Lighten up, Francis

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pope francis


As you know by now, the newest Pope has hit the bricks in the US. Already, illegal alien supporters have staged a “spontaneous” event using a little girl that has been planned for a year.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sophie Cruz’s brief encounter with Pope Francis during his parade in Washington this week appeared to be the kind of spontaneous moment that is so endearing about this pope: an initially hesitant young child wrapping an arm around his neck as he offers a kiss and a blessing.

But for 5-year-old Sophie, the moment unfolded as perfectly as it was scripted by members of a coalition of Los Angeles-based immigration rights groups. They had been preparing for nearly a year for the young girl from suburban Los Angeles to make a dash for the popemobile to deliver a message about the plight of immigrant parents living in the country illegally.

Pope Francis was described on morning television as someone who watches no TV and reads only one Italian newspaper per day, yet he seems to have all the answers.

He came to the US to chide us on climate change and immigration.

“We must not be taken aback by their numbers, but rather view them as persons, seeing their faces and listening to their stories, trying to respond as best we can to their situation,” he said.

“To respond in a way which is always humane, just and fraternal,” added Francis. “We need to avoid a common temptation nowadays: to discard whatever proves troublesome. Let us remember the Golden Rule: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’”

The pope spoke too of a global “refugee crisis of a magnitude not seen since the second world war”, but he made clear that economic migration also deserved empathy, particularly in the US.

“On this continent too, thousands of persons are led to travel north in search of a better life for themselves and for their loved ones, in search of greater opportunities,” he said. “Is this not what we want for our own children?”

Yeah, about that.

One estimate of the net worth of the Vatican is at least $8 billion. In 1965 it was thought to be $10-15 billion. That’s higher a net worth than even the Clintons have.

The Vatican is thought to have several billion in solid gold.

Francis implores us to open our borders and take in an unending number of illegal aliens and “refugees.” Let’s take a look at how he treats outsiders.

That wall completely encircles the Vatican. Donald Trump can only drool at it.

How many immigrants does it house? None. The Vatican has the most restrictive immigration policy perhaps in the world.

Only about 450 of its 800 or so residents actually hold citizenship, according to a 2012 study by the Library of Congress. That study said citizens are either church cardinals who reside in the Vatican, the Holy See’s diplomats around the world, and those who have to reside in the city because of their jobs, such as the Swiss Guard. Spouses and children who live in the city because of their relationship with citizens — including the Swiss Guard and workers such as the gardener — can also be granted citizenship. But that means few of the Vatican’s citizens are women.

Francis suggested that the Vatican might take in a family or two. Wow.

Like many others I am wondering why Francis has mentioned nothing as yet about the slaughter of Christians worldwide.

There is nothing quite like being told that was have to open our borders and wallets to “refugees” and illegal aliens by those who live in cloistered fortresses and open neither their walls nor their wallets.

Like liberals. The Pope ought to lead by example.

I ask the Pope one favor:


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ALL Islamic countries are failed states.
That’s the reason Muslims are fleeing, not just Yemen, Syria and Iraq, but also Turkey and other so-called stable Islamic states.
No Muslim country allows any refugee to EVER become a ”citizen.”
They are forever, along with their offspring, non-citizens and outsiders cut out from gov’t jobs, education, public assistance, housing or rights to vote.
Their welfare is not from their host country so much as it is from the UN and other NGOs.
I have read that fully 30% of most Islamic states are non-citizen, non-voting, non-passport-holding (but native-born) children of refugees.
Add to this that Muslims are not allowed to borrow money on interest so that they are trapped in poverty forever once they become refugees.
Is it any wonder they ”flee” to countries where they might gain citizenship rights, welfare dollars, a chance to better themselves?
No wonder at all.
But demands should be made to all Muslim-ruled countries to clean up their acts and treat their own impoverished with some concern instead of following Mohammad’s cold as ice attitude.

DrJohn, your quotation from the Pope, . . . “On this continent too, thousands of persons are led to travel north in search of a better life for themselves “ lays him smack in the middle of a hypocrisy puddle.

Prior to this speech I’d written,

” It is highly difficult to understand his hate of capitalism, in view of the fact that he lived through the destruction of a very successful and thriving Argentina under the type of government he now espouses.”

