What if you don’t like your President? Do you still have to keep him?

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one big ass mistake

They are ubiquitous. They stink. They constitute the pile of excrement known as Obama promises.

Fix the economy in three years

“I will be held accountable,” Obama said. “I’ve got four years and … A year form now, I think people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress, but there’s still going to be some pain out there … If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”

The deficit

“Today I am pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office.”

Close Gitmo in one year

“As president, Barack Obama will close the detention facility at Guantanamo.”

It’s “absolutely” not a tax


You can keep your plan, you can keep your doctor…

“That means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”

Buying insurance on the Obamacare website will be as easy as buying a TV on Amazon

“[S]tarting today, you and your friends and your family and your coworkers can get covered, too. Just visit healthcare.gov, and there you can compare insurance plans, side by side, the same way you’d shop for a plane ticket on Kayak or a TV on Amazon.”

As easy as getting a plane ticket on Kayak

Don’t take my word for it; go on the website,” Obama told a crowd at Prince George’s Community College in Largo. “See for yourself what the prices are. See for yourself what the choices are and then make up your own mind. That’s all I’m asking.

Today we toss another shovel-ready load on the pile:

KABUL – While many Americans have been led to believe the war in Afghanistan will soon be over, a draft of a key U.S.-Afghan security deal obtained by NBC News shows the United States is prepared to maintain military outposts in Afghanistan for many years to come, and pay to support hundreds of thousands of Afghan security forces.

Who could forget this memorable testimony?

Obama hammered away at Republican rival Mitt Romney on the issue last year, saying the former Massachusetts governor had no timetable for bringing Americans home from the country’s longest war.

“We are bringing our troops home from Afghanistan. And I’ve set a timetable. We will have them all out of there by 2014,” Obama said in Boulder, Colo., in September 2012. “Gov. Romney doesn’t have a timetable. I think he’s wrong. That’s what’s at stake in this election.”

Romney was right, and Obama lied. It’s become easier to remember what Obama hasn’t lied about than remember all that he has lied about. At the moment I can’t even think of a thing he hasn’t lied about.

“Don’t take my word for it”

That would have been great advice for America from Obama five years ago.

Exit question- We can’t keep our plans even we like them. If we don’t like our President, do we still have to keep him?

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Problem is we are stuck with him as long as there is a Democrat Senate. Attempting to bring impeachment charges would be a mistake because if the Senate doesn’t convict, the charges can’t be brought again later.

We are sitting in the corner looking in our lunchbox and the only thing we have is a crap sandwich right now. Actually, only half of one. We blew $500 million apparently on half a website that is basically like a Ford Pinto; front end is fine, but any contact with the back end causes a spectacular crash.

The economy:

“I will be held accountable,” Obama said. “I’ve got four years and … A year form now, I think people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress, but there’s still going to be some pain out there … If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”

2013: Obama Declares Economy ‘Poised for Progress’ – http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/05/president-obama-declares-economy-poised-for-progress/
2012: “America is poised to take off, and the question is let’s make sure we don’t have a self-inflicted wound”

2011: State of the Union Address: “We are poised for progress. The economy is growing again.”

You know, you can really get tired of staying poised too long.

Doc. J. you seem to be over stressing a few minor points. If you remember, the president admitted the economy he inherited was far worse than he anticipated; therefore, a slight delay in turning the economy around is excusable. It might even take twelve years to get things up and running.

@Skookum: Heck, what was I thinking?

@drjohn: It’s a good thing, I finished my soup before reading your reply.

I was thinking about the possibility of explaining my comment to Bees, and I realized there are at least two kinds of sarcasm: standard sarcasm, which rarely wins an argument and sarcasm with humor. I think sarcasm with humor is often effective in disarming an opponent or an enemy as Obama says.

I attended a TEA PARTY Rally back in 2009 – and I remember someone had a sign that read the same thing….that was just about 5 years ago …they knew it then that this ‘guy’ was not going to be good for the country…

….then all the Ass Hats (and you know who you are) came out and viciously attacked those who defended the Constitution, the Traditions, and the Greatness of this Country…that it did not need to be “Fundamentally Transformed” – by the way, how does everyone like the “transformation” so far? ….

