Fact checking Trump- updated


trump fact check


Donald Trump is under siege for comments he made opening his bid for the GOP Presidential nomination. It is appropriate that someone bother to fact check his assertions instead of just jumping on the PC bandwagon and slamming Trump as pretty much everyone- Republicans included– has done. So let’s see what Trump really said:

The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.

Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.

Everyone with half a brain knows Trump was talking about illegal immigration. The reporters at Reuters do not have half a brain.

Ever since Donald Trump made his anti-immigrant tirade during his 2016 presidential bid announcement, he’s lost partnerships with many large companies including Univision, NBC Universal and Macy’s.

It was not an “anti-immigrant” tirade. It was an anti-illegal alien invasion tirade.

Let’s dissect Trump’s words.

When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best.

How many Mexican nuclear engineers have illegally entered the country?


How many highly educated Mexican people have violated the US borders to gain entry?


How many illegal alien doctors have violated the borders to gain access to the US?


They’re bringing drugs.

Illegal drugs flow over and under US border

“If the American public had any idea how wide open that border is out there, they’d have a heart attack,” one frustrated U.S. official said.

Illegal Alien Sentenced for Drug Trafficking Violations in Harrison County

Convicted Drug Trafficking Illegal Alien Caught Buying Ammo for Smuggling Into Mexico

They’re bringing crime.

“Not all illegal aliens are crossing into the United States to find work. Law enforcement officials indicate that there are individuals coming across the border who are forced to leave their home countries because of criminal activities. These dangerous criminals are fleeing the law in other countries and seeking refuge in the United States.”

Majority Staff Report of the House Committee on Homeland Security


Judicial Watch: New Documents Show Homeland Security Released 165,900 Convicted Criminal Aliens throughout U.S. as of April 26, 2014



Nationally, Hispanics are thought to comprise 49 percent of total gang membership. A majority of these gang members are illegal immigrants. Notes Duplin County Sheriff Blake Wallace (D), “There is an increasing gang activity problem, particularly with MS-13 and studies have shown that the majority of those gang members are illegal aliens.”9 Among these studies is a report published by the Governor’s Crime Commission which posits that 66 percent of Hispanic/Latino gang members are illegal aliens.10 In the case of MS-13, one of the most violent and powerful gangs in North Carolina, federal authorities estimate that “approximately 90 percent of U.S. MS-13 members are foreign-born illegal aliens and depend upon the Texas-Mexico border smuggling corridor to support their criminal operations.”11 As Forsyth County District Attorney Tom Keith (R) puts it, “You cannot say ‘drugs’ without saying ‘gangs’ without saying ‘illegal aliens.’”12

Immigration for America:

On average, more than 500,000 illegal immigrants were arrested every year during the early twenty-first century, either while they were in the United States or while they tried to cross the border. In 2007 alone, Border Patrol agents arrested more than 850,000 people attempting to enter the country illegally. Because the federal government estimates that only 10-20 percent of all illegal immigrants are apprehended, as many as 4 million undocumented immigrants may enter the country undetected every year. Federal officials have also estimated that nearly 80-90 percent of illegal drugs entering the United States come from Mexico. Most of these drugs are smuggled in by illegal immigrants.

They’re bringing disease

Disease Rampant Among Illegal Immigrants Housed in U.S. Facilities

According to a report released by the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general on October 6, the presence of communicable diseases at detention facilities housing illegal immigrants — both unaccompanied children and families — remains a problem.

The findings, detailed in a memo written by DHS Inspector General John Roth to DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, were released by Roth’s office on October 6. They summarized the findings of the Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) investigators during five unannounced visits to three detention facilities in Texas and New Mexico between August 21 and September 26.

They’re rapists.

Dozen illegal immigrants in Texas gang rape 13-year-old girl

Illegal Alien Charged With Aggravated Rape Of 10-Year-Old Girl

Illegal Alien Rapes Baltimore Girl 1 Year after City Becomes Sanctuary

Three illegal aliens charged with Elba rape

Illegal aliens linked to gang-rape wave

So in summary, illegals flooding this country are primarily unskilled, carry diseases, bring crime into this country, and are responsible for many rapes- just as Trump asserted.

