Steal billions from investors, no problem, but have an overdue library book…

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hillary goldman


Now you liberals please pay attention to this. This is what caused the financial crisis. It’s the story of how Barack Obama protected his pals on Wall St and stiffed the American people.

On Monday the “Justice” Department proudly announced a settlement with Goldman Sachs for its role in contributing to the financial crisis:

“Today’s settlement is another example of the department’s resolve to hold accountable those whose illegal conduct resulted in the financial crisis of 2008,” Benjamin C. Mizer, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division, said in a statement.

So exactly who was held accountable? Answer: investors. Those who actually committed the misdeeds- the obama supporters and those who paid Hillary those ridiculously exorbitant speaking fess- skated. No one is going to jail.

Goldman screwed investors and it knew all along what it was doing:

Goldman bought loans from mortgage underwriters such as subprime giant Countrywide Financial and repackaged them as supposedly safe securities — even though it knew many of the underlying loans were lousy, according to a statement of fact released along with the settlement.

And they were oh so smug about it:

“If they only knew,” Goldman’s head of due diligence wrote in a 2006 e-mail.

Yes, it’s the same Goldman Sachs that pays Hillary Clinton boatloads of cash. It’s not hard to imagine her cackling about how Goldman bankers escaped prosecution during one of those highly paid gigs.

It’s unbelievable. This was the house of cards that helped crash the economy. Way back in 2012 Obama made this covenant with America:

“I am asking my Attorney General to create a special unit of federal prosecutors and leading state attorneys general to expand our investigations into the abusive lending and packaging of risky mortgages that led to the housing crisis. This new unit will hold accountable those who broke the law, speed assistance to homeowners, and help turn the page on an era of recklessness that hurt so many Americans.”

“…hold accountable those who broke the law…” Sounds serious, doesn’t it? The Obama administration didn’t take it seriously. Take your pick:

The Guardian
Eric Holder didn’t send a single banker to jail for the mortgage crisis. Is that justice?

Yet, despite the Justice Department’s claims to the contrary, not one major executive has been sent to jail for their role in the crisis.

The department has put real housewives in jail for mortgage fraud, but not real bankers, saving their firepower for people who manage to defraud banks, not for banks who manage to defraud people.

The Atlantic
How Wall Street’s Bankers Stayed Out of Jail

Holder, meanwhile, along with his old colleague Lanny Breuer, has returned to the white-shoe law firm that he left in order to join the Justice Department—Covington & Burling, which counts among its clients Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo. (The firm reportedly kept his office for him.) The sums Holder exacted from Wall Street banks earned him plenty of praise in the media. But without holding real people on Wall Street accountable for their wrongdoing in the years leading up to the financial crisis, the message that their behavior was unacceptable goes undelivered. Instead a very different message is being sent: for financiers, justice is just a check someone else has to write.

Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail

Rolling Stone
Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail?

Business Insider
The Real Story Of How ‘Untouchable’ Wall Street Execs Avoided Prosecution

Worst of all, Obama justice officials both shielded and feted these Wall Street oligarchs (who, just by the way, overwhelmingly supported Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign) as they simultaneously prosecuted and imprisoned powerless Americans for far more trivial transgressions.

As Harvard law professor Larry Lessig put it two weeks ago when expressing anger over the DOJ’s persecution of Aaron Swartz: “we live in a world where the architects of the financial crisis regularly dine at the White House.” (Indeed, as “The Untouchables” put it: While no senior Wall Street executives have been prosecuted, “many small mortgage brokers, loan appraisers and even home buyers” have been).

Thus, in part, Holder and Obama refused to jail those who defrauded investors so that Holder would not jeopardize his future wealth. The big banks were assessed penalties but none of that comes from their own pockets. Once again, investors pay the freight. There is absolutely no personal accountability.

But Geez Louise, if you have an overdue library book

Usually if you have an overdue library book — you’ll get a fine. But one Wisconsin woman got jail time!

30-year-old Tabitha Oost of Shawano won’t soon forget her recent visit to Green Bay.

Last month, the married mother of two crashed her car on Mason Street. She was rushed to the hospital.

“The air bags went off. I ended up having damage to my scalp, my forehead and my left eye,” Oost said.

While at the hospital, Oost saw a doctor — and a Green Bay police officer.

“I was still bleeding from my head. I was still on the stretcher when an officer came in to check if I was okay, how I was doing,” Oost said.

The doctor had good news. She would be released.

The police officer had some bad news.

“He told me that I had a warrant for my arrest for Shawano County due to overdue library books,” Oost said.

