“I wanted to give space to those who wished to destroy” said Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.
Mayor Blake seems confused.
“I made it very clear that I work with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech. It’s a very delicate balancing act.”
Since when does the right to exercise free speech include the right to destroy the property of others?
As one might expect that balancing act went awry as Mayor Blake has shown herself to be entirely clueless:
MAYOR RAWLINGS-BLAKE: What we see tonight that is going on in our city is very disturbing. It is very clear there is a difference between what we saw over the past week with the peaceful protests, those who wish to seek justice, those who wish to be heard, and want answers and the difference between those protests and the thugs who only want to incite violence and destroy our city.
I’m a life-long resident of Baltimore and too many people have spent generations building up this city for it to be destroyed by thugs who in a very senseless way are trying to tear down what so many have fought for. Tearing down businesses. Tearing down and destroying property, things that we know will impact our community for years. We are deploying every resource possible to gain control of the situation and to ensure peace moving forward.
I chuckled when I read that statement. When is it not senseless to wantonly destroy what so many have fought for?
Mayor Blake gave the Baltimore police a stand down order. The result? At least 15 cops have been injured. There are reports about calls for killing “all white police officers”:
Law enforcement intelligence officials have put out a warning that someone has sent a text calling on people to kill “all white police officers” in reaction to the death of Freddie Gray while in Baltimore police custody, raising fears violence could spread nationally, according to safety memos obtained by The Washington Times.
Officers are being warned of possible ambushes and urged to change travel patterns and to tone down clothes or emblems that identify them as police.
The Baltimore police department separately put out a press release on Monday saying various gangs, including the Black Guerrilla Family, Bloods and Crips “have entered into a partnership to ‘take out’ law enforcement.”
Watch as the Governor of Maryland does his absolute best to protect the incompetent Mayor of Baltimore from the CNN idiot known as Don Lemon.
After a while both the Mayor and the Governor had had enough of him and walked off.
Watch as the media tries to blame the Governor and watch the Governor smack them down (at about 9 minutes in) (Video courtesy of The Last Refuge)
It goes without saying that what happened to Freddie Gray needs to be investigated and if wrongdoing is found those responsible need to be punished appropriately. It would be nice if people would wait for justice to take its course instead of engaging in actions that only do harm to all kinds of relations.
De Blasio in New York set the stage for this terrible episode by allowing protesters to block bridges and shut down commerce. What’s happening in Baltimore is the next step in the evolution of the destruction of law enforcement in this country.
Once again, Obama is AWOL. He should be on TV demanding that violence stop. That’s what a leader does. But our feckless President is not a leader. That or he supports this.
Reminder: Obama spoke in tribute to Trayvon Martin. Obama sent two aides to Michael Brown’s funeral. He sent three aides to Freddie Gray’s funeral.
He’s never said a word about Chris Kyle.
So Mayor Rawlings-Blake, what’s next?
Do you plan on giving the lawless space to kill cops?
Who do you expect to pay for the destruction you permitted?
Would you grant the space to destroy your own home?
Inquiring minds want to know. Thus far you’ve done a fabulous job of wrecking the city. Knowing you give “space” to those who want to destroy who the hell would ever want to go there again?
But hold the presses! She now says she didn’t say what she said.
“The fact that people exploited that does not mean that I do not have an obligation to protect people’s right to protest. I never said, nor would I ever say, that we are giving people space to destroy our city. So my words should not be twisted.”
OK, let’s again examine her exact words:
“ It’s a very delicate balancing act because while we try to make sure that they (protestors) were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.”
Over at Bloomberg Politics, Dave Weigel calls it a “botched quote.”
Like hell it was. One is free to opine what she really meant but she sure as hell said what was reported. It might be a botched statement but it absolutely not a botched quote.
If the report of an order to the police by the Mayor to stand down is correct, then nothing about the above statement is botched.
Predictably, Obama chose to use the riots as another opportunity to bash Republicans. He and the left blame poverty for violence. That’s pure stupidity. It’s an excuse. My father grew up dirt poor in Greenpoint, Brooklyn and not for one second would he have been allowed to burn down the pharmacy or throw rocks at cops no matter what happened.
