Now that our society has officially lowered us all to the level of rutting rabbits, the Coalition for Positive Sexuality ( is specifically targeting and encouraging promiscuous sex, abortion, and homosexuality to young teenagers. The Younger the Better should be their slogan.
Funded by the homosexual lobby (and perhaps finally putting the myth that there is no homosexual agenda to rest) CPS is aggressively pushing its agenda of more sex/no guilt/no consequences to young and impressionable children at public schools nationwide. The greatest concession to personal responsibility and self-restraint that they attempt is to urge you to try and not catch a STD.
It is a good example of the alliance between the homosexual and Feminista movements. Anything to undermine traditional morals and values and the traditional family structure that they jointly regard as their greatest enemy.
As if our kids aren’t over-sexed enough, our “progressive friends” would apparently have the youngest of teenagers take this site to heart and find the nearest straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered individual so that they can explore their sexuality together. How endearing and touching. And if you are worried about the physical, emotional, or spiritual consequences of such actions you are probably just some sort of repressed fuddy-duddy who’s out to ruin the fun for everyone else.
So to all the young and impressionable teens out there, Just Say Yes! And while you are there, you can learn how to ‘clean your works’ in case you’ve been doing a little shooting up with your buddies.
“If you think you might be queer, relax! Everyone has questions about their sexuality at some time or another, and exploring your sexual feelings is important and exciting. If you think you are queer, try to find a lesbian/bisexual/gay/transgender community center near you, where you can meet other queers your age…”
…“Abortion is a simple medical procedure which ends a pregnancy. Throughout history, around the world, and in many religions, women have used abortion as part of our healthcare.”
Not to be outdone, Panned Parenthood is now targeting teens with a site called A Naked Notion ( with Laci Green. There, impressionable teens not only get the same, reassuring message that abortion is safe and no big deal but also get to learn fun and exciting tidbits about women squirting, multiple orgasms, coming out as a bisexual, pulling out, Halloween slut shaming, posting nude pics, and lots of hooray for the gay propaganda.
You know, things you want some stranger instructing your children about. All courtesy of taxpayer dollar subsidies to Planned Parenthood.
And lest I forget to mention it, for the curious among us, they have released their Getting Kinky BSDM 101 video promoting sado-masochism and bondage. I have posted it below so that you can gather your teenage prodigy around the computer to explore the ins and outs of pain and pleasure together as a family. You might as well get something out of it. You’re the one paying for it.
Laci, the brainwashed leftist drone, is just another example of why the ideology of the Left is little more than a mental disease that, while occasionally titillating and “entertaining,” just continues the mad rush to undermine all concepts of morals, values, family, and personal responsibility. It is increasingly obvious that nothing is taboo, sacred, or holy in their sight. It is an ideology that at its core insists on the suspension of all moral judgments. There is no right and wrong, just different.
Once you fully commit yourself to going down that road then truly nothing is off limits and humanity has in reality reduced itself to the level of an animal engaging in whatever, whenever, with whoever with no need of sexual restraint, personal responsibility, or self control. The immoral slippery slope is swiftly becoming a very steep cliff and the Left is doing everything it can to encourage the abandonment of the very idea of sexual morality. Their chosen ideology stands in direct opposition to that concept.
It’s the “eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we may die” philosophy that teaches those who in fact are still children to have more sex without guilt and “screw the consequences” whatever they may be. They know and understand that if they can get their value system and twisted view of the world ingrained in children early enough, they’ve probably got them for life.
And to think I called police when I caught my 30-ish lesbian neighbor trolling a junior high school years ago!
It is institutionalized now!
Trolling for minors for unusual sex, I mean.
“It is an ideology that at its core insists on the suspension of all moral judgments. There is no right and wrong, just different.” There’s no right, wrong or judgment unless one disagrees with a liberal. Then they are right, you are wrong and you get the hell judged out of you.
Consequences don’t matter because John Q. Taxpayer will pick up the tab. I wish the left would go form their own country so they would have something to devastate without harming innocent people.
If anyone wants an example of Antonio Gramsci’s philosophy (an Italian Marxist) you have no further to look than these examples.
It’s not the message of the left. It’s the message of product marketers. It’s a result of commodification. Sex is used to sell things. The root problem isn’t sexuality. The root problem is the worship of money. Pornography, of course, is just something else that they want to sell.
