To be posted the evening of November 8 2016 after Trump Loses… (Guest Post)

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trump shrug
As an eyewitness to history, I can see how things are currently trending and how the current path should be clear to all.. but isn’t…But no matter, I will just leave this here for you to carefully consider since I see no point in waiting for the inevitable to play out.

Donald J. Trump conceded the race to Hillary Clinton tonight

With almost an air of relief Donald thanked his supporters and begrudgingly congratulated Ms Clinton on her win. But in a final twist of fate, the erstwhile target of his wrath and persecution turned the tables on him in her victory speech. Donald had threatened to prosecute Clinton, now it was Hillary making the threats.. and now she has the power of the Federal government to carry them out.

In recent weeks indications of the resulting landslide result was shaping up in the polls, so despite rumblings and rumors of lawsuits over tonight’s return, it became obvious that the victory was so slanted as to make these actions seem superfluous at best.

While Trump’s style of bluster won him many acolytes in the primaries, these same mannerisms only served to drive most people away in the general contest. His once successful tactics of lawsuit threats and shutting down opponents with shouts of Liar had the opposite effect outside his cloistered rallies..

And while Hillary still has to clean up the lose ends of her legal troubles, it’s a fair bet that future supreme court justice Obama will serve to be the deciding factor in any legal case brought before the court.

Many are looking back wondered why they did not see the danger earlier, and still many more nodded their heads at the phrase ‘we told you so.’

While a formal postmortem on the failed Trump candidacy is still to be conducted, many have already began piecing together the early signs of his ultimate defeat tonight.

After the Convention.

The enthusiasm in the first few events after the Trump Convention were palpable as excitement ran high. His expected after convention bounce put him in the lead over Hillary Clinton and the recurring theme of Trumpmentum seemed to be manifest and expectations mounted that he would run away with the race.

But then the stories of his past began flooding the airwaves. The accusations of fraud many ignored in the spring bubbled to the surface, and Trump’s only passing flirtation with the truth started to plague him on the trail.

For many it was a very new experience enduring the phenomena for Trump of ever falling poll numbers. Still Many more were dumbfounded that Trump’s usual approach of bombastic bullying only made the numbers drop even faster.

The Debate debacle

Towards the end the series of presidential candidate debates sealed the fate of Trumpmentum. Tactics that has served him well in the spring began backfiring in a spectacular fashion.

Instead of seeing a candidate ‘standing up for himself’, the general electorate saw a bully trying to shout down his opponent. While in the past his vague policy proposals protected him, this time around they became a liability. It became painfully obvious to all but his most ardent supporters that he would lose and lose big.

Worse yet, he had nothing in his bag of tricks to stop the slide – they only served to accelerate it further. Trump’s attempts at intimation only served boost Hillary’s sympathy vote. His accusations that she is a liar redounded badly as she pointed out all of his lies and flip flops.

In a final twist of the rhetorical knife that brought down the house, Hillary ended her victory speech with ‘Donald J, Trump.. You’re Fired!’

One final note… Please dispense with wasting your time responding with any manner of strident invective that seems to becoming increasingly endemic to those who support the subject matter of this predictive exposition.

Suffice it to say that If you can reply with forthright and intellectual arguments they will be well received and responded to, but not if your mannerism are that of the 3rd grade schoolyard.


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tor, racist douche bag. peddle your crap somewhere else. oh yes, you are one who wants to abolish the First Amendment. were you or one of your followers responsible for defacing the Vietnam memorial? it is obvious that your education is very limited to msnbe and cnn.

@MOS #8541: Normally we agree on a lot of stuff, but Tor utterly destroyed Greg on another thread so he is no lefty.

Tor may not be a lefty but he is obviously missing the anger in flyover America. He is also assuming that the democratic convention isn’t going to resemble Chicago in ’68. I think it will and Trump will use the emails, Benghazi, bill, and everything else. The hildebeast reminds too many of the bitter ex wife. Only the true libtards like her. She has 0 charisma and a screechy voice. There also seem to be health issues.
If we do not fight, the nightmare Tor wrote of could happen. We have to generate enough voter enthusiasm to counter massive soros paid vote fraud.

