This could blow the Obama regime apart

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As a candidate on 2008 Obama claimed to support whistleblowers. His website claimed that whistleblowing events were “acts of courage and patriotism” that “should be encouraged rather than stifled as they have been during the Bush administration.”

If back then we had used our Obama Bullshit Decoder Ring and applied DrJohn’s Law, we would have known how that was going to go.

The Obama regime has conducted a war on whistleblowers like none in history. It’s so aggressive that even Common Dreams says the Obama administration has reached “a new low.”

“The Sterling case…sends a clear message to people in government service: You won’t get in trouble as long as you do what you’re told (even torture people). But if you talk to a reporter and tell him something we want kept secret, we will spare no effort to destroy you.”

Without a doubt. It echoes a Sharyl Atikisson remark. Atkisson said

If you cross this administration with perfectly accurate reporting they don’t like, you will be attacked and punished. You and your sources may be subjected to the kind of surveillance devised for enemies of the state.

Enter Jay Dobyns

Dobyns was a highly decorated Firearms Special Agent of the ATF. He penetrated the Hells Angels gang as an undercover operative. Dobyns’ work put a number of the gang in prison and he made enemies.

Threats were made against Dobyns and his family:

Approximately a year after Operation Black Biscuit concluded beginning in 2004 through 2008, Dobyns and ATF became aware of credible and substantial violent threats against him and his family. Those threats included plans to murder him either with a bullet or by injecting him with the AIDS virus, kidnapping and torturing his then 15-year-old daughter and kidnapping his wife in order to videotape a gang rape of her. Dobyns and ATF also learned contracts were solicited between the Hells Angels, the Aryan Brotherhood and the MS-13 gang to carry out these threats.

During Operation Black Biscuit, Dobyns operated as a special field agent under ATF Phoenix Field Office management. At the time of the threats, that management team included Special Agent in Charge of the ATF Phoenix Field Division William Newell, Assistant Special Agent in Charge George Gillett and ATF Deputy Assistant Director William McMahon, who served as Newell’s direct supervisor at the time. All were intimately involved in Operation Fast and Furious. Newell and McMahon have both testified before the House Oversight Committee regarding their roles in the lethal gun trafficking operation that deliberately put over 2,000 high powered weapons into the hands of ruthless Mexican drug cartels and allowed those weapons to be lost south of the border.

Dobyns wanted the threats taken seriously. There were not.

Dobyns reported these threats to Special Agent in Charge William Newell, asking for protection for his family. The threats were based in Arizona and Dobyns lived in Arizona at the time. Newell was in charge of investigating and handling all threats made against agents working out of the ATF Phoenix Field Office. The threats were ignored. When Dobyns essentially “blew the whistle” on Newell, pointing out his failures to address violent death threats against a federal agent, he was retaliated against. Newell dismissed the threats and then covered up his blatant dismissal of those threats within the Phoenix Field Office.

It got worse.

On top of ignoring death threats, recently Dobyns’ house was set on fire at 3 a.m. with his wife, son and daughter sleeping inside in a confirmed act of arson. It is suspected members of the Hells Angels, or close associates of the gang carried out the arson in retaliation of Dobyns’ undercover work.

The ATF then tried to frame Dobyns

When Dobyns reported the incident to both ATF and Newell. He asked for an investigation into the case. Newell not only refused to investigate, calling the incident “just scorching,” but allowed his subordinates, including Gillett, to attempt to frame Dobyns, accusing him of purposely burning down his own home with his family inside, has named him as a suspect and is investigating him. Newell conspired to destroy and fabricate evidence to “prove” his case. Emails, witness testimony, phone conversations and other documentation show the ATF Phoenix Field Divisions’ intentions, led by Newell, were to frame Dobyns, yet Newell denied under oath any involvement in this activity. His subordinates Gillett and ATF Tucson Group Supervisor over Operation Wide Receiver Charles Higman, also denied any attempts to frame Dobyns under oath, despite evidence showing otherwise.

Why does this matter?

Newell was the brainchild of Operation Fast and Furious in the ATF Phoenix Field office. Newell is also the agent who was in regular contact with a member of the White House national security team, Kevin O’Reilly, about the lethal program. Newell also said he would conduct Operation Fast and Furious again, despite two Americans and hundreds of innocent Mexicans dead as a result of the program.

