Perry’s 2016 campaign slogan has been made, courtesy of the Democrats.
Rick Perry responsed to this obvious abuse of power and he didn’t pull any punches:
“It is outrageous that some would use partisan political theatrics to rip away at the very fabric of our state’s constitution,” Perry said at a news conference. “This indictment amounts to nothing more than abuse of power and I cannot and I will not allow that to happen.”
Perry spoke a day after a grand jury indicted the Republican on two felony counts of abuse of power for making good on a veto threat.
The governor called his indictment “a farce of a prosecution,” that it would be “revealed for what it is” and that those responsible would be held accountable.
“I intend to fight against those who would erode our state’s constitution and laws purely for political purposes and I intend to win,” Perry said.
Even leftists are shaking their heads. Jonathan Chait:
They say a prosecutor could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich, and this always seemed like hyperbole, until Friday night a Texas grand jury announced an indictment of governor Rick Perry. The “crime” for which Perry faces a sentence of 5 to 99 years in prison is vetoing funding for a state agency. The conventions of reporting — which treat the fact of an indictment as the primary news, and its merit as a secondary analytic question — make it difficult for people reading the news to grasp just how farfetched this indictment is.
…The theory behind the indictment is flexible enough that almost any kind of political conflict could be defined as a “misuse” of power or “coercion” of one’s opponents. To describe the indictment as “frivolous” gives it far more credence than it deserves. Perry may not be much smarter than a ham sandwich, but he is exactly as guilty as one.
As you can tell, he has no love lost for Perry, but he knows bullshit when he see’s it. Patterico takes apart the indictment here and Eugene Volokh writes about it here. Read them both. Well worth the time.
This is going to backfire on Democrats….
Title courtesy of Katie Pavlich

See author page
Yet another glaring demonstration that leftists have no shame.
God I wish I had a dime for every time I have heard that over the last 55 years!
The turds just keep on re-surfacing – no matter how many times you flush — coming back from the ‘grave’ — just like their major voting base — friggin’ zombies
Here is a little history:
The Travis County DA’s office, under Ronnie Earle, had a nasty habit of prosecuting Texas Republicans, i.e. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Tom DeLay. Hutchison bitch slapped him in a Travis County court and DeLay was exonerated by an appeals court. Rosemary Lehmberg was Earle’s second in command. When Earle stepped down, she ran for DA and won.
Then last year she got busted on a DWI. Her blood level was almost 3 times legal limit, she tried to use her position as Travis County DA to get out of the arrest, she also threw a fit while being booked. IOW, she made a complete ass out of herself, and the videos went viral.
Most Texans thought she should step down, by like her fellow Democrat, Gonzalo Barrientos, who wrote the stricter DWI legislation for Texas, and who was busted on a DWI and demanded to be let go because he was a Texas Congressman, she refused.
Rick Perry threatened to defund the Texas Public Integrity Unit if she did not step down. This threat is what the indictment claims violated Texas law. But here is why Perry was right to do what he did:
most people think of a county DA having jurisdiction in the county where they are elected. No so in this case. The Texas Public Integrity Unit has state wide authority, and Rosemary Lehmberg heads that unit. She has state wide authority.
But there is even more to the picture; the indictment was pushed by a group called Texans For Public Justice. TPJ is a front group for tort lawyers who support only Democrat candidates and who lost badly when Perry pushed for, and got tort reform legislation in Texas. Basically TPJ’s funding comes from high dollar tort lawyers who saw their paychecks depleted after tort reform was passed. TPJ is also going after Ken Paxton, the Republican candidate for Texas Attorney General and is pushing to have the case against Tom DeLay reinstated.
Love him or hate him, this indictment against Rick Perry is just flat out wrong. He did what the people of Texas wanted, demand that Rosemary Lehmberg, public drunk, step down. No one with as little integrity as she has should head an integrity unit.
You know, you bigots can keep slicing and dicing all you like but in the real world of, well, you know, reality, I think you miss a huge chunk of the puzzle.
When one of either party runs for even lower level offices, they automatically don an arrow on their back for scrutiny. So it should be within the realm of reasonable intellect to deduce that when a person like Perry runs for the highest office of the land, the first rule would be not to do stupid things that a grand jury could indict you with a possible 100 year sentence.
And when one does deviate from that quite simple rule, well, blaming the opposition party is rather, well, doubly stupid.
1) Unh…bigots? Please explain.
2) Don an ARROW on their back? What an odd fashion statement.
3) Do “stupid things” include (illegally) smoking dope, driving drunk, committing adultery, committing perjury, etc.?
@Ronald J. Ward:
What the hell are you blabbering about? What “huge chunk of the puzzle?”
Or is that just your way of saying you have nothing of intellect to contribute to the subject at hand so you will just make some stupid statement that shows you have nothing of intellect to contribute to the subject?
What a total waste of oxygen you are, RJW.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Stupid.on ice tonight RJW.
