There’s no hope that Obama will change

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Wordsmith put up a post saying that the “shellacking” democrats took this election would save Obama’s Presidency. At first I thought I could see how that might happen, but that presumes a man capable of humility and of being chastened.

I don’t believe Barack Obama is that man. I think he’s going to double down on stupid.

Make no mistake- this election was a total, utter repudiation of Obama and Hillary Clinton. Obama put his policies and, by default, himself on the ballot. America squashed him like a bug. Obama campaigned for Anthony Brown in Maryland, who Drudge amusingly referred to as Obama’s “mini me”, and Brown was defeated. Obama campaigned for Pat Quinn of Illinois and Quinn went down as well. Before yesterday it seemed inconceivable that the election would find Republicans governors in Illinois and Maryland. The Illinois loss was said to be a “real blow” to Obama.

There have been some entertaining and conflicting reports flying around since yesterday. Over at The Hill they claim Obama has gotten the message:

White House aides acknowledge that Tuesday night was tough, but say they and the president recognize the message sent by the results.

and they added:

The president, aides say, is eager to get to work, telling staff he wants them to make the most out of every day of his remaining time in office.

And the administration is hoping to convey a willingness to work with new Republican leadership in light of Tuesday’s stinging rebuke.

That doesn’t fit the narrative being peddled over at Politico, where Carrie Brown says Obama isn’t backing down.

Voters demanded change from Washington on Tuesday, and Republicans say it’s now up to President Barack Obama to deliver it.

But don’t count on that happening.

No indeed.

At the same time, Obama won’t back down from using his administrative powers, including plans to issue an executive order on immigration that could be the most aggressive unilateral action of his presidency. He’ll adhere to a progressive agenda that, officials said, will keep the base excited, position his party to win back the Senate and hold the White House in 2016, and seal his legacy. And he will continue to use the bully pulpit to promote liberal issues, such as stemming climate change, that stand no chance of passing Congress on his watch but might under his successor.

And there’s Jonathan Karl of ABC News who also says Obama will act alone on immigration “no matter how big a shellacking Democrats get tonight.”

Obama doesn’t even feel repudiated:

The Republican capture of the Senate culminated a season of discontent for the president — and may yet open a period of even deeper frustration. Sagging in the polls and unwelcome in most competitive races across the country, Mr. Obama bristled as the last campaign that would influence his presidency played out while he sat largely on the sidelines. He privately complained that it should not be a judgment on him. “He doesn’t feel repudiated,” the aide said Tuesday night.

Bill Clinton lost the House in 1994 and went on to see the budget balanced and welfare reform happen, thanks to Newt Gingrich and the Republicans. I don’t see it happening with Obama. Clinton had a huge ego, of course, but he wasn’t megalomaniacal as is Obama. As I said, I believe we’ll hear some obligatory happy talk but ultimately we’ll see the same ole same ole Obama, whose words mean nothing the day after they’re spoken. In other words, meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Should be an entertaining two years. We don’t get fooled again.




WHAT LANDSLIDE? Obama threatens vetoes and executive orders – including immigration reform THIS YEAR – after Americans reject him by giving Republicans historic gains in Congress

– ‘Congress will pass some bills I cannot sign,’ the president warned
– He has only vetoed two minor bills since his inauguration in 2009
– And ‘I’ll take some actions that some in Congress will not like,’ Obama added, referring to threatened executive orders
– Those include a bold move on immigration ‘before the end of the year’
– President sounded more like a winner than a loser despite his policies being repudiated on a national scale
– Never articulated a single policy where he would shift his position to align with GOP majorities in both houses of Congress

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@Greg: Fox has at least a couple of mind readers on the payroll.
I believe they replaced Prez. election prognosticators Morris and Rove


Fox has at least a couple of mind readers on the payroll.

And Debbie Wasserman Schultz was a mind reader on the Clinton News Network. Ooooops.


I believe they replaced Prez. election prognosticators Morris and Rove

they were terrible in 12, right on in this one. Just about the opposite of Dimocrats. Dims missed badly on this one, even surprised themselves how bad they were. PS: I think they actually did know, just didn’t want to admit it.


Republicans oppose minimum wage laws, although real wages for middle and working class Americans have been stagnant for decades.

Nobody gives a damn and it’s not worth a vote.; The Dims have been in control of the congress for many years in the last “decades’ and if they were so concerned, all they had to do was vote some increases. They didn’t, case closed.

@Greg: 83

You’ve got to measure all improvements that took place during the Obama administration

That would be about zero, right?

@Redteam: FOX should have hired us RT.

One other thing; most people are not as stupid as you think they are.