@Bookdoc: Yes, there’s plenty of anger but by November, people will have come to learn that this promoter of dishonesty, violence, bigotry, megalomania, narcissism, xenophobia, and appeaser to the KKK and Neo-Nazis is not the guy to quell that anger. And if he says he is, we all know he’s lying.

@Bookdoc: IF, and that’s a BIG IF, for some bizarre reason justice prevails for once, Hillary will be indicted and Trump will most likely face Biden. I think he will have a much harder time beating him because he has less baggage than Hillary. While he may be a dufus, at least he doesn’t hate his country like his boss does. As for me, I have very serious doubts about Trump and will never vote for another politician with a ‘D’ after his or her name as long as I live given the way they bashed OIF while we were putting our asses on the line for our country.

arrived in Chicago four days after the DC convention, nine days out of Vietnam. The iconic bus was sill on the Outer Drive and the city was still stunned by the protests and the massive amount of arrests. The trial of the “Seven” began shortly after the convention and continued to spark demonstrations. The narcissistic closure of this review by tor demonstrates a deep psychiatric conditions.

@another vet #5 –

Not a chance I would vote for either. Both are proven frauds. Biden could be a problem for Trump. Though I consider Biden an empty head, him flashing that million dollar smile could certainly change minds. The only D I ever voted for was an old HS friend who was running for school board. He got tired of waiting for his turn as an R.

Have a good Memorial Day!

This is a joke, right?
Like the Da Vinci Code book which hung a 30 pound weight of faulty conclusions on wispy threads that connected to one another in wimpy webs, none of which could sustain it’s weight.
So many people fell for it, too….until it was taken off the page and put on the screen.
Then everyone saw through it.

This, too depends on tissue-thin possibilities all coming true, one after another.
Only then could it turn out as the writer states.
But each possibility requires so much –
*Hillary’s legal problems all going away.
*The public equating Trump’s telling a heavy-set woman not to have that piece of candy with Bill’s infidelities and Hillary’s character assassinations on his victims.

Trump was not my candidate during the primary, as you all know I supported Cruz.

The democrat party has become so anti-American, so anti-military, so anti-2nd Amendment, so pro-marxist, and so pro-muslim, compounded by their coronation of a vile, criminal hag, that choosing not to support Trump seems to be devolving into snide petulence.

He CLAIMS to support the 2nd Amendment, lower taxes, and border security. The problem with which we wrestle is whether or not we can trust his veracity, as qell as whether or not we can stomach his boorishness. Short of a repeal of the 22nd Amendment rhus allowung another Obama term, I cannot fathom a worse outcome than the election of another despicable leftist.

@David: I could stomach voting for Trump had he not made his 9/11 truther comments and “Bush lied” comments. I have no issue with Trump supporters however I do have an issue with two time Obama supporters ridiculing Trump supporters for “bad judgement” when their choice was far worse. Let’s face it, Obama has reduced the Oval Office to a joke given that deciding who can pee where is now a major concern of the President as opposed to deficit reduction, National Security, preserving the Constitution etc. “Premier” or “Your Highness” are more appropriate terms to address him. To me, we are almost at the lost cause stage regardless of who wins in November.

Have a great Memorial Day as well. It’s sad that most people in this country no longer knows or cares what it stands for anymore.


Yes, there’s plenty of anger but by November, people will have come to learn that this promoter of dishonesty, violence, bigotry, megalomania, narcissism, xenophobia, and appeaser to the KKK and Neo-Nazis is not the guy to quell that anger. And if he says he is, we all know he’s lying.

You really shouldn’t talk about Hillary that way. It’s not nice.


The democrat party has become so anti-American, so anti-military, so anti-2nd Amendment, so pro-marxist, and so pro-muslim, compounded by their coronation of a vile, criminal hag, that choosing not to support Trump seems to be devolving into snide petulence.

