I lit up my smart phone this morning and opened the link to Drudge and blurted out “Oh no, oh no, oh no.” As the facts of the horrible church shooting unfold, I hear the echoes of the Sandy Hook mass murder. Sandy Hook is not far from where I live and a good number of people we know were connected to it. Sadly, history repeats because someone failed to learn from it.
Adam Lanza was mentally ill. Although it has not been disclosed, you can bet your life he was on SSRI medications. The refusal to disclose is your proof. Lanza was allowed free access to weapons despite his condition.
Deja vu.
Dylann Storm Roof has been identified as the suspect in the killing of nine black people in Charleston, SC. Let’s tick off the warning signs and things done wrong.
1. Criminal past
He had a arrest record for drugs and trespassing.
2. Racism
He was a racist
The patches are of white-rule Rhodesia and apartheid-era South Africa
3. Allowed free access to weapons
Despite his overt racism and his criminal past, his father bought him a gun for his 21st birthday.
The last shoe to drop will be any medications Roof was taking for a mental illness. Roof clearly is mentally ill. I have previously argued against the mentally ill having access to weapons but that’s a slippery potential slope in this Obama fascist state. It’s no stretch to imagine Obama one way or the other finding all legal gun owners mentally impaired by Executive Order.
It is my opinion that the Roof’s father ought to be tried as an accessory to murder. Dylan Roof was wearing the signs that screamed “Don’t give me a weapon” and dad ignored them. Or perhaps, did he encourage them? I’d never in a million years allow my son(s) to wear those badges but I never had to worry about it either.
There is considerably more to be learned here, but I will wager that the more is disclosed, the more similar Dylann Roof becomes to Adam Lanza. And as in Sandy Hook this won’t be about guns- it will be about mental illness.
Roof’s uncle described Roof as ‘quiet, soft spoken.’ “Nobody in my family had seen anything like this coming.”
That always seems to be case, doesn’t it?
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Despite a person’s position in regards to the aisle during the debates of revolutionary France, there are some of us who feel profound sadness for the victims and their families.
To politicize this tragedy is cheap gutter politics, and we have already had examples from the top down.
The monster who killed these innocent people took advantage of a spiritual sanctuary and made a mockery of the goodwill and wholesome love offered by the minister and his flock. It is a stain on the America we know and love, but arguing politics over the blood-stained floor is a poor reflection of the humanism and sincerity of motives among those who argue.
Let those who feel compassion for the death of innocents mourn for the senseless loss and save the political bickering until those who actually suffered the loss have had time to bury their dead and adjust to their loss.
I’m going to hazard a guess here and say you mean “DESPITE”
This is a complete non sequitor. You made a statement, you should stand by it. You claim things are getting better all the time so the thing to do when a racist murders nine people is to do nothing and let it be “simply left alone and to its own devices,”. This is quite the mission statement. Let me reframe your principles for you. You are one who willfully embraces self-interested ignorance. You see what you want to see, ignore what you don’t, and most importantly, you believe what makes you feel good. If it makes you feel better to ignore a racist mass murder because you’ve decided, despite that fact, that there is an “inevitable erosion of racial prejudice” magically transpiring, that’s your move. It is an astonishingly selfish and ignorant philosophy. The fact you actually propose this to others as a moral strategy Do nothing and racism will disappear is simply remarkable.
There it is. It only took a day before someone here blamed black people for their own racist murders. These murders have only taught Bill one thing, and that is that he’s the real victim in all of this.
@rich wheeler:
Rich, I was just going to shake my head and move along after seeing this post, but there was something about the smugness of Dr John’s condescending response to George that just tipped the scales. Using this as an opportunity to throw a partisan haymaker at Obama, considering DJs history on the topic… he needed to be reminded that commentary of this sort, on a topic this raw and painful, is not all just a game to stroke his own ego and gain him the admiration of the moral troglodytes who make this place their 24/7 home.
Yep. And it’s a shame the families’ loved ones haven’t even been buried yet. I’d be livid if one of my family members were killed for whatever reason and they were used as pawns by the pundits and agitators. What we need is a quick and speedy trial and a quick and speedy execution for Roof and the next one who comes along after him. And there will be more regardless of what their motive is. In this case it was race. In the next case it may be someone who was told by the devil through their neighbor’s dog to start killing people like Son of Sam.
