Chris Matthews Raises an Excellent Point

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Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press

I’ll bet that’s a headline that you never expected to see on this site! But credit must be given where it’s due. Kaitlyn Schallhorn over at The Blaze reports (h/t) Truth Revolt:

MSNBC’s oft-confused lefty Chris Matthews ended his show Hardball Tuesday night with a spasm of, for him, uncommon sense, reports TheBlaze.

“Let me finish tonight with two numbers that don’t make sense, certainly not when you put them together,” Matthews began before noting that there are 4 million Syrian refugees, but only four Syrians have been recruited by the U.S. to fight ISIS.

“Is there just one in a million Syrians willing to fight for Syria? Is that the deal? Is it?” Matthews wondered. “Would just one in a million Americans be willing to fight for our country?”

Matthews brought up another excellent point, implying that the Islamic State could be taking Syria “from people who would rather leave for the West”:

“Some said here last night that we can’t ask Syrians to fight for their country because they have families. Well, tell that to the American families, those we care most about, who have a member of their family on their fourth-deployment right now.”

The host went on, sounding suspiciously like he was becoming conservative right before our eyes, to the discomfort of his bosses at MSNBC, no doubt:

“Is it too much to ask that the Syrians lead the fight to retake Syria? It is their country. Unless they’re willing to abandon it. And what do we think of people who do that? And besides, even if we, the United States and other European countries overthrew ISIS, we’d still have to turn Syria over to somebody. If we had Syrians playing the rightful part in the liberation of their country, they would be the ones taking it over.”


Now that question about Syrians not fighting because they have families sounds like the disconnect of an urban elitist – ever since the earliest days when Grog and Thagg used their newly evolved opposable thumbs to pick up clubs and defend themselves along with their mates and offspring, men and women have joined the military in defense of their homes throughout history.

So why are so many military aged men abandoning their families, their homes, and any roots to their past to avoid fighting? I can’t go inside their heads of each of them, but to give a short answer – they’re not fleeing from fighting at all. In fact, they’ve gone to fight and conquer. If you had your choice between fighting for a town against the kinds of well armed psychos who crucify a town’s citizens, rape the women and children and burn their enemies alive or invading pacifistic Westerners who will welcome you to your town to take over without a shot fired, let you destroy property as you wish, rape their women, and hand you a check for your troubles – which would you choose?

I’m even more amazed at all of the Westerners who insist that failure to open the gates to the invading barbarians is somehow evil. Maybe for fun when the next terrorist attack comes or refugees start a riot someone with better artistic skills than me can Photoshop them holding Gadsen flags and wearing NRA buttons so that American leftists can instantly hate them.


There is one more question that never seems to come up for all of the praise and love that the Radical Left heaps onto the greatness of Islam. Back in the early days of the Iraq War one of the crazier leftists, Ted Rall (If you’re not familiar think of a Michael Moore whose medium is badly drawn political cartoons that appear in alternative newspapers) gave a thought provoking suggestion. He said that we should not have invaded Iraq until we had built a coalition of Arabic-speaking countries. Granted, given who these countries are building a coalition of nations with a vested interest in seeing the war effort fail this wasn’t a good idea. But that’s the benefit of reading the crazies – sometimes their bizarre ideas take your thought path down a road it might not have gone down if you’re only interacting with sane people. Which brings me to my question:

If these extremist terrorist groups are not true Islamists and are hijacking the religion of Islam, where is the outrage among the true Muslims? Shouldn’t Muslims from around the world be outraged and sending in their armies to crush these infidels? Shouldn’t the Saudis, the Malaysians, Pakistanis, Iranians, and even the Palestinians be forming a coalition to destroy these blasphemers? Given the many mass protests and riots we’ve seen over the years I would personally take more offense over someone committing genocide and raping children in the name of my religion than a rumor of a Koran being flushed down the toilet.

And on the subject of unasked questions, don’t get me started on what these incoming refugees’ opinions probably are on abortion, gay marriage, and other subjects that compose leftist dogma. Perhaps someday when the racists from the Radical Left start holding those nonwhite savages to the same standards of behavior as white Americans we can start looking for answers.

