The difference in how two Presidents react to a crisis


George Bush, 2001


And just catch the emotion with which Barack Obama reacts to the death of Steven Sotloff:


We’ll “manage” ISIS.



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Note Obama individualizes Sotloff’s death in that the only people who are affected are those ”….who loved Steven…”
Not you.
Not me.
Not America.
Certainly not that cold fish who is reading those words.

I appreciated another contrast.
President Bush was off script yet fired up his listeners multiple times.
Obama was reading (not via TOTUS, but from notes on his podium) yet his pre-written words were cold as ice.

@Nanny G: He only gets emotional when talking about income redistribution. The safety of 324,000,000 Americans doesn’t concern him. If someone has $20 that they should share with someone else does.

The problem is one of them let it happen on American soil after receiving warnings then invaded an innocent country and killed hundreds of thousands. And it took Obama to get Osama.


No words can describe how much I abhor this puppet. This OFraud character. I respect the Office of the Presidency, but, I do not have to respect he imposters in our White House.

And YES. I do miss George Bush, especially for the reasons in the video.

I do hope he doesn’t pay too much attention to the ripping to shreds this Administration has done not only to the strides made in Iraq under Bush, but to the military that George Bush had so much honor and endearment for. It’s almost like Obama the hater is giving him the middle finger, just like he likes doing so to the rest of America, especially Conservatives and the middle class.

I do hope George Bush is enjoying his retirement.

George W. was a head cheerleader at Andover. He does well when you hand him a megaphone.


George W. was a head cheerleader at Andover. He does well when you hand him a megaphone.

Unlike Obama who can’t open his mouth without sticking his foot in it if he doesn’t have at least two teleprompters.

@retire05: Obama is great patting himself on the back.

@This one:

The problem is one of them let it happen on American soil after receiving warnings then invaded an innocent country and killed hundreds of thousands. And it took Obama to get Osama.

One must wonder then, since the threat existed BEFORE Bush took office why Clinton (who it is fantasized “warned” Bush) took NONE of the actions you idiotic leftists feel Bush was so remiss in not taking? The threat originated under Clinton; why did he not reinforce cockpit doors, ban carry on knives, screen for Muslims or prohibit students from learning how to fly a plane but not land one? By your measure, Clinton let 9/11 happen.

It took Bush to gather the intelligence for Obama to get bin Laden, and even once Obama had bin Laden’s address, it took him 16 hours to decide to get him. How do you explain Obama not being able to get Zawahiri, who has taken over al Qaeda after bin Laden? OH, THAT’S RIGHT!! Obama can’t hang on Bush’s coat tails and benefit from all the work his administration did. Why didn’t Obama, the supreme man-hunter rescue Bergdahl instead of trading five dangerous terrorists for his deserting ass? Obama, the supreme leader, waits 30 days to order the mission to rescue Foley when, by then, the intelligence has expired and Foley is on his way to being beheaded, all because he worries more about his personal image than the lives of Foley and the SEALs he needlessly risked.

Yeah, next indeed. Next bungled, international embarrassment, brought to you by Obama’s voters.


George W. was a head cheerleader at Andover. He does well when you hand him a megaphone.

He was also a National Guard fighter pilot that volunteered for service in Vietnam. When will we finally see what Obama does well at?

@This one:

And it took Obama to get Osama.

yes, 4 years and only after his people gave up on him and sold his whereabouts to the CIA. Obama damn sure didn’t find him.
I thought it was Slick Willie that was bragging about “he could’a got Osama, but he didn’t”.


He does well when you hand him a megaphone.

Unusual for a lib to give GW a compliment. But you’re right Bush was good at something, Obummer can’t even read a Totus.

@Redteam: yes, 4 years and only after his people gave up on him and sold his whereabouts to the CIA. Obama damn sure didn’t find him.
I thought it was Slick Willie that was bragging about “he could’a got Osama, but he didn’t”.

good points.
And didn’t a doctor greatly assist in locating and confirming Osama’s whereabouts ONLY TO BE ABANDONED by Obama?
Dr. Afridi was abandoned in Pakistan where he has been imprisoned and tortured.
Not only has he been sentenced to 33 years of torture, but now al Qaeda is offering to free him in exchange for that bio-chem PhD terrorist, Dr Aafia Siddiqui.
Obama has been pathetic.
Bush would have gotten Dr. Afridi out right away.

George W. was a head cheerleader at Andover. He does well when you hand him a megaphone.

And 0Muslim wears mom pants.

0Muslim mom pants also has trouble with both reading and keeping up with his teleprompter due to his sub 6th grade reading and speaking skills. I’ll also note that Bush was a leader while 0Muslim has never been anything but a very poor (teleprompter) reader.

As for the “crisis” topic; the only thing that constitutes a crisis in 0Muslim’s lazy and not-too-bright mind would be missing his tee time.

Now go kiss that 0Muslim mom pants photo you love so much…

Obama did NOT “get” Osama, because Usama bin Laden died at Tora Bora of kidney failure. His loyal henchmen quietly buried him deep in the caves, and his body-doubles scattered. They wanted to make it appear as if he were still alive, running the show. The man killed by the SEAL Team was one of those body-doubles, supplied by Pakistani ISI, which was why he basically lived on a military base. That’s also the reason that “UBL’s” body was thrown overboard; the blood-tests didn’t match.

Dr j you should have posted a link to the video. Of W when he was reading The Pet Goat and was told that a plane had hit the WTC ( just like he had been warned might happen )


Perhaps you can provide us all with the paragraph in the famous PDB that states specifically that there would be jet airliners flown into the World Trade center, and when?

You know, that word specific, that the Obama team loves to use such as when they are telling us that there is “no specific intel that says ISIS is a danger to the U.S.”?


Dr j you should have posted a link to the video. Of W when he was reading The Pet Goat and was told that a plane had hit the WTC ( just like he had been warned might happen )

Bush remained in that classroom about 7 minutes after hearing about the attacks (luckily he showed no panic in front of the children). 7 minutes. Obama has known about the ISIS threat for a year. 12 months. 365 days. That’s 75,086 7-minute spans.

Immediately after hearing the news about 9/11/2001, Bush went to work. Obama slept through the news about 9/11/2012 and, when he woke up, he went to a fundraiser then golfed.

See my question in #8 above:

One must wonder then, since the threat existed BEFORE Bush took office why Clinton (who it is fantasized “warned” Bush) took NONE of the actions you idiotic leftists feel Bush was so remiss in not taking? The threat originated under Clinton; why did he not reinforce cockpit doors, ban carry on knives, screen for Muslims or prohibit students from learning how to fly a plane but not land one? By your measure, Clinton let 9/11 happen.

Why is it impossible to get any sort of response to this from a Bush-hating/blaming liberal?

Guys like you, John, who hold Republicans to such a high standard sure do forgive, overlook and ignore a lot of incompetence in your own demigods. You guys sure can pick a winner.

@DrJohn: Thanks for the link. I wonder if a US leader has ever received such news while on camera at an event. There were several different ways Bush could have reacted, but perhaps in front of children, remaining calm and collecting his thoughts for a few minutes was what was best. At any rate, it is difficult to imaging Gore being the same caliber of leader for the next few months. It is not flippant to ponder if Obama would have gone to a scheduled fundraiser, vacation or golfing immediately afterwards. Probably not during his first term.