@another vet:
I’d be curious to know what you mean by that. Is identifying this incident as domestic terrorism against African Americans “punditry”? Is pointing out that blacks have been slaughtered in Houses of God at an alarming rate over the years, so we should acknowledge the pattern, “punditry”? Trying to paint this as an isolated tragedy is just as polical a statement as anything I just wrote. If a Muslim murdered nine Christians yelling “death to the infidels” would you be urging restraint and admonishing everyone on FA for “punditry” if they raised Islamic Terrorism as a likely cause?
@another vet:” In this case it was race.” Some here can’t even say that AV–What hope if we have people like that among us?
In S.C the confederate flag flies over the capital and roads are named after confederate generals who fought to preserve slavery .What message does that send to the Black citizenry of South Carolina.To people who look to this shining light on the hill. To Vets like us who fought side by side with our Black brothers. In my mind it’s truly shameful.
Bill appears to blame our Black citizens for the violence in that Charleston church that left nine dead—What? As usual Obama is blamed. Really.
We worry about protecting our citizenry from the Islamic menace from without.
How bout the racist menace from within–it blackens our very souls.
Skooks Thanks and Semper Fi
You simply used Dr. J’s entry as an opportunity to spew your racial venom, much like any snake. It’s what you do.
Okay… at risk of pissing off a few people…
I wonder what the response would be if the shoe was on the other foot. If one of the “New Black Panthers” walked into a synagogue and killed a few people, would the uproar be the same? From the black as well as the white communities? Or would it be the lead story on the local news for one day and then be gone…
Roof lived in a revisionist history reality.
It so happens he was raised in a completely revisionist history education.
He saw, comparing some real history with what he was told at school, that revisionists pick & choose whatever bits of history feed their personal agendas.
So, raised like that by reading history books like that in classrooms for years, he did the exact same thing.
He picked & chose Rhodesia’s and South Africa’s apartheid eras.
He picked & chose to emphasize only criminality by blacks against whites.
All of his choices were tiny minority segments of reality…..like when a blind man examines only one part of an elephant then tries to describe the animal.
All his history classes at school taught him he was doing it right, picking & choosing from all of history to back up his personal bent.
Then he acted on his personal bent and was ”mugged by reality.”
The entire country, blacks, whites, Left, Right have united in condemnation of his acts.
@rich wheeler:
Well, then, that must explain why blacks are killing other blacks in record numbers in places like Baltimore, St. Louis and Chicago. And I’m sure that explains why Sonny Kim, an Asian, lost his life today in Cincinnati because, because…………………….slavery and Confederate Battle flags.
But kill 14 at Fort Hood and the left labels it workplace violence.
@Tom: Blaming this on Fox News like some pundits have already done despite producing ZERO evidence that he ever watched Fox News is punditry. Blaming guns like some have is like blaming the planes for 9/11. Please quantify “an alarming rate” and then produce statistics to support the claim so I can respond to that question. As for the Islamic question, I’ve yet to see millions of whites in this country take to the streets advocating the killing of blacks. I have seen millions of Islamic people taking to streets chanting “death to the infidels.”
@rich wheeler: Who named Ft. Bragg, Ft. Polk (?), Ft. Hood, and Ft. Lee? Those are ALL U.S. Army forts named after generals by the U.S. Guess which side they fought on? I think people are thinking with emotions. And yes, Roof is a racist and there are more out there like him.
@Scott in Oklahoma: Scott, there is a group of people going around burning Christian churches, killing the Christian congregants in the hundreds.
How is the media or the people responding?
May 24th, 2015 Nigeria 96 Christians confirmed killed by a church-burning group (of Muslims).
June 9th, 2015 bombs were thrown into an Istanbul church by a Muslim man.
June 10th, 2015 an entire Christian congregation in Karachi, Pakistan have been given an ultimatum: leave your church (to us) or we kill you all. Police cannot seem to get any extra protection around the building. Those threatening the Christians are all Muslims.
Muslim men were planning to bomb two churches in Villejuif, south of Paris, France. They got caught in planning stages.
Yesterday, Dalil Boubakeur, the president of the French Council of Muslim Faith and rector of the Grand Mosque in Paris said French Christian churches should be turned into mosques. Dog whistle, anyone?
