The Dangerous Extremists Hiding In Plain View (Guest Post)

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In an attempt to crush opposition, the ruling elites and the mainstream media will demonize people who dare to disagree with them as “extremists”. If you disagree with immigration you’re an extremist. If you oppose forcibly imposed multiculturalism you’re an extremist. If you’re against creeping Islamization and the imposition of sharia you’re an extremist. And if you dare to vote for any political party or politician who opposes the established political elite or global governmental organizations such as the European Union or the United Nations, you’re an extremist.

The aim is of course to portray opponents to the established parties and their pernicious social experiments as “right-wing extremists” thus framing them as hated Nazis and Fascists. It’s a devious tactic relying on the ignorance of the masses who’ve been brainwashed into believing that Nazism and Fascism are extreme right-wing ideologies. However, as I explained in a previous article, both Fascism and Nazism are of the left.

So who are the real extremists? On the outside, they’re nowhere near as obvious to spot as Hitler’s Nazis or Mussolini’s Fascists. Today’s dangerous extremists are far more cunning and much less obvious. Gone are the military uniforms and jackboots. Instead, they dress smartly in designer suits, they kiss babies and smile for the cameras and they claim to be champions of the people. They portray themselves as honourable, trustworthy moral crusaders fighting against oppression, discrimination, poverty and injustice.

Hiding behind this manufactured veneer of faux respectability lurks a very different picture. These self-proclaimed fighters against injustice who love to demonize those who have the audacity to oppose them as extremists are anything but honourable representatives of the people. Beyond the anaesthetizing narratives they’re determinedly conducting the most heinous crimes and deceptions ever carried out against a people. As these self-righteous devious authoritarians point an accusing finger at human beings whose only crime is the natural desire to preserve their identities and nations, they are:

1.Deceiving their people on an unprecedented scale. Since the end of the Second World War, the goal of Western ruling elites has been to establish one-world governance whether the people want it or not. In pursuing this long-term aim, power-hungry self-serving Western elites committed one of the grandest deceptions ever committed: The creation of what is now called the European Union. From the outset, this supra-national project was all about political union and the dismantling of Western European states. Not only was this concealed from the people of Europe, European politicians deceived their people into believing the aim was merely to establish a common trading block. And this deception was conducted using taxpayer money! Surrendering sovereignty then forcing people to pay taxes to two governments, one of which is entirely unaccountable, sounds like an extreme act to this author.

“Europe’s nations should be guided towards the super state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose. But which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.” – Jean Monet, Founding Father of the European Union

It’s a similar story with the United Nations. Equally as corrupt as the EU, the UN was sold as an organization to foster peace between nations after the horror of World War Two but is just another ever-growing leviathan pursuing global governance. That delegates from totalitarian states such as the People’s Republic of China, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, nations that have no regard for human rights sit on UN human rights commissions tells you all you need to know about how corrupt this nest of vipers has become. In a world where morality has been turned upside down, accusations of extremism levelled at the UN are conspicuous by their absence.

2.Stealing from the people, paying themselves inflated salaries and awarding themselves all manner of expenses. In Great Britain, the expenses scandal exposed the contempt Members of Parliament hold for the British people. In addition to claiming expenses for essentials such as cleaning a moat and renting pornographic videos, MPs were also playing the housing market using taxpayer money. One can’t help but wonder why the British people don’t regard this outrageous abuse of taxpayers as “extreme.”

In the United States, the principle of government of the people, for the people, by the people, has been abandoned. Half of congress members are millionaires and surprisingly, there are more Democrat millionaires than Republican. As George Orwell rightly stated, some animals are more equal than others. Corruption in Congress is rife and instead of serving the best interests of the people, US politicians now serve the interests of powerful corporations. The Third Way, a merger of state and corporate power pioneered by Benito Mussolini, is alive and kicking in the home of the free but don’t expect anyone to call it extreme. Only patriots who oppose this perversion of democracy are the real fascists.