Newell used Dobyns as a test run, to see just how much he could get away with in his management position within ATF before getting reprimanded. Considering nobody was held accountable for the mistakes made in handling death threats against Dobyns, Newell knew he had the green light to do whatever he wanted, at the highest levels of corruption. The Dobyns case empowered him. Newell was protected and defended for ignoring violent death threats against a federal agent, he had free reign to do what he wanted. This gave Newell everything he needed to get away with Operation Fast and Furious, which started in Fall 2009.

Dobyns sought financial damages and was awarded $173,000 by Judge Francis Allegra:

The case centers on Dobyns’ claim that ATF supervisors failed to adhere to a previous agreement to properly protect him following death threats made over his undercover work in the outlaw motorcycle gang.

In the voided decision, Allegra awarded Dobyns $173,000 after finding that supervisors improperly withdrew his covert identification and misdirected an investigation into an arson — and possible murder attempt — that destroyed his house in Tucson in 2008.

But then Allegra voided his decision. And this is where it gets really interesting. There is strong suspicion of fraud on the part of Department of Justice lawyers. The belief is strong enough that Allegra banned the DOJ attorneys from filing any more documents in his court:

A federal judge suspects that seven attorneys representing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives committed fraud in the case of a retired federal agent who infiltrated the Hells Angels motorcycle gang in Arizona.

Court of Federal Claims Judge Francis Allegra banned the attorneys from filing documents in his court, and he ordered additional hearings to investigate the attorneys’ actions, essentially creating a trial within a trial.

The accusations are spelled out in newly unsealed court documents in the case involving former federal agent Jay Dobyns, a onetime University of Arizona football star who sued the ATF for improperly handling threats against him following his undercover stint with the Hells Angels.

The judge previously ruled in Dobyns’ favor, but withdrew his own decision after learning about the ATF attorneys’ conduct.

Allegra also found evidence of intimidation:

The controversy began after someone burned down the home of Dobyns. Dobyns claimed the ATF failed to protect his family, but the agency claimed Dobyns burned down his own home, a charge he denied. Dobyns then sued the ATF in U.S. Federal Claims Court for damaging his reputation and retaliation.

That’s when Justice Department lawyers got involved. In the ruling from last month, Allegra found a key witness in the trial said he was threatened by another ATF agent – and that ATF lawyers told the threatened agent not to tell the judge about it.

“[ATF lawyers] ordered the agent in question not to communicate the threat to the court and stated that there would be repercussions if the agent did not follow counsel’s instructions,” Judge Allegra said in his ruling.

The judge also noted that a tape recording indicates that multiple DOJ lawyers knew about misconduct and did not inform the judge.

Allegra also took a most unusual and serious action:

In a newly unsealed, Dec. 1, 2014, court ruling that legal experts said was highly unusual, Allegra accused seven Justice Department lawyers of “fraud upon the court, banned them from making any further filings in the case and took the unusual step of directly notifying Attorney General Eric Holder.

“In 40 years of legal practice, government and private, I’ve never seen that done,” said David Hardy, a constitutional law expert who formerly worked in the U.S. Solicitor General’s Office.

The unsealed opinion read:

“[T]he court … issued an order voiding the prior judgment based upon indications that the defendant [ATF], through its counsel, had committed fraud on the court,” Allegra wrote. “[F]raud on the court consists of conduct: 1. On the part of an officer of the court; 2. That is directed to the ‘judicial machinery’ itself; 3. That is intentionally false, willfully blind to the truth, or is in reckless disregard for the truth; 4. That is positive averment or is concealment when one is under duty to disclose; 5. That deceives the court.”

Tim Steller of the Arizona Daily Star wrote:

“You can’t read the few filings that have been unsealed in the case without wondering why the Justice Department is going to such extremes and spending so much on what is, at base, a relatively minor contractual dispute that could have ended years ago.”

Arizona lawyer David Hardy:

This is DOJ’s Watergate… or worse. Attorneys and agency officials concealing evidence, secretly threatening witnesses, agency surveillance of attorneys and witnesses. All over a civil lawsuit — can you imagine what they’d do over something big?

