Michelle Obama wants to reform the school lunch menu to combat obesity. So far, the parents and children in public schools don’t like the menu. Calling the school lunch ‘rabbit food’, many kids are brown-bagging or buying food from outside the schools.
According to the Fox29, a school lunch looks something like this:
Schools are constrained by the guidelines that the Obama administration, at the urging of Michelle Obama, has imposed on them. Sodium and calorie intake have been slashed as a result, limiting what schools can offer the kids.
A school superintendent told Fox 29 that the challenge is to come up with an appealing menu that still meets the Obama guidelines.
Strangely, the smaller and healthier portions have raised the cost of providing school lunches by $1.22 billion, according to the School Nutrition Association. Keeping the guidelines ended up in raising costs for the schools. So schools served less food to cut costs.
As you can see from the above picture, there were no tomatoes and carrots to go with the lettuce. The kids end up with less nutrition. This was the unintended effect (like so many policies liberals come up with to improve things) of the guidelines that were supposed to improve their health.
All this hoo-hah had me wondering what do Obama’s kids eat at school? Both daughters attend an expensive private school called, ‘Sidwell Friends School.’
It turns out that the kids eat food prepared by trained chefs. The Daily Meal has ranked the food at Sidwell as the best school lunch in America. Here is the October 9th lunch menu:
Mushroom Barley Soup
Meriwether’s Three Bean Salad
Greek Orzo Salad
All Natural Teriyaki Chicken
Szechuan Tofu
Asian Vegetables
Asian Fried Rice
Sliced Oranges
Chicken teriyaki with rice (generic photo)
That looks better than the ‘rabbit food’ served in public schools thanks to Michelle’s efforts to improve nutrition.. This incident reminded me of a book I read:
Somehow or other, wealthy liberals always end up doing the opposite of what they prescribe for the rest of us. Do as I say, not as I do.
A successful businessman and author, Robert H. Lee has spent years extensively researching the history of nations for his book Saving Democracy from Suicide. (LINK: www.savingdemocracyfromsuicide.com) A self-professed Americaphile, Lee resides in Singapore with his family, but he previous lived in the United States where he went to the University of Michigan for his MBA.
You forgot to mention the $36,264 annual tuition per student that includes the hot lunch.
Our tax dollars hard at work once again, sigh.
So why do I see pictures that look quite different from FOX’s when I do a Google image search for typical U.S. school lunch? And why does the Obama kids’ school appear to use chop sticks instead of knives, forks, and spoons? Inquiring minds want to know.
FOX can always be counted on for a steady diet of b.s.
Not all school systems have adopted Michelle Obama’s (starvation) “healthy school lunch initiative” lunch menus, so they have not changed their “typical student lunches” to meet Moochell’s new school lunch and breakfast program requirements. A correct search would have to include the relevant terms.
An internet search engine is not idiot proof, so failing to include the specific words “Michelle Obama” and/or “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act” with typical school lunch will give pictures of lunches that do not meet Michelle Obama’s standards. You will not likely find pictures of a flaming Ford Pinto or an Edsel if your search term is “typical US automobile”
Because it happens to be a gourmet oriental meal at an upper-crust elite private school. Not at all unusual in institutions where the children of wealthy elite are also taught about the social protocols of world cultures.
I hope these kids in their voting years ‘remember’ their years at indoctrination school and the result(s) of Liberal Remedies and “government intervention” in their lives…because…they have lived the ‘results’…
The real questions is; what minimum grade averages are 0Muslim’s kids being held to?
What kind of idiot puts basically the entire elementary-school population on a weight-loss diet? And what kind of maniac gives an unelected would-be czarina that power?
@Larry E, #9:
More than likely it’s some kind of non-idiot who’s concerned about the fact that U.S. childhood obesity rates have doubled over the past 30 years, and that U.S. adolescent obesity rates have quadrupled over the same period. The obesity rate for U.S. adults is now over 35 percent. The percentage of U.S. adults who are overweight—which includes the obese—is now 69 percent.
I recall from my elementary school days that John F. Kennedy took a similar interest in the nation’s physical fitness. There wasn’t so much to worry about concerning school lunches in those days. Excessively processed foods loaded with sugar and salt hadn’t become central to the lunch menu.
Of course I suppose America’s kids have a constitutional right to grow up fat, stupid, and lazy.
Even medical professionals understand that a single diet plan is not appropriate for everyone. That is what make Michelle an idiot. the fact that she and her family doesn’t follow her own dietary plan that she has undemocratically deemed appropriate for everyone else makes her a hypocrite.