Back in 2011, Oost had checked out a bunch of items from the Shawano library — and never returned them.

$499 worth of stolen goods!

And in Texas

A Texas man who was arrested for failing to return an overdue library book ignited an online flurry of snarky comments and headlines about the Lone Star State extending its tough-on-crime bravado to books. But such cases aren’t unheard of, and many communities faced with shrinking budgets and rising costs have ordinances calling for fines or even arrest warrants when library property isn’t returned.

The Obama administration lesson here is clear. Steal a dollar and you’re a thief. Steal billions and you’re immune from prosecution.

The decision to protect banks instead of homeowners should be laid at the feet of the president and his administration, not one man in the Justice Department. But Holder certainly carried out the policy, even if he didn’t devise it.

The Atlantic again:

After the savings-and-loan crisis of the 1980s, more than 1,000 bankers were jailed.

(That would be “under Republican administrations”)

Overdue library books can get you arrested, but under this wretched and corrupt administration but guilty bankers are too big to jail.

Lastly- we are speaking of derivatives here and it was Bill Clinton who opted for deregulation of derivatives and put all of this in motion.


H/T Greta

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Dr J any problem with voting for Rafael Cruz whose wife worked for the Goldman Sach and who got a low interest loan from them ?
Can we blame the liberals for that too?
Hey!!! I got a great idea!! Let’s deregulate Wall Street defang the SEC by defunding it and have a really Free Market!! Then when/if things go wrong we can always default to our blame the liberals meme. The 1% will just love that, because their definition of a recession is “when money returns to its rightful owners ”
If Dr J you want something different better vote for Bern
and also cheer when the next (D)POTUS puts Elizabeth Warren on the SCOTUS

@John: Sure, a relationship with Goldman Sachs is only bad when a Republican is involved. His WIFE (note: not himself) worked there. They got a LOAN, with interest, and paid it back. While this bothers you, Hillary taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from them so they could hear her melodious voice does not. Neither, apparently, does Obama’s Treasury Secretary, Tim “can’t figure out taxes” Geithner giving Goldman Sachs $30 billion in .01% interest loans when he was with the Fed.

No, you can only see evil in Republicans and can never see the corruption, damage and tragedy wrought by liberals.

she is a managing partner-no sweat on a loan. right the Christ figure by cruz, arms spread as though he is on the cross-joke. he never mortgaged his house.
ever wonder how much the pos pres got for the iran deal?
yes, hillery and bill with five shell corporations and no tax. the clinton foundation is laundering money but no one is stopping them-why

Left wingers and Trumpeteers (but I repeat myself) don’t seem to understand basic economics.

Tell us, John, have you ever borrowed money against your home for capital to remodel with? How about borrowing money against your car to secure a low interest loan to pay off a higher interest debt? Nah, you would just struggle through, right?

Mr. and Mrs. Cruz had an investment with Goldman Sachs. They borrowed against that investment using it as collateral. I guarantee Trump does it every day for working capital. Nothing illegal, or nefarious, about it.

But don’t let basic knowledge, that you seem to lack, about securing loans using guaranteed collateral stop you from looking like a fool.

@mos #8541:

she is a managing partner-no sweat on a loan

No sweat on borrowing against your 401(k) either providing you have a decent credit rating.

And all that Wall Street crime was allowed to happen under Bush ? Why isn’t he mentioned? OR why not say which party was in control of Congress? Bernie Sanders nd Elizabeth Warren would nail hides to the wall if they were in charge.

@john: Set up by legislation passed by Clinton?
He also signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit -default swaps from regulation.
How many VA hides are nailed to he wall by Bernie he was on the Senate committee?
Shessh they are all crooks some just exceed at it like the Clintons.

You should do a little more research. Libs like to blame Bush for the housing mess due to de-regulation. What specifically did he de-regulate and by what mechanism did he do it?
In the meantime here’s a short reading list for you. Note they both were published before GWB ever became president.

We have repeatedly heard that the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has said that what the FBI is doing with regards to her Unsecured Private Email Server is conducting a Security Review, but Hillary Clinton is Lying Again as Usual.

The Government Conducted their Security Reviews long before Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State, and this is Proven by the Fact that the Government presented the Lawyer Hillary Clinton with a Contract to sign on what were the Security Procedures before Hillary Clinton could become Secretary of State, and she Agreed to the terms of that Legally Binding Contract, for which there was Criminal Penalties for any mishandling of Classified Information at , and at , and at .