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Mohammad teaches Muslims how to conquer whether by battling to win or melting into the civilian population to live to fight another day (when losing).
What Mohammad never did teach was how to rule.
All Islamic states are failed states.
The only reason some seem OK is that they are either oil-rich or ruled by dictators.
The ”refugees” are merely Muslims who would be losing so they melt into a civilian population (this time in Europe).
There’s a news story out of Sweden that a ”refugee” raped a sick woman to death but the judge of the case, after his conviction, refused to send him back. His ”reasoning” was that the women back home would have been in more danger from rape if he sent him there, so Swedish women would just have to accept his presence instead.

I understand individual Muslims being afraid to speak out, but the failure of most Muslim countries to do their fair share to rid their religion of barbarians is a good point. Some are helping, such as Jordan and the Kurds, but they are looking for leadership and we will not give them that nor material support. That is why some are looking towards Russia, IMO.
Our Presidents’ refusal to take out ISIS’s urban strongholds because of possible civilian deaths and the refusal to attack the oil pipelines/transport vehicles because of that and carbon releases into the environment is beyond comprehension. If that and other non-PC actions are not taken my great grand children will be fighting this enemy, assuming we don’t surrender before then. We need to actually declare war on ISIS to be able to stop their recruiting efforts that are now not seditious because of the 1st Amendment. Fear of Obama using it to seize more power is a factor in not doing that.
Our Constitution, culture and moral values are NOT part of a suicide pact that I ever signed on too, especially after I joined the military. Maybe it is time for a constitutional amendment to allow a national and state recall provision for citizens to remove politicians such as Obama and Senator Reid. Those now in office can buy too many votes from the uninformed voter and those willing to trade freedom for security. But there are still enough citizens willing to go against the grain to rid us of these corrupt political elites.

@Brother Bob:
A few:

Both include this:

Prosecutor Daniel Jonsson has chosen not to make any demand for deportation. “There is a rule that says if you have had permanent residence for more than four years, it takes something very unusual in order to expel anyone. I am of the opinion that the man has lived here for so long and has had a residence permit for so long that we cannot get him expelled,” says Daniel Jonsson to Friatider.

When Free Times asks if he, Jonsson, in light of the risk that the 34-year-old will commit more rapes in Sweden, still does not feel he has a responsibility to try and get the man deported, he answers no. “I do not understand why a Somali woman would be worth less than a Swedish woman in this context. He would be as likely to commit crimes there if he was deported.

BTW, she was alive when he began raping her, but died during the anal part of the raping.
He had the GALL to claim it was all consensual when he was caught in the act.

@Brother Bob: Ahem…it’s a lie.

@Nanny G:

Mohammad teaches Muslims how to conquer whether by battling to win or melting into the civilian population to live to fight another day (when losing).

What is happening in Europe is nothing more than hijrah, conquering by immigration. And western Europe, where cultural Marxism reigns supreme, is signing its own death warrant, the same thing Obama wants to do here by admitting tens of thousands of fighting age male Muslims who will no more assimilate here than they did in Paris where the police don’t even go into the “Muslim” zones filled with “refugees.”

@Brother Bob BB did you look at those 2 sources and read the “articles.” They don’t even know how to spell.
My Sunday paper tells the story of 2 Syrian families here in SoCal– adjusting, looking for work, full time residences–staying out of trouble.
Also some crazed trailer trash Coloradan shooting up civilians and cops in Colorado Springs–how bout a post on this guy’s motives.

@Rich Wheeler: Heh.
They are translated from Swedish.

@Rich Wheeler:

Well, well, well, looks who’s back after running from a thread over a week ago in order to not admit he lied when he said I lied about him. And on his return what do we get? This:

My Sunday paper tells the story of 2 Syrian families here in SoCal– adjusting, looking for work, full time residences–staying out of trouble.

And what “Sunday paper” would that be, RW? Perhaps the LASlimes? Yeah, let’s get all the bleating hearts crying over “2 Syrian families” who are “adjusting, looking for work” and “staying out of trouble”. Until they don’t like Nidal Hassan and the Boston Bombing Brothers named Tsarnaev.

Also some crazed trailer trash Coloradan shooting up civilians and cops in Colorado Springs–how bout a post on this guy’s motives.

Yeah, I’m sure the “Sunday paper” you have access to in Loonafornia is playing the shooting up as an attack against Planned Parenthood. So let’s do talk about his “motive”, shall we? Seems if the shooter, who registered to vote as a woman, wanted to shoot up PP, he would have shot those inside of PP, not those outside. Of course, right on cue, PP, along with the radical left that approves the selling of baby parts for profit, not to mention the slaughter of the unborn, is whining about how this was an attack on PP with rumors of something the shooter was supposed to have said, although it has not been reported by the police doing the investigation.

