On any board I have visited over the last week visiting the Michael Brown shooting I kept writing
“Let’s wait for the facts.”
It’s pretty obvious that that hasn’t been what’s transpired. From the beginning there have been wildly conflicting accounts as to the events of August 9. Little by little the facts leak out. At first we were told that a police officer was driving down a Ferguson street and decided to shoot Michael Brown for being a nothing more than being black.
Dorian Johnson, who was with Brown, gave his account:
Dorian Johnson, 22, told CNN that he and Brown were walking in the middle of the street when a white male officer pulled up and told them, “Get the f*** on the sidewalk.” The young men replied that they were “not but a minute away from our destination, and we would shortly be out of the street,” Johnson said.
The officer drove forward but stopped and backed up, almost hitting the pair, Johnson said.
“We were so close, almost inches away, that when he tried to open his door aggressively, the door ricocheted both off me and Big Mike’s body and closed back on the officer,” Johnson said.
Still in his car, the officer then grabbed Brown by his neck, Johnson said. Brown tried to pull away, but the officer kept pulling Brown toward him, he said.
The officer drew his weapon, and “he said, ‘I’ll shoot you’ or ‘I’m going to shoot’ ” and almost instantaneously fired his weapon, hitting Brown, Johnson said.
Johnson and a bloodied Brown took off running, and Johnson hid behind the first car he saw, he said. The officer got out of his car.
It was reported that Brown was shot twice immediately, at least once in the back.
Salon also reported that Brown has been shot in the back.
Dorian Johnson, 22, who was with Brown at the time of his death, said the pair had been walking in the middle of the street when a police officer in a car reportedly told them to “get the f**k on the sidewalk”.
A struggle near the officer’s car followed, with Johnson reporting that Brown was shot at close range. “The whole time [the officer] was holding my friend until the gun went off,” Johnson told MSNBC.
Johnson and Brown started running away when Brown was shot a second time in the back. Following this Johnson says Brown turned around with his hands up and said “I don’t have a gun, stop shooting!” after which the office reportedly shot him several more times.
Tiffany Mitchell, another witness:
Mitchell said she was driving when she saw Brown trying to pull away from an officer as the two were “tussling through a window.” She said she had hoped to get a video because the incident “just didn’t look right,” but failed to get her camera out in time.
“I didn’t know exactly what was going on, but I knew it didn’t look right for someone to be wrestling with the police through the police window, but I didn’t get a video because a shot was fired through the window, so I tried to get out of the way,” Mitchell said.
Ferguson police had this response:
10 a.m. – Michael Brown, 18, was unarmed, St. Louis County Police Chief Joe Belmar says in a news conference. Belmar says Brown physically assaulted the officer, and during a struggle between the two, Brown reached for the officer’s gun. One shot was fired in the car followed by other gunshots outside of the car.
Over at The Conservative Treehouse someone took notice of a conversation in the background of a video uploaded to Youtube.
#1 How’d he get from there to there?
#2 Because he ran, the police was still in the truck – cause he was like over the truck
#2 But him and the police was both in the truck, then he ran – the police got out and ran after him
#2 Then the next thing I know he coming back toward him cus – the police had his gun drawn already on him –
#1. Oh, the police got his gun
#2 The police kept dumpin on him, and I’m thinking the police kept missing – he like – be like – but he kept coming toward him
#2 Police fired shots – the next thing I know – the police was missing
#1 The Police?
#2 The Police shot him
#1 Police?
#2 The next thing I know … I’m thinking … the dude started running … (garbled something about “he took it from him”)
You can listen for yourself:
We then learned that Brown was not simply walking down the street. He is seen on a security video (allegedly) robbing a convenience store and was walking down the street holding the box of cigars.
Dorian Johnson, who has an outstanding arrest warrant for theft, told this story:
About 20 minutes before the shooting, Johnson said he saw Brown walking down the street and decided to catch up with him. The two walked and talked. That’s when Johnson says they saw the police car rolling up to them.
Johnson claimed he and Brown were just walking down the middle of the street minding their own business doing nothing wrong. Maybe not. Johnson’s attorney has confirmed that the above is not true. Johnson was with Brown when the store was robbed.