This is a cultural problem. It’s a democrat problem. Countless billions have been spent on the “war on poverty” and all that has been accomplished is to create more poverty. After six years in office, all Obama has done is increase poverty. If Obama really cared about poverty he’d stop doing all he can to make Wall St. bankers and hedge fund traders and aspiring Presidential candidates with Foundations astronomically wealthy.
Hey Hillary- why doesn’t the Clinton Foundation spend some money in Baltimore?
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
bloomburg when he was mayor dropped over $65 million in federal and state funding to enhance black gang firepower. douche bag’s administration has no accountability for the monies.
One has to understand that mayor stephanie rawlings-blake and the chief of police are brainless democrats who floated to the top of the cesspool. But what can you expect form a low life attorney who has had her head in the obama’s rectum for years.
She will kill more people –especially all you crackers
How can reporters say such a thing as this is a botched quote?
She ACTED in 100% accord with her quote!
She ordered her police to give space while demonstrators destroyed.
Her quote and her actions agreed.
Now, what about this rumor:
Freddie Gray had an auto accident 1&1/2 weeks before he resisted arrest by fleeing police.
His NECK was broken and a surgery to try to fuse several of his cervical (neck) vertebra was attempted but failed.
IF this story (see Conservative Treehouse) turns out to be true he had a pre-existing condition well before he went in that Paddy Wagon.
And, if my own brother’s broken neck forms any basis for comparison, he should have been doing bed rest and wearing a brace.
Oh, well.
So, if this turns out to have contributed to Freedie’s death it means black victim memes are batting zero……
His hands were NOT up.
His neck was NOT broken IN police custody.
We’ll see….
Nanny G: Like most of these unfortunate events the truth doesn’t matter and will eventually be buried on page 8.
Kind of like England and France telling Hitler he can have part of Czechoslovakia if he will just get it out of his system and leave them alone.
@Nanny G:
That’s just what liberals say when stupidity is exposed and verified; if they cannot simply deny it happened.
It was also reported that after cuffing Grey and putting him in the van, they had to stop and put on ankle chains as well. Apparently, he was acting up considerably. IF he had a prior neck injury, he could have caused the lethal injury himself, or it could have happened in the course of the cops taking him down after he ran. But, never mind that; when one wants new shoes or more whiskey, there is no time to wait for an excuse to be eliminated with facts. Remember: “Let no crisis go to waste”.
She’s not the least bit confused. What we just saw is a clear demonstration of how difficult it can be to to balance freedom of speech and freedom of assembly with the need to maintain civil order.
I suppose you could maintain order and protect private and public property by putting a man with a machine gun on every corner. That’s always an alternative to less draconian measures that can never be 100 percent effective.
and to add on to this, she is a close friend of the obamas. enough said.
Let’s see….
Freedom of speech and freedom of assembly does NOT mean mobs should be permitted to take over streets and block traffic (especially, but not limited to, emergency traffic) while they maraud aimlessly up and down randomly chosen streets for hours screaming incitements to onlookers.
She was confused if she, even for one minute, thought people had a ”right” to do that.
Her holding police back from keeping the peace was a huge mistake that could have cost someone his life.
She did cost over 140 people their vehicles.
And she did cost over a dozen businesses their properties.
So how much of your personal property and livelihood are you willing to sacrifice to these kinds of protests in the cause of freedom of speech? Those in the firing line were not given a choice as the looters were given space to loot by the local government. You should move there and offer up the fruits of your life’s work up for the cause.
@Greg: Well, let’s put it this way. Let’s say I know where you live, Greg, and you have posted something that incites me (doesn’t matter at all if you MEANT to incite of if it even legitimately incites… I am incited and that’s all that matters). So, I come over and bust your windshield out of your car. You come out and say, “What the hell are you doing?!?” I say, “Free speech, 1st Amendment. It’s how I express myself.”
You, of course, reply, “Oh. OK. It’s OK by me, because that’s your right to destroy my property if you are upset about something.”
And, that’s that. Right?
@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, you break the law you go to jail!! THAT is how our legal system works!! It is disgusting for a Mayor to approve of destruction of private property period!!
@Enchanted: I believe Obama and the Mayor called the rioters thugs and law breakers.Do you have a problem with that? Some do.