But you can always count on the left to never let a crisis go to waste, unless it was the execution styled murder of Tyshawn Lee.

An old joke: On a Pacific cruise, the lawyers jumped happily into the water for a swim. People asked, weren’t they worried about the sharks? “Sharks don’t bother us. Professional courtesy.”

Elitism explains why Leftists do not strongly oppose totalitarian governments such as in Iran, which currently restrict most of the social tolerance that Leftists say they want.

Progressives accept totalitarian regimes because of their own plan:
(1) Take control of government.
(2) Invest government with absolute power to make wise decisions.
(3) Guide society to peace, prosperity, and happiness.

A totalitarian regime has already accomplished the first two. That regime may be nasty and currently against all of the progressive’s desires, but the progressive doesn’t want to throw away that accomplishment. The progressive wants to use diplomacy and cooperation to bend the totalitarian regime to progressive ends.

Finding a totalitarian regime in place changes the task of transforming that society into a type of intellectual persuasion. They assume that our leftist elite will convince their elite to go a better way without having to convince a large number of stupid peasants.

@Rich Wheeler: When “crazed Colorado trailer-trash” (racist much?) starts beheading infidels within an organization (the PP guy was one person), staging massacres, and posting “good” social media campaigns , I’ll be worried.

Until then, no…the PP shooter does not equal global jihad of a entire religion…Christianity does not equal Islam.

I wish atheists knew how f*cking stupid they sound sometimes…and how “not-deep” they’re little sixteen-year-old realizations really are.

Grow up.

By the way, I’m a Christian…and I’d forcibly defend PP from anyone wishing them death and violence…including another Christian.

Where are the Muslims at concerning these global acts of jihad?

That’s the question of the article.

Christianity does not equal Islam…the farce of the “religulous” being the source of all evil is just anther religions fanaticism….atheism.

@retire05: You did lie old 5–simple as that..We both know it.
The Colorado cop killer—defend him if you like. I won’t– no matter his motive.

Nathan Blue Slow down You won’t find me defending Islamic terrorists.
I’m not an atheist–attended St Andrews this morning–how bout you?
You wanna defend the Colorado cop killer?

I don’t know his motive. Do any of you. I’d like to hear it.

BB–Those rags should hire better translators.

What absolutely astounds me is how vigorously liberals will defend this absurd, maniacal pursuit of bringing in tens of thousands of refugees GUARANTEED to be infused with terrorists. All simply because Obama, who has yet to make a valid, sane, solid decision in this Presidency, says so.

No doubt more than 4 out of 4 million would fight ISIS, but certainly the number is still imperceptibly small… what does this tell us (warn us) about the remainder? That they all love us?

I am sure this minute, after coming out of their safe zones, the heads of msnbc have Chris doing a time out and writing “I will never question the leftist elitists” at least 100 times. He has had a little too much to think and will get his designated driver.

@Rich Wheeler:

You did lie old 5–simple as that..We both know it.

You continue to lie about what I actually said.

I said I found you less than trustworthy. You translated that into saying I called you a liar. I did not, and you are not honest enough to admit it. No surprise. I find leftists (you) to be most dishonest when it comes to discussing the actual meaning of what a conservative says.

Then, when I posted this:

Are you claiming you have never spouted off a falsity? Really? You really want to stick with that?

Why do you refuse to admit you lied when you said I called you a liar?

you ran off.

The Colorado cop killer—defend him if you like. I won’t– no matter his motive

Again, twisting what I said (seems you have a nasty habit of doing that). I did not defend him. I simply stated the truth, that the left is now using his actions to try to create sympathy for the people who slaughter the unborn and sell their body parts. Personally, I think the shooter should be tried, convicted by a jury of his peers, and then lined up against a wall and put out of our misery for having him in our society.

Nathan Blue Slow down You won’t find me defending Islamic terrorists.

No, you defended 2 Syrian families as if they were just a couple of Irishmen coming here to work, and assimilate. Never mind that their religion alone should at least give one the impression that they could be “possible” terrorists, you know, like Nidal Hassan and the Boston Bombing Brothers who, according to some, were just like every other American.

Now, why don’t you answer the question I asked you over a week ago? Why do you refuse to admit you lied when you said I called you a liar?