Sunni supremacists slaughtered more Yazidi Christian minorities on August 14, 2014 than the number of black Americans lynched by White supremacists in the previous 100 years. http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/dgreenfield/isis-massacred-796-yazidis-while-obama-campaigned-against-iraq-war/
The Christians in Gaza and West Bank are being attacked:
ISIS terror group kidnapped 88 Eritrean Christians June 1st, 2015.
If they are true to their pattern, the better-looking ones will be made into sex slaves, the rest will be regular slaves.
Where is the outrage?
Michelle O held up a hashtag once.
@Scott in Oklahoma:
Do you mean if the Right Wing fantasy version of what starts “the race war” played out? You have a morbid sense of curiousity, Scott. Or am I reading a wistful twinge of disappointment into your entire comment ? As a committed conspiracy theorist, I know you’ve been banking for years on Obama inciting this war in your imagination. But it doesn’t exist in the real world. There is no long history of the New Black Panthers terrorizing white people. But there is a long history of white supremacists murdering black people, even in Churches. It’s downright weird you want to indulge in your fantasy at this moment in time. Maybe you’re a hero in it. But here is what did happen: Ministers, a librarian, a few old ladies murdered by a lone loser. This isn’t the way you saw it playing out, which is a tribute to your selective grasp of American history and contemporary society.
@retire05 #49:
Not at all, ye of the great jump to unwarranted conclusions.
I’m willing to LOOK for patterns, you are not.
We are creatures of habit, and our behaviors often follow patterns.
The recognition of patterns is essential to the development of predictive skills.
If you keep your eyes closed and your mind buried in the sand, you miss any opportunity to solve problems that you are otherwise condemned by your own ignorance to reacting to after the fact… over and over again, with absolutely no hope of progressing beyond this pointless stage.
You can’t solve a problem without first understanding it.
Unless you’re possessed of blind, stupid luck.
I really thought that you’d understand the rudimentary logic here, but I overestimated you.
You treat symptoms to temporarily relieve the distress that the condition causes.
Symptom relief doesn’t CURE anything.
An aspirin RELIEVES a headache, but if the patient’s headache is caused by an aneurism, that aspirin, while possibly delivering temporary relief, won’t help one iota in the long run.
If you simply agree to kill every racist murderer on the premise that the Bible encourages taking an eye for an eye, you soon discover that this policy has little if any deterrent effect.
Look at the magnificently futile pursuit of that policy in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Thousands of years and counting.
Only by addressing the root cause can a cure be found.
And you having no hope, a sure sign of someone who has no faith in either Providence or the Human Race.
Well, let’s put my premise to the test; what was racial relations like under Bush? Riots? No. Blacks attacking cops? No. Blacks attacking whites? No. Whites attacking blacks? No.
How about now, Tom? What is the status of race relations now? Blacks rioting and destroying their own neighborhoods? Check! Blacks attacking cops? Check! Blacks KILLING cops? Check! Blacks randomly attacking whites? Check!
And with each racial atrocity, do the left wing liberal leaders work to heal wounds and promote calm? Not on your life!! They do whatever they can to make the racial tension higher and, if there happens to BE no racial tension…. they create it.
I know you are too dense to be aware of history, but how about the murders of blacks during the civil rights era? Was THAT due to right-wing rhetoric? Hardly, since it was Republicans that supported civil rights while Democrats opposed it and murdered blacks to get their point across.
That be YOUR legacy, Tom.
Hmmm… this is what you come up with as you blame Republicans for the murder. However, were you to engage your brain (such as it is) and observe the facts, you would see that, indeed, people like Sharpton have been ramping racial tensions up to just this point. Blacks have already been killing whites and, specifically, police due to the left wing mantra of victim mentality. It was inevitable and just a matter of time before something like Charelston happened. No, the mental deficient Roof committed the act; but Sharpton (and rhetoric from people like YOU, Tom) was the inspiration. Nice work, Tom. You should be proud.
I wonder what the response would be if the shoe was on the other foot. If one of the “New Black Panthers” walked into a synagogue and killed a few people, would the uproar be the same?
@George Wells:
I lowered the level of my response to suit your intellect, George.
Tom, your assumptions are so far off base it is staggering. Your arrogance is only superseded by your ignorance about me, what I believe and how and what I think. You are amazingly, incredibly, blindingly stupid. Who ties you shoes?
