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Why are there so many mass murders under Obama?


Following the shootings in Charleston, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton immediately seized upon the tragedy to again push for more gun control. Obama blathered on about how twenty one year olds were children and not adults as recognized by every state in and thus should be barred from purchasing weapons. Hillary went on about “common sense reforms” without getting specific whatsoever, as usual. It is the typical, meaningless, useless rhetoric of the left. They offer a useless, typical, meaningless answer- ban the Confederate Flag.

Because flags kill, right? Never mind the Clinton’s honoring the Confederacy.

There have a number of mass killings over the last few years:

Sandy Hook
Fort Hood

They have one thing in common- all occurred under Barack Obama.

The above shootings were all perpetrated by angry men. Why are they angry? They are angry in part because our President invites anger. He incites anger. Let’s revisit Obama’s words:

“I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”

“They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”

“We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“

“It’s time to Fight for it.”

Obama urged his supporters to fight:

“It’s time to Fight for it.”


“Hit Back Twice As Hard”

Obama wanted you to report on and turn in your neighbors.

Obama vilifies anyone who disagrees with him. He insults them and impugns their motives.

And if that didn’t work, Obama encouraged followers to

“Punish your enemies.”

Barack Obama has to accept his share of the responsibility for the climate of hatred that exists today as he has in no small measure contributed to it. While it is entirely appropriate for a message of condolence, what about these facts?

15 people were killed this week in Chicago.

Murders In Baltimore Rise To Highest Level In 4 Decades

Obama was so upset by the shootings in Charleston that he went fundraising immediately afterwards.

There will be calls for action, of course, and most will wither with time. As noted, liberals will call for more rules and more laws that will only affect legal gun owners. The Obama regime once looked at returning vets as terrorists but none of these mass murders were committed by veterans. Most of the villains were mentally ill. People taking psychotropic medications do need attention regarding gun ownership. That’s going to be a tough subject but liberals will not fail us.

They always punish those who respect the law as an answer for those who do not.

Barack Obama has poisoned the well in this country and the milieu of hate he has nurtured again claims the lives of innocents.

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