@retire05: @retire05: Stop digging old 5 –your hole just keeps getting deeper.You said and I quote “do you really want me to spend time categorizing the falsities that you spouted off about.”
BTW If you promise to stop telling lies about me I promise to stop telling the truth about you.
As an Irishman, descendant of immigrants, I do defend the two Syrian families–I’ve got no problem with them. As RR said–“Trust but verify”

@Rich Wheeler:

Stop digging old 5 –your hole just keeps getting deeper.

“old?” That’s funny coming from someone who can’t seem to accept his own advanced years and tries to look like he’s still in his 30’s.

You said and I quote “do you really want me to spend time categorizing the falsities that you spouted off about.”

Yep. Sure did. A question you never answered. Along with another question I asked “Are you claiming you have never spouted off a falsity?”

BTW If you promise to stop telling lies about me I promise to stop telling the truth about you.

I’m not telling lies about you, RW, and I doubt you know any “truth” about me. You hypothesize about people even though you really know nothing about them.

As an Irishman, descendant of immigrants, I do defend the two Syrian families–I’ve got no problem with them. As RR said–“Trust but verify”

As a person who’s family is on the Dawes Rolls, immigration didn’t seem to work out too well for my family. Trust but verify? And how do you propose we “verify” those immigrants from Muslim nations when there are no records from those nations to be had?

Now, instead of continually obfuscating, why don’t you answer my questions? Perhaps due to the same reason you are not honest enough to admit you lied about me when you said I called you a liar?

Put the paint brush down, RW.

Falsity-syn untruthfulness syn lie .You said I lied.
You’re a pretty smart gal and I know you understand this.
Lets move on

I believe the Syrian refugees are being vetted. The paranoia around which Trump rallies his supporters reflects the ancient Greek adage:Those who the gods wish to destroy they first drive mad. The bad news for Republicans is that even rightfully angry Americans will not elect a madman as president.

Mr. Wheeler, as a veteran, does this not bother you the premise of Chris Matthews that military age men who abandon their country , is bothersome to say the least?

@Rich Wheeler:

Falsity-syn untruthfulness syn lie .You said I lied.

Actually, no, I did not. You can be less than trustworthy for being on time. Does that make you a liar? Or you can be less than trustworthy to contribute to a charity. Does that make you a liar?

You’re a pretty smart gal and I know you understand this.

I understand that you are trying to play word games and have been selective in what word you choose as a synonym for “trustworthy” ignoring the other 50+ words that can also be used as synonyms.

Lets move on

Of course you want to move on. You don’t want to admit that I never said you lie. Which only shows that you are dishonorable.

I believe the Syrian refugees are being vetted.

Really? I thought you were a political junkie. Obviously not since you are seemingly placing faith in what Obama says and not what those connected to homeland security are saying. There was this:

“FBI director James Comey said during a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing on Wednesday that the federal government does not have the ability to conduct thorough background checks on all of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the Obama administration says will be allowed to come to the U.S.’

and this:

“During a recent congressional hearing a director with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which operates under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), confirmed that the U.S. has no method of vetting the new refugees because the Syrian government doesn’t have an intelligence database to run checks against. It’s actually embarrassing to watch the footage of the DHS director, Matthew Emrich, getting grilled by the senator who chairs the committee that conducted the hearing a few days ago. The session was held to address the fiscal and security implications of the Obama administration’s refugee resettlement program.”

and then this from the Washington Post:

“I don’t, obviously, put it past the likes of ISIL to infiltrate operatives among these refugees, so that’s a huge concern of ours,” Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said at a security industry conference in September, using another name for the Islamic State. He added that the government has “a pretty aggressive program” for screening refugees but that he is less confident about European nations.

FBI Director James Comey added in congressional testimony last month that “a number of people who were of serious concern” slipped through the screening of Iraq War refugees, including two arrested on terrorism-related charges. “There’s no doubt that was the product of a less than excellent vetting,” he said.

Although Comey said the process has since “improved dramatically,” Syrian refugees will be even harder to check because, unlike in Iraq, U.S. soldiers have not been on the ground collecting information on the local population. “If we don’t know much about somebody, there won’t be anything in our data,” he said. “I can’t sit here and offer anybody an absolute assurance that there’s no risk associated with this.”

Now, perhaps you would like to explain why you continue to run (and hide) from my questions to you? And why you are not man enough to admit that there are over 50 synonyms for “trustworthy” and you have chosen to fixate on only one? Or answer if you are you claiming you have never spouted off a falsity?”