The friend who was with Michael Brown when he was shot and killed by a police officer near St. Louis over the weekend is reportedly confirming that he and Brown had taken part in the theft of cigars from a convenience store that day.
Officer Wilson’s account as related by a friend:
He pulled up ahead of them. And then he got a call-in that there was a strong-arm robbery. And, they gave a description. And, he’s looking at them and they got something in their hands and it looks like it could be what, you know those cigars or whatever. So he goes in reverse back to them. Tries to get out of his car. They slam his door shut violently. I think he said Michael did. And, then he opened the car again. He tried to get out. He stands up.
And then Michael just bum-rushes him and shoves him back into his car. Punches him in the face and them Darren grabs for his gun. Michael grabbed for the gun. At one point he got the gun entirely turned against his hip. And he shoves it away. And the gun goes off.
Well, then Michael takes off and gets to be about 35 feet away. And, Darren’s first protocol is to pursue. So, he stands up and yells, “Freeze!” Michael and his friend turn around. And Michael taunts him… And then all the sudden he just started bumrushing him. He just started coming at him full speed. And, so he just started shooting. And, he just kept coming. And, so he really thinks he was on something.”
Some of the first autopsy results were released. Brown was shot six times, all from the front and none in the back. Two of the wounds suggest that Brown’s head was tilted forward:
Dr. Baden provided a diagram of the entry wounds, and noted that the six shots produced numerous wounds. Some of the bullets entered and exited several times, including one that left at least five different wounds.
“This one here looks like his head was bent downward,” he said, indicating the wound at the very top of Mr. Brown’s head. “It can be because he’s giving up, or because he’s charging forward at the officer.”
Unfortunately Tawana Sharpton and company have their own version of reality.
The media has painted a target on Officer Wilson’s back, saying “Kill Here.”
The Black Panthers penned a chant for Office Brown.
The Governor of Missouri is outraged that the video showing Brown robbing the store is released.
And what has our feckless government done?
The Obama Department of Justice wants all evidence that would exculpate Officer Wilson suppressed.
The worm has turned in this story. Not one word about it has been uttered on the Today show this morning.
Not one word.
We’ve seen this before: Tawana Brawley, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown. The real story is never the popular one.
The autopsy report suggests Brown was shot 6 times. This is incorrect. Only three bullets were recovered and there are no exit wounds noted. Brown was most likely hit three times.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Overton window, anyone? Notice how -despite multiple shooting deaths of young black men in Chicago not getting wall-to-wall media coverage – our media are totally focused on fomenting riots over Mr. Brown’s death, and the coverage of ISIS, Ukraine, the economy, the IRS scandal, and Benghazi are pushed off the table?
another thing dug up is this kid has a fairly long rap sheet for his young age, so robbing the store wasn’t his first.
I find it curious that so many criticize the release of the video. No doubt, the release of the fact that Michael Brown wasn’t the gentle giant recent graduate that looked forward to nothing but higher education and a better future has caused some resentment in those who have already invested in the story of Brown being shot for being black. However, is it not more inflammatory to allow that rumor to fester?
Well, in a sane world populated by rational people. However, in Ferguson, the latest cultivated bed of racism, it is somehow inflammatory to present the truth. As soon as the video was released, the account of the prime eye witness, Brown’s co-robber Johnson, is cast in doubt since, for some inexplicable reason, he failed to mention they both had just come from a robbery. Also, the account of two innocent youths just walking around and being accosted by the violent pigs has some of the validity shaved off it by the videoed violent inclination of Brown. Yet, we can’t just take the word of the police as golden, either. With the absence of a video or voice recording of the incident, only after much investigation will we have any firm answers.
If they are the wrong answers (Brown attacked the cop, both he and Johnson tried to wrest the cop’s weapon from him, 6’4″, 300lb brown tried to rush the cop again, Brown was killed in self-defense) expect more rioting and accusations of racism. It is a true tragedy if, indeed, Brown was headed to college and let some older thug steer him wrong and died on account of, possibly, the worst cigars made. A greater tragedy would be to use this tragedy to create more unwarranted racial strife.
