What the Bergdahl deal is really all about

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It’s about two words: Obama legacy. He’s emptying Gitmo. Bergdahl is a smokescreen.

Bowe Bergdahl has been described as a POW by the NY Times, the LA Times, and the empty headed Claire McCaskill.

They lie. Bowe Bergdahl is not a POW. He has never been listed as a POW by the Pentagon. POW stands for Prisoner of War. What war would Bergdahl be involved in? He is in a military action, but not a declared war. Bowe Bergdahl’s father, who appears to be Obama’s new foreign policy adviser, let the cat out of the bag.

Bob Bergdahl declared his son’s release a “Muslim victory” and Obama smiled in support.

Now he wants Obama to release more prisoners.

The five released weren’t any common purse snatchers. They were described as the “Dream Team” of terrorists. They were considered so dangerous that no country really wanted them. And they weren’t the first released. Last year Obama released five detainees as an “olive branch” to the Taliban. So Obama didn’t trade five detainees for a deserter. It wasn’t ten either. He traded sixteen for one deserter. Ten Taliban and six American soldiers who died trying to rescue the deserter.

No, we’re not at war with the Taliban. Joe Biden said the Taliban were not our enemy, and the White House stood behind that statement. If they’re not the enemy then we cannot possibly be at war with them and Bergdahl cannot possibly be a POW.

But all this is a smokescreen to cover Obama’s goal- closing Gitmo no matter what the cost.

Obama famously guaranteed he’d close Gitmo within a year of taking office. It has been a thorn in his side ever since and given his pathologic narcissism it had to hurt.

Obama let Gitmo slide for a time but it appears that it was instigation from the left that provided the impetus for this current drive to close the base.

January 23, 2013. NPR:

Obama’s Promise To Close Guantanamo Prison Falls Short

April 19, 2013 CNN:

Why has Obama abandoned his Guantanamo pledge?

April 29, 2013

The Daily Beast posts this article:

Obama’s Catastrophic Guantánamo Failure

Last week President Obama stood shoulder-to-shoulder with his predecessor to help celebrate the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library and the legacy of President Bush’s eight years in office. A central part of that legacy—much criticized by candidate Obama—was the creation of Guantánamo, an offshore prison in violation of our most basic constitutional and human rights principles. Now in his fifth year in office, Obama has only perpetuated Guantánamo as a symbol of human rights denied by abandoning his promise to close the prison. Today its continued existence is literally a matter of life and death.

The very next day:

Obama: Guantanamo must close

“I’ve asked my team to review everything that’s currently being done in Guantanamo, everything that we can do administratively, and I’m gonna reengage with Congress to try to make the case that this is not something that’s in the best interest of the American people,” he said. “It’s not sustainable. I mean, the notion that we’re going to continue to keep over 100 individuals in a no-man’s land in perpetuity, even at a time when we’ve wound down the war in Iraq, we’re winding down the war in Afghanistan, and we’re having success defeating Al Qaida core.”

Obama became determined to remove the thorn and salve his ego no matter the cost. Once more he would write checks that others would have to cash. He will empty Gitmo of its terrorists and extremists to boast of fulfilling his promise. The consequences of his actions will most likely be felt well after he’s out of office and someone else is holding the bag.

Sound familiar?

It ought to. It’s the Obamacare playbook.

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Richard Fernandez certainly sees Obama’s actions as a declaration of American defeat.
Others point out that all POWs must be treated in accordance with the Geneva Conventions, which the Taliban has never done.

“It’s not sustainable. I mean, the notion that we’re going to continue to keep over 100 individuals in a no-man’s land in perpetuity, even at a time when we’ve wound down the war in Iraq, we’re winding down the war in Afghanistan, and we’re having success defeating Al Qaida core.”

Let’s see, remind me again who opposed and killed the idea of military tribunals?

This guy is a traitor and should face the death penalty!! Obama should be prosecuted for violation of our laws!!

Last year Obama released five detainees as an “olive branch” to the Taliban.

Apparently, the “olive branch” to open a dialog between the Obama misadministration and the Taliban was rejected. In just the first five months of this year, we have lost 22 American military in Afghanistan (notice there are no more front page photographs of returning caskets containing the fallen since Obama is in office).