So I suppose you know even David Axelrod has publicly called this political stunt by Travis County dems as “sketchy”, right? And Jonathan Chait, no friend to republicans, has called this indictment stupid.
So are they bigots as well? I honestly don’t know how you could possibly beclown yourself more than you did with this post.
@Ronald J. Ward: We simply must keep commenters with a BAC of .20 and higher off of this site for their own protection.
Think something is going on here? First Chris Christie (of whom I am NO FAN) and now Rick Perry. Both Republican governors. I think the Dems are looking to clear the field for Hillary. This morning (Sunday) the New York Times has a front page article on how this finishes Perry. Yesteday ABC “News” did a story on Perry’s indictment without explaining the political context…after they ignored Cuomo’s disbanding of his own corruption commission in New York. Yeah, I think there’s somethin going on here with the Democrat-media complex.
Here’s a list of just a few liberals who have stated this Travis County indictment is complete garbage:
Democrats aren’t doing so well in Texas, in general, precisely because of their dishonesty and corruption. Certainly, there are pockets of democrat control – like Travis County, El Paso, Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston – that have shown repeated instances of cronyism and corruption, but when the best the state can come up with as a gubenatorial candidate is the gold-digging Abortion Barbie, the little pockets of democrat control pull these types of corrupt stunts. It is another demonstration of the inherent lack of integrity required to be a member of the democrat party.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Hmm… except when someone like Barack Obama runs for office, at which time it is racist to wonder where his scholastic records are, why he was considered a foreign student while in college and used multiple Social Security numbers and names in his trek towards the Presidency. Scrutiny, when done honestly and thoroughly, is necessary and vital. However, political witch-hunting is despicable and it is the craft of the left.
It was done against Christine O’Donnell and, by this very same district, against Tom DeLay. Both were eventually exonerated, but both had political careers ended. In DeLay’s case, he did what Republicans mostly do when faced with such overwhelming accusations, and resigned as House Leader.
But Democrats don’t resign in the face of scandal or conviction. For, even a drunk liberal can be a liberal.
Ha. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. That’s rich coming from the party that blames every self-inflicted failure on anyone but themselves, even when they and only they had a hand in the failure’s creation. Your beloved party of failures is in dire straits and on thin ice, as amply indicated by this thinnest of thinly veiled political attacks.
@VoteOutIncumbents: Of course, Hillary can not win on her own merits. First, she has no merits. Second, every time she makes an appearance, her favorability falls. So, the only way to continue to legacy of liberalism and complete the ruination of our economy and national security is for there to be no opposition to Hillary.
The idiotic left has been crowing about the indictment of Perry, even without knowing what he was indicted for. The goal is indictment and the accompanying assumption of guilt. However, only those who think this is substantive believe in it and those are the most stupid of the stupid. Even Ronald has not read what the indictment is about, or else he would not be here.
The MSM coverage of this is part of Dumbocratic standard operating procedure. The Democratic machine is working to create baggage for each of the GOP Republican presidential candidates ahead of the 2016 elections so that they can point back to past coverage as ammunition against each Republican candidate. It doesn’t matter if said baggage is incorrect, spurious or completely fabricated. All that matters is to build a series of questionable stories to create seeds of doubt in the electorate.
@Ditto: You make an excellent point.
However, once you’ve been A-OK with a cocaine-snorting, pot smoking closeted gay for president, all this is pretty much microscopic potatoes.
@NannyG#13 – This is completely off topic but I thought of you when I watched it. That you would get a kick out of it. Moonbattery has a video posted called “The Restless Muslims” a must see… debunking the Palestinian cry’s of the death toll they ‘claim’ Israel is responsible for…. I believe it is still up – the date may have been Aug 16, 2014.
Honestly, the Palestinians (Hamas) are evil liars and Frauds trying to – and until this video, was actually succeeding on a world stage – gain sympathizers for their fraudulent ’cause’. Just as those right here in the United States, beginning with our own President Ofraud and flowing down to his base of frauds, inclusive of those in Ferguson MO…who want attention ‘for their fraudulent cause’, and over dramatized oppression they perceive is overtly occurring – especially by the police and even more so when the policeman is white, White Hispanics..oh, and the republicans too! – but that is not reality or truth as we are finding out now is it? Something about crying Wolf …
What is happening now with Governor Perry is pretty disgusting and not surprisingly, coming from the Democratic base.
Governor Perry has not done anything illegal as the Democrat liars would just love to ‘imply’.
The twisting, squirming, spinning and the outright lying by the political left is rather astonishing ! They never see the wrong in their own ‘actions’ they just dismiss them….like nothing ‘wrong’ even happened on their part – dysfunctional! Mental!
Attack on Christie.
Attack on Walker.
Attack on Perry’
More groundless attacks coming up. Pelosi wanted DeLay destroyed. He was abused and for all purposes- destroyed.
Pelosi should be punished. Only in our dreams. We have to settle for Minority Leader. She has to stay.