Mission accomplished eh?
“We broke the [ISIS] siege of Mount Sinjar,” Obama said. “We helped vulnerable people reach safety, and we helped save many innocent lives.” The situation had vastly improved, he said, and thus the US would not attempt the hinted-at military rescue mission and will likely not continue its humanitarian airdrops, either.
But the UN disagree’s:
Contra Obama, a UN official JUST briefed the press, saying the situation on Mt. Sinjar is exceedingly dire. several thousand stranded
— Mark Leon Goldberg (@MarkLGoldberg) August 14, 2014
As well as relief organizations:
Pentagon says about 5,000 #Yazidis still on mountain. Relief orgs report many still dying on way to refugee camps.
— Barbara Starr (@bstarrreports) August 14, 2014
As the Islamic State continues successfully and brutally taking over territory I have a feeling Obama is gonna wish he hadn’t of said these words.
But ‘what difference does it make’ anyhow.
See author page
He also predicted the Cubs would win the 2014 world series.
Whether obama’s mission was accomplished depends on what his mission is. With him defending the muslim religion in any way he can, and him not wearing his ring and watch during the muslim celebration of ramadan because the wearing of jewelry is forbidden during that event, and obama even standing in front of the UN and telling the world he will defend the muslim religion, what is his mission?
I figured out a long time ago that his mission is to turn the United States into a muslim State. Looking at all he has done to America, I would say that his mission is well on its way. Helping those who are enemies of obama’s friends isn’t going to help him in his mission for America.
I disagree. His mission is being accomplished little by little. I just hope the citizens of the USA won’t do like the citizens of Germany did and not figure out what Hitler’s intentions were until it was too late to do anything about it.
Obama can stand flat-footed and tell the public that the economy is getting better and better, even as millions just give up ever finding a full-time job again and our debt grows exponentially or that, due to his charisma, the world is now the safest it has been in a long, long time. When he says it, apparently it simply becomes fact.
I was driving my car and listening to the radio when I heard obama make this comment. I almost ran off the road. The man is so delusional, I believe he may be on the deranged side.
No curt he did not say “Mission Accomplished” that was Bush
No dimwit, that was the group of sailors who were on the USS Lincoln, I believe, who put up that banner – not Bush. It is you unhinged leftists that keep lying and saying Bush said “Mission Accomplished”.
@John: Sorry dude but Bush did NOT say Mission Accomplished. As hard as you try you can show NO proof that he said it. Obama DID say if you like your doctor and/or health insurance you can keep them “period”. Which was a lie and I have proof he said it. I shall await your proof that Bush said “Mission Accomplished”!!
Wah, wah, wah, it’s so obvious winguts will find a reason to complain about Obama over anything after they get their marching orders from the righty media. Babies. He never said those words and he wasn’t wearing a cod piece, lol!
Common Sense; Bush gave his speech in front to of a ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner. That’s enough.
And yes, Obama said ‘you can keep your insurance…’ but when he said that I (along with anyone with half a brain) knew he didn’t mean those with crappy plans which didn’t cover certain diseases….like cancer, or emergency room visits. So…we get to pick up that tab for that now that he capitulated to the GOP when they screamed about it. You’re OK paying for those so called ‘dead beats’ the right always complains about?
And then Boehner threatens to sue Obama for changing this but when he can’t get an Immigration Bill passes he tells Obama to do it himself.
The right is so corrupt and disingenuous it amazes me.
@Common Sense: Why bother feeding the dufus TROLL?
@This one:
It should be enough, if you can disregard the lies you want to believe and only consider the facts; that the “Mission Accomplished” banner was put up by the crew of the USS Abraham Lincoln and was regarding THEIR mission.
Let’s assume anyone on the planet actually believes that… then why didn’t Obama EVER say this? I don’t think saying, at the end of the proclamation, “PERIOD” means “except for the policies that aren’t what I think is better for you than what you think” or “except for junk policies” or “unless they don’t cover substance abuse, birth control or pregnancy”. I’m pretty sure that “PERIOD” emphasizes, emphatically, that he meant to make people believe that all his law was going to do was insure those who had no insurance. That, of course, was a really, really big lie.
Boehner is suing Obama for taking it upon himself to craft law and what he wants Obama to do regarding immigration is ENFORCE THE CURRENT IMMIGRATION LAWS IN EFFECT, not make new ones.
Do you have to have instructions on a door knob to tell you how to operate it?
No, Boehner wanted to sue Obama for changing the ‘keep your plan..’ baloney and letting people keep their plans for another year after the right were crying about this. So I guess you’re OK with picking up the tab for those with junk plans for another year? Then stop whining about our ‘entitlement society.’
Nice spin.
The only things O can lead are the muslm call to prayer and gay and commie parades.
@This one: #8
Here is how you liberals work:
The obamacare bill says that the insurance companies MUST change their policies to cover things the government added. The bill also says that if a company changes a policy, that policy is cancelled. Do you see how your party works now?
I can’t say that I have ever met a conservative that only had half a brain, but going to as many Tea Parties as I have, I have met quite a few liberals who might not even have that much of a brain active. I guess you are saying a person needs to have only half of their brain active to understand the obamacare bill.
Correct me if I am wrong, but don’t bills cover ONLY what is written in them, and NOT what someone ASSUMES they mean or don’t mean. Can I ASSUME that I paid too much in taxes and get a refund?
