As an eyewitness to history, I can see how things are currently trending and how the current path should be clear to all.. but isn’t…But no matter, I will just leave this here for you to carefully consider since I see no point in waiting for the inevitable to play out.
Donald J. Trump conceded the race to Hillary Clinton tonight
With almost an air of relief Donald thanked his supporters and begrudgingly congratulated Ms Clinton on her win. But in a final twist of fate, the erstwhile target of his wrath and persecution turned the tables on him in her victory speech. Donald had threatened to prosecute Clinton, now it was Hillary making the threats.. and now she has the power of the Federal government to carry them out.
In recent weeks indications of the resulting landslide result was shaping up in the polls, so despite rumblings and rumors of lawsuits over tonight’s return, it became obvious that the victory was so slanted as to make these actions seem superfluous at best.
While Trump’s style of bluster won him many acolytes in the primaries, these same mannerisms only served to drive most people away in the general contest. His once successful tactics of lawsuit threats and shutting down opponents with shouts of Liar had the opposite effect outside his cloistered rallies..
And while Hillary still has to clean up the lose ends of her legal troubles, it’s a fair bet that future supreme court justice Obama will serve to be the deciding factor in any legal case brought before the court.
Many are looking back wondered why they did not see the danger earlier, and still many more nodded their heads at the phrase ‘we told you so.’
While a formal postmortem on the failed Trump candidacy is still to be conducted, many have already began piecing together the early signs of his ultimate defeat tonight.
After the Convention.
The enthusiasm in the first few events after the Trump Convention were palpable as excitement ran high. His expected after convention bounce put him in the lead over Hillary Clinton and the recurring theme of Trumpmentum seemed to be manifest and expectations mounted that he would run away with the race.
But then the stories of his past began flooding the airwaves. The accusations of fraud many ignored in the spring bubbled to the surface, and Trump’s only passing flirtation with the truth started to plague him on the trail.
For many it was a very new experience enduring the phenomena for Trump of ever falling poll numbers. Still Many more were dumbfounded that Trump’s usual approach of bombastic bullying only made the numbers drop even faster.
The Debate debacle
Towards the end the series of presidential candidate debates sealed the fate of Trumpmentum. Tactics that has served him well in the spring began backfiring in a spectacular fashion.
Instead of seeing a candidate ‘standing up for himself’, the general electorate saw a bully trying to shout down his opponent. While in the past his vague policy proposals protected him, this time around they became a liability. It became painfully obvious to all but his most ardent supporters that he would lose and lose big.
Worse yet, he had nothing in his bag of tricks to stop the slide – they only served to accelerate it further. Trump’s attempts at intimation only served boost Hillary’s sympathy vote. His accusations that she is a liar redounded badly as she pointed out all of his lies and flip flops.
In a final twist of the rhetorical knife that brought down the house, Hillary ended her victory speech with ‘Donald J, Trump.. You’re Fired!’
One final note… Please dispense with wasting your time responding with any manner of strident invective that seems to becoming increasingly endemic to those who support the subject matter of this predictive exposition.
Suffice it to say that If you can reply with forthright and intellectual arguments they will be well received and responded to, but not if your mannerism are that of the 3rd grade schoolyard.
Are you implying you don’t understand what I actually am asking? Or are you purposefully obfuscating and avoiding answering the question?
“Right-wing” because this attack generally comes from the right side of the political spectrum in regards to Obama being “foreign-born” and “muslim”.
So please answer the question: Why do YOU perpetuate this fantasy removed from reality, that Obama is foreign-born and a muslim?
Again side-stepping the question. I asked what makes HIM- Obama- foreign in your estimation. According to your criteria, then, Obama is a U.S. citizen.
In other words- He’s American and he’s not a Muslim. Only in your fevered conspiratorial beliefs, devoid of any factual basis.
Thank you, once again, RT.
@Wordsmith: Word, first of all, no one knows for sure where Obama was born. We certainly have never seen a birth certificate of his birth. I’m not referring to the bogus one that was distributed for the press a couple years ago. The most likely one is the one of him being born in Kenya, but I don’t make the claim he was born in Kenya. His ‘grandmother’ thinks he was, but what does she know. I’m sure your grandmother likely has no clue where you were born, for example.
But then when a citizen gives up his US citizenship, as he did when he was young and became a citizen of Indonesia and then does not give up that citizenship and does not apply for American citizenship, then he remains a foreigner.
As far as Muslim, do you deny he was raised as a Muslim? Do you deny that he has never repudiated that religion? Do you deny that he has never joined another religion? Attending that anti-American church in Chicago was hardly qualification for Christianity. Born a Muslim, raised a Muslim, never repudiated the religion. Guess what?
So, now whip out your proof of factual basis that he is something other than Muslim. Or your ‘factual basis’ that he is an American.
Just refresh yourself here. You may enjoy inhabiting fA’s comment threads with back-and-forths that never evolve or go anywhere. I understand you are retired. I am not. Arguing and debating with you is like reasoning with a 9/11 Truther and conspiracist. No amount of contradictory facts or evidence will ever be sufficient to quell a belief system of conspiracy confirmation bias.
