being conned with a simple sentence. For example:

Clinton Foundation Spent Millions More On Travel Than Charitable Grants, IRS Filings Show

Yep. Because the Clinton Foundation makes very few charitable grants to other charitable organizations. Instead, it organizes and operates virtually all of its domestic and international charity programs directly.

Also, because of the fact that its annual financial reports and other documents are available for public inspection, you can figure out what all of those programs actually are. Can you find any equally comprehensive documentation detailing the programs and projects the Trump Foundation sponsors? How about his tax returns? The Clinton’s tax returns are all available for public inspection years into the past.

Trump is a con man. Even the conservative Washington Examiner figured Donald Trump out and stated what he was, months ago: Trump is a con man, and you’re his latest mark

Basically, you’re believing whatever you want to believe. Facts don’t really enter into the discussion—especially those that might contradict your fantasies.

I’ve become weary of pointing out the obvious.


So much progressive baloney, and so little time…

The fundamental issue that you seem incapable of grasping in your laughable leftist propaganda is WHY did the American people vote in republican majorities to both houses of Congress, if Obama and the left were viewed as doing such a great job? You tyrannical leftists WANT to impose your anti-freedom, insane PC, socialist pogrom on the nation. Obama and his ilk have damn well done everything possible, both constitutional and unconstitutional, to achieve the left’s evil goals. The American people clearly voted against the progressive agenda by giving Congressional control to the GOP. That is why they have the largest majority since the dark days of the socialist FDR. My complaint is that the GOP has not done nearly enough to obstruct the anti-American Obama.

The idea you deceiptful leftists spew, that opposing the use of taxpayer money to pay for the murder of the preborn is “taking control of a woman’s soverign right over her body” is a deliberate, fascist-style lie. It is a tragic and disgusting fact that the murder of the preborn is legal in the US. Despite the constant shrieks from the left about ‘rape and incest’ the VAST majority of abortions are performed because a couple doesn’t want to be bothered with the consequences of their sexual acts. Though it is legal for them to kill their preborn child, it is more reprehensible for anyone to suggest that taxpayers be required to be complicit in these millions of murders per year in violation of their personal beliefs. The vile leftist saying, “If you don’t like abortion, then don’t have one” now has the added arrogance of, “but you can shut up and pay for them whether you like it or not.”

The repudiated stupidity of keynesian economics, which Obama and the left have employed for the last 8 years, has prolonged the economic downturn to the present day, just as FDR’s use of the same idiotic “spend your way out of debt” policies extended the great depression. The national debt has doubled under Obama’s term. The nation is teetering on insolvency, in spite of record tax hauls. It is long past time for someone with actual business acumen to right the economic ship, and regardless of Trump’s brusque demeanor, he certainly has far greater experience with business finance than Hillary – who only knows how to get money through graft and accepting bribes.

Tomorrow night’s debate promises to be impactful. The country will have a choice between electing a thoroughly corrupt and obnoxious unindicted criminal who will continue the collapse of the US with leftist tyranny, versus a colorful political outsider targetted by the collectivist establishment.

@Greg: Obama is a con man. Hillary is a con man.

The FBI Investigation of EmailGate Was a Sham

Trump is a far better choice than a corrupt liar known to be incompetent. And that applies to either Hillary or Obama.

@Greg: Greg you were missed, we were going to put your posts on a milk carton, nice to see you just took a short break to mainline kool-aid and recharge.
We have sad sad choice this election, damn was this the best both partys could do?
But I believe your choice has some deep hatred of everybody, what the hell did her and Bill do with all the Haiti relief money I know some of it was used for one of their cronies to build a mansion in Florida, just a drop in the bucket, but Haitians sure dont seem to be much better off. Now old Hillary wants to make her foundation a new dept in the government? Is she now going to ramp up he old pay for play using the entire executive branch? Nearly 200 government appointments for donors already wow that foundation could really rake it in with the whole government to play with.

The Observer article you have linked is an opinion piece. It simply repeats damning accusations concerning the FBI, while providing not an iota of evidence to back those accusations up, or even any logical arguments as to why anyone should share the author’s conclusions. You share them because you share them is not evidence of a logical thought process.

The article is laced with bullshit assertions, intensified for the mentally challenged with adjectives and intensifiers that pretty much follow Trump’s rhetorical technique.

We now have incontrovertible proof the Bureau never had any intention of prosecuting Hillary Clinton

No you don’t, you g-dam shill. If you do, why don’t you plainly state what the f-ck it is?

From the moment the EmailGate scandal went public more than a year ago, it was obvious that the Federal Bureau of Investigation never had much enthusiasm for prosecuting Hillary Clinton or her friends.

