Why Does “American Sniper” Divide Us into “Left” and “Right”?


Whatever the truth about Chris Kyle (and I suspect, like most, the real Chris Kyle was a complex person; and lived tall tales while fabricating others), he is an American hero.

My understanding of the film is that it’s not meant to make a political statement. But I suppose everything under the sun is political when you bring your politics with you in going to see movies.

I’ve not seen the film yet, so can’t comment on it; but I have been reading some of the reactions– and some of them are rather curious:

One of the first celebrities to show their support for the film was the uber-liberal Jane Fonda, who tweeted the following:

Fonda, of course, attracted the ire of many Americans when she took a trip to North Vietnam in 1972 and posed for several photos with NVA troops, earning her the nickname “Hanoi Jane.” She later starred in the Oscar-winning Vietnam War drama Coming Home, about a ménage-a-trois involving Vietnam War veterans suffering from PTSD. This past weekend, she apologized for her “Hanoi Jane” days, calling her trip a “huge mistake.”

Is Fonda being sincere? Or is she trying to heal her image?

While Fonda supported the film and its sympathy for PTSD-suffering military vets, other celebrities homed in on the film’s perceived jingoistic, pro-war message. Seth Rogen, whose recent film The Interview attracted the ire of North Korean despot Kim Jong Un, tweeted:

Even if this were true, and Eastwood attempted to lace a Rah-rah GO USA! message into the film, what is so wrong with being pro-American?

Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore took Rogen’s criticisms one step further. The director, who was famously booed when he denounced the Iraq War and then-President George W. Bush in his 2003 Oscar acceptance speech, claimed that snipers like Kyle were “cowards” and “aren’t heroes”:

Are snipers cowards?

I think those who think so are the ones who have the line of reasoning that police are cowards and bullies because they swarm to take down a suspect in numbers rather than confront one-on-one; or that the U.S. is a bully because it will invade a weaker country suspected of having wmd but won’t attack a country known to have wmd. As if any sane military would ever seek a “fair” fight and not suppress the enemy with superior and sustained, overwhelming firepower that minimizes risk and harm to our own people.

“If you find yourself in a fair fight, you didn’t plan your mission properly.” – David Hackworth

Here are some other comments by the nasties on the left who have a distorted, world-view:

Chris Smith: I agree with Seth Rogan and Michael Moore on both facts. Murdering for corporate greed isn’t fighting for freedom, it murdering for corporate greed! Trying to promote and celebrate the murders as heroic is propaganda! Chris Kyle is a terrorist and nothing else!

Bram Heath: I saw the movie yesterday and was thinking the same thing Seth thought. When people started clapping I knew that was the 23% that watch Fox News. Felt like I was watching a Joseph goebbles film from 1942.

Steven M Schwartz: You can no longer be critical of the military and those who serve. Thanks to almost a decade and a half of the blindly patriotic bull shit the right and the government has shoved or attempted to shove down our throats. From the pro war NFL pregame flyovers to the plastering of American flags and yellow ribbons. Fox news and the right have co-oped the word patriot and American, and now the word “American” means war loving Christian white America. If you do not kowtow to their agenda then you are the enemy. This movie is nothing more than propaganda revisionist history about a self admitted racist who chose to kill people over being with his family.

Thomas Petsa: nothing heroic about a sniper….hiding behind a bush miles away shooting someone in the head aint heroic….a bloke charging towards an enemy under fire now that’s heroic..blokes landing in dunkirk seeing their mates getting gunned down knowing they might be next..that’s either heroic or dumb..snipers have got it cushy in comparison..

Chris Smith: Chris Kyle was a terrorist pawn for a corporate military. I spit on his service!

Chris Owens: From what I’ve read, it sounds like he was a serial killer moreso than a hero.

Shannon Love: Real ‘American Sniper’ was a hate-filled killer — why are simplistic patriots treating him as a hero?

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Unfortunately many brave souls have been killed, maimed, and wounded protecting idiots like those who you quoted. Too bad we just can’t turn them over to our enemies so they can have a bonding session. They are unworthy of the sacrifices made by others.