@Greg: No, it’s the message of the left, the message that whatever you want to do, it’s OK. No rules, no regulations, no restrictions on personal activity. Like the divorced parents who want to curry favor with the spoiled brat child, neither wanting to be the one that denies anything of the little one for fear of losing support.
And, why not? Judging is SOOOO judgmental and someone else will pick up the tab for mistakes. No one is to blame except for those who complain about having to clean up the mess.
So Greggie, are you admitting that Planned Parenthood is only interested in the money and not “women’s health?”
“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”
Nah, indoctrination of children is not a left wing message. Greggie, you’re a clueless lemming.
@Bill, #5:
What you’ve just stated is a message of the right, who always tend to blame all of the troubles of the world on the other guys.
I don’t believe you’ll find any evidence in comparative rates of divorce, marital infidelity, sexually transmitted diseases, or teen pregnancy that indicate red state populations are behaving any more responsibly that blue state populations. They’re just more inclined to denial, and more inclined to be self-righteous and judgmental in connection with the behavior of others.
Which simple means you don’t know but you’ll throw that idea out there to see if it sticks.
@retire05, #8:
You’re making the claim of moral superiority, not me. You never do seem to get who it is that has the burden of proof when such claims are made.
Red states actually have a statistically higher rate of divorce than blue states. They also have a higher rate of teen pregnancy, and a higher incidence of sexually transmitted diseases. None of which I stated in #7. I only commented that you’re not likely to find evidence of conservative moral superiority. Please feel free to try to find such documentation so that you can embarrass me with it. You probably won’t like what you find.
Want to talk about what really concerns American voters, Greggie? How about jobs? Maybe taxes? How about housing costs? Utility costs? Or are you going to continue with the progressive shell game, directing people to look over here and not look at the lousy job the blue states are doing in providing jobs and economic freedom?
Eventually, the left will start protesting to overthrow pedophilia laws, and insist that statutory rapists should be a protected class.
Ooops, you’re a little late, Ditto. The Atlantic has already done an article recently telling us that those poor pedophiles are just doing what comes naturally and we should be more understanding of them.
Could I see the source of those statistics please?
I knew it would only be a matter of time.
@retire05, #10:
Nor am I the one who set the topic of this thread. You folks seem to think you can roll out this kind of insulting bullshit assertion, and that no one will bother to point out that it’s bullshit, or that you’re the ones who are rolling it out to begin with.
@Kraken, #13:
I don’t think it’s really worth the time it takes to argue, but as I said, I didn’t make any claims of moral superiority to begin with. A quick internet search brought up this page, which dates from 2012. The author was apparently was sufficiently annoyed to hunt up a number of sources. My Google search results suggest that there has been plenty of discussion of the topic already.
Wait a minute, Greggie. You were the one who said:
So you admitted that Planned Parenthood was only interested in the money, and not the health of a woman, as they falsely claim, who hired “product marketers” to create that ad.
Now, considering you’re a left wing progressive, and left wing progressive all hate Big Business so you should be railing on their ad. But like the good little lemming you are, you divert again, trying to draw attention away from your previous comments.
Don’t try to be clever, Greggie. You’re no better at being clever than you are at logic.
I agree with everyone upthread except Greg.
That said, I will now go off topic, since y’all might excuse me, because agape, and all.
Regarding Trayvon, a Conservative Treehouse link… and the hole keeps getting deeper. All the way to the top. (probably higher).
Hollywood couldn’t have written this. Although they probably did.
*I don’t comment very often here, but I have for many, many years read countless threads. Shut up, porky.
[Edit] Sorry. Just being proactive.
Ahh yes. This is definitely worth the time it takes to argue, but I wanted make certain that we focused on information that you supplied. This clearly illustrates how the Collective routinely distorts numbers and why all of their commonly parroted supporting “facts” are highly suspect.
Let’s examine the Collective’s first claim:
Now, when I first read this statement, common sense kicked in. For me, this was unsurprising, because one has to get married in order to get divorced, correct? How many Blue State Drones get married? I guessed that it would be much less than Red State individuals. But I wanted to make sure. Turns out, I was correct.
This clearly illustrates why we always have to make certain that we question every claim that a Drone posts as evidence to support their parrotings.
Let’s examine the Collective’s second claim:
Now, I wasn’t fortunate enough to find a similar close examination of the statistic you’re citing here. But I think we can make a few common sense predictions as I did above with your first claim.