3.Implementing punitive taxation then redistributing this wealth of the people to a gamut of foreign governments via foreign aid. Recipients of this largesse include rogue governments such as Pakistan, Sudan, Colombia, Palestinian Authority, globalist organizations especially the UN and the EU and the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas. Even failed, criminal banksters were bailed out by Western governments using taxpayer money. Welcome to corporate welfare! This was an act of Fascism committed in plain view but most Westerners were completely unaware of it. They didn’t seem to understand the message their rulers sent them either: If you fail, you pay. If banks and corporations fail, you pay. It’s like a game of Russian roulette but the gun is only ever pointed at the heads of the people.

Is bailing out failed, private – and in many cases, criminal – corporations with taxpayer cash acceptable or is it extreme? You tell me.

4.Refusing to protect and enforce borders and importing millions of aliens from the third world. Legally or illegally it matters not a jot. In doing so, Western governments are deliberately diluting the identities and cultures of their nations. The invasion is paid for by honest, law-abiding citizens who are paying for their own towns and cities to be colonized. Furthermore, these aliens will be allowed to vote and will of course vote for the elites who are importing them and handing them all manner of benefits. Such actions amount to the most appalling, may I say “extreme”? – acts of gerrymandering ever committed. And to add insult to injury, the elite “champions of the people and fighters for justice” impose punitive laws to enforce “positive discrimination” and put the interests of immigrants above the interests of the native population. But passing laws that demonize and criminalize your own people, disgracefully judging them to be guilty of the Orwellian thought-crime of racism by default isn’t extreme oh no. Patriots who refuse to cooperate with the surrender of their territory and with it their own gradual demise are the real extremists.

5.Waging a stealth war to dismantle the family unit. Sex education programs in schools promote promiscuity and pornography. The aim is to make marriage undesirable by encouraging women to place hedonism and a career above having a family. Feminist narratives are propagated in the mainstream media to portray men as women-haters who have abused women for centuries. Divorce is big business throughout the West with the goal being to remove the father from the family. Quickie divorces are now common, so much for the principle of upholding contracts. Instead of helping couples stay together, divorce laws make it easy for the family to be broken. This assault on the traditional family unit has resulted in such low birth rates, many Western countries are simply not breeding sufficiently to replace themselves and maintain the culture.

6. Aborting millions of healthy but unwanted babies. Eugenics, the practice of deciding who has the right to life is a alive and kicking in Western nations just as it was in Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist Germany. By allowing women the legal right to murder their unwanted healthy babies, the fighters against oppression and injustice have relegated these most vulnerable of human beings as “untermenschen.” Their only crime is to live in the womb of their mothers but because they’re inconvenient, they lose the right to be treated as human beings and can be disposed of in the trash. Since abortion was legalized in the United States in 1973, over 55 million babies have been aborted. Such mass murder of innocents isn’t extreme though, the real extremists are the ones who oppose this holocaust of the innocents.

7.Importing millions of Muslims into their nations and are demanding the people tolerate Islam, an extremist religion which has waged non-stop jihad against unbelievers across all faiths since 622. It’s one of the greatest betrayals ever committed in Western history and the consequences have been beyond dire.

Islamic practices such as women being forced to wear hijabs, female genital mutilation, child brides , honour killings and halal ritual slaughter of animals all common in Islamic states have now been imported into a civilized society where these inhumane, cruel practices had ended long ago. It’s important to remember that the first victims of Islam are Muslims, especially women and girls.

Devout Muslim males emulating the perfect example of their prophet have brought a rape epidemic to Europe with gang rapes of infidel women being one of the most diabolical strategies of Islamic jihad. Yet those self-aggrandizing elites and their lickspittle lackeys in the media – who claim to fight for women’s rights and equality of the sexes – went to great lengths to cover up these heinous crimes against women. In the British town of Rotherham, it transpired that over 1400 girls had been raped by Muslims and that the government, police and social services had known about it and covered it up for a decade.

What’s that you say? Those responsible should be accountable for betraying those girls? Come on, what are you, some kind of “right-wing extremist?”

As if that wasn’t enough, after the terror attacks on 9/11 in New York, on 7/7 in London, and more recently in Paris in January and November 2015, deadly attacks carried out by jihadists fighting in the cause of Allah that slaughtered thousands of infidels, still the elites who are just as culpable for these atrocities dare to call those who correctly assert that Islam is not a peaceful religion “Islamophobic extremists.” By deceiving their own people about the reality of Islam, I assert they are knowingly and deliberately placing them in grave danger. In a sane society, those committing such a betrayal would be regarded as dangerous extremists.