I am certainly not trying to “indulge in a fantasy”, I am curious about the response from those choose to spread more lies in an effort widen the racial gap, like you do Tom, at every opportunity. I am curious about those who choose the politicize a tragic event carried out by a lone whack-job in order to expand their own agenda.
Remember a few years ago when those “black churches” were getting torched in the south? Did you know 16 of those arrested for arson were black? Oh… how inconvenient…
@Scott in Oklahoma:
So it’s just a clinical question, because you’re just an impartial guy who is super curious about… something.
I would love to give you the benefit of the doubt, except your words betray you. This is what you wrote to frame your hypothetical: “I wonder what the response would be if the shoe was on the other foot”
Explain what you mean by “the other foot”, Scott. You obviously see two sides to this. What are the sides? Whose side are you on in the tragedy, the victims’ or the shooter’s? Now we will see just how honest you choose to be.
@Scott in Oklahoma: “Spread more lies to widen the racial gap.” What lies? Do you feel the response is overboard?
Was this a racist act? Or not?
“That which you ignore most forcefully will control
you the most.”
@Bill: In#66 you are claiming Tom’s rhetoric was the inspiration for Root’s racist massacre–That’s pretty extreme ,even for you Bill.
####Please quantify “an alarming rate” and then produce statistics to support the claim so I can respond to that question.####
Have you ever tried to create links to stories that don’t exist? I haven’t, so I don’t know how long it takes. Patience.
How many times have you heard Christians or Jews wishing death or torture on anybody who disagrees with their religion. How many times have you NOT heard muslims wishing death and torture on anybody who disagrees with their religion?
I challenge ANYBODY to show me ANY VERSE in the koran that says to:
(1) Love others.
(2) Forgive others.
Tom, I am a whole lot more honest than you are, in every category. Yes, my interest is pretty much clinical, I have seen much ado about the evil racist white people supposedly waging war on blacks, when the facts and the truth don’t show that. There are far too many examples to list, of black on black and black on white crimes that go without mention. The “shoe” I am referring to is the politicians dragging their bullshit into it, from the president, to his runnin’ buddy Sharpton.
In this particular incident, there are only two sides in reality, the side of the bad guy, who I obviously don’t side with, and the side of the victims, nine people, not nine black people, just nine people in my eyes. Tragic? Yes, very much so. The beginnings of a war? Not unless the race baiters get their way. Was the shooter a racist? I would say the evidence leads to that; was he part of a larger movement? As much as you would like to believe it, I don’t think so.
@Scott in Oklahoma:
What no one has said, and what needs to be done, is that tomorrow morning, first thing, people should call their pastors, rabbis and priests and ask them to ask their congregations remember the 9 human beings whose lives were cut short due to no fault of their own.
And tonight, all of us should get on our knees and ask God to heal those families that have lost so much to what is nothing more than evil personified, including the family of Sonny Kim.
@Smorgasbord: I’m not denying that blacks have been slaughtered in Houses of God at an alarming rate over the years, I would just like to see what the recent numbers are and what years we are talking about since it is made to sound like this presently occurs on a regular basis. For instance, if I stated that terrorist attacks by Islamic extremist groups have been occurring at alarming rates, I would offer the following supporting evidence:
@another vet: #75
I should have chosen my words better. What I meant is that when liberals make up stuff, and then someone wants links to the information, it takes time to create links that don’t exist. You know that liberals seldom use facts in their agenda, unless it is from one or more of the propaganda sites that are professionals at making up stuff. They still surprise me sometimes with the stuff that they expect us to believe.
@retire05 #74:
Back before the 2008 election, I recall over-hearing white grocery store shelvers talking among themselves at the local Farm fresh, saying how “If that monkey gets elected”, they were going to get their guns and “fix the problem” themselves.
I have no doubt that the election of the first non-white President of the United States DID stoke some racial animosity among a minority of whites. Gun sales hit record levels. Even though a MAJORITY of Americans voted for Obama, a significant minority of Americans were more than usually disappointed by the election results, and race was the determining factor.
Both Obama’s race and his birthplace became issues of contention – even AFTER the election was settled – and Blacks recognized these efforts as thinly veiled racist attacks. This ginned up the whole race mess, which is never buried deep enough to prevent its reemergence at the slightest provocation.
So, YES, Bill, racial tensions are higher now than they were under Bush. Obama’s presidency is the irritant that has inflamed not-so-latent racism in both Blacks and Whites. But that isn’t Obama’s fault. It would have been the same if Morgan Freeman had been elected.