Michael Brown did not ‘deserve’ to die. No one is claiming he ‘deserved’ to die. No one other than the racial propagandists who have taken ownership of these statements.
The video inside the market, when exposed and confronted by the employee for not paying for the merchandise, shows a defiant Michael Brown ‘strong arming’ the employee.
Now we hear this video was (has to be) photo shopped? Seriously??
Why is there no mention by anyone other the police he was suspected of theft?? Everyone other than the police are steering far away from that fact, plus the fact he was not an ‘upstanding citizen’ as being portrayed by the race baiters.
I have to wonder if the place was ‘torched’ in order to destroy evidence (after the fact). Realizing there ‘might be’ video evidence. Although, I am not too sure these people are smart enough to think that far ahead – smart like thinking of the impact on your town and community after burning down your town, looting your local businesses, and rioting.
I am really curious why there had to be a third autopsy…are they searching hard for evidence that refutes the (white) policeman’s statement of facts when he was fighting for his gun and his life? Sounds desperate to me… OR, they just want to be ‘through’ before releasing results… because the cry of racism in this tragedy … just may ring hollow.
No one (in Ferguson and elsewhere) wanted to wait for the police to review what happened BEFORE releasing that investigative information to the public…which is probably why it took several days. Not to worry, the judge and jury of public opinion in Ferguson, MO was already out.
So reports claim that Holder has ordered that a second autopsy be performed…
If true, I predict this 2nd autopsy will provide “inconclusive” results as to whether or not Brown was shot in the back.
I looked up his rap sheet and found only one incident (Nov 2013) with four criminal counts arising out of it.
He was 18 at his death making him 17 then.
All his pre-17 record is sealed.
I also found some purported photos of him doing obscene finger gestures as well as gang signs.
Among them is a photoshopped photo calling all the rest into question.
See the reversed ”twins” sitting in that one.
Painting him – either as a saint OR as a sinner – is equally wrong.
Huffinton Post reporter said he found rubber bullets. Apparently, he thinks they have rubber shell casings and rubber primers and powder as well. What happens when liberals are too anxious to confirm their prejudices.
@Bill: That was funny. It was to be expected though. Just like everything else, the left knows a lot about nothing and nothing about everything. I’m sure they will all be ballistic experts and expert weapons instructors now that it is known that he was shot 6 times.
Don’t you love the lame “No Justice, No Peace” statement you hear/see so much during such uncivilized riots and non-peaceful protests?
Well, I’ve got something to say to these rioters in regard to this nonsensical statement. And that is:
No Peace, No Justice.
You rioters can expect no justice as long as your lifestyles promote no peace.
No Peace will get you No Justice every time.
The sooner these uncivilized rioters abandon their public assistance dependent criminal lifestyles the sooner they can expect to be treated like civilized adults.
Until then, they’ll continue to reap what they sow.
Meanwhile, many of these rioters are the same violent thugs who almost always say and do nothing whenever a “black on black” or “black on non-black” broad daylight cold blooded murder takes place. Nope, nary a peep nor a word do we hear from these cowards in response to such “just another day in the ghetto” crimes.
This, of course, is a large part of what separates them from the rest of the civilized cultures of the world. Well that, and listening to violent rap music along with their reluctance to work for a living and/or raise their children in a 2 parent setting.
And if these thugs think they’ve got it bad with the police now; just wait until there are no police around to protect their cowardly souls…
Michael Baden said Monday he had great respect for Mary Case, the medical examiner in St. Louis County, and said he expected that her review would show similar results to his.
The report from Mary Case’s office was released to the St. Louis County prosecutor’s office on Friday night…..
Brown had between six and eight gunshot wounds and was shot from the front.
Brown had marijuana in his system when he was shot and killed by a police officer on Aug. 9 in Ferguson.
Was Brown ”on something?”
I keep hearing the pot we smoked in the 1960’s is NOTHING compared with today’s product.
Yet that pot from the ’60’s would set you back on your butt in a daze for hours.