Really? Why should we conclude that? It was a lengthy, methodical, in-depth investigation. Smarmy smiling Weasel-word Boy John R. Schindler just doesn’t like the conclusion.

Under President Obama, the FBI grew so politicized that it became impossible for the Bureau to do its job – at least where high-ranking Democrats are concerned.

Bullshit. There is not an iota of evidence supporting that statement.

As I observed in early July, when Director James Comey announced that the FBI would not be seeking prosecution of anyone on Team Clinton over EmailGate, the Bureau had turned its back on its own traditions of floating above partisan politics in the pursuit of justice. “Malfeasance by the FBI, its bending to political winds, is a matter that should concern all Americans, regardless of their politics,” I stated, noting that it’s never a healthy turn of events in a democracy when your secret police force gets tarnished by politics.

He was as big a partisan jackass in early July as now. There is no f-cking indication of FBI malfeasance. The fact that Schindler says so, and quotes himself as previously saying so, does not make it so. Evidence would make it so, but he has none. All he has is the fact that he doesn’t like the FBI’s conclusion. I’d believe FBI Director James Comey before this twit any day of the week. He actually takes his job and the law seriously.

Just how much Comey and his Bureau punted on EmailGate has become painfully obvious since then.

No, it hasn’t. But this guy’s partisan polimics are becoming painfully obvious. Assuming the reader isn’t stupid, of course.

Worse, the FBI completely ignored the appearance of highly classified signals intelligence in Hillary’s email, including information lifted verbatim from above-Top Secret NSA reports back in 2011.

No, they did not. And what was this “information lifted verbatim from above-Top Secret NSA reports?” Do we have some new security category designated Above-Top-Secret? The man is a moron.

This stunning omission appears highly curious to anybody versed in counterintelligence matters, not least since during Obama’s presidency, the FBI has prosecuted Americans for compromising information far less classified than what Clinton and her staff exposed on Hillary “unclassified” email server of bathroom infamy.

Maybe he’s paid by the word, so all those bullshit adjectives and intensifiers earn him extra nickels. He’s supposed to be “versed in counterintelligence matters?” Maybe he also needs to study up on what the statutory criteria are for conviction of the various crimes he assumes Hillary Clinton is guilty of. He might note that some are missing in her case, while none were missing in the cases of those the FBI has prosecuted. That’s how the FBI decides whether prosecution should be recommended. (Oh? He didn’t realize the FBI doesn’t actually prosecute people? Maybe he also needs to be study up on how the legal process really works.)

Now it turns out the FBI granted immunity to much bigger fish in the Clinton political tank.

Granting immunity is how you routinely get sworn testimony, rather than potential witnesses citing the Fifth Amendment, Mr. Schindler. Perhaps he has forgotten that’s how Ken Starr coerced testimony from Monica Lewinsky. Idiot.

This was in fact so highly irregular that Jason Chaffetz, chair of the House Oversight Committee, pronounced himself “absolutely stunned” by the FBI’s granting of immunity to Cheryl Mills – which he learned of only on Friday. “No wonder they couldn’t prosecute a case,” Rep. Chaffetz observed of Comey’s Bureau: “They were handing out immunity deals like candy.”

Yet another person who uses adjectives to intensify his unevidenced bullshit pronouncements. After being absolutely stunned, I’m surprised he was still able to speak. Maybe they picked this up from the Munchkin coroner in The Wizard of Oz, who pronounced the witch absolutely, positively dead.

Not to mention that Mills has a longstanding and well-deserved reputation in Washington for helping the Clintons dodge investigation after investigation.

That one is definitely convincing. Cheryl Mills was Bill Clinton’s council when republicans convened their kangaroo court impeachment proceedings. So, it was her job to defend him from the kangaroos. How did those proceedings turn out? I guess maybe she’s good at her job. Or maybe the kangaroos are a pack of morons. She really pisses Mr. Schindler off. I applaud her for that.

@Greg: Instead of getting angry at the facts, you should direct your disgust at your disgusting, lying, corrupt candidate and the corrupt administration that has been propping her up and covering her misdeeds.


The simple fact of the matter here greg is, apart from you and your cousin ajax, the likelihood of anyone here voting for the hildabeast is perhaps 1 in 100 million chances or so.

You are a democrat lacky who as you project the Republicans have done to their voters is more than obvious that your democrat party has done to you.

The hildabeast is a horrible candidate and trying to match horribleness with whomever the Republican party had nominated is a futile effort.

It is sad that the only way you can defend your candidate is to unsuccessfully make her opponent out to be worse than she.