@grnberet: #12
He did comment on how beautiful it sounds to him. If it were translated into English, I wonder what it would say.
Allahu Akbar
God is Great
(said four times)
Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah
I bear witness that there is no god except the One God.
(said two times)
Ashadu anna Muhammadan Rasool Allah
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
(said two times)
Hayya ‘ala-s-Salah
Hurry to the prayer (Rise up for prayer)
(said two times)
Hayya ‘ala-l-Falah
Hurry to success (Rise up for Salvation)
(said two times)
Allahu Akbar
God is Great
[said two times]
La ilaha illa Allah
There is no god except the One God
For the pre-dawn (fajr) prayer, the following phrase is inserted after the fifth part above, towards the end:
As-salatu Khayrun Minan-nawm
Prayer is better than sleep
(said two times)
@: @Smorgasbord
Nope, there was a period of time before they had to comply. . And if you recall how insurance companies were scamming people by sending letters to clients telling them they will upgrade their plans if they didn’t reply thereby increasing their premiums significantly. They were duping those who didn’t bother to shop the exchanges. Nice try.
@Smorgasbord: You stated to That One:
I think you are wasting your time — instead of addressing a statement like that to a lib re an example you just illustrated or a point you just made — you should be stating it out to the readers at large as an example of how the demo-COMMIE-cRATs screw everything up bass-ackwards — they have to – or their crap would be summarily rejected. It is kind of like how the ‘RATs have to CHEAT in order to win elections – fraud through and through!
Otherwise you are farting in a windstorm!
@This one: Specific EXAMPLES please — show the letters sent out by the Insurance Companies — name the companies and who some of the recipients of the letters were and the actual changes or non-changes to the policies — and the changes in the premiums and how many (if any) policy changes were due to the damn gov’t mandating something that had not been previously covered and why it was necessary —
You make a statement – please illustrate it — and cut your BS sanctimonious crap of trying to turn the tables and make it someone else’s responsibility to:
Do your own damn research!
Otherwise your stuff is just so many farts in a strong breeze!
@This one: Boehner is suing Obama for making illegal, unilateral changes to the worst piece of legislation in history; changes and delays he enacts in order to try to reduce the negative impact his law is having on the electoral prospects of his party. Keep in mind that the very thing the Republicans wanted to do in order to continue funding the government in 2013, the Democrats shut down the government (and made the shut down as intentionally painful as they possibly could) rather than agree to delaying the health care mandate. Then, six months later, Obama himself illegally delays the mandates, because he doesn’t want the pain of rising health care costs to negatively affect his party already suffering due to his poor administration.
People that were perfectly happy with their health care plans (and were promised they could keep them, you know) had them yanked out of their hands and forced to replace them with more expensive for less coverage plans.
See, This one, I have paid attention, so your lying about what was promised and delivered can only fool your fellow ignorant idiots. Obama lied in order to get his abysmal plan passed, then he has to break the law to keep it from going into affect and getting Democrats fired. But, showing Obama lied is pretty much like the newsworthiness of dog bites man. Just another lie.
@Bill: You said:
or dog pees on fire hydrant!
@Nanny G: #15
I understand why obama likes the prayer. To me it sounds like the typical brainwashing where certain things are repeated over and over.
@This one: #16
Since I am retired, and don’t have to worry about obamacare, I don’t follow it too much, but I remember the story was on a conservative blog, and I will believe a conservative blog before I will believe a liberal.
@Budvarakbar: #17
I usually don’t respond to liberal comments for that reason, unless they direct the comment to me, but sometimes one will make me want to. The reason isn’t always that I am trying to change a liberal’s mind, it’s that someone new to FA might be swayed by a liberal statement, and I want to let the other person know the conservative view and let them make up their own mind.
Different times I have said that when I was on the Internet looking for something to respond to a liberal comment, I have found interesting stories that I wouldn’t have found otherwise. Besides, I am retired, and don’t mind wasting my time.
Well said
@Budvarakbar: #18
One of a troll’s jobs is to get as many conservatives as possible spending as much time as possible looking up nonexistent info. It is like a magician making you look at one thing while the deception is done another place. The liberals want you to look one place while their deception goes on in another place.
@Smorgasbord: You said:
Typical zombie behavior!
@Smorgasbord: Just the fact that you have taken them at their word (duh!) and started looking up ‘stuff’ actually means in their warped widdle minds that you actually have accepted their babble — you have accepted ‘primafacie ‘ I believe is the correct term – whatever they have rolled out and – they think they have you — and the ‘observers’ think so too – and the discussion rolls on!
Let dem good times roll!
@Budvarakbar: #27
It usually means that they said something that got me interested enough to look it up myself, and I wanted to know if it was true or false, and if they didn’t give a link, I have to look it up myself. Usually, if no link is given, I figure it is made up, and I just ignore it, but sometimes I get interested, especially if it is something I haven’t heard before. As I said before, I am retired, and have plenty of time to waste.
And Hitler announced in a triumphal speech that Stalingrad had fallen.
And Baghdad Bob announced that American forces had been crushed and were roasting in the stomachs of camels in hell.
@This one: So you agree Bush did NOT say mission accomplished and you agree that Obama said if you like your health insurance and/or doctor you can keep them “period”!! Obama said it to get re elected, got called on it, and apologized for saying it!! Bush didn’t put that banner up, yes it was there though and the boat that put it up DID accomplish their mission. Your far far to stupid to understand I know. Welfare doesn’t require brains obviously!!