Retire05 is right that evil exists and $hit happens, but acknowledging the root cause of that evil is the first step in conquering that evil.
Defending racism is not.
George Wells, do you actually believe all of the opposition to Obama is race based? I can tell you that is patently false. Everyone I know, without exception, that opposes Obama couldn’t care less about his race; it is his dishonesty, his arrogance, his agenda and many other things that cause that dislike, distrust and opposition.
Explain to us why, until Obama and his administration took over, this racial turmoil wasn’t a big problem, because other than a couple incidents (like the Rodney King deal) these things didn’t happen.
@rich wheeler:
What lies? Gosh, let me think…. OH, how about this one? “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”? Does that qualify?
When Michael Brown was killed, before any true facts could be discerned, the width and breadth of the left seized upon the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” mantra. Even once it was proven to be a false statement, the left continues with it…. because it exemplifies the victim mentality the left wants to instill within all minority communities; then, the left can swoop in and “protect” them. Protect them with perpetual poverty, lack of jobs and high crime.
Michael Brown is the very genesis of these tragic murders and any one that perpetuates those false accusations stands alongside Sharpton, Holder and Obama as those who incite racial tension and violence to solidify their own positions. They do this with no regard for people like Wenjian Liu and Raphael Ramos (gee, I don’t remember Obama calling for more gun control after THEIR deaths) or Tywanza Sanders, Clementa Pinckney, DePayne Middleton Doctor, Sharonda Coleman Singleton, Cynthia Hurd, Susie Jackson, Ethel Lance, Myra Thompson , and Daniel Simmons, nor the countless others who don’t make the headlines and serve the greater purpose of giving he left a tragedy to shamelessly exploit.
I was very concerned that the suspect be taken alive because I wanted to know if there were any others behind it. I have begun to suspect these “swimming pool incidents” are being instigated and coordinated by those who enjoy seeing insolence turned into political capital. Of course, events could spiral out of control and someone could be hurt or killed, but then, CHA-CHING!!, political gold. It does not appear Roof was sent in to create a racial event for political gain, but I did not put it past the left to do just such a thing. Terrible, I know, but this is where we are now and, if you think me terrible for thinking such a thing, just take a look at the shoot-from-the-hip accusations made against conservatives in these events.
You find me some rhetoric from a source other than the left that, including my own, incites people to go kill people. Show me something equivalent to “put wings on pigs”, “What do we want… DEAD COPS”, “Kill white people”. As I said initially, improvements in race relations were moving along nicely; perhaps not as quickly as many would like, but it is apparent racist prejudices are eroding, on their own, due solely to people encountering and understanding other people. Making every incident into a RACIAL incident, making every statement someone makes that criticizes someone that happens to be of another race a RACIST statement creates the incentive and environment to make EVERYTHING racial and, as I also said, don’t expect this to affect only racists of color and to only incite violence upon whites; I will be very surprised to find that Roof was not affected by the ceaseless and violent rhetoric being employed by the left.
The people of South Carolina, Charleston and the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church have the right approach, and I doubt they are all either left or right. Not only should this not be turned into a racial-political circus, it should be a wake-up call to the practice of inciting such tensions over such events. Those who look within and find concern for innocent victims of a political tug-of-war will see my point. Those who do and see nothing but a dark void will keep on keeping on.
What a crock. What an utter, “F- you, hooray for me”, phony, hypocritical, self-congratulatory crock.
Did you happen to step in and speak up for the Christians demonstrating there that were cursed at, berated and physically abused for THEIR beliefs? Or, are Christians not animals that deserve mercy?
@George Wells:
No doubt. What’s more, the way Obama has performed his job has probably given that idiot reason to believe he was exactly right in his assessment. However, how prevalent you believe that attitude to be is generated within your own imagination, unless you have some data to support it.
I don’t meant to put words in your mouth, but are you saying that gun sales have spiked due to a mindset of the person you quote (who may or may not have ever existed)? Before I expand my comment on THAT, I will wait for your clarification.
Indeed. I know of ONE person, a life-long Democrat, that would not vote in either election due to the very mindset you express. I know of NOT A SINGLE Republican that uses such a criteria to base their selection. THEY based their decision on his ambiguous policies and promises (2008) and the disaster he proved to be (2012), not race. The LEFT makes it all about race.