This so called Review is Really a Review on how the Corruptocrats View National Security, and on the possibility that Leading Democrats who may have Secretly been to Jeffrey Epstein’s Island, are on Trial on whether this so called FBI Security Review is a Cover Up and a Whitewash from a Corrupt Administration.

The Only way there can be a Proper Review is for Hillary Clinton to be Indicted, and let the American People by means of a Court Trial Review how the Government and Corruptocrats like Hillary Clinton View this matter.

To better Understand what is really Happening, then it is Vital for America’s Democracy and Republic and National Security that the terms Epstein Democrat and Epstein Journalist become household words using Talkback Radio and Social Media.

New York is where Wall Street is probably has More Epstein Democrats and more Epstein Journalists than most of the other States of America, and Hillary Clinton who Represents Scandalous Privilege and Dictatorial Power, takes Money from Wall Street and from Large Banks and Large Corporations.

Jeffrey Epstein is an American Billionaire Financier who has his own Island, and he is a Convicted Sex Offender and a Good Friend of Bill Epstein Democrat Clinton at , and at

The Jeffrey Epstein Affair Imperils Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Prospects

, and at .

An Epstein type Democrat and an Epstein type Journalist is one that has either Agreed to be Filmed for Fame and Fortune at Jeffrey Epstein’s Island in an Act of Pedophilia that would provide a guarantee to their Puppet Masters that they will Always Obey them or go to jail like Jeffrey Epstein did, and their Puppet Masters provides them with Money and Prevent them going to Court or to Prison as long as they Obey their Puppet Masters.

It is also those who did Not know that they were Secretly Filmed in an Act of Pedophilia on Jeffrey Epstein’s Island, and now they are Blackmailed to be a Puppet of their Puppet Master who provides them with Big Money and Prevents them going to Court or to Prison as long as they Obey their Puppet Masters, and an Epstein Democrat is Not servant of the Public, and an Unbiased Media is meant to be the Fourth Estate in a Democracy, but an Epstein Media has become a Fifth Column to America.

We Know that Hollywood has Many Pedophiles, and they have Cameras and Filmmaking capacities, and there could be some People who think that the terms Hollywood Democrats and Hollywood Journalists would describe the situation.

We Know that much of Hollywood has endorsed Hillary Clinton, and there are American Social Democrats who Know that in any Septic Tank that Solids Rise to the Top, and these American Social Democrats think that much of the Obama Administration’s Department of Justice and some of the Leaders of the Democratic Party has become a Vile and Putrid Septic Tank, where the Solids Rise to the Top.

The so called Security Review was ongoing on Many Occasions during Hillary Clinton’s tenure of the State Department, but it was Contemptuously Ignored by the Corrupt Hillary Clinton and other Corruptocrats, even as they want to Contemptuously Ignore the Only way to have the so called Security Review after want has happened is, and that is with a Hillary Clinton Court Trial at .

We heard how President Barack Obama said that there is Classified Information and then there is Classified Information, and is that like there are Taxes and then there are Taxes depending on whether they make Political Contributions to the Corruptocrats, and then there are Election Promises and then there are Election Promises at , and at , and at .

The Reason that Many Classified Emails which Hillary Clinton sent were Not marked with one of the 3 levels of Classification, which are Confidential, or Secret, or Top Secret, which also has the Classification of Above Top Secret, is because those Classified Emails originated from Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server, and she decided Not to mark them as Classified, but we have seen that they were later marked with a Classification, and we have Also seen that they were Classified even if they were Not marked with a Classification at , and at , and at .

Senator Sanders is Correct to say that Hillary Clinton is Not qualified to be President, because she has shown herself to be Either Grossly Incompetent or to be a Traitor, and a Traitor to America is Not qualified to be President America.

Hillary Clinton is Not Incompetent, but she is a Calculating Devious Criminal, who is Also a Lawyer, and so the Clintons Knows how to Lie.

Hillary Clinton is a Compulsive and Hardened Liar, and a Devious Criminal, and an Untrustworthy Flip Flopper who will speak Any Lies to gain Votes, and Hillary Clinton will Not keep her Election Promises, and she wants to be Above the Law, and these and Many other things Disqualifies Clinton from being President.

The American Social Democrats Know that if they Vote for Hillary Clinton, then they will have been Deceived and it would be like Voting for the Republicans on Many matters, because Hillary Clinton is the Most Preferred Establishment Candidate of All of the Establishment Candidates.