I do understand the apprehension towards Trump. He wasn’t what I wanted either, but he at leasttalks about wht conservatives and a good many of working class voters have been demanding. That’s better than the majority of the 17 other GOP candidates. Unfortunately we have a good many #NeverTrump’ers here who claim to be conservatives, but in their stubbornness, would rather see the Hildabeast win the presidency than Trump. Even when you try to point out that Hillary or Sanders can only end with a fascist-socialist Statist oligarchy, they would rather burn it all to the ground than take a chance that Trump will keep his conservative agenda’s promises.

I see a Trump Presidency as good incentive for the base to vote for more conservative Congressional candidates to keep him in check and to pass any conservative plans to fulfill Trump’s promises . The GOPe can bite me. After them giving in to all of Obama’s demands, I’ll never hold my nose and vote for another squishy progressive-establishment candidate. I see them as nothing more than Democrats in Republican clothing.

@Ditto: Wow, really put some deep thought into that didn’t you?


The democrat party (sic) has become so anti-American, so anti-military, so anti-2nd Amendment…………

You guys are so overcome with blind partisan hatred that any rationale or sanity has no place in your delusional world.

Not that I expect to even scratch the surface of that bigoted wall you’ve built around yourself but over here in the real world, attacks on the 2nd Admendment pretty much died after Gore v Bush AND Obama has been one (if not the) most gun friendly Presidents for years. I remind you that he signed into law allowing guns into federal parks and later on to subways and such.@Ditto: .

The GOPe can bite me. After them giving in to all of Obama’s demands, I’ll never hold my nose and vote for another squishy progressive-establishment candidate.

I’m not sure if you’re that profoundly ignorant or if you just make up incredibly stupid shit on the fly but Obama has faced the most obstructive opposition party of the last century. They’ve shattered filibuster records as well as refusals to seat appointees, even ones they liked. They’ve made it their passonate agenda to refuse Obama any win on any issues, even admitting that it was for political gain.

@Ditto: “claim to be Conservatives” who don’t trust or like Trump.
You mean folks like 05 ,Kitt, David, Brother Bob, Curt? You and others have left Conservatism to back a Populist simply to try and get a win after 2 defeats by Obama—-you will lose again—this time unprincipled.

There is something going on in the country that is difficult to understand and impossible to predict. Huge numbers of citizens on both sides of the divide have voted a “plague on both your houses” in the primaries. Bernie has attracted an amazing amount of support given that he is an antiquated socialist and has a distinctive history of doing nothing throughout his entire life. Trump has quite a history of accomplishment, but is so offensively boorish and inarticulate that he has put the fear of G_d in the intelligentsia or at least in those who think they are members of that sect.

From time to time in our history, there has occurred a dramatic realignment of the body politic. It happened when Lincoln was elected and with Teddy Roosevelt. It also happened with the election of Eisenhower and probably Reagan as well In each instance, there was widespread revulsion against the political classes that were attempting to lead the country in directions that the body politic found offensive and they rebelled.

That is going on right now before our eyes. The excesses, particularly the administrative excesses of the last seven years are jaw dropping to many folks. The “cram down” attitude of this administration is probably the straw that broke the camel’s back although the disease can be traced back in various forms to the second Clinton administration and through the Bush years. There is equal opportunity fault.

Hillary Clinton will not be president. She represents all of the corruption, the crony capitalism, the excesses of the administrative state, the arrogance of power, the contempt for Americans, the pervasive dishonesty that corrodes the faith of ordinary Americans in the governmental institutions, and ultimately, she is a crook, having taken tens of millions in bribes for the dispensation of governmental favors. You can be guaranteed that she will not be able to hide her indiscretions or her mendacity.

This is not a conventional election. Both parties are imploding and the fringe nut cases will be making havoc at both conventions. There will be violence in the streets courtesy of George Soros and his ilk. There will be screaming matches and I would not be surprised if there will be some hard core rioting. But in the end our democracy will survive and perhaps we will start to move in the direction of smaller, less intrusive and more effective government. Perhaps enough of the mindless bureaucrats and corrupt political hacks will be sidelined. And, perhaps, there will be a rekindled enthusiasm for some of the traditional American values that produced the largest concentration of wealth, the most pervasive security, and the widest opportunity for equality that has ever existed on this planet. But, perhaps none of this will come to past and if it doesn’t, we are in for a very rough ride.