He can’t have it both ways. If socialism and dictatorships are wonderful for mankind, why are people risking their lives to escape South and Central America and heading North.

I am not particularly pleased that my suspicions about where he was going to go with his rhetoric have been borne out.

Meanwhile, all media, left and right, smears an abundance of exaltation on him without much question as to the missing common sense.

tsk tsk Dr J hating on the Pope. Perhaps our Dr J is feeling a bit out of sorts after his fav young Scottie Walker denounced himself as future POTUS

You know, I think I’ll take this guy serious when he donates all the money the Vatican has to these causes. Only then will I think he is doing something for the right reasons. All he is doing now is trying to shame everyone else into bankrolling their own invasions.

@Nanny G: Demands ? the Islamic states that are the most repressive and brutal are our ALLIES if you want that sweet 2 buck a gallon gas nanny you gotta overlook a few things. The oil companies which definitely fund right wing politicians have directed our foreign policy in the Mideast.


Of course, any criticism of someone who you seem to agree with by a conservative will be given the generic label of “hate.” Disagree with Obama? john says you hate him. Disagree with the despicable Nancy Pelosi? Must be out of hatred. Blah, blah, blah.

Sorry, john, you don’t know your butt from a biscuit.

I am a pre-Vatican II Catholic and I don’t agree with this Pope on his political stance, especially global “warming” and capitalism. Those African nations that he speaks of so often could use a little capitalism to pull those people out of poverty. What kind of advancement in the war on poverty could be achieved if those African villages has just the simple use of electricity?

The Pope needs to realize that the entire world is being threatened by radical Islam. And he needs to speak out more forcefully on American Democrats who support the killing of the unborn. But most of all, the Pope seems to have no problem being in a Church that just saw millions of dollars of renovations, paid for by wealthy Americans, not the Church. That’s capitalism in full view, john.


the Islamic states that are the most repressive and brutal are our ALLIES if you want that sweet 2 buck a gallon gas nanny you gotta overlook a few things. The oil companies which definitely fund right wing politicians have directed our foreign policy in the Mideast.

You don’t seem to be aware that the two nations that provide the United States with the most oil are NOT Middle Eastern nations but rather, Canada and Mexico. Of course, your left wing/progressive sycophants will do everything they can to block the extraction of our under our own soil. And you seem to have no criticism for Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton who have, both, taken mucho money from Middle Eastern nations.

Why are those on your side of the aisle so ill informed?

Dave I think that I will take YOU serriously when YOU live your politics 100% too
So when are you flying off to fight ISIS?
My guess is you have hated catholics for a long time. it is kind of a “foreign” religion isnt it ? Not really waspy

Dave I think that I will take YOU seriously when YOU live your politics 100% too
So when are you flying off to fight ISIS?
My guess is you have hated catholics for a long time. it is kind of a “foreign” religion isn’t it ? Not really waspy@retire05: The entire world is being threatened by radical Islam? By countries that are not advanced enough to even be able to feed themselves? Are you cpmpletely bonkers or just paranoid? HAve you ever live in either a muslim country or in a neighborhood with a mosque what personal knowledge do you have of Islam or radical Islam?
And of course I know where our imported oil comes from. I also know that the oil companies are transnational and that the money that oil companies use to buy US politicians does not come solely from where the oil that is imported to the USA originates. And if you DID know that why mention where our oil is currently sourced from?


The entire world is being threatened by radical Islam? By countries that are not advanced enough to even be able to feed themselves?

Actually, those nations that have citizens that are not even able to feed themselves are the most vulnerable to totalitarian movements.

Are you cpmpletely bonkers or just paranoid?

Do you think you earn points for being insulting? If that is your standard, then I will feel free to nail your hide to the barn door.

HAve you ever live in either a muslim country or in a neighborhood with a mosque what personal knowledge do you have of Islam or radical Islam?

Have you? And why is that even moot? Did I have to live in Germany during WWII or have personal knowledge of the Nazi regime in order to understand it was evil?
There are things called “books” that allow me to read the experts on Islam and the goals of radical Islam. You might try getting one.

And of course I know where our imported oil comes from. I also know that the oil companies are transnational and that the money that oil companies use to buy US politicians does not come solely from where the oil that is imported to the USA originates. And if you DID know that why mention where our oil is currently sourced from?