There are Many Voters on the Left both male and female, who could Never bring themselves to vote for Clinton, because they Know that they would be showing a Lack of self respect for themselves, and that they would be showing Contempt for their Fellow Americans, and this is why they will Vote for Anyone But Clinton for President of America.

It is Obvious that the Establishment Prefers Hillary Clinton as their Most Preferred Candidate to any other Candidates, with Senator Sanders being among the least Preferred of the Candidates by the Establishment.

Hillary Clinton is an Untrustworthy Hardened and Compulsive Liar and one of Many examples is how Hillary Clinton claims that she is Not an Establishment Candidate, but if we look at Hillary Clinton’s Friendship and Partnership with an Establishment Person who can Print Money out of thin air and give it to the Clinton Foundation for Hillary Clinton’s Campaign, then we can see that Hillary Clinton is Lying Again as Usual.

This is Proved by a News Article that quotes WikiLeaks, and it says that the Real Rulers of America Decided years ago, that the Establishment Hillary Clinton would be the next President of America, and this is Undemocratic at , and at , and at .

The American Social Democrats who are Awake, Know that any other Person for President would be less Establishment than what Hillary Clinton is.

It is a Fact that People react differently to any situation, and so there will be some American Social Democrats who will Not vote for Hillary Clinton because they will Not vote on Election Day, while some American Social Democrats will vote for the Republicans if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Party nominee for Presidential Candidate, and as regards those American Social Democrats who are not as yet Awake, then they could be Deceived to vote for Hillary Clinton, only because she is a Member of the Democratic Party.

Those American Social Democrats Know that the Democratic Party has become Corrupt Corruptocrats, and the Best Proof is that they want Hillary Clinton to be the Presidential nominee for the Corruptocrats.

This is because Hillary Clinton is the Most Establishment Candidate, with All of her Carefully Crafted Lies, and this is why there would be some among the Awakened American Social Democrats who will Vote for the Republican Presidential nominee rather than not voting for any Candidate on Election Day if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Party’s nominee for Presidential Candidate, because they Sense their Responsibility and Duty to save fellow Americans from their own Ignorance and Gullibility, if Hillary Clinton is the Presidential Candidate for the Democratic Party.

There are People who think that the Anyone But Clinton Democrats should wear Badges on some occasions stating this, and have their own Website that only contains a minimum amount of Information, and which is sufficient to show why Hillary Clinton is Not qualified to be President.

There are People who think that American Social Democrats should on occasions wear clothing that is any shade of a certain color for the bottom, and clothing that is any shade of a certain color for the top, and People will understand this better from a distance because they cannot read their badges at a distance, and Americans can see how Many Democrats will Not vote for Hillary Clinton, because this would help Democrats understand that Hillary Clinton will Not become President, and so they should Vote for Anyone But Clinton in the Primaries.

They should Especially wear this color of clothing if Hillary Clinton is a Candidate on Election Day, because the Establishment will try to Rig the Election for Hillary Clinton, and the American Social Democrats should Not be deterred if the Clintonite Corruptocrats say that these People are Republicans in disguise, because we Know that Hillary Clinton will be Lying Again as Usual.

Senator Sanders is Correct to say that Hillary Clinton is Not qualified to be President, because she has shown herself to be a Traitor, and a Traitor to America is Not qualified to be President America, and the Video is Titled: 3 reasons why voters should shun Hillary Clinton explained at .

Hillary Clinton’s disastrous legacy is the Equivalent in results as to that of someone Incompetent, but she is a Calculating Devious Criminal who Loves to do what is Bad, and she is Also a Lawyer, and so the Clintons Knows how to Lie.

Hillary Clinton is a Compulsive and Hardened Liar, and a Devious Criminal, and an Untrustworthy Flip Flopper who will speak Any Lie to gain Votes, and Hillary Clinton has No Intentions of keeping her Election Promises, and she wants to be Above the Law, and these and Many other things Disqualifies Clinton from being President.

The Clintons have Already Admitted on several occasions that they had a Co Presidency during 1993 to 2001, and Hillary Clinton was the More Dominate of the Clintons during that time, and even today, and Hillary Clinton is Responsible for NAFTA, Bank Deregulation, Sub Prime Mortgages, Voting for the Iraq War, taking Wall Street Money, and Many other things.

President George Bush the second said that Bill Clinton was his brother, and that Hillary Clinton was his sister in law, and American Social Democrats can see this in the photo that was taken this Election year, and they say that a picture tells a thousand words atcomment image?w=700&q=55&auto=format&usm=12&fit=max&s=85016df7b6cb42e07e51911542152cfe , and then there is President George Bush the second campaigning for a Fellow Member of the Establishment Family at the Clinton Foundation at .