I wonder if Brown’s pot was of the sort that made you aggressive?
Twice in the same hour Brown attacked men and twice he went back after them.
Makes you wonder.
@Nanny G:
For someone who claims the mantle of impartiality (“Painting him – either as a saint OR as a sinner – is equally wrong.”) you sure are working overtime on inventing reasons for why Michael Brown was responsible for his own death. Now he’s drug crazed? First of all, having marijuana in his system doesn’t mean he was high at the time of the incident. This type of test can only indicate whether he likely ingested it within a large window of time, likely 30 days of the date of the test. Second, for your information, there is absolutely zero evidence that any strain of marijuana causes aggression. That is straight up Reefer Madness talk. Third, you absolutely cannot prove your claim that he “attacked men and twice he went back after them”. At least two eye witnesses would dispute that claim. That’s you choosing to run with one version of the story over another. So much for waiting for the facts.
Painting someone as an aggressive drug-crazed lunatic with outdated theories and fifty year old personal anecdotes isn’t doing much to bolster your case against Brown, or your claim to impartiality.
You might want to think twice about bringing up the “eyewitness” accounts that dispute the police account. First, forget about Johnson; he failed to mention he was involved in the robbery that preceded and, apparently, triggered the encounter. Second, toss out the second “eyewitness” account; we now know there were no entrance wounds in Brown’s back so, therefore, he was not shot while simultaneously fleeing and surrendering.
Then there’s the voice recording on the video taken after the incident containing other “eyewitnesses” corroborating the police account. The narrative presented by the aggrieved is falling apart rapidly.
It may certainly be inaccurate to paint Brown as “an aggressive drug-crazed lunatic”, but there is more and more evidence mounting to support that he contributed to his own demise and, even if an overreaction by police, it was not a “killed for being black” scenario.
An independent autopsy which, granted, was performed at the behest of the family, calls into question some of those conclusions. You want to dismiss out of hand eye witness testimonies, while I assume, putting full faith into the version of the events being given by the police. That seems unreasonable to me. Personally, I hope objective evidence trumps all witness statements.
Being shot six times, twice in the head, none of the shots, as far as we currently know, at point blank range, while unarmed, is a high bar to clear, in my mind, unless something very compelling does come out. Once the character assassination of the victim commenced, that tells me that what you consider “more and more” compelling evidence is hardly that. The spin has shifted to trying to explain that Brown must be guilty because he’s a “thug”, not because there is proof.
The manipulation of the people on the street is astounding.
The first day (before the looting even took place) people had a false meme that some white cop simply gunned down an unarmed boy in the street as he held his hands up in ”the universal sign of surrender.”
This has been picked up by outside agitators who play the crowd for all they can.
And what is the agenda of these outsiders?
Communists, Nation of Islam, New Black Panthers, professional race-baiters, anarchists and looters.
Each group has it’s own agenda.
Jesse Jackson was BOOed when he tried to solicit money from these people in Ferguson.
Had it not been for the professionals from out of town, this whole thing might have died down by now.
Justice takes time in the USA.
We don’t do lynch mobs or vigil antes as a governmental action.
Facts (like the PD reports, the videos and the coroner’s report) are beginning to dispute the original story.
The fact of the matter the cop who shot him knew nothing of the robbery. The Chief of Police confirmed this. You can say he was a thug and got what he deserved but the fact remains he was shot dead with his hand up surrendering.
This is the real problem:
The Rude Pundit:
In Brief: A Thought Experiment on Ferguson
Let us say, and why not, that starting last week, large groups of armed black men and women blockaded the roads to their neighborhood in Ferguson, Missouri. Let us say, and, indeed, why not, that those armed African-Americans said that they were sick and tired of being bullied by the government in the form of the police, with the killing of Michael Brown being the last straw, the one that broke the’ camel’s back.
And maybe they would declare that they were engaged in an act of civil disobedience against government overreach, that they had the right to walk the streets without being constantly subject to government interference in their daily lives. Perhaps the leaders of the protest would declare that God told them to stand up to the authorities. Perhaps they’d even say that they don’t recognize the legitimacy of the police force. Perhaps they’d demand a restoration of government welfare programs that have been cut. Perhaps African-Americans from other cities would show up, armed, to join the Ferguson residents in defiance.