How quickly the worm turns in Hollywood….
Jimmy Stewart was America’s Everyman in movies.
But Jimmy Stewart was also an extremely decorated war hero, with a military career spanning three goddamned decades, from 1940 to 1968. He actually failed the Army’s height and weight requirements when he tried to enlist. So he swiftly gained 10 pounds, joined the Army Air Corps, and logged more than 300 hours of flight training, just to prove he could do it. Even then, he had to constantly fight to get anything but an instructor or desk job, both due to his age (he was in his 30s) and his superiors not wanting to risk a beloved celebrity getting blown to bits on their watch. But he kept pushing and eventually was deployed to active duty over England. He quickly established himself as his squadron’s leader, due to equal parts bravado, expertise, and conveniently having more Oscars than anyone in the room.
Jimmy Stewart led many bombing runs on Nazi factories and military production centers and led a squadron of bombers in the Battle of Berlin.
Jimmy Stewart remained in the Air Force Reserve for an additional 22 years, worked on a military base during the Korean War, and even flew a non-combat mission in Vietnam. By the time Stewart finally retired, he had reached the rank of Brigadier (one-star) General.

James Doohan (Scotty on Star Trek) was a member of the Canadian Air Force around the time of World War II.
He was an artillery captain, leading his men to battle during the D-Day invasion of Normandy.
Doohan survived, but took one for the team.
Actually, he took six for the team, as he was shot that many times in the legs and hands, ultimately leading to the amputation of his right middle finger.
Stunt doubles were used in any close-ups of Scotty’s hand.

I’m almost too young to remember Audie Murphy, but my mom was crazy about him in the movies.
Audie Leon Murphy (20 June 1925 – 28 May 1971) was one of the most decorated American combat soldiers of World War II, receiving every military combat award for valor available from the U.S. Army, as well as French and Belgian awards for heroism. He falsified documentation about his birth date to meet the minimum-age requirement for enlisting in the military, and after being turned down by the Navy and the Marine Corps he enlisted in the Army. He single-handedly held off an entire company of German soldiers for an hour at the Colmar Pocket in France in January 1945, then led a successful counterattack while wounded and out of ammunition. All during his movie career he stood on a box because he was so short there were no leading ladies shorter than him!

“Whatever the truth about Chris Kyle (and I suspect, like most, the real Chris Kyle was a complex person; and lived tall tales while fabricating others), he is an American hero.” – Remember, snipers don’t work alone, so there would have to be at least one other person complacent in the fabrication of any tails…

I loved the movie–on a par with Academy Award winners The Hurt Locker and Saving Private Ryan.
The surprise to me was the Oscar deserving acting of Bradley Cooper. Outstanding. Eastwood made no political statement–he simply provided great entertainment and a true love story.

I have read too many stories of snipers having to take 2-3 days to CRAWL close enough to get a shot, then having to crawl another 2-3 days to get back out. A “coward” wouldn’t be able to do that.

If Moore was referencing MLK and not AS, then why bring up his uncle in WWII? And can anyone verify that he had an uncle killed by a sniper?

@Wordsmith: Moore’s explanation sounds legit to me. “Snipers ” like the ones who killed MLK and JFK 2 thumbs down. Kyle’s role in saving Marine lives to be commended. Again, Cooper did an incredible job in portraying this SEAL’s story.

@Wordsmith: #7
Which side was Moore’s uncle on?

We have had snipers since the American Revolution…Moore would probably have been a sympathizer then too.

I don’t think Moore was talking about the murderers of MKL and JFK. He was denigrating those that serve and have pledged to protect our country and that is all he was doing.

Moore’s uncle was lucky not to have lived to see his taffy-ass nephew grow up to be an idiot that makes lousy propaganda “documentaries” and criticizes real movies about real heroes.

If Moore accuses snipers, who kill from a distance, of cowardice; what must he think of Obama, who orders remote control death of enemies (and those near them) from across the world by remote control? And who gives a flying furball what that toad thinks anyway?

