Getcher intact babies here!
And yes, they are violating the law.
Here are some notable quotes courtesy of Twitchy:
“my department contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization here”
“If we alter our process, and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, we can make it part of the budget”
Dissecting cadaver babies is just “just a matter of line items.”
Here’s the video. Consider yourself warned of the graphic nature of the purveyors of baby parts.
It’s no wonder Obama donors want to stop the release of these atrocities. There is a special place in hell for these monsters.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
The end of.the video shows the PP doc asking one of the techs if she knows why some of the other PP affiliates in Texas consider what this Houston abortion mill is doing would be illegal.
The tech gets a puzzled look on her face and says, “Really?”
Nothing else comes close to demonstrating the total lack of morality of the butchers of PP.
Yes, that alone is breaking the law.
The procedures involved are each for the protection of the MOTHER whose life is supposedly at stake were she to continue her pregnancy.
Any deviation of the procedures breaks the law.
AND each procedural adjustment risks the health and even the life of the mother.
My question is how does one little clinic get 50 or 60 women to wait until they are over 5 months pregnant before getting their procedure.
This might be another area where PP is risking the health and life of the mother if they delay her procedure because they need older babies.
Really? There are morons out there who still believe this story?
Planned Parenthood is Not Selling Baby Parts, You Idiots
No, Planned Parenthood wasn’t caught on video ‘selling dead baby parts’
Who are you gonna believe? Reem or your own lying eyes?
This latest video says one amazingly horrid thing:
Some of their own abortion doctors are ALSO doing research using fetal tissues.
As a result they tailor how and when they perform these procedures based on exactly what they need to obtain.
Forget the mother’s health.
If the doctor needs 22 week-old babies he makes sure that’s when the mother’s procedures are scheduled.
As a side note these doctors can be relied upon to tailor procedures and timing to obtain tissues for other researchers who are paying PP for them.
We all understand that you are pimping for a foul mouthed unknown harrigan and trying to build traffic for her, providing you’re not her.
Sorry, major fail on your part. She has already been discredited as someone who is simply pushing an agenda when she doesn’t know her butt from a button.
Get a job and stop trolling. Spending your life in your parent’s basement is no way to live.
Do not forget this most recent video comes from Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, the same PPGC that settled with a Texas court to repay $4.5 million back in an estimated $13 million in Medicaid fraud. Same group, same lack of ethics. If they’re willing to fraudulently rip off the American taxpayer of $13 million, what are a few baby parts for a couple of hundred bucks?
What I want to know is who are their doctors doing these abortions that are also using the baby parts for their own research? There has to be a record of who PPGC contracts with.
Never mind that Cecile Richards (another bitch from Hell like her mother) admitted they sell baby parts but hey, it’s not like they make a profit from that. Not making a profit makes it all A-OK, don’t you know?
And of course, PPGC put their largest (six story) facility in the district of Sheila Jackson-Lee so that black women would have easier access when they want PPGC’s doctors to rip their babies apart before the babies are born. That fits right in with Margaret Sanger’s racism.
This is Your Brain on Right-Wing Propaganda.
I note they made a point to talk about harvesting retinas and corneas (they are hard so they are easy to identify.)
Just so happens IF these materials could be helpful to adults with vision issues there would be a terrible shortage of them ….. unless more late-term abortions could be encouraged.
@Jeff D:
Funny how facts are propaganda and the lefts fantasy assertions are truth
Keep drinking the Kool aid
If the videos were fraudulent, the Left could stop them in a few hours. Each video seems to be more incriminating than the one they released previously. You don’t suppose Planned Parenthood is a criminal organization, just because they are committing criminal acts? Will our congress be complicit in this criminal activity because they are looking the other way and subsidizing a criminal activity or is this acceptable under a Democrat regime?
@Jeff D:
Pithy, Jeff. Thus far it’s all you have to offer.