@rich wheeler:
The mayor of Baltimore has now apologized for the use of the term “thug”. Seems “thug” is now politically incorrect and a dog whistle for “black.”
A Sheriff in Wicomico County who is also a Sergeant with the Maryland State Police, Michael Lewis, joined Baltimore PD to help during the first night of looting and arson.
He went on radio and said this:
Lewis added that after the riots many officers told him they were done being cops in the city and how heartbroken they are that they were not allowed to defend their city and stop businesses from burning.
Audio here:
How will Baltimore pay for the 144 cars and trucks stolen and burned that night?
How will Baltimore replace a CVS so local residents will have a Pharmacy?
How will Baltimore repay all those homes and businesses destroyed by looters and arsonists?
They will get US taxpayers to cover the costs.
That’s you.
@rich wheeler:
I have a problem with them rationalizing the violence and thuggery with blaming others for the plight of the blacks. I have a problem with Obama talking about how a young man should not “have his spine snapped” before he knows what the details are. Blaming the police for Grey’s death is at this point is just as unjust as blaming Grey for his own death, though details are coming to light that might clear some of this up.
Why can’t Obama ever be a LEADER and denounce the violence without promoting a political agenda by blaming an event he does not even know how it happened on political adversaries. But, if we have not seen that in 6 years, we aren’t likely to ever see it.
Bill: great post about leadership ,and/or lack of with President44.Which brings to mind the Vietnam Vet who scolded the looters ,””…I am an American…go home ..study complete your homework….” Perhaps, President 44 should hire him as a Leadership Advisor.
Good to point out: it was Obama and the black, liberal mayor who called te looters, arsonists, rioters and car thieves ”thugs.”
I caught a black man being interviewed on Fox News who was all upset as if Fox News called black criminals ”thugs.”
When the reporter pointed out it was NOT Fox News that said it but it was Obama and the mayor the black man got all mumbly and incoherent.
@Nanny G, #7:
She didn’t say people had any right to do that. The difficult question of balance has to with what freedom people are willing to give up to prevent such things from happening.
Should she have suspended the right of free assembly and used whatever force was necessary to impose that suspension? Should the cops have opened fire on suspected looters, making on-the-spot decisions to kill people to protect property? What would be happening now all across the nation if people had been shot down on the streets?
As a result of her restraint, there have so far been no people killed and no serious injuries. Things could have gone far, far worse. The mayor didn’t cause the bad things that did happen. She’s deserving of support and credit, not blame.
And you would have done what, Gullible Greggie, to prevent the looting of stores, the burning of cars and the newly built senior center and the burning of one man’s home? Exactly how would you have prevented that?
You’re an idiot.
Sorry, looting stores during a riot is not “free expression”. It is criminal activity. How does trashing a store, stealing clothes, booze, breaking into a safe and arson express anything other than, “I am a lawless thug”?
The looted stores had NOTHING to do with the death of Freddy Grey. Why on earth would any business reopen after this chaos knowing the idiot mayor gave a stand down order to the police, and making such insanely stupid comments about “giving room to destroy”?
I have no problem with police shooting looters on sight. You choose to be a lawless thug, you have no one to blame for the consequences of your actions but yourself.
Nobody has said that looting stores during a riot is free expression. It was just one possible consequence of not curtailing freedom of speech and freedom of assembly at the first sign of trouble. Should freedom of speech and assembly be curtailed to reduce such a possibility?
Maybe an analogy will help: Would it be an example of the exercise of Second Amendment rights if one person shoots and kills another because he thinks he has been insulted?
Suppose there have been several such recent incidents. Should everyone’s Second Amendment rights be curtailed to prevent it from happening again? Are you going to fault authorities for not taking such steps when it does happen again?
It’s always necessary to find a proper balance between protecting civil rights and protecting social order. That balance point will never provide perfect order. That’s a trade off required to have freedom.
We can’t allow the police to consider themselves on-the-spot judges of who it’s OK to shoot. That’s the sort of attitude that has resulted in angry citizens taking to the streets to protest. I suppose if you’re looking to declare open season on law enforcement personnel, it would be a step in that direction.
Well, Gullible Greggie, as usual, you ignored my question. What’s the matter, couldn’t you find an answer on one of those far left websites you seem to frequent since you link them so often?