I have not been a Trump supporter although I have enjoyed how he has shaken things up. I have been impressed by the fact that notwithstanding the entire press corps, the DNC and the RNC, and innumerable others conducting so called opposition research, all feverishly digging for dirt, not a single one of Trumps thousands of employees and ex-employees has said anything negative about him and instead, there has been universal praise even from those he has fired.

I will vote as I have since I could legally do so. I will not vote for Hillary. Predictions of the sort offered by Tor are more of the same that have proven wrong consistently since this election season began. How this will unfold cannot be predicted from conventional metrics. Something big is going on and it remains to be seen what will be the outcome. However, I would bet my last dollar that it won’t be Hillary.


@Richard Wheeler: That’s a god point, Richard.
All over the world we have seen a huge move away from elitist parties and toward populist ones.
Remember India’s election and what a surprise it was to the establishment parties that a populist won?
It was just the 1st of many.

And now we see it here with Donald Trump.
He has smashed that Overton Window which the elite used to limit political conversation.
Inside that small window it was un-PC to discuss the flood of illegal immigration, its drain on our resources, much less the ability of dangerous terrorists hiding among the flow.
But the elite GOP owes most of the blame for Trump being the GOP nominee.
The huge egos of so many of their campaigners led to a situation where they all split the Conservative vote while Donald Trump was still weak.
At the end, when the two remaining conservatives were going to form a pact, they couldn’t even hold that pact together for a couple of days!
So much for conservatives working together!
Neither the media not the power of endorsements has swayed the populist move toward Mr. Trump.
Hillary, otoh, has tons of favorable media with tons of endorsements but no crowds at her events.
Bernie, who trails Hillary in delegates, garners bigger crowds every time, although still smaller than the Trump crowds.
I have to wonder how big a crowd a ”real conservative” nominee would have been garnering?
Cruz’s events were sparsely populated.
Kasich’s events were even smaller.

@Disturber: You admit not being a Trump supporter but like so many in your party, you now must find a way to wedge your head up his ass while somehow saving face. You do this by amusingly suggesting this is simply another political cycle and he is simply the new modern day Lincoln or Eisenhower or Rosevelt or hell, even the new Reagan. After all as you claim he has had great success (albeit with daddy’s money and numerous bankruptcies).

And in the perfect rubber/glue fashion on the newly Trump licking rats dancing to his piper, he gets a pass while the other side “represents all of the corruption, the crony capitalism, the excesses of the administrative state, the arrogance of power, the contempt for Americans, the pervasive dishonesty that corrodes the faith of ordinary Americans”.

To be clear, this is the same Trump today that was brutally and rightfully admonished a few months ago by Cruz, Rubio, Romney, and the long list. This is the same racist, sexist(of which I suppose is actually an asset to many in your party), pathological lying, anti-gun, pro abortionist Trump today as we had before. This is the same Trump that hoped for a housing crash to cash in on and has now indicated crashing the entire global economy by defaulting on our debt in the event of a recession. This is the same Trump that promised wanting to protect social security during the primaries yet told Pual Ryan on May 12 that he wanted to gut it but couldn’t say that on the campaign trail because voters wouldn’t accept it-that he had to lie in order to get elected. This is the same violence promoting thug today that he has been.

But I know that Trump lickers like you don’t care or refuse to acknowledge because of your festered bigoted hatred of Democrats, that you would just as quickly suck up to Osama bin Laden or Hitler if they so happened to be running against a Democrat.

@Richard Wheeler:

What you are witnessing is a total rejection of the progressive establishment elite class. This goes beyond conservative, moderate and liberal labels. In Republicans, it is a revolt against the GOPe who said one thing while the were campaigning and continually betrayed the voters by abandoning their promises. I said at the beginning that I would back the nominee only so long as it was not another establishment candidate.

It is a result of Obama’s arrogant, dictatorial, heavy-handed social upheaval and the GOPe’s utter capitulation.

