Get it “Brand New”!

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“I understand that you and your fellow Republican candidates for president were questioning my record of accomplishment at your last debate, so I thought you might enjoy reading my book,”-Hillary Clinton “personalized” letter to all but one of the GOP presidential candidates.

This is brilliant:

The Democrat’s campaign sent a copy of her memoir Hard Choices to each of the Republican presidential candidates who appeared in the second GOP debate last month.

Clinton sent the books as a joke after thinking that perhaps the Republicans didn’t know about her record from her four-year tenure as secretary of State that they often criticize.

While some GOP candidates responded with additional criticisms and others challenges, Paul’s campaign quickly placed the item on Ebay for bidding, listing it as “brand new.”

“Hillary, your refusal to provide security for our mission in Benghazi should forever preclude you from higher office!” Paul scribbled on the inside of the book below Clinton’s signature.

“Get your own signed copy of a great fiction book!” the listing reads.

Paul is offering the “great work of fiction” along with his own book Taking a Stand (“a great work of non fiction”) as a bundle in his online campaign store.

Bidding ends Saturday morning. Current bid as I type is $670.00. Who wants it? Might be worth the investment, you never know.

I’m not one of those who has pushed the Benghazi issue; but seriously, what has she accomplished that makes her fit for commander-in-chief?

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Seriously, what do you do with a 100,000 thousand books that no one wants?

If you give them away, maybe you can deduct the retail price. It’s more likely to float than her idea of donating her underwear and deducting the retail price.

There is a real problem; no one wants her underwear or her boring books.

Rand Paul’s quote might be worth the money, someday: the book might make good TP in an emergency, but don’t hold your breath.

God, if Hillary wins I will move to Costa Rica or somewhere away from here. She would be the final nail in the USA coffin.

Skookum, I believe she was donating Bill’s old underwear to the Goodwill. Had they known at the time what a good stained blue dress would go for, they might have been worth the donation!

@Skookum: #1
Wasn’t this in the obscure news a while back? That most of her books were being bought in bulk by organizations that supported her in order to inflate sales figures?
And then given away?
Or maybe it was Obama’s books.
Or just any liberal writer ghost writer?

@Mike: Oh, what they would have paid for that blue dress at one time!

Monica was sitting on a gold mine and now she can’t find a date.

@Petercat: Her books are a way to give her money in the form of advances. No one in their right mind would advance Hillary millions of dollars for a book they planned to make money with. It’s called buying influence, and it is legal.

Her books sit on the bargain row at Walmart and the used bookstores. They buy them for pennies and hope to sell them for dimes on the penny, but it’s a hard sell.

It is like hiring Chelsea $350,000/year to pretend to be a news journalist; it’s a put up deal to buy favor with the Clinton Royals, but the Clintons might be overdrawn on their influence peddling.
Hillary’s goose is about to be cooked and Chelsea is too stupid to come in out of the rain.