A Leftist Icon of immeasurable value in recruiting naive college students is Che Guevara. He looks dapper with his stylish longhair and his gallant beret. The left made a movie about his younger days touring South America on a motorcycle, The Motorcycle Diaries. The Leftist critics fawned over the movie and praised the memory of this homicidal maniac. A man who killed political prisoners personally in the Havana prison, until his hands were too sore to kill any more. Might we detect some hypocrisy here? Che enjoyed his bloody work and killed thousands for the pure joy of killing, and he didn’t limit his killing to political prisoners in Havana, he also committed his psychopathic crimes in Bolivia. In fairness, it’s a great poster and it makes a great tee shirt, and I enjoy asking every college age student wearing the shirt, why they are celebrating the life of a homicidal maniac. Yes, I have an intimidating aura and I love to make young people think about looking stupid to people who know more about life. The rest of you should read up on Che and let the leftist lemmings in on a little secret, when they want to talk about Kyle being a killer.

Liberals distrust the word “American” unless it is closely followed with “Pie” or “Graffiti”.

I bet Moore’s story about his uncle is so much bunk. Moore has never shown any respect for America nor its military. As for the other non entities you quoted, they rank up there with cockroaches and ISIS.

Here are some other comments by the nasties on the left who have a distorted, world-view:

So who are these people? Only the most thoughtlessly negative are quoted, and they’re identified as left-of-center for no other reason than that very negativity. That’s what’s known as circular reasoning.

I don’t believe attitudes about Chris Kyle serve as an accurate political litmus test. The side that Jane Fonda comes down on regarding the film ought to be enough to clearly demonstrate that. Nor does it strike me as particularly respectful of the man’s memory to exploit it in an effort work up outrage and anger and widen divisions.

@Greg: Well, we’ll see when the Oscar winners are announced won’t we? What we see in these tweets is the elite left expressing their views, which is drawn out as much by jealousy that a movie of this genre would gather so much attention (remember how “Zero Dark Thirty” was shunned when it failed to denounce “torture”) as anything else, but it reveals the true feelings that have been repressed within the left by political correctness frowning upon denunciation of military action or personnel. Now that the ice has been broken, expect much more.

Everyone hates war and killing, but the left turns this into a hatred of anyone that does their duty when it becomes necessary. That belief that if we just smiled and place a daisy in the gun barrel of the enemy then their hearts will be melted and all will unite in one global group hug won’t happen and should not be used as an option to fighting and killing the enemy.

No one on the right is offended by flag waving and congratulations of citizen soldiers that do their duty. No one on the left considers that even the most prolific killer is not a killer at heart but is going against his nature to protect his fellow comrades and nation.

If Fonda had gotten the message of the movie, she could have expressed that without plugging one of her long-forgotten vehicles.

@Bill: Have you seen the movie?—left/right B.S.
Two names—Bradley Cooper–very good in 2 recent Academy Award nom. movies -Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle–highly rec. both–raised his game big time in A.S. The iconic Eastwood, director of Mystic River, academy award winner for anti -hero The Unforgiven, at his best with A.S.
The internet sniping ref. above was minor in the big picture. Hollywood, left and right, men and women loved this movie. They got it right.
If it was just about patriotism Unbroken would have done better. A good movie with unknown actors.

@Bill, #18:

Everyone hates war and killing, but the left turns this into a hatred of anyone that does their duty when it becomes necessary.

What you’re talking about there is a right wing propaganda meme, and Twitter posts—surely among the most vacuous of all social media manifestations—are being cited as evidence for its accuracy.


I bet Moore’s story about his uncle is so much bunk.

IF it’s true, lt’s the first thing Moore has said that’s true.

@Rich Wheeler: Rich, as always thanks for your service. I struggle when it comes to going to movies that hit too close to home. I am going to see this one.


What you’re talking about there is a right wing propaganda meme, and Twitter posts—surely among the most vacuous of all social media manifestations—are being cited as evidence for its accuracy.

