A People Betrayed: How The Immigration Crisis Is Being Exploited To Force Europe To Embrace Its Destruction (Guest Post)


TOPSHOTS Migrants walk through the countryside after crossing the Hungarian-Croatian border near the Hungarian village of Zakany to continue their trip to the north on September 21, 2015. Croatia and Hungary have traded barbs on a national level, each pointing the finger at the other over their responses to Europe's escalating migrant crisis.     AFP PHOTO / ATTILA KISBENEDEKATTILA KISBENEDEK/AFP/Getty Images
Despite having taken in more than its fair share of immigrants since the 1960s, Europe is now being forced to take in swarms of illegal immigrants fleeing from third-world hell-holes in Africa and the Middle East.

The United Nations, that wretched anti-west viper’s nest, is demanding Europe does more to help the invaders. Amnesty International, an organization originally formed to help prisoners of conscience, also chimed in, proselytizing for the human rights of immigrants without giving a thought for the human rights of Europeans. Obviously, European people don’t have a right to their nations and should just meekly surrender territory and resources.

Politicians from mainstream political parties over Europe were eager to welcome this human tsunami of immigrants into their nations. Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted there was no limit to the number of refugees Germany could accommodate. British Prime Minister David Cameron even visited Syrian refugees in Libya, a country in chaos largely because of his failed policies, and duly appointed a Minister for Syrian refugees.

Finland’s Prime Minister Juha Sipilä went even further. He told his people in no uncertain terms that they MUST help “asylum seekers” and he was backed up by the Chairman of the parliamentary group Matti Vanahanen who asserted:

“We have to adopt a way of thinking that we must help people fleeing war in a new crisis such as this.” He added that a failure to do so is racism. Oh the poor Finns. They don’t elect a government to represent their interests, they elect one who represents the interests of invaders and demonizes its own people if they dare to object.

Pious politicians and celebrities engaged in a grotesque competition to out-do each other in the pity and piety stakes with many of them offering to share their homes with immigrants. The invaders don’t need to be given a free ride they need real, effective and long-term solutions to make their nations safe for all of their people. Instead, these bleeding heart wannabe saints are making Western nations far less safe.

The duplicitous mainstream media is conducting a relentless psychological assault on the people of Europe. Every day, images of suffering children and distraught parents are splashed across the pages in order to whip-up a frenzy of guilt-fuelled pity and sympathy for the poor “refugees” who are “fleeing the horrors of war.” And the people of Europe lap it all up as if it were the gospel truth, put all notions of self-interest to one side and willingly accept that they must welcome in thousands of invaders, meekly surrender their territory and cheerfully pay for it all.

These additional costs are in addition to the billions of Euros given away in foreign aid. Seems the peoples of Europe have to pay for failed nations and then pay for people fleeing those failed nations. And let’s not forget this comes at a time when the EU has imposed austerity measures on its people. But hey, don’t ever question if this is an abuse of taxpayers because that would be racist.

But is this narrative of suffering refugees fleeing war torn countries promoted by the UN, Amnesty, Western governments and the mainstream media actually true? Or are the people of Europe being taken for fools?

The first aspect of this human tsunami hitting Europe is the destination countries. Far from fleeing war torn countries, many of the invaders are leaving stable countries such as France, Greece, Italy, Austria and even Turkey, that favorite destination for European holidaymakers, to reach Sweden, Germany and Great Britain. These people aren’t seeking sanctuary; they want the generous welfare benefits offered by these three countries. They’re not refugees or asylum seekers, they’re economic migrants.

Secondly, the vast majority of these welfare parasites are male. What should send alarm bells ringing is these males are Muslims of fighting age. What on earth could possibly go wrong? Well, quite a bit. Just watch what these swarms of invaders are doing to Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, France, Serbia and Italy. Then watch this video to see what happens when Turkish immigrants cross paths with Kurdish immigrants in Frankfurt, Germany.

When you import people from the third-world where tribal and religious rivalries are fierce, you import their hatred and their violence with them. Far from fleeing war, these invaders bring it with them. If they can be so violent with each other, what will they be capable of doing to the peoples of Europe?

Thirdly, let’s recall how Islam has enriched Europe. Devout Muslims waging jihad for Allah have committed murderous terror attacks in London, Madrid, Paris, Grenoble, Brussels, Copenhagen and Vasteras, Sweden. Every year the security services thwart dozens of planned terror strikes. Muslim males are waging rape jihad across the continent. Thousands of young girls have been gang raped in Great Britain and Muslims are responsible for the rape epidemic in Scandinavia. Female genital mutilation, a vile atrocity, is being performed in Muslim communities. Islam is an ideology commanding believers to kill and subjugate unbelievers and Islamic State has threatened to flood Europe with thousands of jihadists posing as refugees.