@Ajay42302: @Ajay42302: Thank you for your civilized and constructive comment, not. You, like all lefties, with a small “l” which fits you well, cannot resist the ad hominem. You can’t resist the snotty, condescending, name calling, insulting, foul mouthed, spittle laden excrescence which so characterizes your thinking and the thinking of your ilk, your mindset and your meager ability to converse. Dialog with you? No thank you, my dog is vastly more interesting and probably more intelligent. You have no capacity to contribute anything constructive to this discussion.



Understood. And the folks who decided to stay home rather than vote for Romney under the misguided idea that “Carter was so bad the country woke up and voted for Reagan” – incorrectly believing that a second Obama term would be bad enough the country would elect another Reagan don’t understand the current cultural status:

1. The level of knowledge of the average voter has declined over the last 20 years.

2. The media’s mastery of the ‘Overton Window’ mode of manipulation has become significantly more effective via the corruption of ‘social media’. They have accomplished what the Leninists meant when they referred to taking over our children.

3. The increased number of illegal immigrants who believe they have automatic entitlements to welfare, foodstamps, housing, medical care, and education all at the expense of everyone but themselves. These are natural born socialists, and no amount of GOPe argylbargle about illegal immigrants being ‘natural conservatives’ will ever change this. If that were the case, El Paso, Texas would be heavily conservative, rather than a corrupt, democrat-run enclave.

When the insanity of the current psychosocial PC culture considers openly defending scientific reality as “bigotry” and “hate” – simply because the leftist mindset cannot refute anything and must rely solely on groupthink and Aliskyite shouting down of opponents – the tyranny of the mob makes all but the most steadfast individuals refuse to agree with the collectivist opinion of the naked emperor’s clothing.

I cannot tolerate Hillary, Sanders, nor any other corrupt leftist filth being elected to follow the contemptible scum currently befouling the Oval Office. Trump is certainly not my favored choice. But what else did the GOPe offer us? First it was Jeb…then it was supposed to be Christie…then Rubio…then Kasich somehow got involved. Cruz wasn’t given any support by the GOPe (until too late) until the self-impressed Washington cabal realized they didn’t have any other chance to stop Trump. The same elitist asshats who have sabotaged the Tea Party repeatedly, while giving little more than lip service to conservative principles as they caved to almost every overreaching executive power grab from Obama, were so sure that Trump had no chance of actually winning the nom they insisted he sign that pledge to support the winning GOP candidate. Now, these out of touch ‘leaders’ think they can ignore that pledge simply because they didn’t get their way? And they wonder how Trump won?

I am very concerned about Trump’s integrity, values, and demeanor. He presents far more positions on issues on his website with which I agree than those with which I disagree. He is not my first choice, nor my idea of a ‘real’ conservative. But I am FAR more concerned about someone as blatantly, criminally dishonest as Hillary being elected.

I am not happy with the choice I must make, but that does not mean that I can simply choose not to make a choice. Choosing not to vote for Trump is a choice for the leftist, just as those who chose to stay home and not vote for Romney last time made the choice to vote for Obama.

@Disturber: It’s become a rather mundane practice of Trump lickers to follow their master’s playbook of being condescending of anyone challenging the con man’s totaltarian’s objectives.

Trump is a deeply deeply flawed candidate, a highly dangerous, egotistical, xenophobe, violence promoting misogynist who has no ones interests in mind other than his own.

Most of these traits were well known prior to his running and many became apparent on the trail. He has absolutely no business in or even near the WH.

For what it’s worth, I don’t think I can pull the Hillary lever either as I may write in but I’ll be damnned if I’ll vote or promote your modern day George Wallace/Hitler.


You can shove your PC “bigoted partisan hatred” SJW meme up your 4th point of contact, pal. The left is composed of nothing but those who hate anyone with the intelligence to recognize the inherent fallacies of the collectivist mindset. How much is Soros paying you to post this completely bogus propaganda?

Not that I expect to even scratch the surface of that bigoted wall you’ve built around yourself but over here in the real world, attacks on the 2nd Admendment pretty much died after Gore v Bush AND Obama has been one (if not the) most gun friendly Presidents for years. I remind you that he signed into law allowing guns into federal parks and later on to subways and such.

And nominated the most anti-gun judges to the court in US history, while making repeated calls for gun control after every mass shooting at a gun free zone.