Actually, I think that most people are smart enough to understand that a bit over one-half of 36.6 percent only represents something over 18.8 percent of the total.


This 37% turnout can be spun in many ways. An overwhelming endorsement of Repubs? Ridiculous.
HRC is the current frontrunner for 2016. The Repub. internecine fighting to come , will once again provide great good humor.

Certainly you would rather watch that (if it happens) than watch the Democrats tear at each other to blame who caused this latest embarrassment. Already the administration blames Reid (who undoubtedly was taking his obstruction orders from the White House) and Reid blames Obama for being incompetent. Every candidate that was in electoral trouble was blaming Obama. Obama blames the stupid public that is not smart enough to see his genius. I find that much more entertaining than watching Republicans bicker over how is the best way to improve the economy and help the American people.

@Redteam, #104:

Nobody gives a damn and it’s not worth a vote.

Quite a few ballot referendums to raise the state minimum wage level just passed in conservative-leaning states. Republicans seem to be wrong about how their constituents feel on that one.

@Richard+Wheeler: 96

HRC is the current frontrunner for 2016.

RW, let me tell you why HRC will not be the frontrunner in 2016. 1980. The country had just been through the most God awful president ever from 1977-1980 and he was going to be gone in 81, no matter who was opposing him. He was unfortunate enough that he drew RR, the most conservative, best president the country has had or will have, to run against. HRC doesn’t want to follow the worst president the country has ever had and get the wrath of those that are fed up. Nope, she will wait 4 more years to run and let old Joe Biden have this nomination. He might be the best candidate the Dims can scare up in 16. Mr Gorbashev tear down this wall. It came down 25 years ago this week.

I think it was mentioned previously that no tw0-term U.S. president has had his own party in control of either house of Congress during his final 2 years from the days of Dwight D. Eisenhower to present.


Quite a few ballot referendums to raise the state minimum wage level just passed in conservative-leaning states. Republicans seem to be wrong about how their constituents feel on that one.

So what I said just went completely over your head. I said NOBODY gives a damn about min wage. If they did they would vote for it in congress. The Dims have been in complete control many years in the decades you mentioned. They didn’t vote to pass it. They don’t give a damn. The Dims have controlled both houses of congress since 1957 except for 20 years that Repubs had partial control. That’s a total of 37 years, you’d think they could get the min wage where they want it as much as they’re in control. As I said, they don’t give a damn.

@Bill:Repubs. “bicker over how is the best way to improve the economy and help the American people.” How sweet. Are you serious Bill? That’s la la land.

RT Gorbachev and Reagan—an impressive partnership.

Interesting proposition Throw Uncle Joe out there while HRC waits for the furor to die down. Could happen but I don’t think Billery have the patience.


I think it was mentioned previously

So? A president doesn’t have to wait til his final two years to try to pass a min wage, he can do it each and every year.


Repubs. “bicker over how is the best way t

I think the current problem is that all the Washingtonians are interested in staying in office, no matter what they have to do. Save their own As* seems to be the consensus of all the politicians. We need to get rid of all 536 in 16.

@Redteam: Term limits for everyone would be a start.

@Richard+Wheeler: yep, 6 years is long enough for all congressmen. It shouldn’t be a career.


but I don’t think Billery have the patience.

I don’t think ‘patience’ is the problem. I think ‘health’ is the issue. Hillary has obviously had a brain condition for a while, I’m not sure what; Hematoma, concussion, tumor, whatever, but I think they might think they don’t have another 4 years that they can wait. we’ll see how that all plays out. She would be the first president that had been fired from a professional job for ethics violations. How unique.


I’m for immigration reform.

The three things related to illegal immigration reform must be done: First is to seriously secure the border. Third is to re-implement enforcement of our immigration laws by the agencies entrusted with that responsibility (under the watchful eye of congressional inspectors). Third is to punish employers who hire illegal immigrants with severe penalties. Once the funding is specifically set aside for the construction of the border, the contractors are assigned and construction has started, And enforcement of our laws has commenced, then and only then, should Republicans consider piecemeal measures regarding immigrants.

What I would do is the following:

(1) First order of business should be the bio-chipping and deportation of violent/habitual criminal aliens with a warning that; should they return and be recaptured, their previous criminal sentence will be reinstated and doubled.

(2) Repatriation of illegal minors to their home nations, preferably with their parents if they are also here illegally and can be located.

(3) Order the Social Security Administration to turn over all information regarding duplicate/dubious use of Social Security Numbers, (identity theft) to federal investigators to determine if the identity thief is an illegal and take measures to arrest and deport them.