We have heard that Hillary Nixon Clinton said that she did Not ask for permission to use an Unsecured Private Email Server that Could Easily be Hacked by Foreigners, and which was Unknown to Most of the State Department, and Hillary Clinton said did Not have to ask anyone for permission, even though a former Democratic Party Secretary of State said that Hillary Clinton should Not have conducted All of her Secretary of State work on her Unsecured Private Email Server for Security Reasons at , but we Know that she Lied after it was Confirmed that she violated Government Policy at , and her Motive was to Deliberately Sell Secret Information to those who would Donate to the Clinton Foundation, because they would be Assisted to Access her Email Server and read the all of America’s National Secrets for Money, while she can Wrongly claim some type of plausible deniability and unintentionally allowing Secret Information being hacked by those did Not Donate to the Clinton Foundation, while Clinton was committing Espionage, and this is why intent to commit Espionage does Not need to be proved in order to circumvent the mind games of Devious Traitors.

This Proves that Hillary Clinton was the Secret President and Secret Dictator of America during her Puppet Obama Administration, which is a part of the Bush and Clinton Dictatorships of America that began with the Vice President George Bush the first in 1981 and continues to this day with the Puppet Obama Administration at , and Hillary Clinton maintains her Dictatorship and Secret Presidency of America because she has Secret Pedophile Films of Democrat Politicians and Many of the Clinton supporting Blackmailed Journalists.

These things Prove that Hillary Clinton is Entirely Responsible for Servergate, and it would help the Democrats if Hillary Clinton takes All of the Blame, and where she will spend a little time in a comfortable jail, and be pardoned after the Election, and where those who had no options but to assist Hillary Clinton in her Crimes, because of Intimidation by the Clinton Crime Syndicate can be granted Immunity from Prosecution for Evidence against Hillary Clinton, but the Best and First Line of Defense for America is to Vote for Anyone But Clinton, and this is why the American Social Democrats Know that they will either Not Vote or they will Vote for the Republican Presidential Candidate at the Election if Hillary Clinton is the Presidential nominee for the Democratic Party.

There remains the problem for some Democrat Politicians and some Journalists, because the Clintons have the Secret Films of them involved in an Act of Pedophilia, and there are People who think that Bill Clinton is the more reasonable of the Clintons, and he can be persuaded to quietly leave Politics, because he does Not really want to be campaigning for Hillary Clinton, but there are People who think that he Must Obey her, because Hillary Clinton by means of her Secret Agents might release Secret Films on the Internet of Bill Clinton in Many Acts of Pedophilia.

Those who seek Public Service should have some scrutiny in order to avoid some possible future problems, and it is because of the History of the Clintons and because of subliminal messaging by those who Know them that I have mentioned it, but People have a Right to Know the possibilities or even Probabilities regarding those who want to be Presidents of America once Again, because Many things are rarely as they appear to be with the Lying, Deceitful, and Criminal Clintons and so it would be unwise Not to consider a range of possibilities or Probabilities with regards to the Clintons, because All of the Clintons are campaigning for Hilary Clinton.

Webster Hubbell was the Managing Partner in the Rose Law Firm, where Hillary Clinton worked, and he is Definitely the biological father of the Person who is said to be Hillary Clinton’s biological or adopted daughter, with People being Deceived or Bribed or Intimidated to give a false narrative at

Webb Hubbell: ‘No comment’ on fathering Chelsea Clinton


The First Fact regarding this matter is that Bill Clinton is Not the biological father of the Person who Hillary Clinton claims to be the biological daughter of Bill Clinton, because Webster Hubbell is her biological father, and therefore, it could be possible that Hillary Clinton may have adopted the Person she says is her biological daughter, from one of Webster Hubbell’s Affairs, and there could be some People who think that Michael Bloomberg who wants to President, may offer millions of Dollars for a hair from Hillary Clinton and a hair from the Person who is said to be her biological daughter for DNA Testing.

We Know that Webster Hubbell is a Lawyer, and he may have Defended People who committed Pedophilia against those who are their biological children, and sometimes it is both the biological Parents who have committed Pedophilia against their own children, and there could be People who think that Webster Hubbell may be thinking that had he known Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton better, like he Knows them today, then he would have done things differently in the past, and that he was too upset with the Clintons to comment, and he was Not intimidated at that time to Lie for the Clintons.