Funny you want to insult me when it seems obvious that you are in dire need of a reading comprehension course. Where did I say anything about oil companies using money to buy U.S. politicians? Oh, that’s right. I didn’t. What I did say was ” you seem to have no criticism for Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton who have, both, taken mucho money from Middle Eastern nations.”

1. The pope’s vision is that of Venezuela, a socialist country

2. In his speeches he doesn’t talk about God or his faith, it is all about his socialist agenda. Afterall he is the pope, the head of the Catholic church and not a politician.

3. The pope has no authority in our country and if the same were told to him, he wouldn’t pay attention.

4. The American people are pretty wise to his agenda of the NWO and aren’t buying those tickets.

5. As a Catholic, the pope needs to stick to his job and it is not being a politician.

6. Lastly the pope needs to ensure his house is in order before lambasting others. Pedophile priests that were given free rides; priests and nuns romping with each other and lay people; the infant skeletons found in the catacombs of the Vatican ( mant years ago) where pregnant nuns left their babies to die. And so forth

And he shook the hand of John Kerry
John Kerry will now get an auto plenary indulgence no purgatory for years for him !!

That Church did away with the teaching of Purgatory years ago.
Where have YOU been?
I’m not even Catholic and I recall this.

That’s a terrific comment.

Spot on.

@john: You kind of live in your own little world, don’t you?

@john: if you want that sweet 2 buck a gallon gas nanny you gotta overlook a few things.

The left just LOVES employing that argument even as they block expanding domestic exploration and production which could make us independent of these regimes.

So when are you flying off to fight ISIS?

Then you are saying that, since you are apparently still here NOT fighting ISIS, you SUPPORT ISIS. I see.

The entire world is being threatened by radical Islam? By countries that are not advanced enough to even be able to feed themselves?

These are “governments” that take aid from other nations and use that aid, not to provide services for their citizens, but to promote terrorism. This is what you are arguing in favor of. Be proud, john. Be proud.

And of course I know where our imported oil comes from. I also know that the oil companies are transnational and that the money that oil companies use to buy US politicians does not come solely from where the oil that is imported to the USA originates. And if you DID know that why mention where our oil is currently sourced from?

Did you know that Obama was the recipient of the largest donations from BP?

Liberals believe we should take care of all the world’s refugees while promoting the same sort of government here (where enough wealth is produced through capitalism to even consider being able to take on that task) that all these people flee from, either in search of economic viability or from despotic governments. If anyone truly sympathizes with the refugees, why not insist on the PROBLEM be addressed, not continually treating the symptoms with someone else’s funds?

As to the Muslim refugees, we do bear some responsibility to help since our President created the crisis. However, they should be staged somewhere they can be properly vetted before they are allowed into this country.

What is missing, of course, is coverage of Pope Francis’ criticism (weak and lame as it is) of abortion and the assault on traditional marriage.


I imagine they spoke of late term abortions.

Considering this pope’s Marxism ideology it is understandable that the catholic church is heavily involved in this worldwide illegal immigration racket making millions of dollars in the process.

Not only does this pope and his Vatican nation own massive real restate and land and able to provide for thousand if not a couple of million of illegal muslim – who would love nothing more than to cut his head off – he only wants to collect the money his church makes; after all he gets paid ‘per head’ of each illegal muslim.
Our corrupt dc class renews this racket every year; taxpayers pays for their own invasion while they are in the dark how this racket is set up and who profit from it.
There are no hearing – its all a hush-hush thing and americans have no idea about this illegal racket.

Follow the money!

Media Matters has compiled a video of right-wing media commentary concerning the Pope’s visit:

How Right-Wing Media Are Welcoming Pope Francis To America

It is what it is.

@retire05: One of the reasons those African natives are living in poverty and without electricity is due directly to the socialist thinking environmentalists. They want to keep energy cost as high as possible. Inexpensive coal has the potential to provide clean water and energy to these people, but is being denied by those who fly their own jets, SUVs and other high energy use. There can be no relief for these poor people until the frauds are exposed and the funds they are diverting for their own use is diverted.

@Greg: It is Media Matter’s Video “cuts” that matters to liberals no matter if it is representative of the conservative thought.