(4) Reform of the motor voter laws to require prominent identification of all citizens versus non-citizens on ID’s and verification of citizenship status prior to allowing voter registration with penalties to states that refuse enforcement (This should also require a nation-wide purging of all previous voter registration rolls, requiring all citizens to re-register, proving their citizenship status when doing so).

(5) While deportations of undesirable criminal aliens are in process, begin an expedition review process for those awaiting immigration permission so that more favorable and desired immigrants can begin the process over those here illegally. Regarding immigrants who have followed the law, any of their family members who have applied to immigrate should be given preferential treatment over those here illegally.

(6) Reform the “birthright” interpretation which was meant to apply only to freed slaves, (not illegal aliens), from “possibly meaning” jus solis, to firmly recognizing jus sanguinis in regards to children “born abroad in the US while foreign national parent are in the United States”.

(7) Once all that has been set in motion, we can start investigations to determine which illegals we should consider allowing a pathway, required (for starters) a full criminal background check in this nation, their original nation, and Interpol at the expense of the immigrant, with the caveat that any other foreign citizenship will be relinquished and void. All illegal immigrants who step up shall be bio-chipped, the imbedded chips removed on granting of citizenship. I would start with spouses and children who are not considered American citizens under the law, (adopted children must surrender claim to dual citizenship.) Then perhaps we can consider longer term, otherwise law abiding illegal immigrants willing to pay a fine equal to 150-200% the amount that a legal immigrant has to pay, (no free rides). Any rejected shall be bio-chipped and enter deportation proceedings.

(8) Deportation proceedings must be streamlined and expedited. Any illegal immigrant not meeting these conditions should be deported as soon as possible with due process, (Those without documentation captured near, on or while crossing the border should be immediately deported, without trial and immediately).

(9) H1-b “high-tech, medical or science worker” visas should only be granted after ensuring that there are not eligible workers registered with the Unemployment Office/Manpower. Officers with Manpower should serve as agent’s for trained US workers and negotiate between the companies and workers to help the workers meet qualifications.

That’s my 2-cents, and should be sufficient reform for this Congress.

No doubt this will be appreciated:

You Americans have no idea just how good you have it with Obama

Many of us Canadians are confused by the U.S. midterm elections.

Consider, right now in America, corporate profits are at record highs, the country’s adding 200,000 jobs per month, unemployment is below 6%, U.S. gross national product growth is the best of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries.

The dollar is at its strongest levels in years, the stock market is near record highs, gasoline prices are falling, there’s no inflation, interest rates are the lowest in 30 years, U.S. oil imports are declining, U.S. oil production is rapidly increasing, the deficit is rapidly declining, and the wealthy are still making astonishing amounts of money.

America is leading the world once again and respected internationally — in sharp contrast to the Bush years. Obama brought soldiers home from Iraq and killed Osama bin Laden.

So, Americans vote for the party that got you into the mess that Obama just dug you out of? This defies reason.

When you are done with Obama, could you send him our way?

Richard Brunt

Victoria, British Columbia

There’s a certain amount of confusion about it down here as well.


and verification of citizenship status prior to allowing voter registration with penalties to states that refuse enforcement (This should also require a nation-wide purging of all previous voter registration rolls, requiring all citizens to re-register, proving their citizenship status when doing so)

That WILL NEVER be done. The Dimocrats would squeal like stuck pigs, racism. Trying to keep the blacks from voting. Never, ever happen.

(6) Reform the “birthright” interpretation which was meant to apply only to freed slaves, (not illegal aliens), from “possibly meaning” jus solis, to firmly recognizing jus sanguinis in regards to children “born abroad in the US while foreign national parent are in the United States”.

that’s fine for the future, but what about the millions that are already citizens?

Any illegal immigrant not meeting these conditions should be deported as soon as possible with due process,

There is no ‘due process’ for deporting persons to non-existent nations or nations that are in political upheaval that would put those persons lives in jeopardy.
Not trying to be difficult, but there are as many questions as there are illegals in the country. We need to get started and the border needs to be secured first.


That WILL NEVER be done. The Dimocrats would squeal like stuck pigs, racism. Trying to keep the blacks from voting. Never, ever happen.

There is nothing “racial” about it. All records would be equally purged and all eligible citizens of any races would be equally required to re-register to vote.

that’s fine for the future, but what about the millions that are already citizens?