What I am talking about is an ideology that is anti-war, protesting and printing casualty lists, when a Republican is in office but conveniently forgets when a Democrat is in office. I speak of people who use human suffering as a political tool. People who cannot restrict their dissatisfaction with “war” to the leaders or the events themselves but have to personalize their attacks to the common soldier merely doing their bit.

It was the left that vilified the military in the 60’s and 70’s and it is the left that attacks the military and military personnel today. It took a successful movie to flush it out.

@Bill: See my #19. American Sniper is a great movie. Left vs. Right has no bearing on this. It is apolitical as is Eastwood. Just enjoy it for what it is. Film making and acting at their highest level. I’VE LOVED The Movies since I was a kid.
Semper Fi

I speak of people who use human suffering as a political tool. People who cannot restrict their dissatisfaction with “war” to the leaders or the events themselves but have to personalize their attacks to the common soldier merely doing their bit.

I can’t say that I’ve personally run into many people like that, either on my return from Vietnam or later. Those who are out there get more attention than their lack of understanding deserves.

I hate war. Not hating it is either pathological, or because of ignorance about what war means. I support what seems necessary and claim the right to criticize what doesn’t. It isn’t a question of which party is in control at the moment. I understood why Bush sent troops into Afghanistan. It was necessary. I can’t say the same for Iraq, but certainly don’t blame the people who were sent. If you put on the uniform you go where you’re sent, and you do what you have to do when you get there. Sometimes clarity about it doesn’t come until a long time afterward. For some, peace about it never does.

@Wordsmith: Thanks for your informative input.
One needs only to see The Unforgiven to know Clint’s abhorrence of violence.
Porcine/Michael Moore–perfect.

The Left, who side with Obama in almost all things, consider snipers as worse than anything.
It is so unfair, to kill someone who hasn’t got a fighting chance…..like a drone from the air does.

What must they think of our ”ally” Saudi Arabia with its 600 mile 6 part border fence with its radar and night-vision scanning, tunneling detection, electrification, razor wire, watchtowers along the Iraq (and also planned for the Yemeni) border?
Add to this the new policy of SHOOT TO KILL given to all Saudi border guards.

@Nanny: You are correct Nan.The left considers cowardly “snipers” like Ray and Oswald, killers of two great progressive men of vision and compassion, “worse than anything.” Is it possible right wing reactionaries feel differently?

It is so unfair, to kill someone who hasn’t got a fighting chance…..like a drone from the air does.

yup. By this way of thinking, then ambushes and any deceptive tactics, and technological superiority are also “cowardly”.

@Rich Wheeler: Porcine: resembling Porky Pig.

@Rich Wheeler:

like Ray and Oswald

Do you ever think about what you believe or do you just swallow all leftist drivel without a thought?


then ambushes and any deceptive tactics, and technological superiority

Or an atomic bomb from the Enola Gay.

I’m all for the Enola Gays, the drones and whatever else it takes to send evil to hell.

@Redteam: The statement in #29 is mine.As in–I own it. Would certainly hope you are not condoning snipers Ray and Oswald’s actions. Then again, you reactionaries were not big fans of MLK and JFK. Were you?
Porcine– a perfect descriptive adjective for M.M.

@Rich Wheeler: I would not so much consider them “snipers” as assassins or murderers. Is there a reason why the DC Beltway snipers are not denounced?

@Bill: I denounce the DC Beltway snipers–a no brainer..
Call Oswald and Ray whatever you choose. Do you and RT denounce these killers of two great men?

@Rich Wheeler: Seriously? Someone has to pronounce the oppose assassination of a President or civil rights leader? I don’t think conservatives ever made a movie celebrating Presidential assassination.

@Bill: Sorry Bill but my guess is some sons and daughters of the south, cracker Conservs., have portraits of James Earl Ray and John Wilkes Booth proudly displayed side by side above the mantel in their double wides.
Unfortunately, this is what a very vocal minority portray here at F.A.

Word, as usual you hit the nail on the head. Great piece and you are right, American Sniper shows the political left for what they are, America-hating, hypocritical hacks.