The Obamas are nothing like John F. Kennedy. There is a difference between promoting healthy living in a free society, and forcing it down the peoples throat in a socialist program like a fascist. Tyrants always claim that they are smarter than everyone else as they force their undemocratically decided agenda on others. This is the trademark of the Obama presidency, that it reigns like the monarchy it is not. Something Greg, that you are fine with so long as it is a your chosen progressive democratic-socialist fuhrer doing it.
So here you show your bigotry against overweight people, by assuming that all “fat” people are stupid and lazy. But of course, that’s how progressives operate.
‘Chose a target freeze it and personalize it.’
Kids in school cafeterias are pretty much captive consumers when it comes to school lunches. If you feed them well balanced school lunch meals, that’s what they’re stuck with. If you feed them high fat, high sodium, high sugar school lunches—which they probably all get enough of already—that’s also what they’re stuck with. Something is being imposed on them either way. That being the case, why isn’t it better to try to put together healthier meals?
What constitutes a generically healthy diet for the average American kid isn’t really determined by politics. Politics is being imposed on what should be a totally non-political issue.
Fat, stupid, and lazy are differing issues. They’re also observable conditions. They do sometimes occur together and aggravate one another. Better diets and more mental and physical activity would likely benefit a lot of children. It would make them better adults and be good for the nation. It’s not judgmental or bigoted to want American kids to be stronger, healthier, and smarter. It doesn’t seem especially smart to me to ignore an observable negative trend.
People who grew up in orphanages (I knew some when I was a youngster) missed important GROWTH SPURTS due to poor diet when those spurts should have happened.
I don’t see that in modern-day America, pre-Michelle’s food plan.
But growing boys and girls need lots of food to GROW.
And, if you’ve ever raised a child, you know they grow OUT (seemingly getting chubby) then they suddenly spring UP (growth spurt.)
Oftentimes boys will spurt so fast their long bones will actually stretch their muscles causing them great growth pains.
I’m just glad Michelle can only starve these students for ONE meal per day.
That’s true only in the school systems that are forced to enact the mandate that goes along with the money. Parents also had the choice to pack a lunch for their kids, but Michelle’s food-Nazis are now searching lunches from home and confiscating what Michelle’s fascist program says they can’t have.
Of course it’s politics you twit! Everything with the Obama regime is politics! They are imposing a fascist poorly thought out program that has parents, children and now school systems rejecting it. The Democratic party used to at least pretend to be about freedom and free will, but the socialists have taken over the party and this is the socialist BS you get from elitist asses who think they they know what’s best for you.
Laziness Stupidity has noting to do with a person’s weight. “Fat” may have little to do with the diet and may be a medical condition. It can also often be temporary in children where growth spurts can occur at any time. With out enough nutrition, the child can end up malnourished and stunted of growth, but you and Michelle are too “stupid” to realize that.
The link for the Fox29 story now gives a 404 error. Somebody took quick action. Memory hole anybody ?
You people will believe anything Fox tells you because you WANT. To believe
Go check primary sources see what school lunches actually look like
Jim you too are an idiot that pic was from Fox
@Ditto, #11:
They probably confiscate their contraband snack foods in the morning while they’re patting them down for firearms. I really wonder where these stories come from.
The rate of obesity in both American children and adolescents has increased greatly over the past 30 years. It has doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents. This is almost certainly a result of dietary and behavioral changes. We’re likely headed for a national epidemic of early-onset hypertension, diabetes, and heart problems if something isn’t done. Trying to provide kids with healthier school lunches seems like an entirely reasonable step to me.
“Stupidity” is a harsh word. It’s concerning, though, that U.S. students now rank 36th in the world in math, reading, and science. This doesn’t worry you?
It comes from actual children and parents, and school staff who have experienced it. Just as the pictures of Michelle Obama’s lunches (which can be found all over the web, and not only on FOX news as you and John claim,) are pictures taken by children and adults of actual Michelle Obama blessed menus with their cell phones. If you would bother to look beyond your progressive propaganda marching order sites, you might learn something about what the hell is going on.
Children use to have physical education classes and periods of recess so they they could go out work off childhood’s natural tendencies to be active which also made them more attentive and less distracted during class. But your party’s progressive anti-competition agenda BS shut those programs down.
The fascism that you and the Obamas want to foist on us is not a solution to the problem. It is sedentary behavior which is being promoted by forcing children to spend more time at their desks or in front of a computer that is leading to obesity. Reintroducing exercise into school systems in the form of Gym classes, sports programs, dance classes (you are aware aren’t you that many schools have cut arts from their curriculum?) and reinstating recess periods will help children to again burn off calories without stunting their natural growth through fascistic mandated starvation diets. You also seem to have not noticed that more and more school systems have given up on Michelle’s starvation lunches because the children are not eating her bland foods. Meanwhile their grades go down because they are unhappy, and because our mostly Democratically controlled education system is failing them.
