As the facts of the shooting in Ferguson Missouri leaked the air went out of the racism balloon. The race baiters desperately needed a canard- something else upon which to hang their restive hats. Thus The Reverend Tawana Sharpton, Obama’s “go to guy” on race, drew a new race card out of the deck:
The police caused the riots.
The Rev. Al Sharpton used his eulogy for slain 18-year-old Michael Brown on Monday to criticize the conduct of law enforcement in Ferguson, Missouri, and to call for America to “deal with” the kind of policing that has plagued the community in the weeks since Brown’s death.
“America, it’s time to deal with policing,” Sharpton said at funeral services for Brown at the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church, addressing a crowd of thousands that included politicians, civil rights activists and celebrities. “We are not the haters, we’re the healers.”
(That sound you hear is me LMAO)
Then Sharpton launched into what can only be described kindly as a cacophony of fiction:
“America is going to have to come to terms with [the fact that] there’s something wrong, that we have money to give military equipment to police forces but we don’t have money for training, and money for public education and money to train our children,” Sharpton said.
Sharpton is either ignorant or a liar. The military equipment came from Iraq. It was bought and paid for long ago. Missouri’s feckless governor arranged for its acceptance. More from the Go To Guy:
“How do you think we look when young people march nonviolently, asking for the land of the free and the home of the brave to hear their cry and you put snipers on the roof and pointed guns at them. How do we look?” Sharpton said.
Hold that thought.
Over on Ronan Farrow’s show that no one watches, Farrow had a guest who echoed Sharpton’s sentiments on the etiology of the rioting and looting:
Farrow: And we’re still looking at those live images of people streaming out of the church. Very emotional people. We saw people leaping to their feet angrily, sometimes euphoric at the prospect of change but also still a lot of anger there, and we’ve seen that on the streets. Philip, with so much rage surrounding this, how do you prevent these protests you’re planning from turning violent?
Agnew: Well, first, I take issue with calling it rage. I think this is well-placed anger, disappointment, disenchantment with an aggressive militarized police force and with the apathetic government.
Let me ask you this. If I give you flour, if I give you eggs, I give you water, I give you milk, will you have a turkey sandwich? No, you have cake. And so the recipe is there. You have no jobs. You’ve got no opportunity. You have got low educational opportunities. And then you combine that with that militarized police force that’s quelling up people who have righteous anger over something anybody should be angry over. I don’t consider it rage at all. I consider it well-placed anger. I think youth around the country are going to conduct themselves in a very orderly manner because that is our nature. It’s only turned violent when the police were in the, when the police in the community, when the police were aggressive, and when they came through a regular city block with tanks like they were in Afghanistan.
“It’s only turned violent when the police were in the, when the police in the community, when the police were aggressive, and when they came through a regular city block with tanks like they were in Afghanistan.”
The tanks did it. The tanks caused the rioting and looting. Not only that, but those rioters and looters were entitled to riot and loot!
(Now let me ask you a question. Are you more or less inclined to riot and loot if tanks and guns are aimed at you?)
So there it is- Sharpton’s Big Lie: The police caused the riots. The tanks caused the riots. It was all that aggressive militarization.
Except it wasn’t.
The SWAT teams and military equipment weren’t called in until AFTER the riots began.
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2014, PM
– A Twitter post is made warning that the Internet hacker group “Anonymous” is prepared to make internal emails and other private police documents public if it deems police act inappropriately.
– Looting, property damage and rioting take place in North St. Louis County. A QuikTrip gas station is looted and set fire after looters leave with merchandise. SWAT teams and police in riot gear were called to the scenes of violence. About 20 businesses in the county were looted and 32 people were arrested.
Monday, Aug. 11, 2014, PM
Crowds throw rocks at police because they’re, you know, militaristic and cop-like.
Thursday, Aug. 14, 2014, Afternoon
As the unrest continues, Governor Nixon indignantly orders the militaristic cops out and the Highway Patrol in.
– Nixon announces that Ferguson security will be overseen by Missouri State Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson after the local police response drew heavy criticism. Johnson says there will be no more armored trucks, tear gas and riot gear – he wants to establish a rapport with the protestors face-to-face.
Friday, Aug. 15, 2014, Late Evening into Early Morning Saturday, Aug. 16, 2014
The rapport thing isn’t cutting it.
– More looting takes place in Ferguson. Convenience store where strong-arm robbery allegedly involving Brown is hit.
– Some in Ferguson try to stop looters, form human walls to protect local businesses. Others stand guard outside stores with guns.
Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014, PM
The Nixon/Johnson kumbaya is in tatters
– Peaceful demonstrations in Ferguson quickly deteriorate when marchers push toward one end of a street and are met by police firing tear gas. Police say they acted in response to gunfire, looting, vandalism and protesters who hurled Molotov cocktails.
Monday, Aug. 18, 2014, AM
Gov. Jay Nixon re-militarizes Ferguson:
– Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon announces he has signed an executive order deploying the Missouri National Guard “to help restore peace and order and to protect the citizens of Ferguson.”
Thursday, Aug. 21, 2014, Afternoon
The rioters and looters have worn themselves out and Nixon begins to withdraw the Guard.
Now the key:
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2014, AM
– Hundreds of people march to the Ferguson Police Department demanding answers for the teen’s death. Some have their hands up, as Brown reportedly did before he was shot, some chanting “Don’t shoot me.” They are met by police officers at the station and there is no violence.
