You might recall from 2013 the government shutdown where Ted Cruz was single handedly about to force the government to default on its debts and destroy our economy. As Bloomberg’s Joshua Green breathlessly exhaled:
Here’s a cheerful thought as Congress remains deadlocked over the debt ceiling and the hours tick away toward default: Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who basically forced the shutdown and whose own private polls have convinced him that it has been a glorious success, at this point could probably force a default and global economic calamity on his own—if he were so inclined. The Treasury Department says U.S. borrowing authority will expire on Thursday.
Yes, naturally Ted Cruz, the Tea Party, etc. wanted the Federal government to go into default and destroy the entire US economy. Of course, using the debt ceiling as leverage was the exact same thing that then Senator Obama did back in 2006, but as any Radical Leftist will explain, “That was different.” Of course, the only thing that is actually different for a leftist seems to be the proximity of their cranium to the colon of the subject, along with a willingness to believe that said subject’s excrement tastes like frozen dessert.
More to the point, the fact that Cruz was responsible for the shutdown is a flat out lie, via National Review’s Veronique DeRugy:
Made public for the first time, records turned over to the Committee in response to the subpoena show the Federal Reserve Bank of New York previously made plans to prioritize Social Security, veterans’ benefits, and principal and interest payments on the debt over other government obligations.
The Administration, however, directed the New York Fed to withhold this information from the Committee because “Treasury wants to maximize pressure on Congress by limiting communications about contingency planning,” according to a previously undisclosed internal email of the New York Fed….
Efforts by the Obama Administration to keep its contingency planning a secret were met with objections from officials at the Federal Reserve and the New York Fed, who described the approach in an email as “crazy, counter-productive, and add[ing] risk to an already risky situation.”
This story broke about six weeks ago, and hasn’t made headlines. I’d say that I wonder why, but considering every major media outlet is busy assisting their favorite radical Leftist/ RINO/ Celebrity presidential candidate I can’t say I’m surprised. As you might have guessed from this and previous posts I’m a Cruz supporter. And I get why a lot of people don’t like my preferred candidate – but if you’re going to, please keep your hate based on facts and not the pablum that President Obama has fed to America. And if you’re an Obama supporter, you might want to ask yourself some hard questions. But we both know that you won’t.
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Cross posted at Brother Bob’s Blog
People will believe something as factual because they want it to be true.
I like Cruz. I think he would make a fine President. However, I am not a Trump hater. He has his schtick that drives many people to the point of madness.
I am not a Trump hater, but I have grave concerns about his ability to beat Hillary in a general election. If he is the GOP nominee, I have no other choice but to vote for Trump that would not be a de facto vote for the democrat in November. A candidacy will split the anti-democrat vote and equate to Hillary or Bernie winning the oval office.
Do you think Cruz would have a better chance against Hillary than Trump would? I think Trump would get a much larger Democrat crossover vote.
The only one that could blow it against Ms Wall street is The mail mans kid.
The real danger is the RNC meddling.
Trump is stupid but Cruz is outright evil and dangerous. And if you think ANY of the GOP candidates will help the middle class, you’re just plain stupid.
I’ve heard many Trumpsters say that if he doesn’t get the nomination they’ll stay home or vote for Trump as a write in. Either way, Trump will be a spoiler and the White House will go to a Democrap. What the hell is wrong with people that they can’t see that? They need to vote for the “R” no matter who it is (if they don’t want to help Bern pay for the “free stuff”)!
Notice: The media portrays Cruz as an outsider. False. He is a consummate insider who 1) receives donations from very much insiders like GOP dogs and PACs or Lobyists, 2) has a somewhat weak if not dangerous immigration policy, 3) is a loser. Cruz is definitely in the back pocket of lobbyists and the GOP establishment. They can kiss ass.
Now let us turn to the Utah battle. Mormons, like Dope Francis, should keep their religious slimy noses out of politics or lose their tax exempt status. Mormons have a soft heart for illegal immigrants, some of them, because they were some of the very first ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. When they established themselves in Utah, (mind you this is a Christian Church???) they were in MEXICO! Illegally. Just walked over the border. Previous to around 1994, their Bibles didn’t have labeling on their maps to indicate that they “landed” in MEXICO. And they, like Brigham Young, were chopping at the bit to get into a war with Mexico for the territory. So much for good Christians. Hell with them.
Mitt Romney and Democrat Harry Reid are the worst kind of Mormons you would ever want to fire. And nowadays Ted Cruz is fired.
Nowadays, much, much less than half of the population of Utah is Mormon. The total claimed higher than this is due to the fact that even though members leave the church forever, their names are kept on file. They boast about the LDS Church having 10 million members (in the US and abroad). They are blind to the fact that the Catholic Church has an estimated 1.2 billion Roman Catholics in the world. Talk about honesty and virtue. Or should I say lies and deceit. Many others are of other Christian religions. Trump, being anti-illegal immigration, is perhaps the most sound and level-headed candidate for Utahans.
Besides if Mormons had even an ounce of dignity they would have excommunicated Democrat Mormon Harry Reid years ago. He believes and supports abortion. The Catholic Church in its dumb confusion should have excommunicated Pelosi for her position on abortion.
So for all that matters; Mormons and any fight by them against Donald J. Trump is religious hog-wash. If they persist in politics (the priesthood), they should be removed from their tax exempt status and start paying taxes immediately.