Then, let’s say, and, remember, we’re still in the realm of fantasy here, just having fun, you know, that a group of law enforcement officers, maybe cops, maybe state troopers, showed up with their armed vehicles and pointed their guns at the protesters. And then the protesters pointed all their guns back, declaring that they were willing to die, that they were making a stand and no one was going to get them to end it or take away their guns.
What would happen? Would law enforcement back down? Would they drive their BearCats back to the station? Would they lower their weapons and leave? Would senators stand with the Ferguson rebels? Would Fox “news” invite them on to praise their attack on a government gone mad?
Or would the cops just waste them because they aren’t white ranchers like Cliven Bundy, wanting free shit from the government? Hell, look what the cops are doing now and the Ferguson protesters have done nothing remotely as violent or threatening as the Bundy ranch assholes.
As for the Tea Party and the NRA, all those brave people who stand for “freedom” have pretty much scattered like fleas on an itchy dog and run when it comes time to oppose actual violence, not just playing cowboy. Freedom ain’t free, but it sure is white.
– See more at: http://rudepundit.blogspot.com/#sthash.NwQeqGnZ.dpuf
Guilty of what?
But then, I guess you don’t think manhandling a store clear that is clearly a foot shorter and probably 150 lbs. lighter doesn’t contribute to the “thug” image.
On the first real night of heavy looting and chaos in Ferguson Missouri a Quick Trip convenience store was looted and then burned to the ground.
I had wondered why.
Did you?
Well, have you seen the graffiti sprayed on the side of the building afterwards?
Here’s a video about it and about the high value on rumor, whether it is true or not.
Partial transcript:
So……they punished the Quick Trip, who was thought to be the cause of Mike Brown being busted by the Police because the convenience store “snitched” on him.
There is the rule of law.
Then there is the rules of the street.
How is showing the video evidence of Brown manhandling the store clerk character assassination?
How is reporting that he was under the influence of a mind altering substance character assassination?
These are facts that are relevant to the investigation. Exactly like the reporting that 2 of the coroner reports show he was only shot from the front, regardless of what the family lawyer is claiming. Had the coroners both (or even just one of them for that matter) reported he was shot in the back, then any claim of self defense by Wilson would be completely out the window. Similarly, if Wilson was found to have been under the influence of marijuana (or any other mind altering substance) such information would clearly be relevant to the investigation, and not considered character assassination.
@Nanny G: I will have to look up where I found it. There were several break-ins / burglaries/ robberies on it. Regardless if there are two, four or six it sets a precedence. This kid was a thug.
@Bill: Send them to the ‘rubber’ room!
You have to assume that I put full faith into the version of the events being given by the police since I never said anything to that effect. We don’t know much about what supports the policeman’s version.
However, as I said, Johnson was involved in the robbery, so he is unreliable. Further, his version is eroding as more evidence comes forth. The accounts that say Brown was shot in the back are unreliable because he was not shot in the back. So, what do you have left?
You have a kid whose primary defense is that he is gentle and “would not hurt a fly” shoving a shop owner around and, when confronted for stealing merchandise, charges the shop owner, intimidating with his bulk and demeanor that has been killed by a cop that claims (and supposedly has medical records to confirm) he was beaten by this same gentle giant. If this accusation is not supported with evidence, then the police’s credibility falls apart.
You call the evidence presented of Brown’s aggression is “character assassination”, yet without it the only thing the police has to dispute the accusation (i.e. “character assassination”) that this fine young man was shot just for being black is their good word, and not many were buying it. In Brown’s case, it was not character assassination; it was character suicide.
@This one:
Well, no, you are wrong. The cop was not dispatched to the area because of the robbery, but he knew of the robbery because it was reported on the police radio. The statement was made that he had heard of the robbery and then noticed what looked like the box of cigars. And, as I state above, based on facts, the idea that he was surrendering is long gone as it has only been offered up by proven liars.