We know that the behavior of Drones emulates that of the locust. Drones seek out sources of capitalist industry to feed on, and when it is gone, they move on to seek another. Nothing paints a clearer picture of this reality, than the desiccated corpse of “the most liberal city in America,” Detroit; the Crown Jewel of Leftist Socio-Economic Policy. There’s nothing left, so the locusts have fled for Redder pastures. Another way we can see the reality of this, is by looking at some statistics.
First, we unsurprisingly find that more people are moving from Blue to Red states.
Why would they do this? Well, there’s a push and pull factor.
The push is the fact that liberal cities have far more crime than conservative cities, that Blue States are faring worse economically under President Obama than Red States are, and that liberal cities lead the nation in income inequality.
to be continued…
This of course is because the liberals who run these cities, counties, and states, have been proven to not understand basic economics.
Now the pull factors include the fact that we know that income is growing faster in Red States, that conservatives have been found to be more charitable than liberals so there’s more free stuff for the Drones, and of course the fact that Red States are faring better economically under President Obama than Blue states as indicated above.
The locusts are seeking more plentiful capitalist sustenance to feed on. We also know that Drones tend to clot around urban centers, their hives, because they require the urban infrastructure to survive. Their hive is where all the entitlement offices are.
Obviously population is much denser in urban areas than in rural areas. So we can use all of the information before us to come to a reasonable conclusion that the reason that Red States have higher teen pregnancy rates and sexually transmitted diseases, is because Red States can support larger healthier cities because of their better economies, which attract Collective Drones because of their entitlement infrastructures. Essentially, conservatives can take care of liberals, better than liberals can take care of themselves, and the evidence supports this.
One might balk at this at first, but let us consider the homunculus. It is a representation of the human body based on what portions of the brain are dedicated to controlling various portions of the human body. So for instance the hands of the homunculus are huge, because a large portion of the brain controls them.
This same kind of concept can be used with the United States map. Everyone by now is probably pretty familiar with this map, of blue vs. red counties:
But when the map is evened out with regards to population concentrations, it looks like this:×422-106681.png
So by looking at this map, we can literally understand just how many Drones that urban hives support.
Now, if you decide to take the time to read all of this documented information, I’m fully aware that you will still continue to parrot your claims above as though you hadn’t read it at all. This of course is because the Collective Drone is uneducable.
And I know you’ll disagree. But it’s important for you to understand, that the reason you disagree is because conservatives understand liberal positions, better than liberals understand conservative positions.
Which fully explains why you frame your abortion question incorrectly.
Recall Andrew Breitbart and how he reconciled gay and straight conservatives at his last CPAC?
There should be a few things gays and straights agree on:
One should be the innocence of children.
Another should be the right of parents to educate their children on sexual matters.
Pedophilia used to be frowned on by most gays as well as most straights.
What happened?
Grooming a child had been a crime.
Now it is part of the school schedule!
Everyone ought to be appalled.
@Kraken, #20 & #21:
I think the simplest explanations are often the most likely to be correct. Those posited as alternatives seem a bit convoluted.
The Conservative from Oz makes much of the following explanation:
A higher rate of marital turnover is being presented as evidence of a higher degree of responsibility and marital commitment?
Yep. We red-state conservative types are SO committed to monogamy that most of us have been married two or three times.
I’ll admit that’s a very interesting and creative argument.
Then there’s the matter of the higher red-state rates of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
You seem to have accepted Michael Medved’s unevidenced assumption that this is a migration driven by the migrants’ political and social views; that red state political and social attitudes are the magnet. More likely the migration is economically driven. Migrants are most likely taking their political views along with them. Texas may discover this to be the case over the course of the next few elections.
You’re seriously suggesting that the higher red state rates of sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancies is because the healthier cities of the south are attracting disease-ridden, promiscuous liberals to relocate to them like swarms of locusts?
I don’t even know how to respond to that. Other than perhaps to note that the migrants are moving from areas where these problems are less prevalent to begin with, so it would seem far more likely that their arrival would push local rates down, not up.
Sorry, but rabbits don’t rut. Ruminants rut.
I know you progressives are just salivating at the prospect of turning Texas blue again. No such luck, Greggie.