Incredibly, the irresponsible governments of Europe wilfully turn a blind eye to all of it and are allowing tens of thousands of Muslims into their countries. As the British Conservative MP Enoch Powell famously warned:

“It’s like watching a nation build its own funeral pyre. Those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad.”

This failure to protect borders constitutes the worst betrayal of a people in European history. Governments are willingly surrendering territory without consulting their people, most of whom don’t want to accept any more immigrants. It constitutes a breach of the social contract because the first duty of a government is to keep its people safe. Importing a swarm of migrants is turning Europe into lebensraum for third-world overpopulation and relegating the people of the West to little more than life-support machines for invaders.

When governments refuse to protect their borders, the nation in effect has been abolished. By abrogating this responsibility, governments lose the right to collect tax because the social contract has been breached. A government certainly has no right to collect tax from its people and then use that tax for the benefit of aliens, ether at home or abroad. Yet this is exactly what the governments of Europe are doing to their people. Taking from the strong to give to the weak is wealth redistribution. Karl Marx would be delighted.

One thing is being made glaringly obvious: Only Western nations are being forced to accept such a huge number of immigrants. Islamic oil-rich gulf states such as Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait and Abu Dhabi are under no such pressure from the International community. Nor is Saudi Arabia, a nation that is culpable for much of the conflict occurring in the Middle East. Then again, all of these states are in Dar al Islam unlike the nations of Europe.

Of course it hasn’t occurred to the bleeding heart pity addicts who want to welcome the invaders that the Saudis and their wealthy neighbors may know exactly what they’re doing. The entire Islamic world must be laughing at how suicidally insane the West now is and they must be amazed at how easy it’s going to be to conquer it into Islam.

Equally odd is the lack of “refugees fleeing war” seeking sanctuary in Morocco, Tunisia or Algeria. Surely Muslim refugees would be better in those countries as they can practice their faith too. And what about China and India? Why is it only Western nations are subjected to intense pressure to take in so many immigrants?

All this intense pressure is achieving is to pass the buck to Western nations. Instead, the International community should be forcing nations in the Middle East to uphold human rights for their peoples. Just as they did with South Africa and Rhodesia, two colonial nations who were made pariahs on the world stage but whose record on human rights was much better than the gross violations of human rights committed by Islamic states in the Middle East.

When Europeans established colonial rule in Africa, bringing with them their advanced ways and rule of law which helped to keep warring tribes apart, colonial rule was branded wrong. The European invaders had no right to be in Africa and Africans are not “the white man’s burden”. Yet in the 21st Century, Africans and other people from the third world now have every right to be in the West claiming as much welfare as they can, bringing very little, if anything, of worth. They’ve become the white man’s burden but as it’s in the white man’s lands, it’s perfectly fine. The hypocrisy is nauseating!

By admitting huge numbers of immigrants, Western governments are placing an even bigger burden on already over-burdened welfare states. Giving benefits, housing and healthcare to immigrants who haven’t paid anything in to the pot is unsustainable. But irresponsible, profligate politicians are putting duty to immigrants before duty to their own people who are already under severe austerity and who are now being forced to pay for their own demise.

By refusing to control their borders, the nations of the West are taking in all and sundry instead of being selective and only taking in migrants who have much needed skills. Paying welfare to people who haven’t contributed a penny and won’t do is an abuse of taxpayers and the welfare system.

Giving away taxpayers’ money to immigrants and failed nations isn’t the only penalty being imposed on the people. They’ll also face increased competition for resources, including school places for their children, housing and jobs with more cheap labour flooding the market. The arrogant, selfish attitude of the invaders is: “Our countries don’t give us anything and have failed so we have a right to invade yours and take from you.”

This lamentable crisis is happening because of the failures of the international community over decades. It has repeatedly cowered before Islamic states, focusing its ire on the easy target of Israel instead. Faced with the consequences of their cowardly incompetence, the United Nations and the European Union demand the West pays the price by admitting hundreds of thousands of migrants fleeing from the chaos the International community has caused. The lack of responsibility and accountability is disgusting.

Not once do these organizations raise any concerns about the impact mass immigration from the third world is having on the people of the West who cough-up most of the money. Their identities and cultures are diluted, their territory is surrendered and if they ever dare to ask: How many immigrants will be enough? How much diversity is needed before we can say “shut the door, we’re fully enriched?” they will be demonized as racists or Nazis.