There is no doubt you want to “move on.” The reason is obvious to anyone who has read your posts and the posts you and I made on the previous thread.

Put down the paint brush, RW.

and all this about lying has what to do with the subject matter?

Kit o5 says since she assuredly did not call be a liar that makes me a liar. Got it?

Mike– I’d agree if there was anything left to fight for.
Semper Fi

@Rich Wheeler: But I enjoy reading Both 05 and your posts, when you are on subject, cant you both agree to be wrong and get interesting again please.


In another thread, Richard Wheeler said I called him a liar. I did not. So that, in itself, shows he lied about what I said. What I did say was that I found him to be less than trustworthy.

Perhaps you don’t find it offensive when someone misrepresents what you say, but I do, especially from someone who loves to tout his Marine Corp cred. And I’m sure you have already noticed that when pressed with questions that RW doesn’t want to answer, he runs and hides.

I’m more than happy to move on (as RW says) just as soon as he admits I never called him a liar and simply said I found him less than trustworthy.


@kitt: Exactly- I have enjoyed your input over the last couple of months.

@Brother Bob: Thanks for your input–I am in total agreement**. Lets see what 05 has to say.

** Hope our agreement doesn’t hurt your hard earned and well deserved Conservative cred here at F.A.- It used to worry Word lol

@Brother Bob:

And I’m not arguing that you are trying to call Rich a liar – we all know if that was your intention you’d come out & say it!

That’s exactly right, and anyone who has read my posts understand that I say what I mean, and mean what I say.

But let me explain the real issue; RW has been nipping at my heels for a long time. When he first showed up here he bragged about all he did for his fellow Marines, yada, yada, yada. Well, that’s great, and I salute him if that is true, but what kind of insecure person sends his DD214 to an anonymous blogger to prove he was in the military? Do you really think I give a tinker’s damn what others here think of me? Hardly. I’m not that insecure.

What I am tired of is liberals who love to run their mouths, and put conservatives down, while we conservatives just sit mute and take it. Well, you can take it if you choose, but don’t expect me to.

Richard Wheeler loves to put others down (yeah, I’ve been going over some old threads on FA), always in a polite way, of course, except for Redteam or me, but boy, howdy, don’t call him on it. Don’t fight back. Just be another milk toast conservative and never call out the liberals on their comments. Don’t ask Richard Wheeler any questions because if you do, you don’t get honest answers, you simple get obfuscation and spin.

You see, Brother Bob, Richard Wheeler is your typical liberal. And as such, I blame him, and the people he voted for, for the crappy condition our nation is in on their march toward a more Socialist union. Stay quiet? Brush it off? Not any more. I read Rules For Radicals and what is sauce for the gander is also sauce for the goose. I’m calling the liberals out. They want to “fundamentally transform” this nation, they are going to have to deal with me. And if Richard Wheeler doesn’t like that, he can just stay the hell away from me.

Now, to why the Syrians aren’t fighting for their own nation. It’s called hijrah. Look it up. It is all done by purpose. There is no doubt to anyone who is familiar with Islam what is happening. Military aged men, with a few women and children thrown in for good measure, conquering Europe one “refugee” at a time. And all the while, our President, and the Secretary of State, tell us that global warming is the biggest threat we face as a nation. The very president that Wheeler voted for.

@Brother Bob: I’ve read o5’s response-
I came onboard about 4 years ago and was impressed with the posts of Conservatives like Wordsmith, Mata Harley and Aye Chi. Though long gone, I stay in touch with MH and AC—truly class acts BB and IMO outstanding advocates for Conservatism. They had their disagreements with me but we debated in a mutually respectful tone–Early on, my service was questioned. by others. I totally trusted AC and sent him my dd-214 confirming my Marine Corps service.
I learned much from those folks for which I am grateful. When my “honor” and character are continually questioned by 05 it is difficult to maintain a politeness–a trait I always was taught was a positive attribute. I have gotten along well with most all at FA–Probably why I’m still here. Conservatives like Aqua, Common Sense, DrJ and the greatly missed Ms. Bees. Libs like Larry, Tom and Greg.
My fellow Marine Curt a tough but extremely fair moderator– Other Vets like A.V. and Randy have much to add to the debate.For me it’s been a fun and challenging ride.