In fact, I liked it so much, I re-posted it at my website: Conservative Hideout 2.0

Why Does “American Sniper” Divide Us Into “Left” And “Right”?

@Rich Wheeler: No doubt. Just as up north there are racists who object to the wave of blacks that moved north out of the Democrat south. Do you suppose Ray or Booth were Republicans? You feel a large proportion of posters here are Democrat? I find that odd.

King was a Republican.

However, you can find people wearing Che shirts right out in the open. These would be conservatives, you think?

@Bill: MLK Jr voted for Kennedy and Johnson. His father was the active Repub.
On this Conservative website there are some great Conservs such as Word, Skook and Aqua and a few vocal far right reactionaries. Few Dems are here. Many good Conservs. have left.
It seems the majority here dislike Lincoln and there has never been recognition of MLK DAY..
No doubt racism exists in both the North and South.

@Rich Wheeler:

Sorry Bill but my guess is some sons and daughters of the south, cracker Conservs., have portraits of James Earl Ray and John Wilkes Booth proudly displayed side by side above the mantel in their double wides.

Biased much, Richard? Of course, you think that “crackers” (a racist term, btw) only reside in the South. Perhaps you should get out of Loonafornia and take a trip to places like Chicago, New York and Detroit if you want to see real racism toward black Americans. Then you bash anyone who lives in a double wide, not realizing that there are many “double wide” homes now that cost well over $200K. But if some old run down mobile home is all you can afford because your job at the coal mine has been eliminated by Obama, who the hell are you, other than an elitist jerk, to bash those people?

@Rich Wheeler: 34

snipers Ray and Oswald’s actions.

My statement was relative to you swallowing the leftist drivel without a thought in your head. It has never been proven that Ray assassinated MLK, and it is for damn sure that LH Oswald never assassinated JFK. But to your other point, I do not condone political killings, which is what both of those were. I can’t believe there are still people out there that just ‘assume’ that LBJ’s justice department ever sought to find out who killed JFK.

@Rich Wheeler: 38

Sorry Bill but my guess is some sons and daughters of the south, cracker Conservs., have portraits of James Earl Ray and John Wilkes Booth

Rich, are you really that F**king stupid? I also object to your ‘attempt’ to be racist, but cracker is not a racist term in the south. I was called a Georgia Peach and Georgia Cracker til I was grown and was proud of it. So next time you want to be racist, try a ‘real’ racist word.

@Redteam: I actually used cracker because YOU told me you liked it. You’re welcome.
BTW You oughta square away your sidekick on this.


you think that “crackers” (a racist term, btw)

As I said in 44, I didn’t know until ‘racism’ starting rearing it’s head, mostly since Obama took office, that ‘cracker’ is supposed to be racist. It sure wasn’t where I grew up. I thought it was just some racists trying to be funny and put down southerners.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_cracker

@Rich Wheeler:

cracker because YOU told me you liked it.

So you especially intended to imply that I, Redteam, a Cracker Conservative, probably had a picture of Ray and Oswald on my wall? You should clean your shoes, you’re walking in deep doo-doo. If I were going to have a photo of the killers of those two men,(actually 3 with RFK) it sure wouldn’t be JER or LHO or Sirhan-Sirhan.

@Rich Wheeler:

BTW You oughta square away your sidekick on this.

No can do. She’s not from Georgia or Florida and it may be totally different where she grew up. I don’t have a clue how it is perceived in Texas. And don’t care.

@Redteam: Well done.
I don’t for a minute believe Oswald acted alone.
King’s son doesn’t believe Ray killed his dad.
Pretty clear Sirhan killed RFK.

@Rich Wheeler:

I don’t for a minute believe Oswald acted alone.

I don’t for a minute think he was involved at all except that he was nearby.

King’s son doesn’t believe Ray killed his dad.

And no one else does either.

Pretty clear Sirhan killed RFK.

Clear that he was there, but evidence is that two guns were fired in the room and he only had one. The other gun, reportedly, is the one that fired the fatal shot.

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