These Orwellian thought-control weapons used by liberals and leftists to silence opposition to immigration have now become so overused they’re lame. Those who use them give the game away. Because it’s certainly not about care for immigrants, leftists and liberals know most are bogus asylum seekers and they also know there is a huge security threat posed by Jihadists. It’s all about destroying the strong, capitalist West.

Furthermore, the bleeding heart pity addicts who are aiding and abetting immigrants to flood into Europe know one thing for certain: The gun isn’t pointed at their heads. It’s pointed at the heads of future generations who will pay the highest price for the rank cowardice of their ancestors.

I assert by failing to protect borders Western governments are waging war against their own people. War is fought for territory and resources. The West didn’t just magically appear as an advanced, successful civilization. It was created from the blood, sweat and tears of our ancestors who built the greatest civilization over centuries of struggle. Surrendering territory to swarms of third world invaders is a diabolical betrayal of our forefathers who would surely be furious at what is being done to the civilization they created.

Immigration is biggest threat to the West and it’s changing Europe beyond recognition. The West isn’t being conquered by Muslims, it’s being surrendered into Dar al Islam by those who are supposed to serve and protect their people. Right now you and I are bearing witness to the greatest betrayal ever committed in human history.

But the bottom line is this: Any people who refuse to defend their territory will be replaced by those who will. It’s often said the people will get the government they deserve and indeed, they will. But they’ll also get the country they deserve and if they adopt cowardice and appeasement as virtues they’ll lose their country and their freedom.

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These Muslim countries are impoverished and backward because they spend all their time and effort trying to wipe out one sect or another… when they are not trying to destroy Israel. We can’t cure that.

But, let’s add an additional element to the problem; the way the UN should be handling this fiasco is to go to the source of the problem; ISIS. Since we currently have a President that is unwilling to do what is necessary to address the issue of ISIS (even though he largely created it) then the UN should do it… since that is exactly what the UN is supposed to be for (not solely to create bogus reports indicating global warming). Instead of opening borders to “refugees”, turn them around and send them back to retake their own countries.

Just for the fun of it, the UN should ask Russia to take in a million or so refugees. It would be interesting to see THAT response and the response to the response. Most likely what Russia would propose is to step in (as in Syria) and help things along on the ground… and never leave.

The only solution to illegal immigration is a .308 battle rifle with a full load of magazines. The west could put a stop to this problem in 10 minutes. Obviously our elected leaders have lost all sense of manhood or citizenship , if they ever had either.

If the right person in the west would step forward and provide the needed legal cover, I believe hundreds of thousands of western men would do their historic duty.

If you logically follow the course of the invasion of Europe, the end result is likely to be a 2nd round of Middle Ages, but with an Islamic overlord rather than Catholic. The US will be slow to follow because of the two oceans that the invaders have to traverse, but with the help of Obama and the rest of the ‘Hate America First’ crowd, we, too, will eventually join the party.

Conservatives said the same things about Jewish refugees from the Nazis
Europe has a population of one 700000000 please tell me how 1 million refugees will destroy it

@John: Wow, you’re a moron. When the majority of ‘immigrating’ migrants are young men with zero intention of working, who are looking forward not only to the cash prize of bottomless welfare but the planned rape parties featuring young (& very young) Infidel girls, and anticipating the sheer joy of walking into a mall with a Kalashnikov and just letting rip … it won’t take many. Europe will crash & burn after just a few thousand, let alone the hundreds of thousands that are shouting & rioting & raping right now in the ‘refugee’ centers. Rivers of blood …

@John: Did they? Citation, please.

Should we bother to learn anything from the monster that Merkel has mindlessly unleashed on her fellow Germans?

From the Dayly Mail, . . .

“There is now deepening disquiet in this Christian country, dotted with churches, that it is being overwhelmed by people of a different religion and culture.

Controversially, the letter suggests that in the migrants’ culture, women are viewed differently: ‘It is a fact that women and children are unprotected. This situation is opportune for those men who already regard women as their inferiors and treat unaccompanied women as “fair game”.’

The daily physical abuse on children and women is a new constant that Germans are shocked by.

Is it so hard to understand that Muslim MEN view women as lesser human beings? It’s not a “cultural” thing. It’s not a sometimes thing. It’s a RELIGIOUS thing.

Western weakness is on full embarrassing display.