…Isn’t all the corruption, scandals, deaths (of Americans), new poverty levels, out of control debt, broken promises, growing welfare rolls and food stamps rolls, unemployment through the roof, millions of people loosing their healthcare due to a Socialist/Re-distributive Healthcare Law aimed at actually punishing the Middle Class… how about those “refugees” our Government allowed in who are terrorists, or have terrorist connections and are now living among us???…just fantastic??? Is it not???

…. the LIBERAL/RINO/PROGRESSIVE/ “OBAMA” FAIL LIST goes on and on and on and on….

Anyway enough of the rant – I thought the sign was really clever then – apparently there was something to it then….and there is definitely something to it now…

TEA PARTY Patriots not intelligent??? Don’t think so…

Oh, and when can we ‘give him back’ ?? Soon I hope…

@Nan G:

That’s a lot of poise-n.

Yes, we do got to keep him. No election for 3 more years, no impeachment, no resignation. That’s the 3 viable options and I don’t see any of those happening.

If God wanted us to vote he would have given us Candidates. Ha!

There won’t be any impeachment unless the GOP gets 60 senators in 2014, and then only if the RINOs are unsuccessful in quashing the growing conservative movement, and the tea party candidates avoid taking stupid positions the left can use to scaremonger LIVs into thinking conservatives will burn people at the stake. As much as I would love to see that happen, (winning the senate, not instating a puritanical theocracy) the current 37% Obama approval rating may not stay that low until the next election. In a just world with a well educated electorate and an honest media, his approval would drop below 10% by next November. But you all know that the media will begin monumental efforts to manipulate public opinion towards leftist adoration beginning three months prior to the next election. And with the info coming out now how the census fudged the unemployment figures the month before the last election in Obama’s favor, who knows what additional methods of cheating the left will initiate to keep the march toward progressive hell going further on.


And with the info coming out now how the census fudged the unemployment figures the month before the last election in Obama’s favor, who knows what additional methods of cheating the left will initiate to keep the march toward progressive hell going further on.

the dimocrats have several techniques for stealing elections. They have perfected chicanery

@Pete: I’ve been thinking about this situation. There is a dyed in the wool Socialist/Communist demographic that will never relent in their support of Obama, no matter how many felonies he commits. He is the second coming, after Stalin. There is also a percentage of blacks who wear blinders as far as Obama is concerned and a percentage of low-information people, we once called stupid, who will never hear of Obama’s failures, and our dependency class, who believe Obama will eventually get around to giving them a gourmet free lunch program. When you factor in these groups, we may be close to the terminal node dive or ground zero that is possible for Obama to achieve. In other words, he has a zero buoyancy level at some point that might be fairly close to 39%.

Obama was smart in one area. Picking Joe Biden. That alone is impeachment and assassination insurance that can’t be beat.

@Mully: Bingo, better the failure we know than Biden!!

You can forget about voting in a Republican Senate in 2014.
Remember: “it is not who votes that counts, it is who counts the votes.”
We have ballot box stuffing here that shames the tyrants in Africa and Asia.
Many districts voted 110% for Obama in 2012. How do you do that?
The Dems have a lock on the Senate. They own the vote-counting systems. Try to get on the election board in the Democratic precincts if you are Republican. There will be no vacancies. Ever.
Remember: some of the voting machines are made in Nevada.
From the original Elbridge Gerry to the present, power has come from “safe seats.”
And, unless there is a State-called Constitutional Convention (see Mark Levin) this will not change.

if I understood well,
why would it take 12 more years ,to explain to me why one think DRJ !! is involve in
manipulations leading to the lack of the restoration of the economy because of
where he put the money he had saved before he left, which he knew would have been spend as soon as
the other find it, and why is the before soup involved in that explanation? was it consume in a charitable soup kitchen
a place to help the uninformed by feeding them soup,
or in a family kitchen table around the loved ones,

Bees, I meant 12 years for Obama, not for you.

yes, I know, JUST try to gotcha for a smile,

yes I did notice, there must be a solution to fix that corrup problem,
constant vigil, hidden camera, put 2 officers together hired to represent each one a party
and who don’t know each other, ban the unions from manipulating the box of votes,
any other ideas,
ask voter to sign again their name, compare the two signatures, more?