You’ve just read seven examples of how the ruling elites throughout the West are deceiving their own people. I could add many more, not least the deceptions deployed by Western governments and the mainstream media to justify illegal, murderous wars in Serbia and Iraq. I will leave these deceptions for another time as there isn’t space here to cover them.

Far from being decent, honorable champions of the people fighting for justice and equality, the ruling elites are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They’re the new “do as we say, not as we do, we know better than you” self-serving authoritarians who believe the people exist to serve them. They see human beings as guinea pigs and their nations as laboratories fit for conducting pernicious social experiments to mould society as they want it. They certainly don’t exist to serve the people who they deceive with impunity.

Yet somehow the people of the West do not regard the devious politicians and media charlatans as “extremists” and allow themselves to be deceived over and over again. One hopes that one day soon, they will wake up to their own betrayal committed by the real and very dangerous extremists hiding in plain view.

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Mr Green when was the last time a muslim country invaded a christian country?

Given the current lack of explicitly Christian nations in the world the answer to your question would be “a few centuries ago”.

Change the question to the more relevant “When was the last time Muslims invaded a non-Muslim (or differently Muslim) country intending to compel submission to their religion” though and the answer becomes “it’s been going on non-stop since the 70’s.”

Christians used to make up 20% of the population of the middle east, its down to 5%, and they are expected to be exterminated in less than a decade.
Meanwhile back at the ranch

Yeah the Christians definitely were the big losers when the secular Saddam regime was overthrown. I guess nobody saw that coming that the Christians would be lumped in with the invaders

@James Felix:
Well if this invasion has begun why the hell aren’t you true believers grabbing your guns and flying over there to confront them ? Are you planning on letting them attack us here ?
Or is this another one of those “gee I hope that someone else (Obama) will order other people (US military) to do what I think should be done but will not do myself

@john: The correct question is when was the last time a 3rd world country invaded a first world country.

@john: The murdering atheists are the worst: more blood spilled by atheists than anyone.

Good thing peaceful Christians have kept the hate of the atheists at bay here in the states…peacefully.

I think you’re itching the commit a hate-crime, john. I’ll buy you Bible and show you how to read it before you start a revolution and kill us all….

@Nathan Blue:
I have read that book several times
Some of it is rather funny
do you think Mary was 13years old when she became pregnant ?
As for the hate crime……. Do you actually think you can read minds?
That would pay big in Vegas

Lots of god stuff throughout that essay, Christopher.
I’ll just touch on some lightly.

1.Deceiving their people on an unprecedented scale. Since the end of the Second World War, the goal of Western ruling elites has been to establish one-world governance whether the people want it or not.

Read up on Heidi Cruz, folks.
She has been a part of the One World government movement for years now.

2.Stealing from the people, paying themselves inflated salaries and awarding themselves all manner of expenses.

The Rubio family kept getting caught using ”the wrong credit card,” for personal expenses when they used a GOP/RNC card.
As soon as they’d get caught, just as the Bible says, they had plenty of cash to pay in full out of their own pockets!

3.Implementing punitive taxation then redistributing this wealth of the people to a gamut of [XXXX’s]

IF Bernie Sanders really got elected to president (his people rioted in Chicago tonight) he intends to use working people’s taxes to support these types without them having to work. The rioters don’t like the message of a Donald Trump who promises JOBS after schooling rather than freebies.

4.Refusing to protect and enforce borders and importing millions of aliens from the third world. …..Western governments are deliberately diluting the identities and cultures of their nations. The invasion is paid for by honest, law-abiding citizens who are paying for their own towns and cities to be colonized. Furthermore, these aliens will be allowed to vote and will of course vote for the elites who are importing them and handing them all manner of benefits.

Bernie, Hillary, Rubio and Kasich are all ”open borders” proponents here.
The riots tonight in Chicago had many signs in Spanish.
ALEXANDER FRASER TYTLER, LORD WOODHOUSELEE, is often quoted or paraphrased about something he wrote about when Greece fell 2,000 years ago:

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government.
It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.
From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.