Jeffrey Epstein is an American Billionaire Financier who has his own Island, and he is a Convicted Sex Offender and a Good Friend of Bill Epstein Democrat Clinton at , and at

The Jeffrey Epstein Affair Imperils Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Prospects

, and at .

There could be some People who might be wondering if Jeffrey Epstein thinks that perhaps Hillary Clinton is not the biological mother of Bill Clinton’s step daughter, because Most things about the Clintons are False, and perhaps there could be some Friends of Bill Clinton who asked Bill Clinton if he Knew any cleaning ladies and maids with young daughters while he was at the White House, and if this is one of the Reasons why he wishes to go back to the White House.

There could be People who think that there could be some men who have fantasized about having a child in their home who does Not share their DNA, and that their wives may be understanding of this, especially if they have a talented husband who they Need for her their careers, and so Jeffrey Epstein may be wondering how long ago Hillary Clinton was aware of Bill Clinton’s infidelity to her, and if it began when the Person who is said to be Bill Clinton’s biological daughter was young, and we Know that Hillary Clinton does Not care about some of Bill Clinton’s Deviant actions.

We Know Hillary Clinton’s Callous Reaction and even Laughing with Delight, because she was the Lawyer for an Obviously Guilty Pedophile, and she was able to help a Pedophile escape Justice, and this says a lot about Hillary Clinton, and how she views Bill Clinton’s Infidelities, and the Person who is said to be the biological daughter of Hillary Clinton, Knows that the Clintons are Lawyers and they are Murderers, and she Knows of the Clinton Crime Syndicate, and so is Unlikely to tell everything she Knows of the Clintons.

Hillary Clinton is Not qualified to be President because her character is Severely Flawed, as are the characters those Clintonite Corruptocrat Super Delegates that support Hillary Clinton, because they Know that Billions of Dollars went missing during the time that Hillary Clinton was the Dictatorial Chief of the State Department, and we Know that the Clintonite Corrupocrats are comfortable with sweeping Espionage under the carpet by the Clintonite Corruptocrats, which includes the Epstein Democrats, Epstein Democratic Party Super Delegates, and the Epstein Journalists.

There are American Social Democrats who will Anonymously write to All of their Local State or Federal Democrats who are Democratic Party Super Delegates, and Republicans will Not write those letters, because they do Not want Senator Sanders to be the Democratic Party nominee for Presidential Candidate.

The Anonymous letters should commence with the words that we will Not Negotiate on this or be Diverted on this, and so they can take it or leave it, but this is how it Will be, and that there could be some People who hope that the Super Delegates and the Democratic National Committee are intelligent enough to understand this.

The letters will inform the Democratic Party Democrats that if these Democratic Party Super Delegates do not Vote for Senator Sanders, then they will either create their own Political Party with or without Senator Sanders, or they Vote Republican until the Democratic Party offers Candidates other than those Super Delegates to be the endorsed Democratic Party Candidates for Public Office, and so All Democratic Party Super Delegates will receive many letters regarding this from many People, and this will be discussed extensively on Talkback Radio, and on Social Media, and these People will Not be discouraged if Senator Sanders is found to be a willing Clintonite Corruptocrat or if he is Intimidated by the Clinton Crime Syndicate to endorse the Unqualified Treasonous Criminal Hillary Clinton, who is the Most Corrupt Person to ever run for President.

We saw how Hillary Clinton and other Corruptocrats used Racism to gain the votes of Non African Americans, where the long rehearsed offensive use of the term CP time, which stands for Colored People time, and was said by Hillary Clinton to mean Cautious Politician time, but it means Corruptocrat Politician time, and the subliminal message of an African American dressed as a House Servant would have dressed on the Plantation in America hundreds of years ago, and there could be some People who think that it is how Hillary Clinton wants Barack Obama to be her Puppet and that this is how she wants Barack Obama to cover up for her Servergate Crimes, and that Much of the Democratic Party is Racist and Supremacist as its History shows and the Video is Titled: Hillary Clinton and Bill de Blasio Joke About CP Time at .

Hillary Clinton will be less popular with time, and that Senator Sanders will become more popular with time, and so if the Democrats are cautious Politicians, then they will support Senator Sanders for Presidential nominee, and Hillary Clinton will Not unify the Democratic Party, because she is the cause of the Disunity in the Democratic Party.

There are Many Voters on the Left both male and female, who could Never bring themselves to vote for Clinton, because they Know that they would be showing a Lack of self respect for themselves, and that they would be showing Contempt for their Fellow Americans, and this is why they will Vote for Anyone But Clinton for President of America at .