Orderly protests. No violence. No aggression. No militarization.
There were no SWAT teams, no militarization, no aggression, nothing more than the normal police force until the rioting and looting erupted. The Ferguson police force did its job. The SWAT teams and tanks were summoned when the violence got out of control. Gov. Nixon’s experiment with appeasement failed miserably. The rioters and looters ran roughshod over the Highway Patrol and Nixon was forced to re-insert the militaristic presence to secure calm.
The nauseating Elijah Cummings jumped into the fray empty racist head first:
“The administration must quickly establish a national commission to review existing police policies and practices,” the letter reads. “And identify the best policies and practices that can prevent more Fergusons and vastly improve policing in communities across the nation.”
Cummings wants a “police czar” who can centralize and control law enforcement all over the nation, in essence creating a national police force. Someone last tried that in Germany. It wasn’t pretty.
Tawana Sharpton’s message is bullshit, as is most everything he says. Cummings is also full of it. This argument is a canard. The race hustlers want to shift the national conversation of blame from where it belongs- with those who rioted and looted and threw rocks and Molotov cocktails- to the cops who were only doing their jobs.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
As long as the MSM only carry big Al’s BS the truth will never be heard.
@old guy: It is not only Al’s BS, but the left wing news sources are desperate to be relevant as the progressive US agenda continues to follow the same path as it has in other countries. Look at the lefties on this Blog. They continue to defend a failing agenda not by debating the facts, but by attacking the person who posted comments. The progressive agenda can not be defended because history shows how often it has failed.
As I wrote in the “What a Tangled Web We Weave” (yeah, that was me), just as with the case of the local Dallas race-baiter (who, though repeatedly caught in gigantic lies went on to be elected to the city council), these carnival barkers like Shaprton have learned that they can spew out all the false racist hatred they want and actually enhance themselves by it, even when (as in the rape case shown) they are later proven to be gigantic liars. What is it about that that works so well? Why aren’t the liars called to task for their lies, held responsible for the damage their lies cause, and punished, by credibility revocation, for their damaging, hate-filled, violence-inciting lies?
Apparently, when a mob of blacks get together and decide to pillage, the authorities are duty-bound to step aside so as not to… incite them to riot and pillage? Is that the lesson Al is trying to establish as reality here? Then, I assume, when this horde comes across an establishment that would rather not be pillaged, equipped with a well-armed defender, and a black person gets killed by a white shop owner, this would be the fault of the police as well for NOT stopping them? Of course, the white shop owner is toast, but I guess the alternative would be for the police to shoot the shop owner so the horde can safely pillage the shop. THIS is where all this would logically be heading.
It isn’t “either or”… Sharpton is an ignorant liar.
This is the blind stupidity of the left. One of the reasons areas like Ferguson has little opportunities for blacks is that those opportunities are run off by the way blacks act towards those opportunities (strong-arm robbery, pillage, destruction).
When Johnson showed up and took control, the scene calmed down because, I believe, it was perceived he, being black, would somehow give them what they wanted: Wilson’s head on a platter and the key to the city. That didn’t happen, so the riots began again. Then Holder showed up and told them he was inclined to see things their way (something Johnson never even hinted at), so it has calmed down again. However, in a week or two, when Wilson’s body is not hanging from a lamp post, upside down, let’s see how calm it remains. Expect greater levels of rage and destruction if Wilson is exonerated.
Bottom line is, these left wing racist blacks (not all blacks by any means) DEMAND all rules and laws be set aside when they have convinced themselves that something not to their liking has occurred or MIGHT occur. We may need more armor.
“How to Deal With the Brainwashed”
Rowan must be too young to have ever seen James Brown.
Rowan must also be too young to have seen the movie, The Blues Brothers, where James brown and a huge ”congregation” went exactly as wild as those people in Ferguson’s church.
All the same moves.
All the same ecstasy.
Either black people are really weird apers of what James Brown did or there is such a gap between blacks and others that it will NEVER be bridged.
It is really too bad we didn’t see their act inside their churches before now.
It would have explained a lot.
You cannot be logical or reasonable under such circumstances.
All you can be is emotional.
Maybe our all working to find middle ground is impossible.
Blacks cry for JUSTICE. If they got it most would be in jail!!
@Thirteen: Good referral. Put my thoughts into words.
@Thirteen: That describes every lefty I’ve come into contact with, either personally or through a medium such as TV or the net.
Fantastic synopsis of an excellent day by day recollection of events in Ferguson.
I saw where you were going and knew you would enjoy the read.
@another vet:
But yet they fail to see their predictability.
It is all about money.
First, money for Democratic politicians. They want to run on race war, because they think it is a winning issue for them. And when they get elected, they get lots of money.
Second, money for the media. They want race wars, because that sells papers, magazines, and TV programs. And gives reporters awards, too. You gotta have riots to have good video!
So follow the money.
When I saw videos of the looting and rioting, I concluded- paranormal blacktivity. When I saw the National Guard called in I concluded- paramilitary activity. Both sides- the so called oppressed who want justice, and the law and order crowd acting like storm troopers, over reacted. Fuel that with a media circus and race baiters, both begging attention, the event becomes world wide news. Respect for people, the law, and other people’s property, were sorely lacking.
The whole, ”Michael Brown was UNARMED…..” has been debunked by….Michael Brown!
“I’m out here to claim what’s mines”
“My Hands My Ammunition”