Texas has been experiencing massive immigration for the last 10 years. Yet, in 2012, Romney gained more votes than John McCain did in 2008, and Obama took fewer votes than he did in 2008. Obama actually lost three counties in 2012, all border counties. In the primary held just last Tuesday, Wendy Davis garnered 435,000 votes in a two person Democrat primary compared to Bill White’s almost 750,000 votes in a 7 way Democrat primary battle in 2010. In 22 counties, out of 254, there was not one Democrat ballot cast for Wendy Davis.
Chew on that.
It’s true that in any kind of science, social or otherwise, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. However, there’s nothing too terribly complex about the concepts that urban hives have denser population concentrations than rural areas do, and that Drones are attracted to them for their dependence infrastructures.
Although we should keep in mind here, that Collective Drones don’t have a solid understanding of science, so some leeway should be given to the Collective for not being able to readily comprehend these simple concepts.
Not at all. You’re misunderstanding the point. The point here is that a person has to be married in the first place in order to get divorced. Obviously there can be no divorce statistics among people who weren’t married in the first place. Remember, the Collective isn’t really fond of marriage as an institution, except in instances where they see an opportunity to offend Republicans, such as with the gay marriage issue.
This is another fairly basic concept.
Not necessarily. The important thing in Medved’s article is the citation of Census numbers.
I’m pleased to see that you agree with me. As you can see above, I clearly state:
So yes, the primary reason for migration is in fact economic, and yes, they are taking their politics with them to the urban hives. I bestow upon you one gold star.
Considering the DOJ’s war on voter integrity measures, the unwillingness of this administration to treat our southern border in the same manner that Mexico treats their own southern border, the Collective’s support of the peaceful invasion efforts of La Raza and Reconquista, and the illegal activist practices of Battleground Texas, you’re probably right.
Well of course. That’s where the cited evidence rationally leads us.
Well yes. When Drones leave Blue States, that means there’s fewer Drones in those Blue States to manifest those problems. Drones take the problems with them to where they’re going. Remember; push and pull.
@Kraken, #25:
The Frontpage Mag article, Liberals Less Likely to Know Earth Revolves Around the Sun than Conservatives, is a joke. Table 10 doesn’t support the title’s generalization. It isn’t even sourced. If you click on the provided link, you’re taken to a paper concerning astrology that was uploaded to SSRN, a repository that pretty much allows any study or paper to be uploaded for free, whether vetted or not. “It’s a difference of 5 to 4 percent…,” Greenfield says. I can’t even tell what difference he’s babbling about.
The ConservativeByte article titled Yale Study Finds Tea Partiers Know More About Science Than Liberals is no better. Once again, the generalization isn’t supported by the statement they’re referring to. If you find what Dan Kahan actually said about the statistical significance of the result the title is based on, you’ll find this statement:
An honest comment he’s made about a observation that’s pretty much incidental to the actual study is being taken out of context and exaggerated.
I haven’t misunderstood at all. A lower rate of marriage doesn’t necessarily mean that a higher percentage of adults are remaining unmarried and engaging in the sinful extramarital relationships that all good republicans disapprove of and avoid. It could just as easily mean that once married, they’re tending to stay married. Similarly, a higher incidence of marriages ending in divorce that are followed by remarriage makes the marriage rate higher, but certainly doesn’t demonstrate a higher level of commitment.
No, as I pointed out, population migration from states that have lower incidences of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases to states with higher incidences should tend to lower the rates in those states they’re migrating to. (Unless, of course, they quickly succumb to the corrupting influences of their new surroundings.)
@Greg: Greg, how do you determine what I say is the message of the right? Regardless of which political ideology set fails to meet expectations more often, the point is that conservatives seem to be the only ones who bother to set expectations, establish standards of behavior or impose consequences for anyone that would destructively violate social and moral norms.
Conservatives seem to worry more about how behavior affects the individual and society. Liberals worry more about how it affects votes or personal acceptance.
Do I need to remind you of the choice Obama made for our “safe schools czar”? As far as promoting destructive behavior among children goes, that appointment pretty much says it all.
The government is responsible for job creation ? I thought you wanted smaller government. Blame that 1% the “job creators” Capitalists are doing VERY well under Obama with the Dow doubling and corporate profits at all time highs. If business had a choice between paying more on corporate profits and investing by increasing hiring what do you think they would do ?
Oh and remember that in general the (richer) blue states give more to the Federal government than they get back.