Show me the Supreme Court case that has established that they are “already citizens.” You can not because it has never been decided. All we have is various politicians in various states making legalistic hodgepodge out of the 14th Amendment. In the debate over the passage, it was agreed that the 14th amendment would only apply to those slaves emancipated by Lincoln, and not that of children born to other non-citizen foreigners. Those children born of Mexican parents are already recognized to be citizens of Mexico by that nation’s own laws. The same is true for over 50 other nations. The United States and Canada are the only two nations where this is so ambiguous an issue that some “accept” these children as citizens. There is no federal law that officially recognizes anchor babies to be “citizens,” it is only a legal opinion made by some activist judges which has never been decided one way or the other by the Supreme Court.

There is no ‘due process’ for deporting persons to non-existent nations or nations that are in political upheaval that would put those persons lives in jeopardy.

What non-existent nation are you referring to? Narnia? If someone is here illegally they came here from somewhere else. As for those born in transit, (at sea or in the air,) the vast majority of nations under UN treaty recognize such children as having the same nation of citizenship as the natural mother or father. There is a difference between political refugees brought into this country for protection, and those falsely claiming such status as an excuse to enter this nation illegally. It has not been uncommon for claimed “refugees” to be determined not to be and to have refugee status denied.

Not trying to be difficult, but there are as many questions as there are illegals in the country. We need to get started and the border needs to be secured first.

Which is why I referred to my positions as starting points. It will take quite a while to completely clear up this mess Washington D.C. has allowed to develop.


Richard Brunt is as delusional as you are.

I guess some people just recognize the things Americans should be grateful for, while others prefer to deny them.


America is leading the world once again and respected internationally — in sharp contrast to the Bush years.

You can’t be serious.


You can’t be serious.

I think this election was too much for Greg. He’s OD’ed on the Koolaid.


When you are done with Obama, could you send him our way?

Richard Brunt

Victoria, British Columbia

Hell, they can have him right effin now. No doubt Richard is yet another dupe that believes what he sees in the worshipful MSM rather than the reality around him (of course, he is not here, is he?).

By all means, come and take this empty suit off our hands. See how he likes watching his nation circle the drain.


@Bill:Repubs. “bicker over how is the best way to improve the economy and help the American people.” How sweet. Are you serious Bill? That’s la la land.

Certainly most serious. While Obama, Reid and the Democrats have played political games since 2010 (before which all they did was pass miserable legislation) people in America have been suffering. The economy has been floundering. Punk despots around the world have been consolidating. It’s time some people that actually care about the nation rather than destroying the other political party take control.

The economy is not floundering. The economy was going to hell in a handbag during the final year of the Bush administration. That’s no longer the case, and has not been the case since the middle of 2009.

The reality of the current situation has been summed up neatly in an article that recently appeared in Forbes: Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs, Growth And Investing. The title isn’t intended as a joke. It’s meant as a statement of fact. The author of the article presents data to support his assertion.

Many people have not been experiencing the benefits of the steadily improving economy. That is undeniable. It’s part of the reason why the GOP spends so much time and energy trying to sell the idea that the economy has gone steadily downhill since Obama took office, despite all statistical evidence to the contrary. If that’s not the case, their working and middle class base might begin to ask some very inconvenient questions.

@Greg: Yeah, it’s floundering. The jobs are part time and low paying, the investments are based on printed money @ 0% interest and each quarter’s growth gets downgraded the following quarter because the numbers are cooked.

Yeah, many don’t enjoy the “benefits”. Those who lost their jobs are still without or have replaced it with a part time or lower-paying job. Families have lost 20% of the value of their assets. Wages have gone down. AND they are saddled with Obamacare, which makes every aspect of life worse.

Liberals have no idea how to improve an economy. Never have, never will.

The GDP has steadily increased. Corporations have posted record profits month after month, year after year. The stock market has, in fact, climbed to and remains near all-time highs.

So, who has been getting the benefit of all of that? Somebody obviously has. How might the fact that real wages have been stagnant for a couple of decades relate to the the fact that is hasn’t been the working and middle classes?

Republicans can claim a deteriorating economy all they want. That simply hasn’t been the case. All statistics show that it hasn’t been.


The economy is not floundering.

what a vivid imagination.


Republicans can claim a deteriorating economy all they want. That simply hasn’t been the case. All statistics show that it hasn’t been.

We all see what we want to see, living with blinders on. My statistics show that for the first time in American history, a majority of its citizens are on government assistance (see link). Also, my statistics show that we have the highest poverty rate since the early ’90’s per the Washington Post (see link). The US Census Bureau is touting that it has dropped over the past four years from a high of 15% to 14.5% (still very high). But since the Census Bureau was co-opted by the Obama administration as a political tool, can you really believe anything they report, including unemployment or health insurance data? You believe what you want to believe is true. After all, you believed the Obama administration on everything else that turned out to be a lie.