Prisoner trades are part of the end of hostilities. And even though Obama will declare the “war is over” in Afghanistan sometime between now, and the end of the year, I doubt the Taliban will accept that determination.
Obama likened himself to George Washington in the trade he made for one deserter who costs the lives of at least six better men. Only problem is that Geo. Washington would not have traded six of his good soldiers to capture Benedict Arnold. Nor would FDR have traded the Germans captured on our soil for an American born German spy. As a matter of fact, those Germans captured were promptly tried by the military and summarily executed.

Now we are learning of the activities of the father, Bob Bergdahl, who seems to have accepted Islam and learned to speak Pashto. Seems Papa Bergdahl is an radical Islamic sympathizer who has had contact with a Taliban bigwig and complained that FaceBook removed the Talibani’s entries.

Grab the popcorn. This story is only going to get better as more and more comes out about the deserter and his jihadist sympathizing father.

Watching this Photo Op unfold on the W.H. steps was obviously like watching another SPIKING of the FOOTBALL by this inept Administration believing that the resulting adulation would furbish the great Narcissist’s image in need of a shine.

Unfortunately, when you spike the football, as those who’ve played the game know well, that damn football’s shape sometimes works against you and it bounces right back in your face. That WHACK we heard at the end of the Photo Op was the football making a hard connect with the face of lies and destructive political agendas racing to vengefully morph a Nation and its people into a 3rd world socialist state.

. . . . . Grandstanding and bloviating rarely work out well.

Willy Horton

@retire05: They have so far kept a lid on just what town these SOB’s are from in Idaho — 5 to 1 that they are from some University influenced Stink-hole — just what does daddie jihadie “do” for a living?

@James Raider: You said:

the resulting adulation would furbish the great Narcissist’s image in need of a shine.

Hey! >> gotta glaze the turd

Hey — where’s the trolls — 8 comments already and no troll puke —

@Budvarakbar: Give them time. Of course you could just go to the WH web site and see what they are telling their sheep to say because they will just be repeating it here. Just ignore them.

The president’s political world is more and more beyond his command. Instead, it is driven by Republicans in Congress, potentially power-shifting Senate races in states where Obama isn’t welcomed to campaign, and to speculation centered on Hillary Clinton’s agenda — not his own. Obama tells anxious Democrats that there is only so much he can do beyond fundraising and better implementing the health care law. But he also has told allies that losing the Senate to Republicans would make his last two years in office unbearable.

IOW, Obama admits he is not good for much but fundraising from Hollywierd lunatics and changing the rules to the very law he signed into law.

@Budvarakbar: He is from a liberal family in the Sun Valley area.

How do you spell ‘hypocrite?’ Oh, yeah….GOP!

Conservative bloggers were for Bergdahl release until Obama did it:

@Budvarakbar: #8
The shine is going to get dull if more like this comes in . . . .

says Buetow. “Bergdahl leaving changed the mission.”

Many soldiers in Bergdahl’s platoon said attacks seemed to increase against the United States in Paktika province in the days and weeks following his disappearance.

Following his disappearance, IEDs started going off directly under the trucks. They were getting perfect hits every time. Their ambushes were very calculated, very methodical,” said Buetow.

It was “very suspicious,” says Buetow, noting that Bergdahl knew sensitive information about the movement of U.S. trucks, the weaponry on those trucks, and how soldiers would react to attacks.

“We were incredibly worried” that Bergdahl was giving up information, either under torture, or otherwise, says Buetow.

James Raider
and they are the most credible of all the one telling about this,
they where there, they saw their budy die they know best,

Here’s another interesting twist: the Taliban played Obama:
The Haqqani terrorist group kept Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in relatively good health the past five years because it was always its goal to trade him, U.S. officials said Tuesday.

But the last “proof-of-life” video the Haqqani network recorded showed Sgt. Bergdahl looking haggard and perhaps bruised. One U.S. official said intelligence analysts believe the soldier may have been made to look ill as a ploy to convince Washington he was in failing health and needed to be freed promptly.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jun/3/taliban-used-haggard-look-of-pow-bergdahl-in-last-/#ixzz33dO9RUhq

But Obama had this video in January.
It was probably made in Dec 2013.
So, if Bowe had really been in health danger back then, he’d have been dead by now.
Good thing it was just a ploy.