You are the one who though out the word stupid. Of course the continued failures of our Democratic party controlled education system concerns me, which is why I oppose Common Core which is a system to dumb down children to the lower educated manual laborer level that business wants. Poor education is not a result of being overweight. It is not because of Attention Deficit Disorder and a lack of medication. Nor does your nanny government enforced starving of children help in any way for them to concentrate on their studies when their stomachs are growling.
We need to revert our education to the older standards that worked, while updating them to a higher level of education, and above all we need to get the Democratic-socialist indoctrination programs out of our school systems, and make fascists like Michelle leave the damn kids alone!
Truer words were never spoken.
I was asking myself what was so wrong with the newest math version of subtraction.
It is this: You can never get from doing it well to beginning to do division on your own as a shortcut.
But you can with ”old fashioned” subtraction.
And many of us did so in the 2nd or 3rd grade.
It just ”followed.”
Not to upset the rants about the picture with the chopsticks… But it says Chicken teriyaki with rice (generic photo)
This is what’s known as a stock photo. Doesn’t mean every school lunch comes with chopsticks that has rice..
This is exactly what needs to be done. Our schools are a far cry from what they were during the ’60s, ’70s in regard to student learning levels, responsibility, respect, discipline, and exercise. The “Democratic-socialist indoctrination programs” you mention have unmistakeably done great harm to our younger generations by insuring that they’ll likely need to rely on one or more forms of public assistance (which, of course, often turns them into life long Democrat voters).
I’ll also mention the damage that “Democrat-socialist indoctrinated” parenting has done during the last 20 years. We now have a nation of teenagers that are often allowed to getaway with doing little or no chores around the house and/or yard (I, like many from my era, started mowing lawns at the age of 7). And to make matters worse, many of these young “work nots” commonly make it into their mid and late 20s without ever having applied for a job of any sort (this includes a surprising number of college “graduates”).
Meanwhile, such work avoiding people are what make up a large number of the Occupy Wall Street and Ferguson type protestors (not to mention the public assistance rolls).
Looking back at my school lunches, I likely consumed more than 4000 calories per day and still required more. At 5’10” I almost reached 150lbs at graduation. (Should have stayed there) Many of our schools in our school district allows students to purchase lunch from a buffet type system. You pay for what you take. The issue here is that government should not be interfering in a parental issue.
Of course not and just before Robert H. Lee posted the picture he writes clearly that it is a “(generic photo”. But that wont stop Greg from shooting of his mouth. There is no indication whatsoever that the private school the Obama children go to forces the children to eat with chopsticks. Knowing that the upper crust Washington DC private schools that politicians and the district’s elite send their kids to would tend to teach protocol, (we have been told that this in reports by the MSM on the schools the nation’s elite send their children to). Regarding what Sidwell teaches the Obama children:
Global citizens , who understand the Interdependence among people from diverse histories, religions, cultural traditions, and political and economic systems, and are committed to a wide exchange of communications, the peaceful resolution of conflict, and the careful preservation of our shared planet.
It would not surprise me if they taught culture and protocols of foreign nations, as that is typical in elite private schools. Perhaps that would include teaching them how to use chopsticks so as not to embarrass themselves in later life, when they join the ranks of the globalist elite.
36th in the world in math? Gee, that wouldn’t have anything to do with our rich history of allowing undocumented workers children a place in the classroom. According to the Huffingtonpuffington Post, South Korean and Finland are very high. Guess that’s because of their diversity.
There has always been that attitude, despite these words. But no, I don’t think the low ranking results from the children of undocumented workers. Immigrants tend to value educational opportunities highly. Undocumented immigrants tend to be motivated. The unmotivated generally don’t take on the risks of the journey. That’s often been the case with immigrants.
Here are photos not from FO news: http://eagnews.org/students-post-skimpy-michelle-o-lunch-photos-on-twitter-is-this-school-lunch-or-cat-food/
Greg ‘supposes’ America’s kids have constitutional rights. Supposes? Does Greg also suppose that he has a constitutional right to be stupid? Does he have a right to eat as many calories as he desires to? Ah, these libs.
@Greg: your statements are racist. You just stereotyped all immigrants.
Two words: Flower power. I don’t think the 60s you remember were the 1960s of the reality I live in.
Tune down the hyperbole. There’s no Mussolini here, and there’s no indoctrination. If you think there should be more conservatives in education, then put your beliefs to action and become an educator. There just seems to be something about business that lures (“indoctrinates”?) conservative opinions, and there just seems to be something about education that lures liberal opinions.