The heaviest sales last month, driven primarily by handgun sales, followed a call from President Obama to make it harder to buy assault weapons after the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif.

Now I don’t expect a leftist to admit the deliberate propaganda of their misuse of the term ‘assault weapons’, because leftists are by their very nature completely dishonest. The idea is to make semi-automatic weapons seem too scary to be allowed in the hands of law-abiding citizens. The plain fact of the matter is that ALL weapons – including knives, baseball bats, and fists – are by definition ASSAULT WEAPONS. Fully automatic firearms are already illegal under current law, and the gun grabbers – like Obama and the rest of the democrat party – want to take away the right of private, law-abiding citizens to possess firearms. It is a laughable lie to claim that someone who nominated 2 anti-gun candidates (Sotomayor and Kagan) to the Supreme Court, and has nominated the anti-gun Garland (who voted to rehear the DC gun ban AFTER it had already been overturned) to replace Scalia, a staunch defender of 2nd Amendment rights. So you can pound sand with your deceitful attempt to paint Obama as “pro-gun”.

“Americans have the right and advantage of being armed – unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.” (James Madison, The Federalist Papers #46 at 243-244)

“The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” — (Thomas Jefferson)

“Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence … From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that is good” (George Washington)

So when people like Lenin, Hitler, Mao spew their leftist propaganda about “safety” being the object of gun bans, I shall stay with the honorable men who devised what was the most free nation on Earth over the totalitarian leftist scum.

Perhaps your leftist pseudo-intellectualism can explain why the mass shootings (used by Obama and his ilk to call for more gun control laws) always seem to happen at ‘gun free’ zones and not at rifle ranges, NRA conventions, or gun shows?

Just a small point-Wallace was a democrat like the kleagle byrd from West Virginia!

@Bookdoc: So was Trump.

@Pete: And you can shove your bigoted cherry picked tin foil hat talking points up your ass as well (since you’re setting the tone of dialog). Your hatred of Dems has been well established. You’d vote for the devil over Christ simply because of the party.

And I’m satisfied You’d follow the NRA over the cliff as well considering they’re endorsing the anti gun Trump.

@Disturber: 15 Excellent comment Disturber, couldn’t agree more.

There is something going on in the country that is difficult to understand and impossible to predict. Huge numbers of citizens on both sides of the divide have voted a “plague on both your houses” in the primaries.

It is surprising that so many are having so much problem seeing this.
I don’t think there is a single commenter on this site that says they will vote for either Hillary or Sanders, most agree that both would be absolutely horrible, based on what they already know about them, but for some reason, they seem to actually be envious that a ‘populist’ candidate can be the favorite of the people. None of them can give one single ‘good’ reason for not liking him other than envy. As you pointed out, he has had hundreds of employees and no one can find even one of those that have anything bad to say about him. I worked at several locations over my career and it was always easy to find someone to criticize owner/managers, but not in Trump’s case. Even on this blog, no one can say anything bad about Trump that they ‘know’ to be fact, only repeat things that others say that they have heard. Trump hates women, yet nothing to prove that statement. I think their efforts are going to be for naught as the ‘people’ prefer anyone to Hillary or Bernie.


But I know that Trump lickers like you don’t care or refuse to acknowledge because of your festered bigoted hatred of Democrats,

You must be one of them Hillary SuperPAC trolls that she hired. You should crawl back into your hole and wait for the Dimocrats revival in a hundred years.

@Ajay42302: Ajay42302: The tone of your posts is so far beneath the dignity of the rest of the commentators that I have asked the moderator to remove you from this site. You contribute nothing.



Trump is a deeply deeply flawed candidate, a highly dangerous, egotistical, xenophobe, violence promoting misogynist

You must be a recorded message. You can’t think up anything for yourself? You can only repeat what others say? Give us one example of Trumps misogyny? Give us an example of his xenophobia. We want something that you know of, not just something someone else said. That’s not good enough.
For you to compare Trump to Hitler, you must be a complete f**king idiot. In all contexts that you refer to George Wallace, you don’t have a clue.
Go suck up to Wheeler, sounds like two peas in a pod.