Just what would you have done to prevent the looting, the burning of 104 cars, the destruction of the newly built senior center and the burning of a black man’s home?
Come on, Gullible Greggie, surely you have an answer or are you an idiot?
@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, typical liberal wacko response. Maybe between doing nothing and opening fire on the crowd there is an acceptable medium. Maybe tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and oh yes arresting those who break the law and destroy personal property!! Of course typical wacko you go off the deep end to try and make a ridiculous point. Analogy ridiculous as usual Greggie!!
No, it isn’t so difficult. As long as people assemble and shout, wave signs and protest, they are just fine. Once they begin pelting police with rocks, bricks and bottles, burning and looting property, that is no longer a protest; it is an assault and must be stopped by whatever means. Now, thanks to the self-serving inciting by cowards such as Sharpton, Soros and Obama, it will take deaths to teach these mindless mobs that there are consequences to acting like a mindless mob.
That is, of course, precisely what the left is attempting. You, however, never answered MY analogy.
However, cops ARE allowed, even REQUIRED to make on-the-spot judgments. As with the cop that ran down the lunatic carrying a rifle and shooting randomly, a judgment must be made to take lethal action for the safety of the community. If a cop sees someone firing into a crowd, they are OBLIGATED to stop that by whatever means. The same goes for rampaging THUGS. If laws and warnings do not stop the wanton and inexcusable destruction of public and private property which ENDANGERS LIVES then the police and/or National Guard are OBLIGATED to stop it, by lethal means if necessary. Yes, that IS a judgment.
Not true at all, Greg.
A baby (Asian) had to be hospitalized for smoke inhilation after police and fire failed to respond to over 50 calls by its parents that their store (which they lived above) had been set on fire.
A pizza man (also Asian) was doused with lighter fluid and had several lighters thrown at him while he tried to stop the looting and arson of his pizza shop. he called police over 100 times and intends to get a gun IF he stays in Baltimore.
A body has been found in a truck near the burned up CVS drug store. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-suspicious-death-20150501-story.html
Two men who were fatally shot Wednesday in Baltimore:
•Andre Hunt, 28, of the 600 block of Woodgreen Circle was fatally shot in the 3800 block of Liberty Heights Ave.
•Davon William Johnson, 26, was killed in the 500 block of Edgewood St. He lived in the block, police said.
Five more people were shot in Baltimore Thursday night as the violence in west Baltimore surged.
So, you’re wrong and so was she to order emergency responders to ”stand down.”
You must be either drunk or high to have written the following incredibly stupid statement:
You cannot POSSIBLY be that obtuse, Greg. Honestly, are you so brainwashed by leftist drivel that you cannot see how catastrophically moronic your bogus analogy is? Really? Have you no shame at all?
I will play your stupid game, Greg, just to show you how phenomenally stupid your post is. Honestly, I cannot get over the fact that something so blatantly idiotic was actually thought of, typed out, then posted…you HAD to be drunk or high.
The 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is not, nor ever has been, a license to shoot someone for any reason whatsoever. For you to even suggest such an asinine point as an analogy to the worthless vermin thugs rioting and looting in Baltimore demonstrates the mental illness and total lack of cognitive functioning of the leftist mind.
What your post shows is that you are actually so lost in the dementia of leftist insanity that you are DEFENDING the worthless vermin thugs who are rioting, looting and burning their own city, as if such criminal behavior is justified because another criminal thug died in police custody. And to have Asshat Al Sharpton calling for DOJ to nationalize all local police forces, a la Nazi Germany, is just plain evil.
In a sane world, no one would be arguing that the 1st Amendment protection of freedom of speech requires that mobs be permitted to riot, loot and burn down private businesses. The fact that people like you exist – writing such deluded nonsense which you seem to (mis)perceive as divine wisdom – heralds the oncoming demise of our once great constitutional republic, and stands as clear justification for a secessionist movement. There is no reasoning with the insane left. You have given birth to your secular religion, and have enslaved your mind to complete crap. Fine. Split the country in 2, and let all us conservatives move to one part, and you leftists can have your part. Keep Cali, NY, DC and Illinois. We want nothing to do with your insipid, unworkable and utterly failed political, social and economic philosophy. You are so damned convinced of your leftist ideological superiority, then have at it in your own damned country. We conservatives will be more than happy to follow our own path in our own country, without being dragged down by your dementia.