“Hate” is the keyword in this article. Yes, I fully understand the author in saying that the “western” countries have to defend their territory and their taxpayer’s money. But which are the “western” countries? Is Greece a “western” country (where most of the immigrants “landed”)? So what makes a country to be a “western” one? Which are they? The ones situated west of the Balkans? Or the ones who had brought

their advanced ways and rule of law

into to the barbaric nations they ruled during the last centuries? In my opinion, the “western”countries are those who have earned their reputation to enable them to produce money and lend it back to themselves. Make a quick check here , sort the fifth column (Per capita) and look at the top of the list: any bells ringing? So these western countries, with the money they have “made” now, very rightfully indeed, spend these fortunes into social benefits for their citizens. And why do we now wonder that the immigrants from the hell-holes in Africa and Asia seek refuge there? And of course the author is right – most of these immigrants are indeed economic immigrants, they try to relocate, in search for better life, expecting these social benefits that the “western” countries are distributing right out of the printing press, to reach them too. The author wonders, well not really, but he asks “what would happen if these refugees head to Russia”. Well, they will never do that, and not because Russia is the monster bear who will eat their heads off or invade their territory, but because Russia is at the bottom of the list i mentioned above, same as India or China – hence no social benefits in Russia/China, smelling on printing ink. Sad to say, least to say.
I work with immigrants on a daily basis and I can say yes, there are all sorts of people “invading” Europe now. They are neither as organized nor as noble and strong as were the Crusaders of the west who were visiting their countries centuries ago.. but they are human beings. You can brand them “economic immigrants” – yes, most of them are! No doubt about that, but can you blame them?

P.S. Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State”. Definitely needs revision!

its called divide and conquer. you will have one world government whether you like it or not.

@Pete: If you honestly believe that drivel you wrote you’re one sick puppy.

@James Raider:
Well put.
I saw this video of a blond European woman who spoke Arabic (unbeknownst to her fellow refugee train travelers) and translated for us.
Seems you are right, JR.
They were 90% males between teens and 40.
They discussed stealing from European passengers, raping European female passengers, holding all European passengers hostage to get where they wanted to go, and more.
They consider themselves to be in Europe as conquerors, not refugees at all.
They are ready and willing to impose Sharia on their ”infidel” hosts, enslaving them to 3rd-class existence.
Every bit of multicultural propaganda is falling to the wayside, exposed as lies by the actions of these invaders.

@Nanny G: #10
This is a video which should be viewed by everyone in North America, not just Europe. It’s very telling. She is very intelligent, and obviously well spoken.

I read Der Speigel regularly, and it is clear that Merkel, her German government and her media, have taken a page from Obama — lie, lie, and lie some more. The German media does not want to expose the horrendous problems which she has created.

These migrants are rattling German society, . . . just when Germans thought it couldn’t get worse, with their biggest employer, VW, facing the very real possibility of bankruptcy knocking on its door. Merkel, a product of East Germany, is a bungling fool on all fronts.

Not that it couldn’t get worse, but….
Based on an old law Germany’s tenants are being EVICTED from their homes (decades long renters) so that ”refugees” can move into them!

The mayor of Nieheim, Rainer Vidal, which has a population of just over 6,000, defended the decision to send the nurse packing, saying converting the building would be “the cheapest option.”

“A new residential unit for 30 refugees in Nieheim would cost €30,000 ($33,600). This solution will cost me nothing,” he told Die Welt.

Over half the population of Germany lives in rented accommodations.

At least here, in the USA, we have the 2nd Amendment to prevent this sort of thing from happening.
I really feel for this woman who took her plight public.
The mayor blames her for his bad publicity.
And says her dog is the only reason she can’t relocate.
(Muslims don’t like dogs.)

@Nanny G: Um, no kidding… methinks we ain’t seen nothin’ yet…

It’s time to introduce large-scale referendum voting. The populace of ALL European countries want to send these faux refugees packing back to the shítholes their religion created. You don’t see this “let’s welcome all refugees” garbage in Switzerland, where referendum voting by the populace is the norm.

These bunch of idiotic and leftist Government all over Europe are shameless, Godless and morally bankrupt. They wear their ignorance and stupidity with pride thinking that they are morally superior with their flawed reasoning.
From this point on it is left to the people of Germany particularly to rise up and revolt to the death if need be to stop this insanity. Because that is what it really is, insanity, treason of the highest order.
All over the world, I know for sure that reasoning men and women are extremely disturbed because it really is not funny.