Well, here we are.
The protesters in Chicago are opposed to a successful recovery with all the new jobs that would create. They want freebies, plain and simple.

5.Waging a stealth war to dismantle the family unit. Sex education programs in schools promote promiscuity and pornography. The aim is to make marriage undesirable by encouraging women to place hedonism and a career above having a family. Feminist narratives are propagated in the mainstream media to portray men as women-haters who have abused women for centuries. Divorce is big business throughout the West with the goal being to remove the father from the family. Quickie divorces are now common, so much for the principle of upholding contracts. Instead of helping couples stay together, divorce laws make it easy for the family to be broken. This assault on the traditional family unit has resulted in such low birth rates, many Western countries are simply not breeding sufficiently to replace themselves and maintain the culture.

There are many ways the schools are used to destroy the family.
Remember having parental help with homework?
That is discouraged.
Common Core uses a ”math,” that is abacus-based but without the actual abacus!
Thus the poor child isn’t even taught to work a physical abacus!
He must ”show his work,” when all it is is describing how an abacus could work out the solution. Parents cannot help with this, as most of us are not familiar with how to use an abacus.
Get one.
Or, better yet, get Common Core out of schools and get back to the intellectually stimulating abstract maths such as algebra, geometry, trig and calculus.
A child can never move past simple addition and subtraction if he is stunted by abacus math.

7.Importing millions of Muslims into their nations and are demanding the people tolerate Islam….

Obama is pushing anti-Islamic bullying.
What is happening in Europe is beyond belief.
The lies of the elites, pretending the rapes and child molestations aren’t happening. YIKES!

@John: Haha…typical Atheist hate-speech. Too bad you’re simply a child revolting against your own culture. Go live in the Middle East before you tell others to go fight there, junior.

Can’t pay attention to stupid…

“The aim is of course to portray opponents to the established parties and their pernicious social experiments as “right-wing extremists” thus framing them as hated Nazis and Fascists. It’s a devious tactic relying on the ignorance of the masses who’ve been brainwashed into believing that Nazism and Fascism are extreme right-wing ideologies. However, as I explained in a previous article, both Fascism and Nazism are of the left.”

That would be an assertion that’s entirely typical of contemporary right-wing extremists. It’s part of the process of inoculating prospective cult members against any information sources that might call the cult’s core beliefs into question. It’s part of an indoctrination process setting the parameters that contain and limit a convert’s freedom of thought.

I know this crap when I see it, however it tries to mask itself. Invariably there’s a check list of ideas that go with it that have nothing whatsoever to do with the protection of Constitutionally guaranteed individual freedoms. It’s oppression, trying to slip in the back door masquerading as original American values. Religious freedom? I don’t think so. A certain sort of religion is what we want here. God tells us what’s what. Control of your own person? Nope. If you’re female, you don’t even get to keep sovereign control of your own body. The state can rob you of control, on behalf of somebody else’s religious views. Freedom from exploitation? Hell no! Corporations are people. They’ve got the same rights as person—assuming that person is a giant with the power to shake the nickels out of your pockets, buy politicians, and squash you like a bug.

@Nanny G: They are not pretending they are actively covering the crimes up and have been for years. All while teaching the children to welcome their demise.
Disarming the citizens so they cannot defend themselves, displace tax payers for takers.
The liberals are hot after the 2nd, whittle away steadily at the 1st.
We are on to the game so a label is required extremist seems to be the most popular today.

Perhaps somebody should have disarmed Jamie Gilt. You know, because she was a threat to the government.

Jamie was damn irresponsible. A loaded 45 with one in the behind the firing pin. Her child could have been killed. But there are many more cases where the bad guy gets whats coming to him.

Good article Christopher. You can tell it’s accurate because it drew the trolls out.

@Nathan Blue:
At a certain age being called a child or son becomes a compliment
I was born in 1947
In 1969 and 70 I lived in a monastery for a year
Does insulting others make you feel better about yourself ?