The real problem are those who continue to propagate lies even when they have access to(or even know) the facts.
I don’t have anything “left”, as if this were a contest, outside of the fact that anytime an unarmed person is shot six times and killed, it’s perfectly reasonable to ask why. Add in the fact that as a young black man, this is not an anomaly, and the impact it has upon the black community is understandable.
I doubt the kid consciously has a primary defense, since he’s dead. Is it unusual that friends and family have nice things to say about him? Apparently these expressions constitute a “defense” and demand that various strangers speculate upon his character on the internet and, not surprisingly, these people arrive at a judgement about this young man. Of course it’s all irrelevant, because it’s not against the law to not be “gentle” and allegedly robbing a convenience store is not grounds for a summary execution.
No I call what so many on the Right are doing character assassination. The entire charade of waiting for the facts. You want to believe the worst about a person, so be it. Not many lives can’t be picked apart, especially a young life. Maybe you’re the guy who never did anything stupid in his life. If your unarmed son was shot six times you would want to know why. And you likely wouldn’t appreciate strangers on the internet deciding he deserved it based upon morbid speculation.
Police sources tell me more than a dozen witnesses have corroborated cop’s version of events in shooting #Ferguson
The assistant to Michael Baden said Brown was last hit less than three feet of the officer.
When he fell his momentum was forward….toward the officer.
His body ended up less than 4 feet from the officer…..his head closest to the officer.
So, which way was he going?
Well, study momentum and figure it out.
Unlike actors on cables, real people stay still (or move in the direction they were already going) when they are shot.
Bullets are small and fast and whip right through instead of forcing the entire body in their direction,
It is a contest. It is a contest between truth and lies, fact and fiction, good and evil. It is pretty important to point out, emphatically, that Brown was NOT shot in the back, pretty much a universal signature act of cowardice and/or criminal intent. Further, the mantra of Brown being shot in the back is one of the primary drivers of the violence, at least the violence than can be honestly attributed to outrage over the shooting.
Making the claim that he was killed, in cold blood, while trying to surrender, is not just saying nice things about the departed. That is (particularly as it goes on, even after evidence that, if it does not put it to rest, at least casts doubt) inflammatory and dishonest. Is it not understood that while free speech is protected, shouting “FIRE” in a crowded theater is irresponsible and dangerous? Apparently, since they are only the police (!) it is OK to accuse them of being racist cold-blooded killers that look for innocent nice guys to shoot, as long as they are black, but pointing out that the victim had only moments before the shooting had displayed violent tendencies and actions is “character assassination’? It is not mandated by law for one to be “gentle”, but it is against the law to steal merchandise from a clerk and shove him around and then rush a cop, try to steal his gun (and presumably shoot him with it) and beat him in the face. Some of that, when it happens, will get one killed. No, robbery is not immediate grounds for “summary execution” ( you do all you can to try and make this racially inflammatory, don’t you?), but violently attacking people is legal justification for defending one’s self, even with lethal force.
So, now this becomes a “left and right” situation? Well, perhaps I can agree with you somewhat, since only leftists appear to be on the side of doing whatever is possible to falsely inflame the situation to the point of violence, riot and destruction. I can’t say that all of those on the right are the voice of reason and calm, but no one from the right is out inciting riot over false information.
It is now pretty much an established fact that Brown was NOT shot from behind. It is also a fact that when he wanted to, he was a great big mean, violent MFer. It has also been established that there are other witnesses (not getting a lot of playing time) that, independently, corroborate the events as described by the police. Further, it has been established as fact that many of the “eye” witnesses describing a cold blooded killing of someone for just being black are lying about many, if not all, the details. What all that adds up to is a situation with absolutely no reason to be infuriated over a racially motivated killing. At best (worst) at this point, it was a gross over-reaction to a tense situation. Quite possibly, it was a reasonable reaction to a fearsome physical attack.