Have you forgotten what happened in Lebanon just 30 years ago? A country that was only Christian Majority country in Arabian Peninsula and within 20 years all Christians were fighting for their life. The Muslims who came there studied there lived good lives along with Palestinians butchered them with no regrets until Israel came to help. So keep your “Muslim Friendly” attitude to yourself because Muslims call people like you “Useful Idiots”

Are you stupid to bring crusades into it like that fool Obama. The crusades were a reaction of not so perfect men with a riotous cause. To stop this barbaric religion in its tracks. I mean the sheer numbers of PEOPLE killed by this religion is insane. Islam glorified slavery but the west decided it was doing well enough to not use it anymore. In Islam it is bassically a tenant and will always come back.

The fact that apostates must die means in reality that if even Islam is read differently by two people and they are the last people of earth, war will commence, perfect what religion that continually divides is perfect?

Egypt was a Christian country as well, the crusaders had very little idea how fanatic and perfect and barbaric a religion Islam really is

Poor European women, highly restrictive gun laws leave them defenseless. Just a couple of thousand concealed and carry permits and they wouldn’t be prey.

Is there a website with a list of names of these wonderful leftists so that regular people can know exactly whom to thank?

@Rusty: Just go to media matters they will tell you whom to praise and demonize

Thanks, Kitt. MM is a good place to collect names, but I was hoping for a simple check list of everyone responsible for leading the left. We need to get organized and get a master list together. Criminy, no wonder the liberal left always wins.

@Rusty: Go look into a person by the name of George Soros he contributes $$$$ to political campaigns that are believers of his agenda. I believe he created BHO out of thin air to be his teleprompter puppet. He is wealthy enough to break economies, and has a messiah complex. No regrets actually looks back fondly, about working with the Nazis rounding up Jews and confiscating their property.


The declaration of human rights that you quote states everyone has a right to move within a state. The word is “within”. They do not have a right to cross national borders en mass without being registered demanding social services free housing and transportation at tax payers’ expense. We as tax payers also have rights which are being trampled as we speak.

@John: Humans all love one another. I have never met anyone that I did not love, nor them me. And I have personally met over 268,000 adults from 31 countries. People are fantastic. They will do anything for you. Merely read the obituaries and you shall see what I mean. Every obituary has in it the following: “He/She were so wonderful, everyone loved them and they would do anything for anyone”. Let’s just all continue to love one another.


@Bill: The migrants might not like it in Russia

Migrants Discover Russians Are a Little Less Tolerant of Groping Refugees


Sir. Your comment is absurd, and shows your total ignorance of Islam. Of course, there is a resemblance as Hitler and the Nazi were in many ways similarly totalitarian as is Islam. in fact the Gran Mufti of Jerusalem was very pleased at the extermination of the Jews by Hitler. That is precisely what the Qur’an orders. Does Jewish teaching, the Hebrew Scriptures order Jews and Chritians to kill everyone else who doesn’t want to become a Jew or a Christian? The Qur’an does. The Jews were authentic refugees. The present hordes of muslim youth of military age ARE IN NO WAY REFUGEES.


I’m with Ramsey!

@Bill: Germany is going to create another problem for “future-German generation”, and it may be worse than the Jews! First of all current German leaders should define this situation in the context of “old wine in a new bottle” this is a situation where old problems arising in a modern- version.
This is the time, that the Neo-Nazi groups should rise up! As far as, I understand as a non-German. The German politics after WW2 is built on a vision that is based on “EXTREME-GUILTY”, and because of that guilty, the present German leaders have developed a social-political system in which German people are not allowed to express their own views freely as citizens. (I might be wrong some times, however its my idea anyway) German politicians show an extreme sympathy towards everything around the world. For instance, extent of their guilty is shown by the laws in their country, just talking about holocaust in Germany is a crime, in other words, talking about their own history is a crime, and German interpretation of the Middle east problem is also one that based on their extreme guilty concept. However, Neo-Nazi groups should act together to bring back the energy that the Hitler gave to his nation a 70 years ago.
Further, all German should understand, who backs the ISIS, why all these so called “Asylum Seekers” migrates to the Europe, Why don’t they migrate to American or Russian regions? Why should German people take the responsibility for the problems that other countries create? Isn’t there other ways to help the asylum seeker rather than giving them citizenship in Germany?


Read the Talmud and find out what the Jews think of the Gentiles.

@Ramsey: it is easy to hate but much much harder to love. I’ve always prided myself on being a fair man and to be fair I don’t see the difference between you and ISIS.

@kitt: That’s funny, because a lot of these women love this violent dudes believe it or not. There are tons of white women sleeping with these very same men. America has gun laws and not too many women own them, only men do mostly.