The eerie parallels between Roseburg and Sandy Hook
The parallels between Roseburg and Sandy Hook are eerie. I mean really eerie. A mass murder Mass shooting murders took place in Sandy Hook CT and Roseburg OR A …
The parallels between Roseburg and Sandy Hook are eerie. I mean really eerie. A mass murder Mass shooting murders took place in Sandy Hook CT and Roseburg OR A …
I lit up my smart phone this morning and opened the link to Drudge and blurted out “Oh no, oh no, oh no.” As the facts of the horrible …
The Hartford Courant reports that the Connecticut legislature is going to disclose its proposed new gun laws. Among the proposals is the banning of high capacity magazines. The proposed compromise …
After tragedies there is often a call for action – any action- regardless of how ineffective it might be. This week Wayne LaPierre of the NRA made a speech in …