5 videos showing at least 4 different PP doctors discussing illegally altering the manner of performing the abortion for the purpose of obtaining higher sale value body parts, another illegal act. During the haggling over price, one even jokes about how she wants to buy a Lamborghini. In another video, one person refers to the remains of an abortion victim as a “boy” – despite the PP propaganda about “it isn’t human, but just a clump of cells”.
How anyone can claim that these PP butchers aren’t selling baby parts, when they haggle over pricing on a per item basis and discuss being “creative” in how they perform the abortion to harvest more valuable specimens, defies description.
Claiming justification for these evil acts based on research is beyond unethical. We do not perform medical research on death row inmates. We look askance at the nazi medical research on hypothermia (which used POWs placed into icy water to.determine human tolerance of immersion in cold water as a means of improving German air crew survivability). The idea that a defenseless human fetus is a legitimate target for termination in order to perform research is phenominally evil. Human research is prohibited without informed consent of the individual, and they cannot be coerced in any way.
There is no justification for this barbarism.
This last video just gets worse and worse. In it, it shows baby parts after the videographers asked to see Planned Parenthood’s day’s work. On one part of the video, the PPGC worker talks about some of the “specimens” being from a 22 week fetus. BINGO!
It is illegal to perform abortions after 20 weeks in Texas and that law was upheld by a federal judge just this past June. So now we have a PPGC worker talking about a baby body part coming from a 22 week fetus.
Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, admits she and her co-worker would find it enjoyable if a tissue buyer wanted them to dissect dead fetuses for parts.
“It would be exciting too if you needed it dissected, because LaShonda and I are the most Curious George of the group,” Farrell says. “I know it’s sickening on some level, but it’s fun.”
The undercover investigator from CMP, posing as somebody looking to buy fetal tissue, responds “Now, let’s think about it.” Farrell then continues: “No, it’s just that those of us who are into medicine and nursing, things that other people find gross, we enjoy. Obviously.”
Read more:
I have never gotten too wrapped up into the abortion argument until these videos came out. When you look at the footage in the video, around the 11:20 mark she pulls out what is clearly a leg. Around the 13:20 mark it is clearly an arm with the hand. I believe this “specimen” was 18 weeks old. One issue that does not seem to be getting attention is that when people go to these “clinics” for abortions, is the “counseling” based on the left wing meme that what is being aborted is a pile of lifeless “goo” and not a living being? PP’s own videos prove that to be false. That was a little person in that dish not a pile of goo. So now there is a situation where people are making decisions that will affect them the rest of their lives, based on lies. It is much easier for people to have a “pile of cells” or “goo” aborted than it is to abort a living being with a CNS, limbs, and organs.
Hopefully these videos are viewed by the masses so people can see exactly what is being aborted.
Thought for the day:
“Any political party that is pro-guns, pro-war, pro-death penalty and anti-healthcare is in no position to make arguments in favor of pro-life.”
@Jeff D:
Thought for the day:
Anyone who makes such an idiotic statement like that should probably be committed to an insane asylum so that they can never harm themselves or anyone else.
@Jeff D:
You should never start a post with “thought for the day”. Clearly “thoughts” are foreign to you.
That is hilarious.
Being ”pro-guns” means being for the right to defend yourself and your neighbors, as a conscious decision.
Being ”pro-war” means a conscious decision to not be seen as the ”weak horse,” by enemies willing to walk all over you and your allies.
Bring ”pro-death penalty,” means being willing to allow the State to execute an arrested, indicted, tried, convicted, appealed, and consistently found guilty of heinous criminal acts person as a conscious decision.
But being for abortion (you sanitize it by the euphemism ”pro-life”) means making the conscious decision to take the life of an innocent human being. No arrest, no indictment, no trial, no conviction, no sentencing hearing….just death without due process.