Who first made that an issue? I’ll let you respond to that when you clarify my first question.
So, you admit racial tensions are now higher. When you respond to the first two queries, please provide the incidents that made those tensions higher and then we can discuss the apparent instigators.
It’s really difficult to fathom the depths of your self-serving and truly offensive ignorance and delusion. Michael Brown died on August 9, 2014. Do you really think no racist murders of black people occurred before then? Do you really think Dylann Roof wasn’t a white supremacist before then?
Roof in high school:
You want to erase the history of Anerica before the Obama administration and cast racism as something that didn’t exist or was dormant before being created/awakened by the left. Unfortunately for you, facts don’t support your beliefs.
Peruse at your leasure, if you have the guts.
Embracing ignorance to protect selfish self interest is a state of mind that is best kept to oneself. Otherwise one will look the fool over and over.
@Scott in Oklahoma:
Bingo — it would be reported as “nothing to see here folks – move along” just another day in the ‘hood — after all isn’t it to be expected? — like the media response to all the moo-slime atrocities around the world targeting Christains, Jews, Hindus, anybody that is not moo-slime – then they turn on other moo-slimes — all just reported by the media and absorbed by the dufus people as – “After all , it is to be expected” Or the SOB in the WH “Ft Hood — == workplace violence”
I knew some guys that went to Viet Nam and did not come back due to “workplace violence”.
Wonder if this country will ever get out of the cartoon stage and get it’s collective diaper changed?
Good point.
What the families and friends of those shot to death by Roof did was defuse any possibility of the black grievance community to ever be able to use this incident to further their personal agenda.
Their statements in court, legal in that state, illegal in others where Roof’s presumption of innocence would preclude them, united people of all races so that neither Obama, nor Sharpton could tear them apart by ”race.” (a social construct?)
As to Islam, no, the koran doesn’t even extend forgiveness to Muslims.
It has more of a scales situation.
If your ”good” Sharia deeds outweigh your ”bad” non-Sharia ones, you can get into paradise, otherwise it is hell for you.
That’s why so many Muslims die killing infidels.
They had been caught doing something against Sharia and are then emotionally blackmailed into dying by killing others as a means to even out their score.
In Islam there are ”rape rooms” for women who will be executed, lest allah be forced to allow a virgin into paradise….he’s so impotent and useless he can’t condemn her to hell without a few men raping her first.
And this explains why some groups make hit lists of women for Muslims to murder.
The Southern Poverty Law Center put up such a list recently.
Who’s on it?
Former chairwoman of the Texas Republican Party and current leader of the Texas chapter of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, Cathie Adams.
Ann Barnhardt who once burned a Koran with a bacon bookmark for a YouTube video.
Ann Coulter.
Brigitte Gabriel, a Lebanese Maronite Christian who lived in a bomb shelter for seven years “in pitch darkness, freezing cold, drinking stale water and eating grass to survive.”
Pamela Geller.
Retired New York police officer, Cathy Hinners.
Laura Ingraham is a radio talk show host, author, and ABC News contributor.
Clare Lopez, 20 years with CIA.
Jeanine Pirro is a former prosecutor, judge and elected official in New York.
Sandy Rios, a radio talk show host for the American Family Association.
Syndicated columnist and the author of two books, Diana West.
That hit list? Has anyone actually been killed?
everyday in New York City over parking spaces, I consider that possibility to have a greater reality of this muslim hit list. Oh here is the manifesto of the right wing terrorist that killed those Americans that he didn’t like. http://gawker.com/here-is-what-appears-to-be-dylann-roofs-racist-manifest-1712767241
Please note the pretty flag he is waving in the link. Should that flag be flown in public spaces?
Challenge accepted smogiie“Hold to forgiveness, command what is right, and turn away from the ignorant.” [Qur’an, 7:199] “…. But if you pardon and exonerate and forgive, Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Qur’an, 64: 14] n another verse Allah commands: “… They should rather pardon and overlook. Would you not love Allah to forgive you? Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Qur’an, 24:22]
Tom posts:
Let’s take a hard look at facts about the “black” church burnings that both Tom and The New York Magazine want to view simply through the prism of racism, shall we?
First, the Clinton era church burnings:
“Of the 670 incidents that we have investigated, 225 have involved African American churches, 163 of which are located in the southern United States.”