We rate Trump’s assertions as true.*

green check mark


Now- I don’t like Donald Trump and I don’t for a second believe he has a snowball’s chance in hell of becoming President, but he’s right about this. Ted Cruz is right when he says that Washington doesn’t want to have a discussion about illegal immigration. Not only doesn’t Washington want to have a discussion about illegal immigration, neither do liberals across the nation. They’re adamantly opposed to a legitimate discussion about illegal immigration- so much so that they need to dishonestly edit Trump’s words to make him sound as bad a possible. Liberals right now are out of control. They are mad. We’ve seen George Takei’s insane racist rant, we’ve seen liberals threaten the life of a 12 year black youth because he dared criticize Obama. They go collectively unhinged with their fascism over the Confederate flag and they’ll crowd shame (or worse) anyone who doesn’t goose step with them. It’s like a scene out of the God-awful movie The Purge, the difference being that in the movie it was just one night a year people were allowed to kill. Right now there seems no end to the bloodlust of the left. Ann Coulter can’t hold a book signing without being attacked by illegals.

We haven’t even gotten to murder yet.

We will.

Rich Lowery says Donald Trump has a point. It’s more than that. About this, Trump is right.


*- “We” means me and the not the other authors here or the owner of the blog.


Mexican Elites Secretly Agree With Donald Trump

But with outrage should come introspection. It’s easy for Mexicans to make Trump a target. But he simply said out loud what many Mexicans who stay behind have long believed about those who fled to the north—that they’re the undesirables who were out of options, didn’t make it, and couldn’t hack it.

Which raises the question: Are Mexican elites upset at Trump for insulting their countrymen, or for stealing their lines?

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@George Wells:

You could START with: Working hard to get Blacks to register AND to vote – their opinions don’t count for much when they don’t express themselves in the voting booth –

How do you know the registrars that were signing blacks up to vote were Democrat? Federal law prohibits a registrar from divulging their political alliances or even talking politics to anyone they are signing up to vote.

and you could add that Democrats don’t pursue the many voter-intimidation practices the GOP has used to limit the influence minorities have on election results.

Like what? The poll taxes were implemented by Democrats.

@retire05: We are talking about people running for Prez. not some private citizen.
You like Trump’s tough talk–fine.be loud and be proud in your support. You fit well with other reactionaries that will prop up his candidacy–Texan Cruz stands with you in support—Texan Perry has denounced him Floridians Rubio and Bush as well.

Let The Games begin–gotta love it. I got no skin in the game—unless Webb pulls a miracle

@rich wheeler: A poll released today shows that Americans by more than a 2-1 margin support securing the border first as opposed to legalizing the illegal immigrants who are already here first. Have you ever read up on Roman history to see what role unsecured borders played in Rome’s fall?


@another vet: Is any candidate against securing the border? I don’t know anyone against securing the border–do you? Was the gang of eight against it?. Why was their bi-partisan appeal rejected?

Don’t forget how far afield the Roman Army had gone when The Huns chewed them up.

Have you noticed the rabid support Mr. Trump enjoys here at F.A.

@rich wheeler: I’m not concerned about Trump. If people support him, great. If people don’t, that’s great too. We are (supposedly) a free society. I believe your party’s platform is to legalize the illegals first (votes first) and then maybe secure the border.

Rome fell for a number of reasons, one of which was failing to secure their border. Non-Romans just poured across the border. The last emperor, Odoacer, wasn’t even considered to be a Roman. Some believe he was German, Turkish, or Goth.

BTW in reference to the other thread, here was your 2014 election prediction 5 days out:

Current R-50 D-45 5 undecided
N.C Kay Hagan D think she holds
Ga Nunn D close loss
N.H. Brown R popular moderate R upsets incumbent Sheehan VERY CLOSE
Kansas Indie edges R incumbent
Iowa R close win
Will make final prediction Monday
Prediction Repubs take Senate 53-46 one INDIE revised

 Reply
October 30th, 2014 at 4:00 PM

@rich wheeler:

We are talking about people running for Prez. not some private citizen.

Actually, you moron, Donald Trump IS a private citizen, as are Carly Fiorino, Rick Santorum, Jeb Bush, George Pataki.
All private citizens.

You like Trump’s tough talk–fine.be loud and be proud in your support.

I like the fact that someone is saying what has long needed said, however inartful it may be.

You fit well with other reactionaries that will prop up his candidacy–Texan Cruz stands with you in support—Texan Perry has denounced him Floridians Rubio and Bush as well.