@Bill: For the most part I agree with you—except– shoot a person who throws a rock at you while you are shielded and wearing body armor. No sir.This is not in the training manual.
Personally I think the Mayor and the D.A. are pretty sharp gals.
Bill and Rich (#’s 23 and 26) When police use their judgement it means NOT ”this or that” ( a false dilemma fallacy) but something on a continuum between ”this or that.”
In other words, if a person trows a rock (a deadly weapon) at another person something should be done, perhaps short of shooting the rock thrower.
That’s why so many PDs have officers carrying bean bag guns, tasers and even ”billy” clubs.
Years ago a man came after me with a bat.
A patrol car happened to be driving up behind him and saw an assault about to happen.
The officer ran up behind the man with his billy club and prevented the attack.
The would-be attacker was struck several times then cuffed.
How often will Rich use a false dilemma fallacy when the truth is far more nuanced?
There is no reasoning with the insane left. You have given birth to your secular religion, and have enslaved your mind to complete crap. Fine.
Take a look at the cities in which the school system is failing the children, crime/murder rates are the highest, unemployment is the highest and income “inequality” is the greatest, something the left is constantly blathering about and what do they ALL have in common? They are cities that have been run by Democrats for decades. When was the last time Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Baltimore had a Republican mayor or a Republican held city council? Instead, these are cities that, in many cases, have their mayor’s office, their city councils and their school boards loaded with Democrats who are also black. How can the problems in those cities be laid at the feet of either the police, or whites?
Remember the mantra of the left in the ’60’s “Can’t we all just get along?” Obviously not. How do you get along with a segment of the society that, since the death of Dr. King, has been fed the line that every problem they have is the fault of “whitey” and they are nothing more than victims of white “privilege?” Last night I heard a black woman claim that she been held down socially since the day she was freed. How many of those blacks protesting were ever slaves? How many of their parents, or even grandparents, were ever slaves?
This, Baltimore, Ferguson, Philadelphia and New York, is what we get when we hand out more and more free stuff to those who refuse to be personally responsible. We have created a second “slave” class beholding to Daddy Government. Designed and presented to us by liberal policies that continue to fail.
“So, why riot in Baltimore? The answer is that for some people facts and reason don’t matter. It’s about anger, excitement, disruption. Some call it a “subculture.” Others say these are “at-risk youth.” Still others call it the “underclass.” But the 800-pound elephant in the room is the absence of fathers — responsible, involved fathers. Obama has said that a child growing up without a father is 20 times more likely to end up in jail. Today over 70 percent of black children are born to unwed mothers compared to 25 percent in the 1965.”
If a white man were to say that, he would be pilloried by the lame stream media. He would be accused to heaping even more insult on a segment of our society that has been victimized.
We tried the “great experiment.” It is failing. Perhaps it is time to allow the left, and their failed policies, to go their own way. Just don’t call us conservatives to bail them out when they continue to fail.
Pete and 05 You guys and gals can have Texas with Cruz and Perry–Then you can win as many “national” elections as you wanna have.
@rich wheeler:
As you mock my state, the state with the best economic record in the nation when it comes to jobs and economic development, odd, isn’t it, Rich, that the only cities with problems of income “inequality” are two cities run by Democrats? Would you like to compare Texas with your own failed state of California?
Why should we conservatives be forced to support your party’s failed policies? Why should we be burdened with those who hate us? Was it the failed policies of conservatives that caused a black man to stab, 14 times, an off-duty police officer who was doing security at Wal-Mart? His family said he was “upset” by Baltimore. Now that LEO is facing losing one of her arms. Where are the protests in the white neighborhoods, the burning, looting and torching homes? How “privileged” do you think that white police officer felt as she was being stabbed, repeatedly, until average citizens pulled the black guy off her, cuffing him and holding him down until HPD arrived to arrest him?
You can mock my state all you want (which is hypocritical on your part considering the sorry state of affairs in California with Governor Moonbeam) but you will never see homes burned to the ground and businesses looted in Texas because anyone who tries that will take damage to their center mass.