Jay Dobyns has prepared twenty one questions he’d like to see asked of Eric Holder and ATF Director Todd Jones. The first eight:

1. Who was briefing you on the status of Dobyns v. USA?
2. What were you told and are you satisfied that your briefings were accurate and complete?
3. When did you first see the two ATF Internal Affairs reports [‘Reports’] on ATF’s reaction, response and investigation of the Dobyns home arson and on ATF’s removal of Dobyns’s backstopped countermeasure identifications?
4. What did you do about the factual allegations of criminal conduct and policy violations contained in the Reports?
5. What was Deputy Director Thomas Brandon’s role in this matter and upon whose instructions was he following?
6. Who was disciplined based on the facts, evidence and recommendations contained in the Reports and to what extent?
7. Who ordered that the Reports be withheld from Dobyns and his attorney and why?
8. When did you first learn that DOJ attorney(s) advised Judge Allegra that the Reports were irrelevant to Dobyns v. USA?

Let’s hope answers are demanded of all.

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I had heard the name Dobyns back when F&F was near the top of our attentions a few years ago.
Dithering Obama likes to drag everything out so we either forget, get outrage fatigue or it gets labeled as ”old news” when it comes up again.

Keep a long-term search engine eye out for this name: Tommy Belinski.
He’s a current whistleblower.
His life has not been put at threat by his singing, but still, Obama is PO’ed at him for sure.

Denver VA Hospital officials reversed course Thursday, admitting their employees broke the rules when they used an improper wait list in the sleep lab in 2012. This comes just one day after the VA made a blanket denial of the existence of secret waiting lists in Denver.

9Wants to Know spent months looking into a whistleblower’s allegations regarding the sleep lab, which performs diagnostic testing for disorders – including potentially deadly sleep apnea.

“I think that putting my neck out for fellow veterans in this instance is the right thing to do,” said whistleblower Tommy Belinski.

This could be BIGGER. Than EBOLAGHAZZI bigger than the sick kids with measles sneaking across the border !!!
This could be Dr J’s dream scandal
Of not
You seem to have left out the dates involved here he was undercover 10 years ago
Partly because if Dobyns heavy drug use while undercover no one ever received any real time his protection was withdrawn in 2006 for breaking rules
Obama wasn’t POTUS then
Dr j whenever you leave out dates it is like shooting off a flare
It will be seen

And John, the delivery man, says “But, but…………………..Bush.”

News flash, John, the court case is about what happened AFTER Dobyns left his undercover job, not during. The threats he received, that were ignored, and even downplayed, were during the Obama administration and under Obama lackeys.

Do try to stay up with the facts.


Approximately a year after Operation Black Biscuit concluded beginning in 2004 through 2008, Dobyns and ATF became aware of credible and substantial violent threats against him and his family.

Hey, John, why don’t you tell us what year followed 2008 and who was President that year?

Can we just stipulate that everything obama has screwed up and intends to screw up is Bushes fault.

@John: Basically, you really just don’t care what laws are broken, who gets killed or what rights get trampled as long as this administration never has to face responsibility for its actions, do you?

@retire05: … and the court fraud occurred under Holder’s tenure. No surprise, there, as Holder has been the most racist and corrupt DOJ in history.

Can’t wait until the black biscuit gets toasted!

With all the trouble in the world and all the looming threats, with the relative peace, prosperity, and security to be found in the United States, and with the undeniable improvement in the domestic economy since his election, you’d think people could find something to focus on besides their obsessive hatred for the President of their own country.

@Greg: Yeah! Like obsessive hatred of BUSH!

@Greg: ”….you’d think people could find something to focus on besides their obsessive hatred for the President…..”

Like maybe attacking WHITE people simply for being white?
The security video:
The story:
The video that showed a BLACK in the group suddenly throw a glass of water at a WHITE customer. A BLACK man grabbed a cell phone off the table of WHITE customers, and then the entire group bolted out the door and down the street, police officials said.

A string of group attacks by BLACKS has taken place in downtown St. Paul in recent weeks. Last Monday, a 23-year-old WHITE man and his 56-year-old WHITE friend were brutally assaulted by six BLACK people in a skyway downtown near Cedar Street.*

According to police, a restaurant near the new St. Paul Saints stadium was also rushed by a group of about nine BLACK people who started eating and drinking from the WHITE customers’ tables.

* Later police arrested one black man allegedly involved in this beat down:
Police arrested 28-year-old Michael J. Jackson of St. Paul on Friday in connection to the assault, which left a 23-year-old man with a bloody face and his 59-year-old friend with a broken wrist.
At least six men wearing red jackets were involved in the skyway assault, police said.
Mug Shot at Link:
Red Jackets?
Wasn’t that momma-boyfriend of the ”Gentle Giant, Michael Brown a top member of the BLOODS gang?
Why, yes, he was.