All I know for sure is that the two biggest daily expenses in my budget, gasoline and food, have approximately doubled under Obama’s regime, and yet the US Dept of Labor still reports every quarter that inflation is near zero. Perhaps since about half the population pays nothing for food using their EBT cards, and the rest of us pay double, it all balances out to zero inflation. That’s a made-up statistic, but based on my experiences at grocery checkout lines, I’d say it’s closer to 90% of the population on EBT.

Most importantly, the Federal Reserve has been stealing 2% from our savings and income every year since 2012, by continually devaluing the dollar. Their intention is to do this until at least 2032, when the dollar will be devalued by one-third. It’s a hidden tax on wealth that affects the poor and middle class much more than the rich. However, nobody is complaining about it, since it is difficult to detect personally until it is too late. It just ensures that the poor will always be poor, and the middle class will soon join them. But that’s the society you want, isn’t it, Greg? Classless, with only the proles left, digging in the mud for a few beans. The leftist ruling elites will be outside of this dirty business, other than controlling the proles. Better save 33% more for your retirement if you want to maintain subsistence. (see link)

But you believe what you want to believe, Greg.

@Angel+Artiste, #132:

Forbes is including Social Security and Medicare in its government benefit count. When the resultant number is used politically, such government benefits are then quietly conflated with government handouts. I think this has created serious ambiguity concerning which social programs republicans support and which they would prefer to be done away with. It leaves people such as myself suspecting the worst about their intentions.

I’ve always favored a system somewhere between the two unacceptable extremes of unregulated capitalism and fully realized socialism. I think one of the functions of government is to promote that balance. I put striking such a balance under the heading of promoting the general welfare. Endless arguments about the Constitution result. They’ve been going on since the earliest days of the nation.

Regarding the Federal Reserve… Being a saver rather than an investor, I’m not particularly happy about the artificial suppression of interest rates. That policy has cost me a whole lot of money over the past decade. It’s made me even leerier of the stock market as an alternative, however, because I suspect the market has been artificially and deliberately propped up by that very policy. The virtue of traditional saving, which has always been a foundation stone of self-reliance, has been made to look like a sucker’s game. Recent proposals to turn the Social Security insurance system into a privatized investment scheme looked suspiciously like more of the same to me—just another way to temporarily inflate market values and make the biggest players a load of money, leaving the little guys with the risk of holding the empty bag after any crash. There are times when my question about who to believe turns into a suspicion that you can’t really trust anybody.


I’ve always favored a system somewhere between the two unacceptable extremes of unregulated capitalism and fully realized socialism.

Then you should immigrate to China.

After you. You would probably love their lack of environmental protection and workplace safety regulations.


I’m perfectly happy living under in the freedom of a Constitutional Republic and working to undo the damage that Democratic socialist-fascists like you have done to undermine and destroy this nation. It’s you “progressives” who are the ones who want to transform it and force everyone to being enslaved to your utopian nightmare.

I spent one year of a three-year enlistment at war in Vietnam. I figure I’ve got every right to speak my mind and a vote to cast each election in accordance with my ideals and beliefs, which I consider to be American in every respect.


The fact that you served in the military does not in of itself indicate that you support our Constitution. Show me where the founders favored a socialist-fascism form of government like you and the “progressives” you support want to transform America into.


I figure I’ve got every right to speak my mind and a vote to cast each election in accordance with my ideals and beliefs,

Yep, you have every right to be wrong and to speak your mind even when it shows your ignorance. Yep, you got that right.


I’ve always favored a system somewhere between the two unacceptable extremes of unregulated capitalism and fully realized socialism.

I think pretty much everyone favors a system between the two extremes (except for socialists, of course). However, it seems I favor one closer to the right side of the scale, and you favor one closer to the left.

You need to realize that capitalism is only an economic system, not a political one. Conservatism is the political soulmate of capitalism. Both philosophies support individual freedoms, self-reliance, and competition. Capitalism has been the greatest economic system the world has known. It has brought a level of prosperity and stability to its adherents, and subsequently to the world, that have beem previously unrealized in human history.

Socialism, on the other hand, is a lot like Islam. They are both a political system, an economic system, and a religion (In socialism, the State is god). They are both responsible for centuries of unspeakable human misery, poverty, and the genocidal murder of hundreds of millions of their enemies and their own followers.

Now, my only question is, why would you or anyone else in their right mind want to be on this side of the scale?


Now, my only question is, why would you or anyone else in their right mind want to be on this side of the scale?

I’m gonna guess they haven’t read the newspapers.