The responsibility for what we are seeing in Ferguson and Baltimore is YOUR fault and the fault of YOUR party. Your party has convinced the black community they are nothing more than victims, and being victims absolves them from all personal responsibility.
You, and others like you, are not the solution. You, and others like you, are the problem.
@Pete, #25:
Correct. And the First Amendment–which forbids the abridgment of free speech and the right to freely and peaceably assemble, among other things—has never been a license to loot stores, throw rocks at police, and burn down buildings.
The analogy didn’t stop there. A question follows: At what point is it acceptable to you to have such fundamental rights curtailed, in order to guarantee civil order?
If you’re the mayor, and you don’t want a mob of looters to exploit the situation, you pretty much have to prevent them from assembling to begin with. There’s really no way for the police to effectively separate them from the cover of a crowd of marching protesters. When moving crowds have assembled and police have assembled, you’re not going to be able to address situations popping up all over the map.
So, there were choices and trade offs: The mayor could either lock down the community, preventing peaceable assembly and demonstration, or let people exercise their fundamental rights at the risk that certain elements will take advantage of the situation. She tried for a balance. People were allowed to speak and march. An irresponsible element took advantage of the situation, but no one was seriously injured or killed. The outcome could have been far worse.
Greg, protesting peaceably is NOT want the thugs in Baltimore were doing. There was even a photo of a line of black men standing in front of the Baltimore police, siding with them against the looters. There are nonlethal means of handling looters which others have already mentioned that could have been – but were not employed – due to the idiot mayor giving a stand down order. Peaceably protesting is not a crime. Looting and arson most certainly are, and there is no excuse for the mayor to have allowed such chaos to unfold. Once a thug declares himself as such via the commission of criminal acts, I don’t care if he gets tazed, gassed or shot by the authorities. Permitting such mayhem with the excuse that “at least nobody got hurt” ignores the 14 cops who were injured – 2 of whom were critically injured – as well as the business owners whose shops were looted and destroyed making them unlikely to reopen. This adds to loss of employment in the city, and makes it harder for the local population to obtain those lost goods and services previously provided by the looted businesses, who again had NOTHING to do with the death of Freddy Gray.
Some people are just looking for a way to politically exploit events. The mayor of Baltimore isn’t at fault. She had a very difficult situation to deal with, and dealt with it as well as anyone could have.
People in the community are understandably angry. A young black man got arrested for no good reason and somehow wound up dead in police custody. It’s part of a pattern. The fact that looting occurred in the aftermath isn’t really the issue. It’s an attempt to change the subject. So is trying to turn the mayor into a culprit.
@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, once again I’m calling you out for proof!! You say this guy was arrested for “no good reason”, prove you point!! Once again you have NO clue just flapping your gums!! The Mayor of Baltimore failed her community!! If you had a business which living in your mothers basement is not, you would feel differently if she said oh well you can destroy this house because you angry!! You are really a moron!!
@rich wheeler: Rich, could happen. Obolacare has given control of the legislature back to Republicans and with Hilldabeast as the best effort of the Democrats, this one ain’t over yet!!
@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, which constitutional amendment allows for the destruction of private property?? The Mayor failed to protect her citizens and their property!!
About what? Their failed schools that are run by Democrats? Or perhaps their failed City Hall that is run by Democrats? Or maybe they’re just angry because they want to deal drugs and the cops try to prevent that?
Most people would be embarrassed to be as big an idiot as you are, Gullible Greggie, but you seem to be immune to shame. Freddy Gray was a know heroin dealer with a long, long record. He was being stopped in the same alley he was known to have dealt drugs before. He ran. Innocent people don’t run from the police when they have nothing to hide.
What pattern? The pattern of blacks destroying their own neighborhoods and then whining because their neighborhoods are crap?
That statement right there shows how damn stupid you leftists are. The looting isn’t the issue? Tell that to the store owners who were looted.
Damn, Gullible Greggie, have you no shame?
Is this worse than the cross border invasion of kids with meadles ?
Retiree05 maybe they are angry because no good Republicans choose to teach in those schools
Maybe you should volunteer to go there and help instead if expecting Obama or anyone else to fix the problem
Golly gosh golly, Greg, you think so? You think there are actually people that would stoop THAT low?