@JoeThePimpernel, #9:

A deep need to justify all that the Bush administration did also seems to be part of the fixation. That pretty much rules out learning from past mistakes.

@Greg: how’s the ethanol powered big wheel runnin greggie?

@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie-this is ALL you have done with respect to President Bush!!


With all the trouble in the world and all the looming threats,

What looming threats? I thought Obama has everything under control.

with the relative peace, prosperity, and security to be found in the United States


Peace? You mean like the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, and all the black on white attacks that seem to permeate our nation that the lamestream media continues to ignore?
Prosperity? Really, as middle income families see their spendable dollars diminish? As middle income decreases? That is properity?
Security? Really? When a man can walk onto a United States military base and kill 13? When two brothers can bomb a marathon? You really believe that we have security, Gullible Greggie?

and with the undeniable improvement in the domestic economy since his election,

Yeah, right. Having a work force participation rate that is the lowest it has been since February, 1987 is, in the mind of brain dead progressives, a “undeniable improvement”, right?

you’d think people could find something to focus on besides their obsessive hatred for the President of their own country.

You know, Gullible Greggie, you really do have the left wing talking points down pat. I remember when a prominent Democrat said it was patriotic to disagree with our [president] government. Now, if someone disagrees with Obama, it is hatred for him. Not only hatred, but obsessive hatred.

What you are seeing in your claim of hatred for Obama is simply your own reflection as you Democrats hated on President Bush for 8 long years. You are too simple minded to comprehend that one can disagree with policy (which conservatives do with Obama) without hating the man. That is because you left wingers had such a visceral hatred for President Bush. You judge the right by your own faults. It’s called “projection”, Gullible Greggie.

Our nation is in deep trouble. Yet, I’m sure that you support the Socialist policies of Obama since you, too, are a Socialist. How sad.

Ah, a parade. It must be laundry day.

@Greg: @Greg:

With all the trouble in the world and all the looming threats, with the relative peace, prosperity, and security to be found in the United States, and with the undeniable improvement in the domestic economy since his election, you’d think people could find something to focus on besides their obsessive hatred for the President of their own country.

Peace, prosperity and security, relative to… what? North Korea? Just a couple of months ago, racist mobs were tearing cities apart because, according to them, racist police were slaughtering them. The economy has only improved compared to the worst state Obama himself put it in in 2010. We have beheadings in Oklahoma and hatchet-wielding Islamists attacking police in NYC. We have police being assassinated in the name of race-baiting inciters of violence.

Has this corrupt administration admitted their error in inciting violence in the name of Michael Brown now that the DOJ’s own fishing expedition could not find civil rights violations?

So, you are suggesting that because we have a President YOU are enamored with, lawlessness should be ignored. Because Obama, after driving unemployment up to 10.2% and deficits per year of $1.4 trillion, because he has practically destroyed national security and US influence all over the world, because Obama has made new buddies with radical Islamists that hate us and have turned our allies into enemies, we should allow his administration to violate whatever law(s) he so chooses?

Would you like this to be the rule in place when a Republican is in power?


Ah, a parade. It must be laundry day.

Ah, another pointless comment by Gullible Greggie. Does seem to be the norm.

News flash the case was filed when bush was POTUS


Sorry, loser, the case did not go to court until after Obama, and the most corrupt Attorney General this nation has ever had, were already in office.

Nice try; no cigar.

Security. ? Terrorism ? 10000 Americans are murdered each year and you are worried about jihad
Lol take a look at the numbers and explain your fears your biggest fear is that the bubble you live in will burst
Economic fears ?? Bush crashed our economy the DOW fell by 50% unemployment bottomed out at 9% plus 90 days after Obama became POTUS
Bush was the must despised POTUS ever


Security. ? Terrorism ? 10000 Americans are murdered each year and you are worried about jihad

Yeah, and it only took 19 jihadis a couple of hours to kill almost a third of that number.

Lol take a look at the numbers and explain your fears your biggest fear is that the bubble you live in will burst

Wow! Being lectured by a delivery boy. I’m crushed.

Economic fears ?? Bush crashed our economy the DOW fell by 50% unemployment bottomed out at 9% plus 90 days after Obama became POTUS

What are you mumbling about? Unemployment hit 10% in October, 2009, 9 months after Obama took office and stayed at 9% and above until September, 2011. But it would have been much, much higher had the Obama administration not dropped all those people who ran out of unemployment benefits from the labor force.