@Budvarakbar: #7
Bergdahl’s parents are from Hailey, Idaho. I am from Idaho, and Fox News has mentioned the town many times. I don’t watch the propaganda media, so I don’t know if they have mentioned it.

Got a scenario for y’all. Its 1972. Joe Draftee is in country. He wasn’t particularly happy to have been drafted and since he arrived in ‘Nam he’s not been a particularly good soldier. He smokes dope, plays with his organ on guard duty, and bad mouths the USA and his superiors in his letters home every chance gets. One night after visit to the RR station down in Dogpatch, our drunken protagonist ignores orders and hot foots it back to his hooch alone only to be taken by the local black pajama boys. Joe is held by the VC for a number of years and becomes available for exchange , but because some liberal demo-rat hippie congressman who never severed for a friggen day, says that Joe doesn’t deserve to to come home because he’s a baby killer, we let him rot in a tiger cage.
No one man left behind. Anyone who has served knows this. Quite a few of us risked our lives to rescue a captured soldier and a few more died tying. We all knew that if it was us, they’d do the same.
Congress never declared war on Vietnam. I dare anyone to walk up to a Vietnam POW and tell him he wasn’t a prisoner of war because congress didn’t say so.
If he has served dishonorably, it is his right to due process under UCMJ, not trial by the media and fuck’n politicians. That at least is owed to all who have served.
He was there in country for us, that means something to anyone who’s been there too, regardless of what he did while he was there. The rest of you should just shut your fucking mouths.

Elect a traitor.
Guess what? The traitor will work to subvert the people who voted for him.
We have elected a Muslim radical, trained up in the Alinsky method.
He will fundamentally transform the United States. Henceforth we will be all Islam.
This is a no-lose decision. The Taliban get five seasoned leaders, chock full of information they have gleaned about our methods and operation. The One has a new speech writer (perhaps two!). Everybody wins.
But nothing will happen to the One. He is black, and an affirmative action hire. Therefore he cannot be impeached, spoken to, or controlled in any way. He can do whatever he wants. And what he wants is to see the United States destroyed. He’s working on it.
Better start learning Arabic. Soon Homeland Security will be at your house with a prayer rug and a Koran.

@SGT. Rock: I don’t think anyone resents getting Bergdahl back, regardless of his circumstances. If he has served honorably, we want him back to give him his freedom. If he deserted his fellow soldiers, we want him back to exact justice. It is extremely tragic that soldiers had to die to search for him, and for them we should have him back to do WHAT IS RIGHT.

However, regardless of his circumstances, handing over 5 men who will, no doubt, create more death and injury in the world, is no matter how you might try to spin it, absolutely stupid. Whatever the motive behind that was, it was NOT to bring an American into safety. THAT, sarge, is the issue. As time passes and more is known about Bergdahl, we will examine how much this episode is REALLY screwed up.

Well, I have absolutely zero faith that “what’s right” will be done. The past 6 years clearly indicate to me that we can expect the following due to this trade:

This guy will never face any competent non-staged military inquiry (thanks to 0, his AG, and the RINOs that have infested the GOP ).

Those who were traded for this guy will resume their “radical” anti-US and anti-Western World activities. This will, most likely, result in numerous deaths and injuries.

Those who “brokered” this unlawful trade will never face the consequences of their actions.

This deal will “start the ball rolling” on many more such trades (the kidnapping of Westerners will skyrocket due to this).

In addition to the above; we can also expect many many more unrelated “I can’t believe this happening” stunts and power grabs from our little dictator in the W.H.

To release five of the prime assets of the Taliban war against America is treasonous. Even Obama acknowledged that this directly will lead to more American soldiers losing their lives. This is just another example, evidence if you will, that Obama is not just partial to Muslims; he is a Muslim. I’ve been saying that Obama is a Muslim ever since I read in 2008 that, while he lived with his relatives as a young boy in Indonesia, Obama read the Koran, studied it, prayed for Islam and associated with most people who were Muslim. Obama favors Is-slum.