The cartridge was in front of the firing pin

@kitt: @kitt:
about 30000 people die from gun violence each year in the USA
About 500 are considered justifiable homicide by our laws

@John: But 18,400 of those ”gun deaths,” would have killed themselves another way had guns been outlawed, John.
Yes, suicide is 57% of all gun deaths in the USA.
And, when you are so motivated to kill yourself, as to put a gun to your own head, you would do something else if that option were gone…like that Ex-Chesapeake Energy Corp CEO Aubrey McClendon guy who drove his car straight into a wall.

The left is growing ever more desperate as they lose more and more influence due to the failure of their agenda. Expect the violence we saw in Chicago last night (a violation or Constitutional rights, GREG) to grow more and more violent, accompanied by a more violent response. This, of course, is exactly what the left is aiming for, as their failed policies will never convince a majority that liberalism and socialism is the better idea.

Obama has been striving to divide the nation into opposing camps so that the left wing ruling elite can enact controls over more Constitutional rights. MoveOn, a Soros funded tool (with tax exempt status, no less) was behind the Chicago violence, just as Soros has been funding BLM violent protests. It is going to get worse before it gets better and it will only get better when leftist tactics are met and defeated… once and for all.

@John: Ah, that explains it. “second childhood”.

And yes, treating your irrational troll rants and your hate-speech as the drivel it is makes me happy.

Watching you pretend to take the moral high ground when your one purpose here is to piss people off is even more satisfying.

Walk on home, boy…

@Greg: I think you should have just responded by saying “nuh-uh!”.

It would have had the same intellectual weight.

I always laugh when people try to insult me as if being called “boy” by you would elicit anything other than a laugh by me, or assume that all libs are kids However I would admit to being a bit vain about my boyish health: no meds no glasses and a basal heart rate of 64 and BP of 105/70
Hardly indicative of stress or anger
Nathan does it make you feel like a man? When you call me “boy”?

“Success is the important thing. Propaganda is not a matter for average minds, but rather a matter for practitioners. It is not supposed to be lovely or theoretically correct. I do not care if I give wonderful, aesthetically elegant speeches, or speak so that women cry. The point of a political speech is to persuade people of what we think right. I speak differently in the provinces than I do in Berlin, and when I speak in Bayreuth, I say different things than I say in the Pharus Hall. That is a matter of practice, not of theory. We do not want to be a movement of a few straw brains, but rather a movement that can conquer the broad masses. Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths.”
― Joseph Goebbels
sound familiar

The battle of Vienna form Sept. 11-12 1683 stopped the muslim advance in Europe. Connect the dots on 9/11.

BillI can’t speak for Greg but I myself are quite confident of the Dems winning both the White House AND theSenate. The House? well after the Supreme Court rules on gerrymandering I think that too will go Dem.

connect the dots?
from Sept 11 to Sept 12th
Mos# 8541 IF you really think that the muslims are about to take over here why the hell are you here sitting on your fanny and typing ? Shouldn’t you fly over there and bring the fight to them? You must have figured out Obama isn’t going to do what you think is best, so do it yourself.
Gotta walk the walk if you talk the talk

@john: Your little leftist friends are assuring a Trump candidacy. Beyond any doubt, Trump will not hold back one bit in attacking Hillary, should she dodge indictment for her negligence and crimes. Hillary will HAVE to begin answering questions about Benghazi, Clinton Foundation influence peddling and here inept mishandling of classified emails and, as we have seen, Hillary does not do well when she has to remember all the lies she has already told. When Hillary speaks, she erodes her own popularity because, well, she is not likable.

Bernie would be a push over.

Enjoy your confidence. Whistle louder as you pass that cemetery.

Off topic
The Presidents daughters looked beautiful at the state dinner, too bad they will only be able to wear the dresses once before they are hung in the National archives. The dresses were donated by the designer a generous gift, great advertising for Ms Khan.

@Bill, #20:

The left is growing ever more desperate as they lose more and more influence due to the failure of their agenda.

The left is growing ever more concerned because it appears the GOP is getting ready to nominate a neo-fascist for the office of president, and the republican majority Congress just might fall in line behind this guy if he’s elected. All he would have to do is keep saying the words that they want to hear, and offer them their most desired biscuits. And then at some point people would wake up, as they always do, but it would be too damn late.