Like the Right Reverend Al? Or Marilyn Mosby says she brought charges because she heard the riotous voices of the black mobs? That is a bit politically driven, wouldn’t you think? I have no problem with the officers being charged; hopefully (against all odds) they can get fair trials. However, charging the driver of the van with “wanton depraved disregard” for life and with 2nd Degree murder for not buckling in Gray (a new regulation just instituted in April) pretty much explains just how much “justice” is contained in the charges. Certainly no political motivation to be found here. Anyone that evokes what happened to Michael Brown in this discussion (as Mosby did) has no credibility whatsoever as it obviously is their view that if a criminal is black, they should be exempt from any responsibility.
And, Greg, after such explosive charges are leveled, what happens if they are found innocent? You should probably start working on your lame excuses for thuggish violence (yeah, I am going to start using “thug” whenever I can) right now; your going to need a lot of them.
Yeah, it’s part of a pattern of blacks committing the vast majority of crimes and often violently resisting arrest.
No, it’s exploiting an excuse to steal from people who work for a living. Nothing more.
There will be mitigation as jurors are shown how prisoners in these vans attepmt to bite or spit on officers who get too close.
And to buckle a prisoner in requires getting REALLY close.
So, good catch that this is a NEW regulation.
But my question is: how can Mosby take her case to court after her assistant, Bledso defrauded the public media by naming this Donta Allen as if he was IN the van when Freddie Gray was transporting to the PD.
He was NOT the 38-year old male who was picked up for violating a protective order as the WaPo article accurately defines the ear-witness.
Donta Allen is a 19-year old friend or associate of Freddie Gray who dealt drugs with him and was probably with Freddie before he ran from police.
Bledso’s lesbian partner is the reporter who ”broke” the story that he was the ear-witness.
A total fabrication and lie to help the inflame the public and back up Mosby’s version of events.
For lots of details and proof on this:
Now, how on earth can Ms Mosby get around her lie in court?
When the cases are tried (IF they are) her lie will be exposed by the defense attys.
Once you lie one time, there’s no reason to EVER trust you to tell the truth later.
That’s said in court all the time.
But it usually is about a witness, not the Prosecutor.
@Bill: Bill, Greggie is a lost cause. At best he is humorous with his unfounded accusations when all he need do is look in the mirror!! I guess for Baltimore it’s the pot calling the kettle black!!
@John: Oh, trust me, NO ONE expects Obama to do anything but his usual… make the problem worse.
These people are mad because the government is not giving them everything people that work hard earn. Due to that “victim” mindset, every time a black person is treated in a way they, in their victimized way of thinking, believe is unfair, they go “shopping” for the things denied them.
Obama ain’t fixing that.
@Nanny G: Just as with Obama’s inflammatory and ignorant statements, these lies will, if justice is served, result in more and more intense violence. But, liberals don’t care how much violence and destruction there is because, like poverty itself, it serves their political purpose… as long as people are too stupid to realize the source of it all.
Perhaps you would like to explain how any teacher in the Baltimore school district, with a Democrat for Superintendent and an entirely Democrat school board, who are, btw, all black, would be allowed to teach conservative values to his/her students? Or are you admitting that all those Democrats have failed the students under their care? That would be a beginning, for the Democrats to admit they failed.
I did my time. 23 months, to the day, in southern Mississippi after Katrina hit helping others rebuild their lives and their homes. Many of those people helped were (tah-dah) black., Oddly enough, it wasn’t all the self-serving liberals that were there during those dark days. It was mostly Christian conservatives who had a desire to help their fellow Americans. Democrats, and you liberal progressives, only seem capable of talking the talk, not walking the walk.
You did see the mugshots of the 6 officers charged over Gray’s death, right? And noticed that 3 of them were black?
Saying that the looting and arson are irrelevant is gobsmackingly stupid. Believing the mayor’s incompetent stand down order was anything other than craven lack of leadership is insane. How much policing is going to occur in Baltimore after the manner in which this chaos has been handled? How many entrepeneurs, other than pimps and drug dealers, are going to want to do business in a city so poorly policed?
@Pete: The strange thing is, Dimocrats are in total control of Baltimore but somehow they want to blame white Republicans for all their problems. They should be looking in a mirror.