In 2011-12 young Syrians emboldened by Arab Spring successes rose to stand against the oppressive Assad regime. Early victories were not sustainable as expected help did not come from free world nations like the U.S—The movement splintered as foreign elements like A.Q. and ISIS grew.
Assad’s forces survived and maintained control—the carnage continued. The displacement accelerated. There is little left of the opposition to Assad–Who to fight for??
With our free world and ME allies we must now eliminate ISIS with extreme prejudice–first in the air then on the ground–The U.S .Marines stand ready and an expeditionary force may be on the way–God speed Semper Fi

@Rich Wheeler: But, Rich, did you see ANY photos of the adult women?
While the glowing profile included over half a dozen pictures in print and more than a dozen pictures online of the family adjusting to its new life—including pictures of family members lounging by their motel pool, shopping at the grocery store, attending pubic school, and moving into their new home—the wide-ranging photo spread contained one noticeable omission: Muslim women clad in the controversial hijab.

Any idea where that stupid hair-covering habit came from?
Remember the Ayatollah who took our US Embassy members hostage?
In 1979 he reported to Muslims that ”scientific research” proved that women’s hair emitted powerful rays that rob men of self-control so that the men cannot help but rape the women. Therefore all Muslim women MUST cover every strand of hair! Up until that only a minority of Muslim women covered all their hair.
Now, it is rare to see an adult Muslim female with hair showing.
No publication ever carried the so-called proof, either.
hope link works, this is why they will not join the fight and it is hilarious to boot

@Rich Wheeler:

–Early on, my service was questioned. by others. I totally trusted AC and sent him my dd-214 confirming my Marine Corps service.

So when some anonymous posters on a blog question your service, you are such an insecure twerp that you send out personal information to someone else?

That’s borderline psychotic, Rich.

@retire05: You’re afraid of your own shadow 05– Aye Chi a great guy with whom I’d developed a friendship suggested I confirm my service–no problem. Unlike you I’ve got NOTHING to hide..
Psychotic That’s funny coming from you who got very concerned when your business dealings were questioned on this site.
You’ve even gone to my facebook page and decided to insult me–water off my back old 5. RW.

@Rich Wheeler:

You’ve even gone to my facebook page and decided to insult me–water off my back old 5. RW.


I have gone to your Facebook page. I have never posted on it. And as far as calling me old, put yourself in the same category, Bubba. That skin hanging off your neck and arms isn’t skin of a 30 year old.

You’re a sorry piece of work, Rich, and it pleases me no end to know I get under your [saggy] skin.

You’re afraid of your own shadow 05–


Aye Chi a great guy with whom I’d developed a friendship suggested I confirm my service–no problem.

So you sent your DD214 to Aye? Is he the owner of this blog?

Unlike you I’ve got NOTHING to hide..

Just that saggy skin you love to show off.

@retire05: You are as blind as you are crass–people are welcome to go to my facebook page and comment on what they see—no saggy skin on this 70 year old Marine–Invite go anytime.
You wanna give us a look at you 05–gotta be scary as hell but I’ll withhold final judgment till you show us a current picture–in the meantime get some better glasses old lady.
As you know Aye Chi was an author in direct contact with Curt. He and Mata used to laugh at you constantly. They are most likely still laughing. You never could handle them. They consistently made you the fool.

@Richard Wheeler:

You are as blind as you are crass–

That’s your opinion. And you’re welcome to it. But it doesn’t make you right.

people are welcome to go to my facebook page and comment on what they see—

Why would they want to?

no saggy skin on this 70 year old Marine–Invite go anytime.

You’re delusional. Didn’t know you were 70. You’re younger than you look.

You wanna give us a look at you 05–gotta be scary as hell but I’ll withhold final judgment till you show us a current picture–in the meantime get some better glasses old lady.

I don’t need glasses to see all that saggy skin you have. It is clear to anyone who wants to pain themselves enough to look. Give it up, Rich, you’re 25 years past your prime no matter how you dress.

I think I will keep my anonymity, thank you. You leftists are crazy. You might be a closet stalker.

As you know Aye Chi was an author in direct contact with Curt. He and Mata used to laugh at you constantly. They are most likely still laughing. You never could handle them.

Aye was an author. Invited by Curt, the owner. And what do I care if they laughed at me? You seem to think they hold some importance that they don’t.

@retire05: Stalk you–now that is funny.

A superb piece. Very enjoyable read. The “If you had your choice between . . . ” sentence is a gem.