Obama openly fights any activity that would limit the oil importation from OPEC and his Arab Muslim buddies (off shore drilling, on shore drilling, the Canadian pipeline, fracking, tying to kill coal production in the U.S., etc. Obama lies to Americans with impunity and believes he has the right (as Muslims do) to deceive the people in the U.S. because Muslims don’t take note of lies to infidels. See (taqqiya): http://www.clarionproject.org/understanding-islamism/taqqiya-tactic-lying-concealment.

If Obama is not impeached for this prisoner trade without Congressional notice and other of his governmental transgressions, including but not limited to the IRS scandal (cheating during an election – one of the articles of impeachment against Nixon), the Fast and Furious scandal, the NSA scandal, the Benghazi scandal (where was Obama, and where was lady Clinton hiding), and among other things: not enforcing the Constitution and laws that affect Obama himself; America may suffer.

Impeach Obama now.

I don’t know who this doctor is and nobody’s seen this video because it went live on Fox Business which has low viewership, BUT…..go to the 2:55 point and watch as she considers Obama being insane.

Poor Lou Dobbs is probably having a producer screaming in his ear to get her off.
Anyway, she makes a strong case.
Her point in the interview in general is that Obama cannot identify with the Marine in Mexico because he served two tours honorably.
But he can identify with a man who joined up under oddly personal and weird circumstances then walked away.
He can identify with a family that seems to hate America.
So that’s the family he helped.

what? who? WHY? when? WHERE?
we need answers,

It also may be about whipping up black turnout in November by baiting conservatives into calls for Obama’s impeachment. Admiral Ackbar was right. It’s a trap. Cheers –

I believe you,
I can see your anger, you where there,
you know what it does to a human being to enter into hell,
your point is taken seriously, because you lived it,

@SGT. Rock: The issue was not whether or not to not to bring him home, no one left behind is THE standard. The issue is the way it was handled. Hell, I had a POW-MIA Bergdahl bumper sticker for my truck. I was also overseas, and along with another who posts here, went out on missions looking for SFC Galdimir Phillipe and PFC Kevin C. Ott who were reported MIA on 28 June 2003 after not responding to a radio check south of Balad, Iraq. The two were later found dead near Taji. And yes, I’m quite critical of the way this was handled. More importantly, his fellow Joes have every right to be critical of the way this was handled and they have every right to be critical of him. They were the ones, not anyone else, who put their asses on the line to find him. The family of those who lost loved ones searching for him are also deserving of the truth as they deserve closure as to why their loved ones perished. As for the POW issue, it was the Pentagon who failed to classify him as a POW, which he should have been until he was recovered. Something doesn’t smell right there either.

@SGT. Rock: #19

He will fundamentally transform the United States. Henceforth we will be all Islam.

Idaho will NEVER be a muslim state.

He can do whatever he wants.

I disagree. He can only do and say what his puppeteers say he can. We are giving obama way too much credit. By himself, he is a babbling idiot who can’t speak intelligently without his TOTUS.

Soon Homeland Security will be at your house with a prayer rug and a Koran.

You reminded me of the entrepreneur who invented bombs disguised as prayer rugs. He said business is booming, and prophets are going through the roof.

Nanny G
yes, i just saw that psychoanalyst, she is right on
and on both of them,
hope the elected make some action following that,
thank you for that important link,

Remember way back to last week when we were being bamboozled into thinking Obama and State were trying to do foreign policy via hashtag?
Well, Boko Haram is off the front pages, too.
Last I heard the girls had been found but it was too dangerous to try to get them.

@This one: Just like all the Democrats where for going into Iraq eh?? Do you even remember the vote in the Senate?? Doubtful.

The real reason 0-blama did this disgraceful act is divert attention away from the disgraceful treatment of our Vets!!

Nanny G
did you hear? he convert to ISLAM,
while the his PLATOON where dying , while looking for him,
he won”t have enough of his life to apologize to the family of the youngs braves,

Common Sense
they did not ever even have the thought to convert to other terrorist movement,
they are true AMERICANS AND DESERVED TO BE TAKEN CARE OF, more than any one,
THERE SHOULD NOT BE ONE allowe to touch the sick MILITARY,
they went to war against them, and end up being cared for by them, that would be an abomination,
and i suspect it is happening with the UNIONS,