35.5% of the churches burned were “black” churches. And only 1/3rd of the churches burned were in the South, so much for the “Confederate battle flag” reasoning.
“Of the 308 persons arrested, 254 are white, 46 are African American, and eight are Hispanic. One hundred and nineteen people arrested were juveniles. Of the 106 suspects arrested for arsons at African American churches, 68 are white, 37 are African American and one is Hispanic. Of the 197 suspects arrested for arsons at non-African American houses of worship, 181 are white, nine are African American, and seven are Hispanic. Five of the white suspects were arrested for arsons at both African American and non-African American churches.”
Of those arrested, 15% were African-American, a percentage that is greater than their population representation.
But what about their motives? Surely it is due to a high rate of white racism against blacks, right? Wrong.
“C. Hate Group Involvement
Although there have been some cases in which members and former members of hate groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, have been convicted for arsons at houses of worship, most of the defendants were not found to be members of hate groups.”
The information from this report was provided by the federal Church Arson Task Force and presented to President Bill Clinton by Attorney General Janet Reno in October, 1998. Reno is hardly considered a right-wing radical who would try to minimize any racist component of church arsons.
Included in New York Magazine’s biased report is one black church burned in December, 2010. Such biased reporting is deliberate. The article doesn’t mention the 11 churches that were burned in January and February, 2010, all of them either white churches or churches with multi-racial congregants. And the 16 churches listed in the article, only 9 were actually burned, fewer than the 11 white/multi-racial churches burned to the ground in Jan.-Feb., 2010 in East Texas. The East Texas arsonists were Satinists, not KKKers as Tom would have you believe.
The whole “there is an epidemic of radical white racists burning down black churches” meme is a myth. More white/multi-racial churches have been burned by arsonists of all races and ethnic groups. But fact is not Tom’s friend, so he will continue to promote his own brand of racism, being, I suspect, a protégé of Paris Lewis having attended the Al Sharpton School of Hyperbole.
@Bill: Actually I had a good laugh at the bullhorn screaming evangelicals assuring all marchers they
would burn in hell. Talk about a crock of s–
As usual, you’re either mentally incapable of having a good faith debate, or simply intentionally being dishonest. I can never really tell. The title of the article I linked to is “Here’s a List of Attacks Against Black Churches in the Past 25 Years”. It is a completely rational set of information to present to Bill to combat his assertion that racial disharmony and violence began with the killing of Michael Brown. There is nothing misleading about the contents of the article – it’s all in the freakin title. So why you bringing in an entirely different data set to argue against the veracity of my post is truly headscratching. Well, except for the fact you do this all the time. You seem to think that yowling “black on black crime” and “black on white crime” are game clinching responses to the subject at hand. Except… we’re talking about something completely different. What does black on black crime have to do with the issue of white supremacist violence? No one has ever said those things you keep braying about never happen. Why on earth you think a completely separate issue somehow ameliorates the terrible murders of these people would be truly puzzling if not for your long history of making silly, dishonest arguments.
>blockquote<As usual, you’re either mentally incapable of having a good faith debate, or simply intentionally being dishonest. I can never really tell.
The title of the article I liked to is “Here’s a List of Attacks Against Black Churches in the Past 25 Years”. That’s pretty clear. So why you bringing in an entirely different data set to argue that against the veracity of my post is truly headscratching.
Because, like you, the article you “liked to” is simply an agenda driven piece of drivel. Churches were burned, many of them, but you, and your “liked to” article completely ignore that many, many more white churches were torched than black churches. It is, frankly, lousy, partisan, yellow journalism.
Actually, no. I have simply addressed your racialist statements that would lead the reader to believe that white America is killing black America in greater numbers than the reverse. Black on black crime is pervasive, but race pimps like you don’t seem to want to address it. The fact that you, and your ilk like Al Sharpton, ignore the tragic waste of black lives is disgusting.
Because your “white supremacist violence” is less frequent than you indicate.
The issue is the article you “liked” to.
Your “liked” to article didn’t address the murder of the people of the South Carolina AME church. It address violence against black churches.
If you have a problem with my critiquing your “liked” article, a) you should not have made reference to it and b) take it up with Janet Reno and her report generated by the Church Arson Task Force. Your article was dishonest, trying to give the impression that there is a spate of violence against black churches, over a course of 1/4 century, with no acknowledgement of all the white/multi-racial churches who experienced violence.