50% of all girls in high school are not longer virgins teen pregnancy rates are lower now especially where sex education and birth control are easily available If Christians read their bible they would see a lot of screwing around in the Old Testament and why did Abraham marry Sarah his half sister?
Weren’t you just horrified when Rush hit busted flying back from the Dominican Republic with all that Viag
But of course somehow even that must be the fault of THE LEFT its always THEM that create the problem
Poor Dave it sounds like he has a non satisfying sex life and that he is a bit sad
And you think that is a good thing that 50% of high school girls are no longer virgins? Why? Do you prey on high school girls?
As to the Old Testament, seems that Christ brought a new standard from the old. You know, the whole “hope and change” thing you progressives seem to support?
Ahh, I see you’ve returned with the Collective’s response. Let’s go.
Are you sure? Table 10 shows many different political stripes, but focusing on the major two ideologies that everyone argues about, it states that Conservative Republicans are at 67.3%, while Liberal Democrats are at 64%. Doesn’t that indicate that Liberals are less likely to know that the Earth revolves around the Sun, since 64% is less than 67.3%?
I’m not sure if it matters where a paper is hosted online, but regardless, what did you find when you downloaded and read the PDF file? Have you reviewed any of Professor Lindgren’s other papers?
This is interesting to consider, because it would appear that we’re entering an age where the vetting itself isn’t necessarily authoritative or even valid. Increasingly papers written by students and papers written by software programs are becoming indistinguishable.
In addition, computer software has been found to be able to grade essays as well as human professors.
For me, this is unsurprising. True story: In the last year of school before I completed my Bachelor of Fine Arts at a major university, I had grown weary of writing papers. So I began filling my papers with made-up gibberish just to get them done. I found that I received the exact same As and Bs that I received when I carefully researched my papers. College professors are mostly intellectually vacant activists, nothing more.
This indicates that any vetting may likely be worthless.
Yes, I was already aware of that statement. But here’s the relevant passage from Mr. Kahan’s blog:
No matter how small the relationship, the relationship exists. You may not find that comforting, but that’s the way it is anyway. In fact it should be no surprise that it seems somewhat congruent with Professor Lindgren’s work. Perhaps use of the word “liberal” in the headline was the mark of an ideologue, but aren’t liberals generally non-Tea Party members?
Furthermore, we should note some of Kahan’s other statements here. That he was surprised not to find a negative correlation. Why? Because he doesn’t “know a single person who identifies with the tea party,” because he gets his “impressions” from “watching cable tv” and he doesn’t “watch Fox News very often,” he reads the New York Times, POLITICO, and of course, the Huffington Post. In essence, his world view was misinformed, which was likely the source him being a “little embarrassed” over his “mistaken view.”
But take all of this “study” work and use common sense for a moment. When you visit your local head shop or occult store, and you look at the customers purchasing astrology and other pseudoscientific material, on tends not to think that their clientele are conservatively minded. Remember, it’s the hippies that believe in the Age of Aquarius, not rational adults.
What is your evidence to support this speculation?
I’m not interested in levels of commitment, or sinful extramarital relationships (I’ve had a few of my own; wink, wink), I’m only interested in what the data can tell us.
I understand that you pointed out that population migration from states that have lower incidences of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases to states with higher incidences should tend to lower the rates in those states they’re migrating to. But it’s important for you to understand that what you pointed out is incorrect.
Remember, when the locusts who fed upon Detroit fled for redder pastures, they didn’t suddenly change their behaviors when they found their new homes. Rather, they took those same behaviors with them to their new hives, where a higher density of their population likes to clot, in order to be close to entitlement infrastructures. When a Drone leaves Detroit and moves to San Antonio, that’s one less Drone to exhibit that kind of behavior in the Detroit hive. That Drones’ behavior is then added to the statistics of whatever hive it migrates to, one more to exhibit it in the San Antonio hive. Michigan -1, Texas +1.
Exit Questions:
If it’s not the message of the Left, then why did Planned Parenthood publish this poster and video?
What is Planned Parenthood selling here?
Could we see the source of these claims?
Well, yes and no. The left is responsible for most of the things like ‘gay sex’ etc, but they are aided in it with those on the right that are only pseudo-conservatives. The RNC basically endorses whatever the left does.
No, they’re confidential, only available to leftists. Got to keep them fooled, all of the time.