“Our communist friend?” When and where have we heard this sort of rhetoric before?


The left is growing ever more concerned because it appears the GOP is getting ready to nominate a neo-fascist for the office of president,

I just have to ask again, what is your evidence for your bombastic accusation? Or, since you have supported Obama, no matter how he has lied and violated the Constitution, you don’t mind fascism as long as it is YOUR brand of fascism?

For Obama supported selling dangerous weapons to Mexican drug cartels so he could make a case for attacking the 2nd Amendment (fascist regimes don’t like an armed citizenry), used the IRS to attack political opponents, tried to arrest a journalist for reporting stories he does not like and has been trying to replace taxpaying citizens with illegal immigrants that can be more easily controlled. I got the impression you LIKED fascism.

Obama’s buddy and political proponent was cited at the Soros-funded disruption of Trump’s Chicago rally… a VERY fascist thing to do. Are you going to denounce Soros,, the Sanders campaign and the attacks on freedom of speech or will you be continuing to support left wing fascism?

@Bill, #32:

I just have to ask again, what is your evidence for your bombastic accusation?

Do you find nothing “bombastic” about Trump’s rhetoric? That word seems to describe almost everything coming out of the man’s mouth.

Are you listening closely to what he saying? Are you paying attention to the results of the words he’s speaking, and to what his supporters are saying about those results?

He was “cited”
Please tell me that was a voice to text mistake

I find it amusing when the right wing must play the victim card so often
It is like they need a “Safe place”
These micro aggressions must stop!!!

@Greg: I’ll try again… what are his statements that have characterized him as fascist?

@John: No, a simple typing mistake… my mistake. For future reference, that is what taking responsibility for one’s actions looks like.


I find it amusing when the right wing must play the victim card so often
It is like they need a “Safe place”
These micro aggressions must stop!!!

A massed violent attack on some people gathering to hear a political speech is a little different from declaring that someone that does not agree with your politics is “attacking” you and they must be kept away. However, good to see your openly coming forth in support of physical attacks when you cannot support an argument, as Soros funded last night. Slowly but surely, the violent, fascist nature of the liberal left is exposing itself and being made ready for retaliation.

Slowly but surely the odds of a Dem in the White House are growing

And the right just can’t stop with the victim card
I can remember in the 60s when right wing hard hats were beating up the anti war lefties and hippies
Now those same hard hats are whining about needing safe spaces
Gulp some Geritol

@John: I’m pretty sure when well-funded left wing agitators send thousands of thugs to violently shut down an opponent’s political rally, they ARE a victim.

I suppose you would be OK with a similar attack on a Sanders or Clinton rally since there are not victims here? It sounds like the left is advocating open fighting between factions instead of civil discourse. Be careful what you wish for.

By the way, in Weimar Germany, Hitler would send his Brownshirts out to violently disrupt the political rallies of his opponents. Just sayin…

@Bill, #36:

The term that I used was neo-fascist. The implication of neo is that we’re looking at a later, contemporary version of the thing; that certain distinguishing elements typical of earlier fascist movements are present.

A CNN opinion piece that appeared last December addresses the question better than I could: Is Donald Trump a fascist?

I think I’m seeing some flashing warning signs. I can’t believe that thoughtful traditional conservatives aren’t seeing them as well.

@Bill, #38:

I’m pretty sure when well-funded left wing agitators send thousands of thugs to violently shut down an opponent’s political rally, they ARE a victim.

Have you considered the possibility that people who feel deeply threatened by what Trump is giving form to might decided that it’s important to make those feelings known? Maybe they think they see where this could be headed. Maybe they’re entirely right to be concerned.

Very scary!! You should have out trigger warnings on your post
What are you going to have to say when those “thugs”
start giving about 2nd Amendment rights?
Look Trump has called on HIS supported to have the protestors carried away on stretchers

Agitators!!! Just like during the 60’s
civil rights marches


Have you considered the possibility that people who feel deeply threatened by what Trump is giving form to might decided that it’s important to make those feelings known?

Oh… I see. So, when people disagree with a point of view, if they perceive a threat (even if it is artificially whipped up by a corrupt liberal media), then violence is authorized? So then, if someone perceives a threat from rhetoric from someone like Farrakhan, violence is authorized?