OMG! RT! You are so right! Here’s proof-positive of Obama’s Islamic ways! He’s bowing toward Mecca on his circular U.S. Seal Oval office prayer rug-and teaching a toddler the ways of the Quran, to boot!
Why has no one pointed this out before?! He must do this 5 times a day, everyday! There must be more secret sightings. Do you think the Secret Service are closet Muslims, protecting him from being outed for praying 5 x day?
@Redteam: Word is the sanest person on this thread. Are you calling him a troll because he questions your absurd asertions?
@Richard Wheeler: Ok DA, where and when did I call Word a troll? I know you didn’t learn English and grammar in school, but I would think hanging with the Rainbow crowd you might learn.
@Wordsmith: I especially enjoy when you use ‘’ as a source, so reputable. Almost like asking Obama himself for proof. Funny how you have so much detail about what went on in an elementary school in Indonesia back in the 60’s. I’d suspect you don’t even recall that much about the elementary school you went to here in the US. Wonder if that’s because ‘someone’ wants you to ‘know’ what went on in that school? Probably not. I’m sure that much is known about all activities at all the elementary schools there in Indonesia. Right?
So can you also tell me if your grandmother knows which hospital you were born in? Heck, I’ll even bet you that both of your grandmothers remember where and when you were born. But you will note that even Obama’s mother didn’t remember which hospital he was born in. Now, I don’t claim that Obama was not born in Hawaii, but I will ‘claim’ that no one can prove he was. If they could, it would have been done long ago. Ask Mrs Fuddy about her knowledge.
As far as religion, usually only the person involves know their true religion. There is no record of Obama being baptized as a member of that Anti American church that he attended. Strange how that works, isn’t it.
As far as threads that don’t go anywhere. Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to work when the subject is being hidden?
For example, I’ll bet you think Obama got a degree from Columbia Univ. if so, while you know it, Columbia will not confirm it. There is not one human in the world that will testify under oath that they ever saw him inside a classroom at Columbia Univ. Well, let me say that if there is someone, they have not come forth prior to today’s date. I can name several people from my college graduating class, strange how no one recalls the future president being in their class.
As for your photo above, it appears to me that he is playing with a baby on the floor, why do you want to put some other meaning on it? I certainly wouldn’t
Incidentally, I don’t know any 9/11 truthers. My belief is that Osama bin laden’s boys flew those planes into the WTC, if you know otherwise, please share.
Conspiracy’s? There certainly is such a thing, for example, I certainly believe that the murder of JFK was a conspiracy. Of whom I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure LHO was the patsy in the deal. RFK was likely also a conspiracy. MLK, not sure, haven’t read enough about it.
I guess, by your statement, that you don’t believe in conspiracies. Everyone acts alone?
If there were just ‘some’ contradictory facts or evidence. I’m sure we’ll eventually see all that after he’s out of office.
Just for the record, I can name the hospital and city where my children were born. And I even have a birth certificate for each to prove that.
My children also have Social Security numbers that correspond to where they were born and the numbers had not been issued to anyone before them. Some people get original SS numbers, some don’t (I guess).
I already did – why don’t you try some other approach that doesn’t rely of childish games based on semantics
tickety-boo – stand by.
Where did you get that strawman argument?
Again, Where did I specify That criteria?
[Expect me to repeat that assertion until you comprehend its meaning]
I’ve often noticed those who use that word are quite often projecting.
I answered your question, you have to answer mine.
No, there were two references – Now Please post an except of that data you supposedly obtained.
@Tor: He could only find enough negatives on Trump to produce 3 paragraphs? How many paragraphs has he produced on Hillary’s escapades? That tell you anything.
You sure like to quote liberals. Can’t you find someone that writes that’s not a liberal. Why I’ll even bet that Hillary could find some negative things to say about Trump if someone should ask her.
@Tor: 111
I don’t believe you. Which ‘one’ did you name and in which comment?
Oh gee, what to do, what to do? I have got to answer your question, oh me, oh my.
So just why do you ‘think’ I have to answer your question and at the same time feel as if you have no obligation to answer my question.
So tell me again, who is that one special guy waiting in the wings that is so much better than Trump? Just one. No list. Oh and I’m not gonna answer your questions until you answer that one. oh me, oh my.
You did? tell me the comment number that one special super duper person is that you named?
LOL, too funny. You post a link, I quote from it and you demand I tell you what was in the link you posted. If you can’t read the link and understand it, then why did you post the link? I think your problem is that you were just parroting someone else and don’t have a clue what was in it. Tell your ‘troll research’ person he needs to get on the ball or Soro’s is not gonna send his check. Though Soro shouldn’t expect more from a person in the troll business.
@Redteam: That was an excerpt – Try addressing the content of the posting.
@Redteam: And again you are dodging the point of that excerpt -Try again.
While I did recognize that you had a typo, I ignored it and addressed the question.
I don’t see how I’m dodging anything. I referred to a link you posted. You had no clue what I was talking about. I then, basically, said that you were only posting a link supplied to you by a Soro’s PAC troll info supplier and that you didn’t have a clue. From now on, when you’re going to post a link, read it first and be sure you understand what’s in it, then you won’t be embarrassed so badly.