@Jeff D: Antil healthcare my as, your moronic libturd if you make that statement!! Pro war, what an idiot and BTW Democrats supported Bush’s decision, so your pro stupid. Pro 2nd Amendment hell yes, don’t like it change it hahaha!! Pro death penalty maybe for those who kill innocent people, like babies maybe you punk!! Pro Death belongs to PP and those who murder the most innocent!!
@another vet: Agree the videos should be viewed by the masses.
Would ask you personally to spend 4 minutes watching Farm To Fridge a video that should also be watched by the masses. Thanks AV. Always welcome your thoughts.
Looking forward to Fox debate. Will Megyn go after The Donald?
@rich wheeler: I watched the video Farm to Fridge. Just like my ancestors going all the way back to prehistoric times, I consume meat products. My money, my health, my choice. Using my tax dollars to fund PP is not a choice of mine. It should be funded by the pro abortion crowd. If the left chooses to kill off their offspring, let them finance it with their own money. Ditto for reparations and all of their other “feel good about myself” pet causes.
A friend of mine who is around 60 (a former Marine who caught the very tail end of VN) got a girlfriend of his pregnant back in the day. After listening to what the clinic told them, they figured no problem just get an abortion, which they did. He told me to this day he wonders how his son or daughter would have turned out and that if he had to do it all over again knowing what he knows now, as the father he would have said ‘no’. His point was that while abortion is legal, people making the decision to have one need to be told that what they are terminating is a life so that so it doesn’t haunt them the rest of their lives like it did him.
@another vet: It is important that people know the truth—about abortion–factory farming——————-The Donald
Btw I understand I didn’t think much about animal abuse until I saw the videos.Shine the light.
“Anyone who makes such an idiotic statement like that should probably be committed to an insane asylum so that they can never harm themselves or anyone else.”
You’ve propably been locked up more than once yourself. Can you recommend any?
@Pete: Absolutely right.
@rich wheeler:
She’s not Candy Crowley (not by a LONG SHOT), so Kelley will probably not be engaging in picking her favorite candidate and attacking the opposition. Under normal (non-liberal agenda-driven scenario) circumstances, the moderator asks questions and, well, moderates.
@Bill: We’ll see—you certainly won’t have any excuses with fair and balanced Fox in charge.
Have you got a favorite yet?
@Jeff D:
That’s your response? Lame.
The responce matched your moronic comment perfectly.
Q: What do resistance to gun control, advocacy of unnecessary wars and efforts to cut aid to poor children who have already been born all have in common?
A: Republican support.
Well Planned Parenthood. You did an awesome job showing what you are really like. Described yourself very well.
They are not selling parts. They do and have been conducting tests on fetal tissue to combat Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s, something too late for many on the right, lol!
Here are 6 things to say to your conservative relatives buying the anti-Planned Parenthood propaganda
@another vet:
“…Using my tax dollars to fund PP is not a choice of mine. It should be funded by the pro abortion crowd. If the left chooses to kill off their offspring, let them finance it with their own money….”
I guess you don’t understand that with the Hyde Amendment, tax dollars cannot and ARE NOT used for conducting abortions. Geez, where do you morons get your information from?
You are way behind on this story. More videos coming, try to keep up. I suggest you actually watch one in it’s entirety, if you have the stomach for it.
You’re on to something there, Reemy…. it is ILLEGAL to use taxpayer funds to fund abortions. That’s why Planned Parenthood should be defunded; because they use taxpayer funds ($500 million a year), not to mention illegally selling the pieces of children they have killed.
LOL. The fetal stem cell research into Alzheimers and Parkinsons was stopped because of the severely deleterious neurologic and oncologic effects that occured. Continuing to push that ridiculous PP propaganda is as deceptive as the false claims that PP provides mammography.
And it is a lie to co tinue claiming that PP isn’t selling fetal organs. To what was the physician in the second video referring when she joked about wanting a Lamborghini when haggling over the price of fetal remains, if PP isn’t selling fetal body parts?
Just because you pretend not to understand fungibility of financial resources does not mean we are that economically illiterate.