You’re a race pimp, Tom. And I find you just as despicable as I find Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan and Paris Lewis.
@Smorgasbord: I knew what you were saying. I did pull up the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics from 2013 just to get an idea of how much black people need to fear a white person going into one of their churches these days and slaughtering them. Of the 2,491 blacks who were murdered, 189 of them were murdered by whites. No break down was given as to how many of those 189 were killed in churches but I’d lay odds it wasn’t many. I’d also lay odds that the number of blacks slaughtered in churches by whites has substantially decreased since the waning of the Klan. Sorry to say, this will no doubt happen again. No doubt Roof is regarded as a hero by a very small number of people who think like him. If he fries like he should, he will no doubt become a martyr to them as well possibly inspiring even more such heinous acts.
This is not to minimize what happened in Charleston, but rather to show that equating the threat posed by white racists slaughtering blacks in churches to being alarmed by the threat posed by those in this country who support the global jihad, which in 2014 committed 13,463 acts of terror (up 35% from 2013) killing 32,727 people (up 82% from 2013), minimizes the jihad threat especially considering the enormous success the JV team known as ISIS has had, not only on the ground but in recruiting members from Western countries. As their successes mount, so will their numbers and their reach. We need to be on guard against all threats and right now the jihad threat is the largest. If we were talking post CW America and even beyond into the middle of the last century, no doubt the Klan would be the biggest domestic terror threat. But this is 2015.
Terrorists commit their crimes to instill terror. You also seem to forget that jihadis are rightwingers. Small government, religious based government, anti gay, anti women, anti abortion anti climate change (Allah gave them fossil fuels!) sounds like all right wing ideology to me
Got a problem with ISIS? Then stop pounding your keys and volunteer and head on over there and fight them, and i don’t mean enlist
Why on Earth would I talk to Janet Reno about arson? The subject at hand is murder and terrorism. I think I’m just about done with you and your unique brand of idiocy. Feel free to continue embarrassing yourself, but I no longer want to be an accomplice.
@Scott Malensek in Oklahoma #79:
I’m not sure why you might get that impression.
My comment about Obama and racism pointed to animus which existed BEFORE Obama took office. Clearly the President has failed to deliver on the promise of greatness which his soaring pre-election rhetoric hinted at, and while some of his accomplishments did deliver on actual campaign promises, his presidency has been a disappointment for his supporters and opponents alike – irrespective of his race. But that isn’t relevant to my point, which is AGREEING with (and providing a rational explanation for) Bill’s observation that racial tension in the United States has increased since Obama took office.
Obama isn’t Superman. He couldn’t throw us into a civil war over race if we weren’t already itching for that fight. And clearly, some of us are.
I might also remind you that you bothered to make this point:
“Obama couldn’t care less about his race; it is his dishonesty, his arrogance, his agenda and many other things that cause that dislike, distrust and opposition”
which pretty much discounts Obama’s race as a factor contributing to the present racial tension in America. So all this current race crap that Bill is struggling to put on Obama’s tab is just coincidence?
I think not.
@Bill #80:
Yes, I believe that’s what I said.
Let me check…
Yes, here it is:
Say it a few more times if agreeing with me makes you feel good.
Consequently, your “liking” to a New York Magazine article about violence perpetrated against black church buildings was moot, much like the rest of the venom you spew.
You’re just p!ssed because you thought you were going to claim a coup with your “liked” to article and you got caught in the deceit.
George@90… In a typical liberal effort to twist someone’s words, you quoted only half of my sentence. Here is what I actually wrote, just in case you are too stupid to see an whole sentence:
“Everyone I know, without exception, that opposes Obama couldn’t care less about his race; it is his dishonesty, his arrogance, his agenda and many other things that cause that dislike, distrust and opposition.”
In the future, should you decide to quote me, I would suggest you make the quote accurate, instead of trying to twist my words to fit your agenda.
@Scott Malensek in Oklahoma #93:
How remarkably fortunate that you live in Oklahoma and have never met bigoted racist.
You must live an extraordinarily sheltered life.
@George #94… Your assumptions prove your ignorance, and your bigotry.
The south is full of racists and easily accessible guns while right wing media hammers hateful crap into the heads of uninformed losers.
Ahhh yes, just what we need. Another liberal bigot spewing lies and deceit.
JisterJ, go back under the rock you came from.