First, there is no threat to feel. Only by the media completely misrepresenting his statements about illegal immigrants (verified by FBI data) or effectively vetting Muslim immigrants (also backed up by the FBI and actual threats) are there any threats to imagine and animals like Soros use this propaganda exactly as Hitler did; as a weak excuse to authorize violence.

When left wing intimidation and violence is met with retaliation, I don’t expect to hear a word of protest from drones like you and John/john. You have explicitly come out in favor of violent confrontations and I am sure you don’t mean it is only OK when leftists perpetrate it.


Look Trump has called on HIS supported to have the protestors carried away on stretchers

Oh, so you have a problem with that tactic now? This is why Trump only becomes more popular with every left wing assault; he meets threats with threats and will meet violence with violence. As of now, these left wing punk thugs should be carried out on a slab.

Don’t go and start crying about the environment you support once it starts backfiring on you.

@Bill, #43:

Oh… I see. So, when people disagree with a point of view, if they perceive a threat (even if it is artificially whipped up by a corrupt liberal media), then violence is authorized?

Maybe you should ask Donald Trump, since of all six contenders for nomination, republican and democrat, only his rallies are producing such problems. And they’re doing so repeatedly.

@Greg: NO, goddamnit, I am asking YOU. Do you condemn this fascist violence or do you support it?

Trump’s not doing it… he isn’t even promoting it. Sanders, Sorso, MoveOn and Black Lives Matter are committing the violent acts and you either support it or denounce it.

So far, you show you support it. Disgusting.

Hold on there Sparky!
First of all I am not a drone I have a class a and drive a truck in NYC
2nd the 2nd Amendment is something the right is always threatening people with
Anytime people are “open carrying” the potential for lethal violence is close to the surface
Here you have Trump repeatedly urging his supporters to commit violence and yet you put all the blame on left wing paid thugs? HELLO !!! Wake up you are having bad dreams again
Media???? Anericans have a wide variety of media to choose from, your complaint isn’t with what news media produces you just don’t like what Anericans CHOOSE to consume.
You think everyone should watch Fox
You don’t want people to be able to choose their own sources of information
Well sorry pal, Americans ain’t going for what YOU think media should be saying

Did Trump do anything but encourage that old white guy that got arrested after sucker punching the black guy?
After he was released on bond he then said “next time maybe we’ll have to kill him”
Trump is bleeding support in the general election polls
Even the RNC has been telling Trump to cool that rhetoric.
Trump and violence??? You guys own that, and some quite proudly

@Bill, #45:

Kind of slow on the uptake, aren’t we? I condemn it, and I’m smart enough to easily figure out who’s mostly to blame for it. That wouldn’t be the five others candidates who are able to speak their minds regarding contentious issues without violence following, nor would it be their supporters. Trump has encouraged this sort of outcome, through words and behavior. He has exploited it and he continues to do so. He’s also totally two-faced about it, speaking one way at his rallies and another way entirely when directly questioned about it. The man is a solution to nothing. He’s danger at the door, both for the country and the republican party. I’m astonished at how many people can’t see what’s obvious.

@John:#46 Yup don’t start nuthin’ wont be nuthin’ you are just jive talking I dont buy any of it. Everyone here sees right through you. Still pissed about being kicked out of the monastary after only a year in the late 60s was it? You rail against violence and then urge here people to commit it, a bit schizophrenic. Nobody here thinks our posts will change the world, just venting.

@John: Repeatedly I ask you clowns for examples to back up your accusations and all you can do is repeat the corrupt liberal media’s liberal version of events. How is Trump encouraging violence? Do people in these rallies have the right to protect themselves against disruptive agitators that are there to provoke a response?


Kind of slow on the uptake, aren’t we? I condemn it, and I’m smart enough to easily figure out who’s mostly to blame for it.

Ha. If you can’t be honest enough to identify who is perpetrating the violence than, no, you don’t condemn it. You rationalize it. You make it OK in your mind because you invent a scenario where the victim is the perpetrator.

No, you don’t condemn it, as long as the left is carrying it out… you embrace it. This makes you a thug as well.

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