@Reem: Well Reem, Ralphy, Ralph, and JisterJ as has been pointed out before, if PP receives tax dollars it finances part of their organization so it can use other funds for abortions. Perhaps in your case an exception could be made because it would mean you not being able to pass your genes on. The thought of someone else coming along as tough and smart as you is too much for the rest of us to handle.
So long as Planned Parenthood can demonstrate that they have sufficient non-public funding to cover the mere 3 percent of their total budget that goes toward providing abortion services, the concept of fungibility of financial resources is totally irrelevant.
If fungibility is a problem, we would have to conclude that no federal dollars could be provided for faith-based initiatives of any kind whatsoever, since the infusion of federal dollars frees up equal amounts to be used for organization activities that are specifically religious in nature. No federal dollars could go to church schools for educational programs or to Catholic hospitals for healthcare programs.
Where do you come up with this stuff? Planned Parenthood doesn’t claim that abortions make up 3 percent of their total budget, they claim that abortions make up 3 percent of their total services. Of course, intelligent people understand that number of simply a scam.
Here is how it works: a woman goes to PP to get birth control pills. She is given a pelvic exam, a RH titer, and six months worth of birth control pills. That counts for 8 services; exam, titer, and six packs of birth control pills. Now take the woman who goes in for an abortion; same pelvic exam, same titer, one abortion = 3 services.
The numbers are as bogus as the claim that PP does not use federal funds for abortions. Example: the abortion clinic is in the same building as the accounting department, the clinic where birth control pills, condoms, literature, etc. is given out. On the back of that building is an electric meter for the entire building. The minute the lights and air conditioning are turned on in the rooms where abortions are performed, the money given by the federal government is being spent on abortions. There is absolutely no way that PP can account for the electricity being used only in the abortion operatives. No way.
But stupid, useful idiots like you will believe anything PP claims because you seem to have no problem killing babies.
@Rich Wheeler:
Do you think I choose a candidate based on what color tie they wear? I want to hear their answers and see how they perform. Sheesh… I’m not a liberal, you know.
Excellent attempt! Excellent!! Abortion is 3% of their services, not 3% of their revenues. Abortion accounts for 33% of their revenues (figure that; 3% of their activity, 33% of their income… no wonder they cling to such business and supplement it by selling the death they create).
Aside from the fact that you are WRONG, isn’t the one and only argument the left makes in favor of Planned Parenthood at this time (aside from just ignorant denial) is that, despite the grisly enterprise they choose to engage in, they do “GOOD”? Tell, me, what is the harm in funding a religion-based charitable organization that does NOT kill life as its primary function? After all, they are doing GOOD in addition to not slaughtering children.
@Jeff D: BS my friend. Democrats are the ones who are pro death!! 100% of abortions provide for at least one death!! If you take guns away from citizens the bad guys will still get them and you know it!! Your libturd argument is without merit!!
@Bill, #41:
Even if abortion represented 33% of their total operating costs, 59% of their revenue comes from non-governmental sources. So long as they have more than enough non-public money to cover abortion services, it can’t be logically argued that they’re spending public money to provide them.
Harm has nothing to do with it. If you accept the fungibility line of argument, the problem is that funding faith-based initiatives becomes unconstitutional. The 1st Amendment prohibits using public funds to support religion.
You can’t have it both ways. Either you accept that dollars can be compartmentalized based on simple arithmetic or you don’t.
Really? It says that where?
Didn’t the Left tell us that, once ObamaCare was passed, everyone, women included, would have insurance for medical procedures such as pap smears, mammography (which Planned Parenthood doesn’t do) and even abortions?
Since that is true, why is defunding Planned Parenthood part of a ”war on women?”
And on cue, demonstrating the grisly hypocrisy of the left, Obama speaks out against Africans harvesting organs from other Africans, commenting on the dehumanization of the victims, all while ignoring that Planned Parenthood is doing exactly the same thing.