Reactionary? Is that what the DNC has taught you? Ummmm, seems to me that once upon a time John Adams and Benjamin Franklin were called “reactionaries”. You put me in good company.

As to Perry, Rubio and Bush: I really don’t give a tinker’s damn what they say. I care about what they are going to do. If they will stop this leviathan we call “government” that is eroding our liberties daily, that’s what I care about. If they will rid us of the cancer that is illegal immigration (which Rubio and Bush won’t do), I’m behind them.

Have you noticed the rabid support Mr. Trump enjoys here at F.A.

You call it support; I call it acknowledging truth telling. But we all know that the truth is an antithesis to the left.

@retire05: You of all people calling me a moron–You old5 have consistently shown your moronic qualities. My point was why bring in commentary be those who are not Prez. candidates.
Don’t think any sane person would ever compare you to Adams or Franklin–
Your Party is going to lose The Presidency once again and it’s people like you and The Donald that will make it a rather easy victory.

@another vet: Thanks for showing my prediction 5 days out . Believe only change from there was predicting close LOSS for Brown in N.H leaving only 2 misses N.C. and Kansas.
The more support I see for Trump the stronger I feel about an HRC win. We’ll take a look at Congress next Spring.
One thing is certain Repubs must win Ohio (Kasich Veep?) and Fla (Rubio) to win Presidency.

@rich wheeler:

You of all people calling me a moron–You old5 have consistently shown your moronic qualities

Actually, you know I’m not. I just don’t take your bullsh!t and you can’t handle it.

. My point was why bring in commentary be those who are not Prez. candidates.

What? That makes no sense. Not a rarity for you.

Don’t think any sane person would ever compare you to Adams or Franklin–

Don’t think any sane person would take a word you say seriously. You continue to ask a lot of questions but still refuse to answer them. Afraid you won’t be able to get out of the corner you would box yourself into?

Your Party is going to lose The Presidency once again and it’s people like you and The Donald thatn will make it a rather easy victory

If your party wins, it is because we have, as a nation, become more Socialist. Just take a look at the crowds Bernie Sanders is drawing. Arenas full of takers. The new Democrat mantra? “Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what your country can do for you financed by legalized theft at the point of the IRS’s guns.”

As to the “old” part that you love to throw at me; who was president when you enlisted since you say that JFK’s words caused you to join the Marines? Was it JFK or LBJ?
Old in not a pejorative you need to be lobbing at anyone other than the person that stares back at you from the mirror.

@rich wheeler:

Believe only change from there was predicting close LOSS for Brown in N.H leaving only 2 misses N.C. and Kansas.

N.C Kay Hagan D think she holds
Ga Nunn D close loss
N.H. Brown R popular moderate R upsets incumbent Sheehan VERY CLOSE
Kansas Indie edges R incumbent
Iowa R close win

3 out of 5 wrong puts you at being 60% wrong. Not exactly a seer, are you?

@retire05:As mentioned I had Brown losing to Dem. in final prediction–Missed two total and clearly predicted large Repub. victory.Was on the money in 2012 as well if Aye Chi cares to confirm.
Kennedy’s inauguration speech I was 16. Joined USMC Platoon Leader Class at age 18 in 1963 a few months before his assassination. You’ll always have me by a few years lol

@rich wheeler:

Was on the money in 2012 as well if Aye Chi cares to confirm.

Why do you feel the need to have others drug into your debates? Are you a coward and too afraid to fight your own battles?

You’ll always have me by a few years lol

Not by enough for you to show age discrimination toward anyone who is so close to your age it isn’t even funny. Funny you hold such animosity toward someone who supported the troops back then when the members of your own party would have spit on your Marine Blues if they had been given a chance.

@retire05: Love Aye Chi A great Conservative who has the uncanny ability to find old posts.
Why are you always so nasty O5?
Lighten up.- FA I is supposed to be fun. I certainly get a few laughs whenever on board..
Expect you’ll come back with some vitriolic response to this innocuous post.

Semper Fi

@rich wheeler:

Lighten up.- FA I is supposed to be fun. I certainly get a few laughs whenever on board..

When you progressives back off, and quit trying to turn this nation into your Socialist utopia, I will lighten up. Until then…………………….

Humor. Although he doesn’t appear to be laughing.