You can bet your ass I would want to know why, and quickly. However, just as certainly, you can bet I would not be throwing around baseless accusations that would serve to discredit my son rather than honor him. Perhaps you and the rest of the left should review all those times in the past that you are so quick to jump to conclusions and blame racism for police actions. Cambridge? Zimmerman? Perhaps keeping one’s mouth shut, “better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it”, is the best approach.
The incident will be exploited, and Michael Brown will be exploited; however, all Americans are being exploited and yet, we are willing to jump blindly into chaos. This incident wasn’t planned, but it was anticipated, as were the responses.
These responses and the hysteria they evoke, from every vector of society, plays directly into the long range master plan. The hysteria and racial discord will be programed for maximum effect. America is being torn asunder; the weak link is resentment within the black ghetto. Like poking a stick into a hornet’s nest, these unfortunate but inevitable incidents, inflame the repressed emotions of the ghetto.
The race baiters, the Communists, the racists, and the haters will be stoking the flames, while trying desperately to bring forth the revolution and the demise of our country. Our president indirectly adds to the discontent by speaking in vague parables, instead of taking a break in the daily golf games to exercise his influence to bring an end to the violence and looting. Thus, he either intentionally or through his typical bungling of almost everything, creates more chaos and disharmony. The same chaos and disharmony that was observed by the Communist sympathizers in 1928 as the most effective means to bring about a peaceful revolution in the US.
Why does Obama demand citizen calm and police restraint when his administration is making these preparations for “mass riots”?
Why isn’t he directing the National Guard to act according to this manual? Is he planning for a different sort of riot by different people for different reasons? Isn’t what is happening in Ferguson a “mass riot”?
Never let a crisis go to waste. Democrats should be so proud.
So, last night the ”peace cop,” (Ron Johnson) in charge brought out the big guns.
Two people were shot (by fellow protesters.)
MSNBC reporters got pelted with rocks (by protesters.)
CNN was so close to one gun shooter as to film him shooting.
Police used a new technique to arrest individuals.
They came in a swarm, heavily armed and encircled the bad guy.
They then turned outward with all their weapons, aiming them in every direction while they extracted the bad guy from the mob and into their paddy wagon.
In this way 31 people were arrested last night.
The school year is being delayed as a result of the continued violence.
This should just about do it.
Once again, the lying left and left wing media hype up an inflammatory story (based solely on lies) that endangers hundreds of lives and costs millions in property damage; perhaps costing some their livelihoods. Who is it that sets up voter concession stands in order to gain politically from this tragedy?
That’s right; the only one that is ever in line for such predatory gains… Democrats.
People are making it sound like the officer in this incident just got out of his vehicle and started shooting wildly.
I believe he was a very good shot and hit him in the arm several times (4 according to the autopsy) trying to make him stop charging, then as a last resort put him down with two shots to the head fearing for his own life. I don’t understand why people say he was an unarmed KID. That is an easy thing to say after that fact is known, but in the heat of battle you have to assume that everyone has a weapon, you don’t have time to stop and ask if they have a gun,knife or body bomb. It is sad that this ADULT died and this shooting occured, if only he had made the decision to take 5 steps to the right or left, then none of this would have happened. The guy that was with him knows what REALLY happened.
A fundamental rule for a long life: the place to challenge a cop is in the courtroom not at the time of your arrest. If cops let big or mean guys intimidate them and prevent arrests, the whole concept of police powers and their owed to arrest is finished. Should Wilson give up because a three hundred pounder slammed his head with a car door against the car (possible explanation for skull fractures around the eye) or because he can swing his fist like he has a brick in his hand?
If a cop is a fast shooter and an accurate shooter, he would shoot the legs to take a man down, but cops are probably trained like our military and they shoot center of mass, until the threat is neutralized. Shame on the three hundred pounder who thinks he is immune to the 9 MM. The closer you get to the target, the more accurate the shooting. You will usually survive the arm wounds, but there is hell to pay when you bet against those head wounds.
If the kid had stopped a few seconds earlier he could have had his day in court; instead, he settled for a day in the morgue and the looters get their free stuff.
The same goes for a government that allows a mob mentality to threaten more violence if they do not get the verdict in a trial they want. Yet, this is what the Missouri state senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal promises.