@Redteam, #34:
I think gay sexuality was around for long before any left/right political divide existed, and long before anyone decided it might be something they should claim God disapproves of. The left certainly isn’t responsible for it. They’ve simply concluded that intolerance is far more destructive than acceptance.
There’s an irony!
Is it ”acceptance” when it is forced by huge fines or lawsuits?
Or would you call it something else?
Slavery used to be what it was called when people were forced to do work against their will.
@Kraken, #32:
I think we’ve pretty much been over everything. People can look over what’s been said and linked and decided for themselves what makes sense and what doesn’t. If they can’t decided for themselves, watching us play verbal ping-pong probably isn’t going to help.
By the way, there is no capital C Collective on either the left or the right, so far as I’m aware.
@Nanny G, #37:
Some people with a strong personal interest in the gay rights issue are resisting intolerance quite vigorously. They will take people and institutions to court when they feel they’re being treated unfairly and unjustly. I sympathize with them and wish them well, but it’s not one of my own personal issues.
I do think we see sense being shown on both sides of the political divide. Governer Brewer, someone I normally don’t see eye-to-eye with, recently vetoed SB 1062. Good for her. She understood what the bill was really about, however it was being portrayed, and wouldn’t have it.
Would you say that applies equally to pedophilia?
@Redteam, #40:
Of course not. Pedophilia is a particularly evil form of predatory sexual behavior. No one has the right to deprive another human being of the innocence of their childhood, which cannot subsequently be restored and which has lifelong consequences. Such behavior in adults is totally immoral and completely inexcusable. It is and should be a serious crime.
Ahh, grammatical nitpicking. The last stand of a lost argument. However…
The Collective refers to the world wide hive- like single-minded organization of leftists, liberals, progressives, socialists, communists, of all races, colors, creeds, religions, ethnicities, nationalities, etc. It’s like writing Western World or Eurasians or Polynesians or Hispanics or Atheists. At the end of the day, there is only one Collective. That makes it a proper noun. It even has its own language; Collectivese. So while I’m sure you’d be happy not to see this phraseology catch on, it’s important for you to understand that you’re incorrect on this point as well.
Could you describe for us in detail how that makes you feel please?
Actually it’s been shown that drones who identify with the designation “liberal” are more intolerant.
@Greg: in 36 you said:
and I asked if that applied to pedophilia and you said:
But couldn’t the exact same argument be made for it? “I think pedophilia sexuality was around for long before any left/right political divide existed, “? I’m quite sure that a pedophile feels that to him (or her)it has been around forever and why should they be discriminated against, but gays, just because it is a different sexual dysfunction, should get a pass? Isn’t intolerance more destructive than acceptance?
@Redteam #34:
“The RNC basically endorses whatever the left does.”
Provably false statement.
The “left” has been pushing for gay rights and marriage equality. In response, the RNC adopted in 2012 a platform that “called for a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman.”
In April of 2013 they went on to the re-affirm the party’s “support for marriage as the union of one man and one woman” and called on the Supreme Court to “uphold the sanctity of marriage”.
Neither the RNC platform nor the subsequent re-affirmation of it even remotely constitute an endorsement the goals of the “left” on this issue. As the “left’s” goals on this issue is a subset of “what the left does,” the statement “”The RNC basically endorses whatever the left does.” is false.
Proof made.
Who are you trying to fool by suggesting that the RNC endorses whatever the left does?
TITLE:- “Love” what does it means.
There are no perfect definitions for true love. It is just a word that can’t be complete until someone special gives it a meaning. It has an unconditional affection with a romantic or sexual feeling towards someone special. Love is composed of single soul that inhabiting two bodies. For true love, there are many things like, finding out soul mate, creating intimacy, spicing up the bedroom to get better sex that should be taken as consideration.Because true love can’t happen without sex which is known as an orgasm, the chemical change that takes place in the body while enjoying. &that always comes from intimacy. So Sex is a key component for a happy relationship.
In love, relationship is measured by the patience of both the people.The difference will be the only way to realize the real and unreal of a perfect love. Real love doesn’t care about religion, body type, age, model looks, or wallet size. For these reasons love is considered as blind. It only cares about what’s inside the heart.Loving someone deeply gives strength & being loved by someone deeply gives courage.True love brings happiness, by sharing with the dearest person only. These are main parts in a relationship for true love!