Does Trump concede before or after the election?


Ajay42302: The tone of your posts is so far beneath *****************that I have asked the moderator to remove you from this site.

Well, we sure wouldn’t miss him. He, along with another one or so just showed up after the big hire of trolls by Hillary’s super PAC. I was expecting to see the migration. They’ll be gone soon.

@Robert What?: no.


NO, PLEASE… Leave the IDIOT to rant and keep messing his breeches. That’s the beauty of the internet- I can’t smell him. I am seriously looking forward to seeing the little slugs slime trail back into the sewer when TRUMP moves into the White House!

@another vet: Thank you for your honest assessment.

@Bookdoc: Comrade Clinton is probably the worst the left could have put forward.

Which is why the state of the current race is so tragic.

The GOP should have won this going away..


The GOP should have won this going away..

With who as the nominee? Actually, as of now, I kinda think Trump might win it going away.

@Disturber: I was actually expecting a “get em out of here” from the newly Trump loyalist.

One simple question if I’m still allowed. Would you vote for Kim Jong over Hillary? That’s a simple no tricks yes or no question.


With who as the nominee?

With someone who isn’t as deeply flawed as he.

Actually, as of now, I kinda think Trump might win it going away.

Based on what assessment of the facts?

Clinton predicted to beat Trump…due to economics

New ‘Crystal Ball’ projection, CNN poll suggest DOOM for the GOP in November via @twitchycom

Insiders: Clinton would crush Trump in November
Donald Trump’s chances against Hillary Clinton look far worse than Ted Cruz’s

Electoral Map: A Clinton blowout, higher GOP ‘defection rate’ via @DCExaminer

@Tor: The GOP should have won this going away..

Bill Kristol suggested on Sunday. (Tweet)

“Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate — an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance,”

Now that was today.
So, I wonder who he thinks is waiting in the wings that’s not already been repudiated by the voters?
Not Romney.
Not Cruz.
Not Rubio.
Not Johnson.
Not Gen. Mattis.


When possible, I have consistently voted for conservative candidates in local, state and federal primaries ever since Reagan was in office. I have also had to hold my nose in general elections and voted for establishment RINOs, (some of whom pretended to be conservatives during the primaries through to the general elections,) only to try to keep radical progressive Democrats from winning. In return the establishment turncoats have continued to ignore the base once they took office, and many have stabbed their constitueints in the back time after time. I have become convinced that many of these “neocons” are actually Democrats who only became Republicans out of expediency. The way they have rolled over and given in to every demand of Obama has proven this for me.

That is why I said that I said that I would refuse to vote for an establishment Republican nominee. They would be little different from Democrats. They would keep nearly every destructive thing Obama has done in place, and the only people the GOPe represents are their elite donor class. I just can’t bring myself to hold my nose any longer in a vain hope that GOPe politicians will toss us a crumb.

But what else did the GOPe offer us? First it was Jeb…then it was supposed to be Christie…then Rubio…then Kasich somehow got involved. Cruz wasn’t given any support by the GOPe (until too late) until the self-impressed Washington cabal realized they didn’t have any other chance to stop Trump. The same elitist asshats who have sabotaged the Tea Party repeatedly, while giving little more than lip service to conservative principles as they caved to almost every overreaching executive power grab from Obama, were so sure that Trump had no chance of actually winning the nom they insisted he sign that pledge to support the winning GOP candidate.

Exactly. The establishment Republican machine built this revolt through their own actions and inaction. Every time they turned their nose up at the conservative base, every time they struck out at the TEA Party movement, and with every primary challenge to good conservative candidates.


The GOP should have won this going away..

Were you asleep during Romney’s campaign in 2012? He should have beat Obama easily, but like McCain, he refused to stand-up to him. That along with what Pete and I have been saying is why Trump will be the nominee. Aside from Cruz, he is the only one in their field with enough balls to step into the ring and punch back. The establishment GOPe schmucks only cared about fighting conservatives. With Democrat challengers they are complete p*ssies.

@Tor: all of those predictors of doom for Trump have consistently predicted he would not win, he has blown them all out. This is not a conventional election and they all got caught with their pants around their ankles. They are not suddenly going to start getting it right.