Does Soro’s pay according to how good his trolls are, or does he just hire whoever is available for minimum wage?
Donald Trump As Protester Is Removed From Las Vegas Event: “I’d Like To Punch Him In The Face”
A Vote For Trump is a Vote For Hillary Clinton: Why Trump Is A Sure Loser | RedState
Donald Trump’s Internet Brigade Troll Ted Cruz With Drop Out Rumor | RedState
What the left doesn’t grasp is that not every business venture is successful. However, it is fundamental that you can’t win the game if you are not in the game and that means that when things go south, you pick up the pieces and try something else. People who took the risks with you pick up whatever they are entitled to, which may include losses, and to on with their lives.
Contrast a business failure with getting rich on political graft which is exactly how the Clintons, Biden and yes, Obama gathered their lucre. Being paid vast sums for access and political favors may sit well with the left, but it is despicably below trying and failing from my point of view.
Anyone still doubt that Tor is a paid troll? I didn’t read any of that stuff. I’m sure he didn’t either, it appears to all be standard troll news service prepared material. I tested him the other day in referring to a link he had posted and he didn’t recognize anything in it. That was TNS (troll news service) prepared material. He must be getting paid by ‘volume’ not value. I’m sure he could have posted all x’s and he wouldn’t know the difference.
TOR, troll on retainer?
@Disturber: Yes, we all know that the clinton’s didn’t have the proverbial pot when they got into politics and now they are worth at least a hundred million and none of the positions they’ve held paid that much.
So you make up a false narrative and make up another false narrative to confirm it.
Do you understand that such accusations are MEANINGLESS?
And that anyone could use the same tactic?
BTW, why are you complaining in the first place – didn’t you demand that I post those items in the first place?
Why don’t you respond to those items instead of making things up.
@Troll On Retainer: You forgot to give TNS credit for that release, it seems to be quite old though, is that what happens to new guys? They have to print all the old releases before they can get the newer ones.
I didn’t read it past the headline. I would advise you to get newer material, but apparently you’re looking for volume and not value.
@Troll On Retainer:
At least I put in the time to be original, I don’t just offer reprints from the TNS.
Is that your new attack plan; to call anyone who points out that The Donald is a self-serving fraud, just as Hillary is, a troll?
Perhaps it is you who should get new material.
Well now. It looks like Tor didn’t need my help at all to find Trump bashing links. I think he lazily just wanted me to do the work for him.
Tor doesn’t want to state precisely which ‘one’ Republican candidate he supported. Neither did Retire. If they actually had a specific candidate they were supporting, it makes no sense that they would be so reluctant to say so. You and I (and others) have made it clear that Trump was not our favorite choice, but that we would support him if he won the nomination. Incidentally, Paul Ryan finally has seen the writing on the wall and came out in support of Trump: Paul Ryan: Donald Trump can help make reality of bold House policy agenda
Both Trump and Sessions have been talking about maybe having the senator for a VP running mate. I think it is an excellent idea, having a staunch conservative like Sessions, whose opinion Trump trusts, there to help guide him. It also puts Sessions in an ideal position to run against a Democrat candidate in a future presidential election.
Why are you so concerned who I supported in the primary? There were many choices in my state’s primary and I picked the one who I thought would most strictly adhere to the Constitution. It wasn’t Trump.
Redteam has metioned a number of times he did not vote for Trump in his state’s primary. Perhaps you can get him to tell you who he did vote for. And while you’re at it, you can tell us who you voted for in your primary.
If you mean “staunch” as in someone like Mike Lee, Sessions falls short.
@Ditto: A). I’ve got a plethora of articles detailing the reasons Trump is the worst possible candidate. Those are merely the beginning of the list from approximately 3 months ago – items informed voters knew about already.
Where you aware of all of these issues? Yes or No
B). My point was that most of the other candidates would have been infinitely better than Trump. I’m not buying into the strawman argument postulated by Redteam .
@retire05: Given that ‘Redteam’ doesn’t know the meaning of the word Projection I find this new tack of hers to be interesting to say the least.
The people who most vociferously oppose Trump are those grounded in Conservative principles because he has indicated he has only a passing interest in such concepts.
Conversely, by at least some policy positions the manifestations are that Trump is a closet leftist (at the moment) he was ‘out’ in that regard in the past.. but I digress..
Given that he’s either a stalking horse for Hillary and wants to lose or he is just as bad a leftist as her it’s curious why someone would project such attributes on others.
Bottom line: The likelihood is that leftists would tend to support the man.
Clinton just launched her first serious torpedoes. It’ll be interesting to see how Donald Trump responds to a direct, focused, clearly articulated, highly personal attack. He’s been dishing it out himself for months.
@Troll On Retainer:
Geez fellow, eminent domain has been around since the 1700’s at least. Just a little research shows that the states ALWAYS used it, and it was officially recognized by the US in the 1800’s. If TNS is blaming all this on the Donald, you should get a different clipping service.
@Greg: Sounded like the babbling idiot that she is. She should stop watching Obama attempt to read from teleprompters, it’s not working well for her.