You must be a Trumpeteer, you deal in bile like everyone of them do.
Says you? Who are you? Nobody. A simpleton of ignoramus nature. Try to stay out of trouble. Or, retire again. Your worthless babel will not be tolerated in a civilized society. Go home, or better yet, go home.
By the by, don’t listen to facts or logical reasoning. It’s beyond you. Go straight home and do not pass GO.
Ted Cruz is absolutely THE BEST candidate for President, bar none.
I’ve finally concluded that anyone who is a Trump supporter in the Primary is either a trojan horse voter in order to get Hillary elected in November, or is just inebriated with WAY too much Trumpeteer KOOL-AID, just sayin’.
Even this lifelong Democrat has set aside party for country–I applaud her for her courage, integrity and objectivity in seeing things as they are on the Democrat side of the aisle this election:
Ted Cruz is absolutely THE BEST candidate for janitor-in-chef. He’s a good crook, too.
Go Donald Trump! The most winning-est candidate of all. No exceptions at all.
As far as Old Lady coughing, damaged-goods, cheating and lying Clinton. Never mind her. Hillary Clinton is the Martha Stewart of political cheating. Clinton is federal prison material.
@AdrianS: If you live anywhere near the Jersey shore take a visit to Atlantic City. Walk up & down the boardwalk, and then do the same a few blocks west. I don’t really want Trump doing for America what he helped to do for AC.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet AdrianS, another typical TrumpTroll, same personality as the ObamaTrolls and the Ron PaulTrolls.
Ask this clown to count to eleven and he/she would have to take a shoe off since spelling a simple word like “babble” seems to be above their pay grade.
Trump talks a lot. I haven’t seen any plans though just a lot of talk. We need a president with solutions not a president full of hot air.
Even before this juicy revelation, it was a well-known fact that the administration made the shutdown (which could have been avoided if Obama had agreed to do then what he did unilaterally and illegally later) artificially as painful as possible so it would not go unnoticed. This just further proof of how the left gladly uses fear, pain and suffering as a political tool.
@retire05: They can count to 20.5 if naked.
Thank you for the introduction. And thanks to for the space.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Vote for Donald Trump. Regardless what the libs, or the insider GOP, or the Demo-Rats, and MSN say, it just gets better for the Donald. That is a fact. People know what they want.
A special thanks to the dead-in-the-head, such as retire05; such energy flowing toward the Donald is amazing and simply awesome.
A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for real Conservatism:
1. Defend the Veterans rights.
2. Protect our southern border. Build a wall. Enter only legally.
3. Protect Christianity.
4. Protect our second amendment rights.
5. Keep the influence of lobbyists out.
6. Bring control of education back to the states and counties.
7. Strengthen our military.
8. Regain respect and trust around the world.
9. Keep our Social Security safe from attack.
10. Keep government small and effective.
11. Reduce fraud in government.
12. Respect and support our police officers and help them enforce our laws.
13. End sanctuary cities that harbor illegal aliens and crime and violate federal laws.
14. Spend money on our infrastructure; bridges, roads, hospitals, etc.
15. Bring back the corporate money from abroad.
16. Reduce taxes and unnecessary regulations.
17. Encourage businesses to stay and build in America.
18. Increase equality in job opportunities, jobs, and job training.
19. Reduce government regulations so businesses can grow, thrive and hire.
20. Start up the oil pipelines and encourage American oil independence.
21. Protect our rights to freedom of the press and freedom of speech.
22. End birth control and forcing nuns to, against their rights, hand out birth control.
23. and more.
These are the ideas the Donald has for making America Great again. These are conservative ideas and in agreement with our Constitution and Constitutional rights.
If you don’t understand this, nothing can help or make you understand. All other (17) candidates have eventually come around, and now they’re gone. And, oh yes, Ted Cruz is a consummate insider bound to respond to the lobbyists and GOP insiders like a stooge. Ted Cruz is no more a good candidate than anybody’s dog.
With Trump, it’s “GO BIG WITH TRUMP, OR GO HOME”.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you. Have a great day. And, vote for Trump for America.
Since 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19 and 20 all fall under the purview of the Congress, I guess your Carnival Barker in Chief will just pay for all of that by abolishing Congress.
Now we learn that retire05 is a RADICAL. Truth be told, it is not surprising. Go home!
@retire05: You see without any specifics as to plan or policy how they can paint whatever they want on the candidate? How this wonderous wishlist will suddenly appear with a smaller fraud free effective government.
Brings to memory the Obama supporter that thought she would never have to worry about her house payments again. This is gonna be yuge.
I think its like the movie they build up how great it is and you sit through it waiting for the good part, then the credits roll.
Yeah, only RADICALS think that the powers of the government should adhere to the U.S. Constitution and not let the Executive usurp the power of Congress.
And I am home, you twit.
Liar. Go home. There’s absolutely no cure for stupid.
So sayeth the TrumpTroll.
Have you even managed to graduate from 4th Grade?
As you so aptly prove.
4th grade is much, much higher than you represent, retire05.
You probably don’t know or understand math, so I’ll do the task:
Total to win GOP nomination = 1237.
Donal J. Trump (Presumed Leader) = 754.
Needed to Lock in the Nomination = Just 483.
President Donald J. Trump.
Choke on that and then go home.