@Nanny G: Kristol must be smoking something. There will not be a new 3rd party candidate. It’s too late to get them on any ballots. No one wants to lose if they commit to run. Kristol will be forever more known as a Dimocrat. He’s blown any creds he might have had.

@Ditto: comment 40, Ditto! very well said.


You set the tone in your first post to me with your laughably stereotypical alinsky-ite drivel. That kind of ad hominem garbage only reveals your intellectual laziness. The fact that you seem unable to perceive that my distaste and low level of trust for Trump is only exceeded by loathing of what Clinton and the democrats represent demonstrates the value of your opinion.


Simple answer. No. Jong is not American and cannot run. Stupid question.


Simple answer. No. Jong is not American and cannot run. Stupid question.

And you accuse me of intellectual dishonesty while you cowardly tuck tale and run like the average Trump licker. Actually, the very candidate you endorse is pretty much King Birther, Master conspiracy theorist that Obama, as you say, “is not an American and cannot run”. He’s stated it verbatim

“We have a problem in this country. It’s called Muslims. We know our current president is one. You know he’s not even an American. Birth certificate, man!”

So you must either realize your hero is a liar or ignorant or you yourself are lying or ignorant. Per Trump, a non-American can and did run, and won.

Buy that’s really an aside. Hell, a year ago Trump was a hypothetical and folks like you were laughing “hell no”. The likely reason you cowardly run from my question is that you probably realize your rabid bigotry of democrats (which you’ve adamantly expressed in your writings) would force you to vote for Kim Jong over any democrat, or bin Laden (yes, I realize he’s dead unless that’s another Obama lie) just as it forces your head up Trump’s ass, which has pretty much been my argument from the start.

It’s strictly strictly partisan.

@Ajay42302: And your blather is not partisan?

@Disturber: I might actually surprise you Disturber. I’m both pro-life and pro gun. I’ve spent most of my life as an entrepreneur. And I’ve even repeatedly stated that I’m no Hillary fan by any stretch and that the thought of voting for her turns my stomach.

But then, your question is no more than the expected distraction of the argument and using your very own words, “contributes nothing” to it.

You also refuse to answer my question so I take it in a hypothetical situation, if Kim Jong somehow conned his way on the ballet, you’d vote for him over Hillary-or any Democrat.

And that is my argument. Trump is an absolute con man out for no one than himself, a gun hating pro abortion snake oil con man and way too dangerous. We know this. Nothing has changed and in fact, has probably become more clear. So you can pretend in your world he’s a savior. Not me.

@Redteam: This election should be a “change election” not a “maintain the status-quo election”. As such, this election should have been the Republicans to lose just like ’08 was the dems to lose. With Trump, it is now going to be a bigger fight than it needed to be. Paradoxically, with Trump as the nominee this should have become the dems’ election to lose. With Hillary as the nominee, it is going to be a much bigger fight than it needed to be. In the end, I think it’s way too early to call the election for either candidate especially considering how negatively they are viewed by the American public. One is a big question mark and the other belongs in jail.

@another vet:

This election should be a “change election”

I agree and if Trump wins, it will definitely be a ‘change’ election. If Hillary wins, same old, same old. The crooked politicians will continue to line their pockets and screw the public. I still believe it is the Repubs to lose and I’m not at all sure that Trump will lose. I see no momentum or enthusiasm amongst the Hillary voters, whereas the Trump supporters are really fired up. Very unlike when Wallpaper Mitt ran.

With Trump, it is now going to be a bigger fight than it needed to be.

While that is the conventional wisdom, I’m not so sure. Right now the establishment Dims and Repubs are against anyone ‘outside’ the establishment. But they recognize a huge hill to climb with Hillary and all the excitement in the election right now is in Trump’s camp. It’s going to be hard for the establishment to sell Hillary over Trump. While Trump ‘may’ be a big question mark in politics, he’s not in business. Not one former employee of his has anything bad to say about him. How unusual is that? Most of his executives seem ready to walk through fire for him. Says a lot, I’ve had very few bosses like that. A few.

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