You liberals don’t know facts, you just know how to blather on, living in the bubble created for you by the DNC.

Bush was the must despised POTUS ever

Actually, I would suggest that distinction went to John Adams for a while, until FDR was elected. While many did not like Bush, and some of his “compassionate conservative” policies, Bush was only “hated” by the left. Hate is what the left does best.

ATF thought Dobyns set the fire

@retire05, #21:

Rasmussen’s most recent poll has Obama’s job approval rating at 51 percent. Apparently you need to find some better scandals.

You might also want to start looking for a better 2016 presidential candidate, since the only one who stood any chance of winning the election just dropped out. Very odd, in my opinion, since he’d have stood a much better chance against Hillary Clinton than he did against Barack Obama.

That case was filed 18 months before Obama was sworn in
Dobyns was a grifter like Palin

@Greg: greggie did you not see the other polls listed?

So let’s get this straight you are complaining that 18 months after the case was filed and 5 years after the allefgedly events happened that Onama is yo blame gor fighting the allegations. Against the Bush administration ???
This is why Dr j did not put a time line in
News flash !!! Haag you guys are in such a bubble


Rasmussen’s most recent poll has Obama’s job approval rating at 51 percent.

PPP (a Democrat polling group) has Obama at 44%.

Apparently you need to find some better scandals.

Stay tuned. There’s one coming. It’s called CUBA.

You might also want to start looking for a better 2016 presidential candidate, since the only one who stood any chance of winning the election just dropped out.

You lefties really think everyone is stupid, don’t you? I know when a leftie is telling me a certain Republican can defeat a Democrat, that’s the very Republican we need to stay away from. I remember how the NYSlimes touted the magical powers of John McCain. He was the second coming and was going to be tough to beat. He got hammered. I also remember how Shillary was heralded as unbeatable. Ooooops.


So let’s get this straight you are complaining that 18 months after the case was filed and 5 years after the allefgedly events happened that Onama is yo blame gor fighting the allegations.

Not what I said at all. Take a reading comprehension course.

Now, under what Attorney General did the U.S. DOJ fight this case?

And you really shouldn’t try to type when you are drunk/stoned.

Cuba? I can hardly wait.

(Reuters) – Eight Republican and Democratic U.S. senators introduced legislation on Thursday to repeal all restrictions on U.S. citizens’ travel to Cuba, the first step in Congress toward ending the U.S. embargo since President Barack Obama moved toward normal relations last month.


Yep. Cuba. Obama is about to get rolled by the Castro brothers. No surprise. Obama hasn’t had a foreign policy success since he tried to take on Honduras.


Bush crashed our economy the DOW fell by 50% unemployment bottomed out at 9% plus 90 days after Obama became POTUS
Bush was the must despised POTUS ever

John, do facts and truth mean NOTHING to you or any other liberal Obama sycophant? How did Bush crash the economy? The crash derived from the financial and housing bubbles bursting, both of which were a DIRECT result of the liberal Community Reinvestment Act, created under Carter and amplified by Clinton. Unemployment went all the way up to 10.2%, after Obama promised it would never reach 8% as long as he got $860 billion to spend as he saw fit (he did and it did).

Strike three. It appears you are out.


ATF thought Dobyns set the fire

We know that. We read the article. The ATF also thought it would be a good idea to give violent Mexican drug gangs weapons. Perhaps their judgement should not be fully relied upon at this time. Ya think?


Cuba? I can hardly wait.

Castro demands Obama bend over and kiss his own ass

If the corrupt media will bother to report it, Obama’s Cuban Overture will be a failure of sour notes.

@obamarhhea: Let’s see if Congress can break out of that 14-16% approval with Repubs. in charge.
Would love to hear who FA’ers would like to see as next POTUS.–starting with you Ob.
I’m supporting Navy Cross recipient Jim Webb

@Greg: Missed the point again Greg. The point is the illegal actions of this President and his administration.


A grifter? A highly decorated undercover agent? A grifter?

Let me guess, your take on Chris Kyle is that he was a racist murderer, right?


News Flash

The fraud is happening under Sharpton and Jackson-er, I mean Obama and Holder.

@Rich Wheeler: so we went from teh ones poll numbers to congress,nice deflection. i know alinsky

@obamarhhea: Those Congressional polls should improve dramatically with Repubs in control. Don’t you think?
Who is your pick for the nom?