True love can also be described as a fire that creates a smokeless flame. Nothing can put-off the flame of love. It starts by own and can only put-off by own. It can’t be hidden. Love is not what the mind thinks, but what the heart feels.It is a forbidden fruit in every season at all times, & within the reach of every one.
The first symptom while falling in love is like a song while hearing reminds about the loved person which means both of them wants to spend every second of every minute of every hour of every day of month of every year for the rest of the life. These types of feelings make that person to understand exactly how much the other partner cares.They can’t wait without seeing each other. It is not more than just a physical attraction, but something that feels much deeper. They don’t even notice other people because they’re so focused to each other. Basically intimacy leads to attachment. It creates closeness and disconnectedness. This.This is the preliminary part of Love & attachment.
The commitment part is the secondary part of love.True love is, when one wants to spend every moment with that person and couldn’t imagine life with anyone else, no one else makes feel the way one do.It can be considered as a tulip bulb that gradually blossoms into a tulip flower. Mutual choice at the end gets declared their love for each other.A true soul mate is someone who has locks that fit to the keys, and keys to fit the locks.
Though life may keep apart at times, minds will always be in tune for the soul mates. Soul mates will make feels like one is having a guardian angel by side. A person, who plays on the insecurities, whether consciously or subconsciously, is not the actual soul mate. Soul mates have a tendency to look into each other’s eyes when speaking more often than ordinary couples. It comes naturally from the deep-seated connection between them. While looking southeastwards when speaking, denotes a high level of comfort and confidence.When one feels safe enough, then comes the part to open the locks to get the true soul mates.
Real Love is Eternal & comes unexpectedly and accidentally that can’t be regret.One can’t fall in love purposely. Love can be compared with rainbow where each color will flow with its meaning like Violet that indicates the color of love, indigo(blue) for the sky above, Green that indicates lots of fun, Yellow that indicates warm rays of Sun, Orange that indicates funny & sweets, heart beats is indicated by the gorgeous color Red.
Finding true mental connection with a healthy and an enjoyable rhythm in heart as well as mind is called as love. It is also the collection of beautiful remixes of songs to supply fuel to the heart to keep it healthy, which provides energy to mind to feel happy with the perfect person in a perfect moment that to different emotions, good or bad. True love never fades away. It can be described as endless storybook that when opens shows new chapter where something bigger happens and none can assume what will be in the next page. It has no index, no summary of what happens at the end. One can have to turn one single page at a time.Actually the‘Spirit’ that flows in heart & mind is ‘Love.’ People are the image of Love. Outside of these, there is nothing. People who are deprive of find true love keep saying that there is no such thing in this world.
Men and Women, who desire, can take a coaching on how to enjoy love fearlessly. This coaching is provided to those who truly desire changes in life, which can develop, fulfill and can make a balance in life while loving fearlessly. So to have the courage to see dream that motivate and inspire to realize true love ultimately turns the life to feel the best of everything.
Love can’t be explained. It is how to feel and to spend every minute just by expressing through actions. It’s the little inside jokes and secrets that always makes one smile. Love wants to do something special to a partner when the other partner is down. It symbolizes all friends to know what the reason of happiness is. It feels to be proud about their friends and support them in everything they do because of believes in them without any doubt.
So relationship has an essence that resists defining it in any single way called LOVE. If someone is in the dark about how to love, this article should give some food for thought, and perhaps teach a little bit about how to make love successful.
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To know more about Jennifer Elizabeth Masters and her publication visit here . Follow her on Google+
@Jenifer Elizabeth:
What a strange statement. I’ve never really thought about that, but does that mean that a mother can’t have ‘true love’ for her child? That a man and woman can’t truly love each other if they don’t have sexual orgasms? Wow, never thought of that.
Are you saying, or implying, that sexual orgasms are ‘inside the heart’? I would suggest that love is within the heart and mind, but NOT just in the sexual organs.
I find it strange in that statement, that falling ‘in love’ had nothing to do with sex.
Oh so true!
Jenifer, I’m not trying to be argumentative and I understand very well what you are saying. I just don’t particularly think that sex itself is THE key ingredient, I think it is just ONE of several.
My wife and I have been married for 54 years and if you would ask me why or how I know we love each other, I would say simply, that my heart and mind tell me so.
Thanks for your comments, it reminds me of some things I haven’t thought of in a while.
Can’t blame the kids alone for what is happening. Its just that technology has taken over things and made it more public…