Obama likens white cops in Ferguson to the Islamic butchers of ISIS



In his most recent UN speech Barack Obama went the hopey-changey route instead of traveling down reality road.

Even as the U.S. expanded its most significant military operation since the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq a decade ago, Obama watered down his noble-America rhetoric. Instead, he promoted a more benign kind of American optimism likelier to be soothing to the ears of those on the world stage.

“I often tell young people in the United States that despite the headlines, this is the best time in human history to be born, for you are more likely than ever before to be literate, to be healthy, to be free to pursue your dreams,” Obama said, casting for positive trends amid a cascade of global crises. “For America, the choice is clear: We choose hope over fear.”

Obama’s effort to find notes of optimism on the global scene struck a contrast with the grim picture painted by U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, who decried “barrel bombs and beheadings” and bemoaned “a terrible year for the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter.”

He cannot even bring himself to properly label the enemy:

“I called this meeting,” Obama explained, “because we must come together — as nations and an international community — to confront the real and growing threat of foreign terrorist fighters.”

At the Washington Times, Joseph Curl described Obama’s speech as “full of naiveté”:

President Obama on Wednesday delivered a speech at the United Nations filled with his usual soaring rhetoric of global collectivism and the importance of “international norms.” But the president also displayed a shocking naivete about global affairs, religion, Islam — a Pollyannaish interpretation on the state of the world and America’s role in it.

As he is so oft to do, Obama refused to pin blame on Islam for anything:

To Mr. Obama, there’s no global conflict of ideology, just “pervasive unease in our world.” To him, the strife is merely the “failure of our international system to keep pace with an interconnected world.” And to him, “it is one of the tasks of all great religions to accommodate devout faith with a modern, multicultural world.”

Then Obama goes on to outright lie:

So is this passage of his speech: ” … the United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. Islam teaches peace. Muslims the world over aspire to live with dignity and a sense of justice. And when it comes to America and Islam, there is no us and them, there is only us.”

But Islam and the holy Koran on which Muslim militant groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State base their actions do call for the extermination of all who do not follow Islam, do demand that followers kill anyone who leaves the religion, do subjugate women. For the record, the Koran contains more than 100 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers.

Mr. Obama said in his speech that “all people of faith have a responsibility to lift up the value at the heart of all great religions: Do unto thy neighbor as you would do — you would have done unto yourself.” But that is not a cornerstone of Islam. Militant Muslims have a very different belief: “Fight in the name of your religion with those who disagree with you.” And that edict comes straight from their holiest book.

Most offensive was his likening of the white cops or Ferguson to the Islamic jihadists of ISIS:

“In a summer marked by instability in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, I know the world also took notice of the small American city of Ferguson, Missouri — where a young man was killed, and a community was divided,” Obama said in the speech. “So yes, we have our own racial and ethnic tensions.”

Dick Cheney noticed it, and rightly so:

Cheney said the comparison was unwarranted.

“In one case, you’ve got a police officer involved in a shooting, there may be questions about it to be sorted out by the legal process, but there’s no comparison to that with what ISIS is doing to thousands of people throughout the Middle East through bloody beheadings of anybody they come in contact with,” Cheney said. “To compare the two as though there’s moral equivalence there, I think, is outrageous.”

Barack Obama has made the protection of Islam his highest priority, but drawing a moral equivalence between ISIS and the white cops of Ferguson is offensive. One wonders when people in this country will take their blinders off. This time, at least, Obama bashed his own country IN his own country.

Exit question: How many world leaders have you ever seen address the UN and bash their own country?

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