In other words, you are not succeeding in your effort(s). To the contrary, there is more exposed of your flawed candidate each and every day cementing the fact that .9995% of the posters here in no way will vote for the hildabeast.

In short you have failed and continue to fail, but as I have said before, it is comedic entertainment at your expense….

One astonishing picture of Hillary Clinton shows who and what we’ve become…..


As Hillary Clinton stands on a podium and waves, not one of the throng in front of her seems to be facing her.

Instead, everyone has turned their backs and raised their phones in order to get a little of themselves — perhaps just their hair or their upper forehead — into the shot.

Ng offered this caption: “2016, ya’ll.”

One can surely forgive him for misplacing his apostrophe, as he gazed upon this human catastrophe.

Increasingly we prefer to be seen with each other, instead of looking at each other.

We live not to be there, but to be seen to be there.


You are becoming more and more histrionic in your pathetic attempts at rhetorical smokescreening, Greg. Your laughable jibberish doesn’t erase the following facts:

1. Slick Willie WAS impeached for lying under oath. He just wasn’t removed from office. He was also disbarred for his lying.

2. There was absolutely no legitimate purpose for Hillary to run an illegal and unsecured server. You proglodytes can keep shrieking your bogus claims, but the bottom line which every honest, objective person knows is that Hillary had ZERO justification to run that server. She, like her ersatz husband, is a pathological liar.

Your every post in an amazing example of an unhinged leftist propagandist, projecting the inherent dishonesty and corruption of Hillary and her ilk onto opponents of progressive tyranny, revealing in increasing clarity the complete lack of integrity and the vapid childish selfishness necessary to worship at the altar of collectivism.

Blather on all you wish with your “micturition against the hurricane” defenses of your lying anti-heroes. Your self-beclownment antics have become increasingly hilarious as you grow evermore hysterically desperate.

@Greg: We all know click bait when we see it, Hillary cant possibly survive this evidence click here to read more, Or Donald will need to drop from the race when this is exposed click here to read more. Partisan hacks on both sides that need sensational headlines for mundane poorly written articles.
But she has something huge in her cauldron hidden not bleach bitten, there is no way as long as she has it Obama can’t protect her.
If there were no crimes committed why all the immunities being given out to everyone surrounding her? And even when given immunity they plead the 5th whats up with that?

@kitt, #44:

If there were no crimes committed why all the immunities being given out to everyone surrounding her?

As was noted in post #40, granting immunity is how investigators routinely get sworn testimony—rather than potential witnesses citing the Fifth Amendment—from knowledgeable parties close enough to the events under investigation to have concerns that they might somehow incriminate themselves. Such an agreement provides leverage to the investigators, even in cases where such concerns on the part of witnesses are relatively minor, because once such an agreement has been entered into, failure to tell what you know can result in a charge of perjury.

A charge of perjury is no small thing. It’s how Ken Starr forced Monica Lewinsky to testify against President Bill Clinton, when she had no desire whatsoever to do so. He terrified the young woman with threats of a perjury conviction—which carries a federal sentence of up to 5 years imprisonment—while offering her immunity from such charges if she would tell all about her sexual encounters with the President. She had foolishly denied such an encounter on a sworn statement, apparently believing that her private sexual activity was nobody else’s damn business. Silly girl.

Has Jason Chaffetz forgotten all about that little episode? It’s part of the illustrious tale of the GOP’s never-ending pursuit of Truth, Justice, and The American Way. Immunity from prosecution is a prosecutorial tactic and weapon, not a gift that is “passed out like candy.” It is done purposefully. It doesn’t get somebody off the hook. Rather, it binds somebody to tell what they know, or face serious consequences if it turns out that they have not.

@Greg: Really doesnt answer my question,you assert there was nothing done by her and her aides that was against the law, why then do they need protection? Dont they, like with Hillary, need to prove intent of these public servants to circumvent proper security of secret government documents? Or is that only good for Hillary and these creatures that aid and abet are up the river? Wow immunity for handing over government property to the government ie laptop. Doesnt any of this seem a bit twisted like there is a cover-up of some kind that goes very high in our government and they have no intention of being the most transparent administration in history? It was really stupid to delete emails after a sopoena was issued, personal yoga schedules or not dont you think that was dumb? She announced to the public in the interest of openess and honesty she handed that server over, but some one went and bleach bit everything seem a little fishy to you?

Even when the witnesses closest to events were given immunity and thus obliged to respond honestly or face the possibility of perjury charges, the FBI found insufficient grounds in their testimony to recommend prosecution. They don’t recommend prosecution unless they believe there’s enough evidence to support the charges. There are criteria in each applicable statute, all of which must be supported by evidence for a person to be found guilty of a crime, and they were not all supported.

That’s how the law works.